Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 136: Expand the layout, invite friends to join!

Chapter 136: Expand the layout, invite friends to join!

"Let's take our leave now."

After getting the chicken and duck, Lin Fan took Zhu Rurong away not long after.

Some anxious.

Zhu Rurong was puzzled, but looking at Gao Guang, Qu Shifei and others looking eagerly, he guessed that there must be a hidden meaning, so he kept holding it in.

It wasn't until he left the Beast Control Sect that he couldn't help but ask: "Master, what are you doing?"

"Is there something wrong with just taking the things and leaving without wanting to talk more?"

"You do not understand."

"We have to leave, we have to leave quickly!" Lin Fan muttered: "If we don't leave faster, I'm afraid they will regret it."


Zhu Rurong was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Those chickens and ducks?"

"Isn't it?"

"Even if they look good and sell well, this is the Immortal Continent after all, a place where you can become an immortal. What's wrong with the chickens and ducks looking so good?"

"You don't know something."

Lin Fan clicked his tongue and said, "These are the eight rare chickens and eight rare ducks!"

"It is the second of the eight ancient treasures."

"They are all good things. Countless monks will never see even one in their lives. The reasons are: first, they are rare. You can't find hundreds of them in the entire Xianwu Continent, right? Second, they taste great. They are rare delicacies and are the most precious. The top-quality ingredients are said to be extremely delicious.”

"Whether you are an ordinary person or a top monk, you will regard it as an immortal product. If you take a bite, you will want to swallow it with your tongue."

"There is a third one!"

"Each of the eight ancient treasures has extremely amazing effects."

"Like eight precious chickens."

Lin Fan swallowed his saliva: "The Bazhen Chicken itself is just delicious, but the eggs it lays have miraculous effects. One egg is equivalent to a good elixir!"

"But Bazhen chickens don't lay eggs very quickly. They can only lay one egg every half a month."

"The duck eggs of Bazhen Duck have no special effects, but the meat of Bazhen Duck has extremely high medicinal value. When stewed with other elixirs or made into elixirs, the efficacy can be greatly improved. It is said that the efficacy can be increased by up to ten times. !”

"And the number is also scarce, and the egg-laying speed is also slow."

“It’s extremely difficult to nurture.”

"There are not many of them in the entire Xianwu Continent, and their own combat power may not be strong, but after being hunted crazily for so many years, their escape methods have long been perfected and perfected. They can run very fast and are particularly difficult to catch."

"I can understand this." Zhu Rurong couldn't help but interjected: "Those who ran slowly were caught and eaten, but those who ran fast could still survive."

"And their offspring, unless they can run that fast, will also be eaten. Therefore, survival of the fittest, natural selection, and forced evolution..."

"Slowly, 'running fast' is already their 'natural power', right?"

"Uh..." Lin Fan scratched his head: "If you analyze it from a biological perspective, that may indeed be the case, but this is the Xianwu Continent after all, and it is not a place that is completely scientific."

"You can also understand it as..."

"That's how they're 'set'."

"That's okay." Zhu Rurong rubbed his hands: "Then I'm curious, why no one thinks about artificial cultivation and breeding?"

"Since there is a place like the Beast Control Sect that specializes in 'wholesale' spiritual beasts, they should find a way to catch a few and breed them artificially, right?"

"It's not easy to raise."

"Another reason is that this thing is meant to be eaten."

Lin Fan shook his head and explained: "It's not easy to raise. It runs too fast. It's hard to catch one, and it's even harder to match them. To catch a batch? That's a fantasy. In my opinion, even the Beast Control Sect , there should only be three or two at most, I don’t know why they can bring out so many.”

"And these things don't have strong reproductive capabilities, or they don't have a high desire to reproduce."

"Besides, eggs are for eating, and so is duck meat."

"Even if some people want to try their best to cultivate and raise them, they can't tolerate so many people in one sect. There will always be a 'big boss' who wants to benefit their descendants or themselves, right?"

"The eggs were all eaten."

"The duck meat was also eaten..."

