This player is too into the drama

Chapter 86: In the final analysis, the AD of LMS is only at this level.

Chapter 86: LMS’s AD... in the final analysis, that’s about it.

The first fight is heavyweight.

SKT, against G2!

But even though it's said to be heavyweight, in reality... it's just that.

Because everyone knows that it is basically impossible for G2 to beat SKT.

Even Xu Yuan thought so.

If this is the G9 of S2, then maybe we can have a good relationship with SKT and have a chance to defeat SKT.

But now it's S7.

G2 without Caps, the king of caps, was as helpless in front of SKT who was still in its peak period as...the weak Ah Wei met Brother Jie.

This is true.

When the lineups of both sides were selected, the odds of winning had actually shifted towards SKT.

The G2 bottom lane team used Ice and Zyra to forcefully push the lane to gain lane rights, but was easily broken by SKT using the female gun support that appeared in the S6 World Championship.

The female gun is very restrained against Zyra.

Thanks to the female gun's passive: when it deals damage to a target for the first time in a period, an extra damage is added.

Therefore, Zyra's flowers will be cleared very easily, and Zyra without flowers will naturally not be able to easily obtain the line rights.

AD chose Verus.

When Verus's ultimate move is under control, the female gunner can just sweep him away to form a combo.

In the middle and upper fields.

SKT used the new S7 hero Galio to deceive G2 tactically and swing to the top lane.

In the middle, I chose Syndra for Faker. I thought I was going to play Galio, so I chose Perkz, who was developing a mid laner.

SKT head coach kkoma's BP was extremely good.

This directly caused G2's midfielder to collapse.

The final score was 6 to 10.

G2 didn't take particularly few kills, but they just didn't have the ability to resist at all.

Just like Tom who was being played wantonly by a little female cat, he even looked a little pitiful.

Peanut's male gunman achieved a perfect record of 4/0/3. At the end of the game, his opponent's economic lead reached an exaggerated 5500.

Korean wild king, so terrifying!
Regardless of the specific aspects of BP, team battles, laning, etc.

Or from the more abstract aspects of tactical execution and command ideas.

SKT completely destroyed G2.

This is the team that S7 is most optimistic about and has the loudest call to win the championship:


"Although G2 also made some resistance in the middle, the rhythm was tightly controlled by SKT from the beginning to the end. G2 was like a moth caught in a spider trap. The more they struggled, the faster death came. ."

The LPL commentator at the scene spoke in a heavy tone.

Peeping the leopard in the tube.

This game is enough to show that SKT is in very good shape.

From the beginning to the end, they almost suffocated G2, who was not weak.

Naturally, LPL viewers also started developing PTSD.

The so-called PTSD, also known as post-traumatic stress disorder.

The LPL was beaten so badly by the Korean team before!
Especially SKT.

Except for EDG winning once at MSI in 2015, basically no LPL team has defeated SKT.

Be timid before fighting.

This is the deep-seated fear of many LPL viewers now.

"It's over, it's over, how can EDG beat SKT? It doesn't look like a team of the same level."

"Yes, EDG still relies on the performance of its players. SKT has completely used the system to destroy G2..."

"Being able to meet the Korean team is considered a success. Not to mention that we must win the championship. If EDG can beat the Korean team by a small margin in the finals, I will not criticize them."

The audience is scared, and the players actually have serious expressions.

"This is it, SKT."

Abu sounded serious and took a deep breath.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, we're about to go on stage."

"The tactics have just been laid out, Xu Yuan, is it okay?"

He turned to look at Xu Yuan who had already stood up.

"No problem, coach."

Xu Yuan nodded lightly.

So Abu smiled with satisfaction.

Under the pressure brought by SKT, only Xu Yuan's commitment can make him smile.

"After a short break, NOW!"

"Let us invite both teams from today's second game to appear!"

Along with the voice of the live host, the Brazilian audience in the audience burst into cheers.

Xu Yuan, walked onto the stage.

The moment he stepped onto the stage under the spotlight, the cheers and shouts from the audience became increasingly clear.

Xu Yuan lowered his head slightly as he walked forward.

From his current perspective, he could easily see the excited expressions of the audience at close range.

Suddenly, he froze for a moment.

Because he saw the Chinese signs in the audience.

[EDG come on! 】

[Come on Xu Yuan! 】

[Come on Mingkai! 】

The Chinese characters I was used to originally were seen in this foreign country, Brazil.

The people holding the signs seemed to notice his pause, cheered, and raised the signs in their hands higher.

Did they travel across the ocean just to cheer us on?
Xu Yuan's emotions were a bit inexplicable.

No, not only.

It is a heavy sense of responsibility.

What is division honor?

Xu Yuan actually couldn't tell clearly.

He only knows...

He doesn't want to disappoint the LPL fans who have traveled so far to support them.

He didn't want to see their disappointed expressions!

Sitting on his seat, Xu Yuan patted his cheek and put on his headphones.

"Brothers, I don't want to lose."

He opened his mouth with a smile.

Although the words were brief, the seriousness in his tone was obvious.

"It sounds like no one wants to lose. I'm going to give the provincial team a hard lesson today!"