"There are even a few more big guys who want to taste chicken. Can they still be cultivated after repeated attempts?"

"Of course, this is only part of what I know. Maybe there is another reason, but..."

"It's up to you to find out the answer."

Lin Fan looked at Zhu Rurong and said with joy: "They are all really good things. You must not eat them. We don't have this condition now."

What kind of grade are you going to slaughter Bazhen chicken and Bazhen duck directly?
Emperor Huang Tian caught the Bazhen chicken and raised it to eat eggs.

"Unless the breeding has initial results, a certain number will be enough."

"Understood, I understand."

Zhu Rurong nodded, he understood this very well.

"They are all breeder chickens and ducks, so of course you can't eat them!"

"But I'm really curious about how delicious these legendary eight delicacies from ancient times are. I don't believe it. Can this thing be as difficult as writing my master's thesis?"

"If there is, I will treat it as a PhD topic. I don't believe that I can't chew off these two bones."

Zhu Rurong's eyes shone brightly and he said: "Sooner or later we have to eat meat."

"By the way, are there Bazhen pigs?"

"If so, then I think I should be more comfortable with it."


Lin Fan spread his hands and said, "There are no creatures like pigs among the eight ancient treasures."

"Well, that's a pity." Zhu Rurong sighed.

Lin Fan touched his chin and said, "I'm more curious about a question now. Where did the Beast Control Sect get so many Eight Treasure Chickens and Eight Treasure Ducks?"

"This is not 'cultivating immortality' at all."

"Also, they can actually come up with a male-to-female ratio of [-] to [-]. Doesn't this mean that they have at least a dozen or more?!"


"Not necessarily."

Zhu Rurong shook his head and said: "Master, you are not a biology major, so there are some things you are not sure about."

"If poultry like chickens and ducks are paired up, they usually have more females than males. There may even be only one rooster in a group of chickens. If there are two, they will easily fight."

"Unless there are enough hens~"

"So, they may not have a lot of them."

"Besides, there is another very interesting point."

Speaking of his profession, Zhu Rurong was eloquent: "If a group of hens gather together, but there is no rooster to irrigate for a long time, then they will be dissatisfied."

"Is this normal?" Lin Fan was curious: "What's the interesting point?"

"The interesting thing is that after the desire is satisfied, one or two of these hens will most likely start to 'transform'."


Lin Fan was surprised: "Is it the gender change I thought about?"

"I am serious."

Zhu Rurong said seriously: "It's that kind of sexual transformation."

"It is very likely that one or both of them will gradually turn into roosters, such as growing big combs and beautiful feathers. Even the male gonads will mature and have the ability to reproduce, and then they will live happily with the group of hens. live together."

"So, if they only have a group of hens but no roosters, as long as they feed them long enough, they can theoretically 'conjure' a few roosters."

"Um, of course."

At the end of the sentence, Zhu Rurong suddenly became unconfident: "These theories of mine are all from ordinary chickens on the earth, Bazhen chicken... I can't guarantee it."

"This is really interesting."

Lin Fan said that his knowledge has improved.

Can a chicken turn automatically?


"But it doesn't matter. We all have roosters and hens anyway, so don't worry about it."

"Take good care of yourself~"

"Whether we can eat eggs and duck meat every day depends on you!"

"Well, this... I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

"There are more and more people in our sect. If you want to eat eggs every day, this and this." Zhu Rurong originally wanted to calculate, but in the end, he smiled and said: "I will try my best."


During the chat, the Lan Yue Sect was already approaching.

At a glance, the surrounding peaks were deserted and deserted.

"They have moved~!"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's time for our Moon Sect to expand again."

"go with!"

The man waved his hand and said with great pride: "I will grant you ten mountains to use as breeding farms. You can choose any ten you want, but it is best to have ten mountains that are connected."

"Ten mountains?"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhu Rurong was overjoyed.

His dream has always been to make money, go back to his hometown, build a few mountains, engage in ecological breeding, and open a farm. He can be content every day and earn money while just lying down.

As a result, we crossed halfway.

I thought I would have no chance in this life, but I never thought that realizing my dream is just around the corner~!

Moreover, it is countless times better than my previous dream.

There are ten spiritual mountains!
Can cultivate immortals!

They raise demon pigs, Bazhen chickens, and Bazhen ducks~!

Is this unhappy? !

While excited, Zhu Rurong said: "Master, I want to engage in ecological breeding."

"Ten mountains are completely enough."

“There are so many more benefits of ecological breeding than captive breeding.”

"I don't care about this." Lin Fan waved his hand: "You are a professional, you can make the decision."

"Tell us what's wrong and what support you need."

"If you need people, give money, if you need money, give money, if you need materials, give materials. Those who can be satisfied will be satisfied."

"Those who are not satisfied must be satisfied even if conditions are created."

"I just have one condition."

"In three years, I will see results."

"Are you confident?"


Zhu Rurong responded loudly.

At this moment, he felt like he was being painted into a cake.

But he ate this piece of bread willingly.

The sect and the master have already achieved this step, so what more bicycles are needed?

People just fill up the configuration, and that’s it. If you still can’t make some achievements, you’d better go to bed as soon as possible.

"That's good."

Lin Fan waved to the distance.

Fan Jianqiang flew over in a dangling manner.

"Master, junior brother."

This guy was swaying, and even said: "Oh, I have been a little neglectful in guarding the Sutra Pavilion these days. With my current cultivation level of the second level of the second realm, it is really hard to fly so high. Somewhat dangerous."

Lin Fan: "..."

I believe in you so much.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly and he ignored the topic: "Be strong."

"From now on, the territory of the six sects will also belong to our Lanyue Sect."

"Is there such a thing?!" Fan Jianqiang was shocked: "Tell me, why suddenly no one in the six sects was gone, and the treasure house was completely moved. I thought..."

He suddenly covered his mouth.

Good guy, I almost spilled the beans.

Haven't I been in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion all the time? !

How do you know about their treasure house?
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know anything.

He quickly changed his words and said: "Master, how did you do it? Our Moon Lantern Sect is about to take off!"

Pretend, you kid, keep pretending.

Lin Fan chuckled.

Even Zhu Rurong realized that something was wrong with his second senior brother.

has a problem!
The problem is still big!
"How to do it is a long story. In short, the territory belongs to us, so you have an idea of ​​what to do."

Fan Jianqiang showed a confused face: "Ah? Master, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes: "Just one thing now. Our breeding farm... well, it can be called the Spirit Beast Garden. It is about to start trial operation. I have batched ten Spirit Mountains for Lao Liu. I will let you follow later. Let him walk around together, and after choosing which ten mountains, you can help set up some formations."

"Take the materials from our treasure house. If you don't have enough, you can ask me for more."

"Just one request."

"The formation must be two-way, protecting both the inside and the outside."


Fan Jianqiang knew that he couldn't run away, so he didn't shirk it. He just said, "I don't know how far we should distinguish between internal and external affairs?"

"You take charge of this."

"Let me just say one thing. During our trial operation, we will release ten Bazhen chickens and ten Bazhen ducks."

"You look at it."

"What the hell?!"

Fan Jianqiang's eyes suddenly bulged, and tears flowed from the corners of his mouth: "How many???"

"Twenty in total." Zhu Rurong responded.

"Oh my God!"

"I can eat one a day for 20 days!"

"Suck it."

"This is a breeding chicken, although I also want to eat it." Lin Fan also swallowed his saliva and said, "But I have to endure it now. Isn't it okay to wait until Lao Liu has successfully bred it?"

"Then eat one every day!"

"Makes sense!"

Fan Jianqiang wiped the tears from the corner of his mouth and hugged Zhu Rurong: "Lao Liu, you have to work hard. You must succeed in artificial breeding and breeding!"

"Second Senior Brother, I'm counting on you for the rest of my happy life."

"I'll take care of the formation."

"If you need help, just ask, Second Senior Brother will do his best!"

"Suck it."

Zhu Rurong was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you very much, Second Senior Brother."

"But Second Senior Brother, why are you so excited?"

"It sounds like..."

"Second Senior Brother, have you ever eaten Bazhen Chicken and Bazhen Duck before?"

"No." Fan Jianqiang shook his head quickly and denied: "I haven't eaten it before. I'm just a second-level piece of trash. Where can I eat such a thing?"

"I've heard of their names, yes, that's all."


The two left arm in arm.

When Lin Fan saw this, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

I might have actually eaten this leftover!
"My mouth is watering so much. If I had just heard about it, it shouldn't be like this."

"However, after all, we are just surviving, and it is normal to have our own fate."

"Although I have been busy in the past few days, I have been very productive and accomplished two major things."

"The sect is expanding, and the initial spirit beasts of the breeding farm...well, I just don't know if those phantom demon pigs can get pregnant successfully. If they can, then this thing will be perfect."


"Well, let's modify the formation first."

"Then we will re-plan the land within the sect. After all, there are [-] spiritual mountains here, so the layout will have to change."

Lin Fan immediately summoned the five elders for a meeting.

When they learned about this, they were all overjoyed.

"One hundred and eight?!"

"The Six Sects are actually willing to give us all their territory?"

Su Xinghai was overjoyed.

"A good thing, a great thing!!!"

"One hundred and eight spiritual mountains are more than one in a hundred compared to the peak period of our Lan Yue Sect!" Li Changshou was very excited.

Chen Erzhu laughed loudly: "What did I say? I just said that our sect leader has been smart since he was a child, talented, absolutely talented! What's the result?"

"The Lan Yue Sect, which was on the verge of death, was able to come back to life in the hands of the sect leader, and it developed so rapidly. Even if I died suddenly, I would still be smiling."

"The fourth elder is serious. This is just the beginning. We still have to follow the Moon Sect to return to the top together. Who will die?"

"By the way, the fourth elder has made a breakthrough again?"

"Oh, lucky, lucky." Chen Erzhu smiled awkwardly: "I was seriously injured in that battle. After I relied on pills to recover, I actually didn't practice much."

"But for some reason, the speed of cultivation seems to have increased naturally."

“Everything that was previously obscure and confusing now feels easy to grasp.”

"It's like a blessed soul. I feel like my talents have improved a lot without even realizing it."

"Ahem, it's just a fluke and a coincidence."


Lin Fan took a deep look at him, then looked at Duan Qingyao, Li Changshou and others: "Fifth Elder, Third Elder, First Elder, what about you, do you feel this way?"

As for the second elder, his injuries are too severe and there is no hope of promotion for the time being.

"Don't tell me, it really is." Su Xinghai said hesitantly: "I feel that in the past few days, I will break through a small realm."

"You too?" Li Changshou was stunned.

Duan Qingyao opened and closed her red lips: "I thought I was the only one, but it turns out you are the same?"

Chen Erzhu frowned.

"Isn't it a coincidence?"

"Then...could it be that Ling'er's elixir is too magical?"

Wu Xingyun was surprised but calm, and said: "Elixirs are only auxiliary, and they are only cultivation-like elixirs. They cannot improve talents, so they cannot be so incompetent."

"There must be a reason for this!"

The reason?
Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He did think of a possibility.

Even if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs running away.

Which one of the protagonist's template and destiny's person is not blessed with great luck?
Nowadays, there are several disciples of the protagonist of Lan Yue Sect, and the luck they have gathered must be extremely amazing, right?

This luck will bring crisis to Lan Yue Sect, but as long as the crisis can be sustained, benefits will follow!
The benefits brought by such a huge luck blessing must be amazing.

Perhaps what they feel now is just the initial change brought about by luck.

Of course, this is just speculation and there is no evidence.

Therefore, Lin Fan just said: "Elders, don't worry, maybe it's just a coincidence, or it's just a benefit after fighting to the death."

"Anyway, it's a good thing."

"Next, let's talk about the sect structure and divisions."

"Sect Master, please tell me."

The five elders couldn't figure out the reason, so they could only suppress their doubts and shock for the time being and listen to Lin Fan's instructions.


Lin Fan touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Our original 25 spiritual mountains, except for the main peak, have all been owned by the inner sect."

"Including the Weapon Refining Pavilion, the Sutra Collection Pavilion, the Alchemy Pavilion, etc., they are all products of the inner sect."

"Ten of the remaining 83 Lingshan Mountains are breeding farms. You will contact Zhu Rurong and Fan Jianqiang later to determine which ten they are."

"You don't need to move these ten mountains unless Zhu Rurong requests it."

"The rest turned into the outer gate."

"Creating spiritual fields, planting elixirs, etc. You know these things better than me, so I leave them to you."


The elders responded.

The second elder Wu Xingyun hesitated slightly and said: "Sect Master, the outer sect's territory is several times larger than the inner sect's. Is there something wrong?"

"Not really."

Lin Fan smiled.

"It would indeed be inappropriate if other sects did this, but how many people do we have in the inner sect of Lanyue Sect so far?" "Twenty-five spiritual mountains are more than enough."

"In comparison, the outer sect has dozens of times more disciples than the inner sect, so it is reasonable to occupy more spiritual mountains. What's more, the outer sect will also place many 'industries' and spiritual fields, etc., which is more appropriate."

In Lin Fan's view, this can actually be regarded as rural areas and 'townships'.

The outer gate is the countryside, and the inner gate is the towns.

If there is not enough farmland in the countryside, how can we support the villages and towns?
As for the inner door being too small and not strong enough, he didn't care.

It’s better if you’re not strong enough~
After all, we are only a third-rate sect.

It doesn't have a strong character, but it makes it hard for people to find fault with it.

"That's true."

Wu Xingyun no longer objected.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Then the five elders will be troubled in the next period of time."


The great elder said sternly: "I am so busy, even if we are tired to death, we are still willing to do it."

"That's right!" Duan Qingyao smiled brightly.

"Leave this matter to us old guys." Li Changshou also said with a smile: "If we go to fight against the strong and powerful, then we can only give away our lives."

"But these sect management and layout matters are very experienced and can be easily handled."

"It must be right to leave it to us."


They left and went about their business.

Soon, the news spread.

The whole Lan Yue Sect was shocked.

"Sect expansion?"


"Expanding from 25 spiritual mountains to [-] in one fell swoop?" Liu Xinyue and other Liu family disciples' eyes widened: "Isn't this too amazing?"

"Expanding so fast?"

"This, this is taking the Yulin Palace and other six sects' territories into one fell swoop!"

"Lan Yue Sect..."

Liu Xinyue murmured softly: "Our sect may really develop into an unimaginable giant. This is our opportunity, but it is also our challenge."

"If you want to grow with the sect and have a certain say in the sect, you have to work hard, fight hard, and contribute to the sect!"


"It's ready."

"What preparations?" Liu Qi was confused.

"Naturally, I am prepared to live and die with the sect." Liu Xinyue said bluntly: "I have an intuition that if I can grow up with the sect, then I will achieve achievements that I could not even imagine when I was in the Liu family."

Everyone in the Liu family: "..."

Isn't this too much?
In the eyes of most people, although the Lan Yue Sect has developed rapidly, compared with the Liu family, it is still about the same as Little Kalami.

But in Liu Xinyue's heart, Lan Yue Sect already has such a status? !
The outer disciples were even more excited.

"All 73 spiritual mountains belong to our outer sect?"


"This territory has expanded dozens of times in an instant!"

"Big news."

"With such a large land, how many spiritual fields can be cultivated and how many spiritual medicines can be planted?"

"We can also spread out a lot. Each of us can absorb more of the vitality of heaven and earth, and the speed of practice will be further improved, right?"



Everyone in Lanyue Sect was filled with joy.

At the same time, Lin Fan found 'Lian Bo' who had just gotten off work.


Lian Bo immediately smiled: "Sit down and drink tea."

"These days, I am also planning to find the sect master."

"Over in the Northern Territory, our Jinyiwei has developed very well and has begun to bear fruit. Some secrets that were originally unexplorable can now be gradually involved."

"Soon, our power will gradually penetrate into the southwest region..."

He first reported on the development of Jinyiwei, and finally said: "It's just that the young prince has discovered something. He has been out recently and has not been at the Jinyiwei headquarters."

"According to the latest intelligence, they should be robbing some kind of rare treasure."


Lin Fan raised his brows.

Qin Yu snatches the rare treasure?

Based on his template analysis, could it be~
"Meteor Tears?"

Lin Fan muttered, but he was not in a hurry.

Strictly speaking, Qin Yu was near his hometown. Even if there was a crisis, the people in Prince Qin's Mansion would not stand by and watch, but it was not his turn to worry.

What's more, based on his template, there should be nothing wrong with getting that so-called rare treasure.

"I just don't know if Jiang Li will show up."

He muttered secretly and said: "I see, Qin Yu should pay more attention to him."


Lian Bo smiled and said: "It's not far from the palace over there, so you really don't have to worry too much."

"By the way, the sect leader is here..."

"I'm ashamed to say it." Lin Fan picked up the spirit tea and drank it in one gulp: "Good tea."

"I'm here to ask for something."


Lian Bo scratched his neck and showed an unhappy look: "Why did the sect master say this?"

"These days, I eat and live in Lanyue Sect. In order to entertain me and relieve my boredom, Lanyue Sect also gave me the opportunity to take classes and teach its disciples."

"I owe Lan Yue Sect so much that I can't even count them!"

"If the sect master has something to do, just give him your orders. Where do you need to say anything to ask for help?"

Lin Fan: "..."

Good guy.

I almost believe what you said.

Those who don’t know really think how much you owe us.

Lin Fan couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, but fortunately he was a thousand-year-old fox, so he was very good at this.

"Uncle Lian, you are just joking. I came here today because I really have something to ask for. The Lan Yue Sect is expanding rapidly, but the original formation to protect the sect is not enough."

"I decided to set up a large formation to protect all one hundred and eight spiritual mountains while the original formation remains unchanged and is used as an inner formation."

"But within our Lanyue Sect, we lack formation masters."

"Only you, Uncle Lian, are the master of the formation, so I need to trouble you about this matter."

"It's up to you to decide what formation to set up. Just tell me the materials needed, and I'll find a way to get them for you."

"That's it?"

"Easy to say, easy to say, it's your job!"

Lian Bo was secretly happy.

I thought there was some trouble, but this is it?
Have a request for me?

Want me to do something?

You ask me to do things well, but I'm afraid that you won't let me do anything and I won't be able to get 'credit'!

"Don't worry, Sect Master, I will come up with the charter as soon as possible. As for the formation materials, it doesn't matter. Old man, I don't have much else, I just have a lot of formation materials."


Lin Fan shook his head: "It's already troublesome to ask you to help set up the formation, how can I let you..."

"Hey~! Sect Master, one family does not speak the same language as the other!"

"Lanyue Sect is my second home!"

"I'm helping my family, what's wrong?!"

"Furthermore, many of the disciples of Lan Yue Sect can be regarded as half of my disciples. In this way, when setting up the formation this time, I will bring those 'disciples' with me and let them contribute together."

"They can become familiar with the formation and consolidate their knowledge, which will be of great benefit to their future formation cultivation."

Before Lin Fan could speak, Lian Bo waved his hand and said, "This matter has been decided. The sect master does not need to say anything."

"Don't even try to persuade me. Don't even think about it."

"I have made up my mind!"

He looked determined.

Lin Fan was taken aback for a while.

Good guy, I just call it good guy.

Isn't this a bit too powerful for you?
I like!
"Well, Uncle Lian, you really...make me don't know what to say."

"Then please bother me. When Linger comes back, I will ask her to refine a few more elixirs for you to replenish your health~"

Hey? !

Lian Bo's eyes shone secretly.

On the road!

Look at this person, how enlightened is this?

Isn’t this what my old man is here for?


Lian Bo said with a straight face: "Sect Master, you are really... what do you want me to say about you?"

"As I said, this is my second home. What's wrong with me contributing to my own family? What's the trouble? What's the trouble? I still have to refine the elixir, how troublesome is it?"

"We can't do this next time!"

Lin Fan: "..."

I just called out the good guy.

Do you believe what you say?
After chatting for a while, Lin Fan left.

But after sending Lin Fan away, Lian Bo didn't go to set up the formation immediately, but fell into deep thought.

"This time, I can indeed make a contribution, but whether it is a big or small contribution, it is really nothing."

"It seems that he is one step ahead of Jin Zhen and the other old men, but in fact, it is not the case."

"In the final analysis, I am just one person, but they are three people. And it won't take long for Zhao Tiezhu to break through. By then, they will be three powerful people."

"Even though it's not a life-or-death battle, and they themselves are competing, in the final analysis, they are still on the same team."

"One against three, the disadvantage lies with me. I will be at a disadvantage after all."

Lian Bo frowned slightly: "If things continue like this, I'm afraid they will overwhelm us."

This made him unhappy.

He is in a higher realm, stronger in strength, and is no worse than them in terms of identity and status.

Moreover, he was obviously the first to marry into the family, and he was also the first to contribute. How could he be suppressed by the newcomers?
Even if they haven't been suppressed yet, isn't it just a matter of time?

"No, absolutely not."

"I have to prevent this from happening again!"

"I'll call someone too!"

Thinking of this, Lian Bo's brows relaxed and he suddenly felt enlightened.

Isn't it just calling someone?

What a big deal.

You can shout, but why can’t I?

Do you really think I can’t call anyone?


"Three against one, right? Bullying, right? Look at me calling others too!"

He took out the sound transmission jade talisman and said: "Cheng Guangshan, if there is something urgent, come to the Southwest Territory to Lan Yue Sect immediately!"

In the far northern region, in the palace of Prince Qin.

Cheng Guangshan, who had a beard and a rough expression, looked surprised: "Lian Sheng, what are you doing?"

"It's mysterious. Can't you just say it if you have something to say? You have to tell me why you came to Lanyue Sect!"

"Tell you? Ha, I can only tell you that if you have a great opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't come!"

"Just tell me whether you will come or not?!"

"A big opportunity? Don't worry!" Cheng Guangshan was surprised and uncertain: "What a big opportunity? You should explain it clearly!"

"I can't explain to you. You don't want this opportunity. There are many people who want it. Just tell me whether you want to come or not. I'll give you three numbers, one, two..."

"Come on, why don't you come if I come?"

"Streak, please tell me what the opportunity is?"

"Don't ask so many questions, and set off immediately. By the way, remember to dig out your wealth and bring more medicinal materials for Hedao Dan. Also, bring me some formation materials."


"That's it, I'm busy!"

Communication is interrupted.

Cheng Guangshan stared: "..."

"damn it!"

"What the hell is going on with this winning streak?"

"Do you think I'm easy to fool? It's a big opportunity. How can there be so many big opportunities?"

"I'm pissed off, I won't go!"

A pass cursed.

But then, he still stood up and packed his things.

"Luo Yushu, are you coming?!"

"What are you here for?"

"It's a great opportunity. If you don't come here, I can tell you that Cheng Guangshan has decided to come. If you lose to him by then, don't blame me for not telling you."

"What? That guy is going too?"

"Okay, just wait, I'll come over as soon as possible!"

"Remember to bring me more materials for refining Hedao Dan, as well as formation materials."

"What do you want the Hedao Dan material for?"

"You care so much? Well, let's do this. You can buy as much as you want, and I will take it all according to the order. For every piece of Hedao Dan material, I will give you a fourth-grade Hedao Dan."


Luo Yushu's voice instantly rose an octave: "You swear?"

"I made an oath to heaven..."

"However, you must also swear that the Hedao Dan materials you brought must be sold to me at this price."

"Good good!"

Luo Yushu was overjoyed: "I also made an oath of heaven..."

After making the oath, both of them laughed.

Winning streak has a feeling of "the trick has succeeded".

Luo Yushu secretly cursed the fool in his heart.

"With this winning streak, I have been smart for most of my life, but suddenly I became stupid when I was old?"

"And he made me swear that I must sell it to him, only to him, pff..."

"This is simply equivalent to a fourth-grade Hedao Dan guarantee. Who would want this except him?"

"Whoever wants it is a fool~!"

"I even want to sell it to others, but no one wants it~!"


Luo Yushu paced back and forth, muttering: "This is a good opportunity to make money. After passing this village, there will be no shop like this anymore. Even if we sell iron by smashing pots, I have to buy some Hedao Dan materials."

"Perhaps, by taking this opportunity, I can completely surpass that old bastard Cheng Guangshan!"


"Xiaohui will definitely choose me."

"I will be able to win in a row with my fists, build mountains with my kicks, marry the one I love, and reach the pinnacle of my life."




Playing with the sound transmission jade talisman, Lian Sheng showed a "sneaky smile".

"Playing with me?"

"Can you play better than me?"

"You are robbing Xiaohui, and you simply think that whoever is stronger will be the one Xiaohui will like? How did you know that Xiaohui has already made a secret promise to me..."

"Even, maybe you will still call me stupid in your heart, right?"


"I'll let you know soon who is the fool!"

He stood up, unable to contain his excitement.

"As soon as they come here, I will definitely not be short of elixirs for a long time!"

"Moreover, the two of them regard each other as love rivals, so they will definitely not join forces to deal with me. This triangle relationship is particularly strong."

"But for Huo Dezong, we will definitely be consistent in dealing with the outside world."


"As expected of me."

The more I thought about the winning streak, the more proud I became, and then I happily set off to the 'New Outer Gate' to get busy, dismantling the original formation, changing the terrain, etc., in preparation for the subsequent formation.

"All injuries have healed."

A few days later, Xiao Ling'er took a deep breath and slowly took out the Ice Spirit Cold Fire: "Teacher, please protect me, I want to refine the Ice Spirit Cold Fire!"

"it is good!"

Yao Lao solemnly said: "Be careful!"

"Although you have already refined three kinds of strange fires, and you have rich experience and strength far beyond before, the Burning Flame Technique is too special. Every time you add another kind of strange fire, the difficulty of refining will increase exponentially."

"Don't be careless!"

"My teacher will do my best to protect you."

"Thank you teacher."

Xiao Ling'er's face was solemn. After running the Burning Flame Technique and getting ready, she swallowed the Ice Spirit Cold Fire into her belly decisively.

Not long after, a chill spread from his body.

The futon and bed under the seat were gradually covered with ice crystals.

And the ice crystals are spreading...
Not long after, the entire room was 'frozen'.

But the cold and ice crystals are still spreading, and adjacent rooms are also affected...

"what happened?!"

Wang Teng's voice bounced from the door: "Sister?"

no respond.

But he couldn't rush in rashly, so he could only use his cultivation to resist.

Gradually, other inn residents also discovered the clues and walked out one after another.

The waiter and the owner were about to find out the cause, but the spread of cold air suddenly increased, and within a moment, the entire inn was covered in ice.

That is to say, everyone has the cultivation level, otherwise, they may turn into ice sculptures.


"What's wrong?"

The store owner's scalp was numb: "Quick, call for the city guards!"

"But don't let any monk go crazy, let alone die in my inn."


The city guards had already discovered that it was so cold here and rushed there immediately.

Soon, they discovered the source.

Wang Teng blocked the door and said helplessly: "Everyone, I'm sorry, my friend is at a critical moment, please don't disturb him."

"The impact is too big."

The leading city guard frowned: "How long will it take?"

(End of this chapter)
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