Ming Kai laughed and cursed.

Flash Wolf is not weak.

But they are stronger!
This is the confidence Xu Yuan gave him!
The BP link begins.

During the coin toss before the game, EDG was lucky enough to get the blue side.

The BP session was very fast, and the coaches on both sides were not sloppy at all.

Blue party EDG:

top order Shen

wild spider
Middle single rock sparrow
Add Lulu to the bottom set of skate shoes.

Red Fang FW:

jungle blind monk
Mid laner Ryze
The bottom lane team is Velusga Grasshopper.

With a smile on his face, Abramovich went to shake hands with the FW coach with confidence.

Match, enter loading time.

"Hey, Betty, are you okay? I heard today that the opponent's AD is pretty good?"

Lightning Wolf's auxiliary Snake said with a smile.

AD player Betty was a little unhappy when she was questioned.

"Gan, you are really cool! Come on, I am a shooter. Not to mention beating him, I can even beat Bang!"

Jungler Karsa smiled.

"Hey, so you are brave?"

"Please, I'm super brave, okay?"

betty is full of confidence.

In the LMS, Flash Wolf is almost invincible.

The players in every position are almost the strongest players in the LMS. Betty is abusing her every day in the LMS, and she has become numb from the abuse.

Every spring and summer league in the LMS division, there are basically a bunch of people besieging the Flash Wolves.

Then the Lightning Wolf smiled evilly and stretched out a hand to catch it gently:

"Please, you are so weak!"

Betty, who has not played in the World Championship yet, is just now.

He is invincible in the league, and of course he is very confident when he comes to the world championships.

Flash Wolf is the strongest!

Especially the lineup chosen by EDG. Isn't this the very funny four-guarantee-one lineup?
What era are you in, and are you still playing the traditional four-guarantee-one policy?

The young and Dangerous boy who doesn't know how to use his brain will spend his life as a plane.

The LPL team that doesn't use their brains can't even beat our LMS.

However, Betty didn't see the solemn expression on Krasa's face.

Both parties went online normally and neither chose to invade.In the first game, I didn't even plan to play the first-level group, which is a very risky strategy.

Xu Yuan controlled the skateboard shoes to go online.

I chose skateboard shoes not because they are now incense burner versions.

If it is really the incense burner version, Xu Yuan's skateboard shoes are definitely hidden secretly.

When you can't hide anymore, find a "lucky" team and just have fun.

And to say the least, it’s hard to say whether the incense burner version of skate shoes can fit in or not.

Xu Yuan chose skateboard shoes for only one reason: to kill quickly.

If you were to choose the strongest ADC in the early game in League of Legends, it would undoubtedly be decided between Skateboards and Draven.

There is no Draven in this one because Flash Wolf is a thief, so I removed it directly.

But it doesn't matter.

Xu Yuan’s proficiency in skateboard shoes is also not low.

Speaking of which, I have to thank one person.

Xu Yuan learned most of his skate shoes from Imp.

Pu Pu is a down-to-earth person and does what he says.

When he taught Xu Yuan how to play AD, he really showed no secret. From the beginning, he taught him the most powerful lane ADC he played, skateboard shoes.

How powerful are imp’s skateboard shoes?

When he was 30 years old, his spirit was already a little abnormal.

Imp can still beat the Korean server by a thousand points with his skate shoes.

Recalling what imp once said, Xu Yuan's eyes became cold.

betty He actually doesn't hate it.

But since he is an enemy, Xu Yuan just wants to see the Lightning Wolf's base explode now.

"Seize the line, seize the line, we will get the line rights after we advance to the second level!"

Snake is the commander of Flash Wolf.

He knew very well that if the spider was taken out on the opposite side, it would probably live in the bottom lane.

So when I went online, I decided to push the line directly, then set up the field of view in the jungle and wait for Karsa's counter-crouching.

Grasshopper learned the Q skill and tried to consume Xu Yuan when clearing troops.

However, the intention is too obvious!

In this regard, Xiao Ming's grasshopper and Snake's grasshopper have no taste at all.

The moment he started Qing, Xu Yuan immediately moved back.This Q was avoided.

"Ah, what a pity."

Even though Snake said that, she actually didn't feel that much regret.

It's a very normal position, who doesn't know it?
Xu Yuan walked forward, without wasting the flat A on the grasshopper, and directly started the A soldier.

"Meiko, help me with Soldier A and learn Q directly."

"When the second wave of lines comes, I will reduce the health of the three frontline soldiers to about half health, and use the Q skill at that time."

Xu Yuan has already taken over Meiko's lane command.

After all, Meiko is single-threaded.

If you let him be the team leader, basically don't think about how good his laning performance is, and it will be easily overloaded.

"it is good!"

Meiko already trusted Xu Yuan's judgment and responded immediately, and both sides began to fight for the line.

With the arrival of the second wave of soldiers, Snake became highly vigilant.

Second-level skateboard shoes are among the best in terms of competitive ability.

Almost no AD can beat him, not even Varus.

He always paid attention to the blood volume of the soldiers, and his face showed joy.

"They can't push the line faster than us!"

Judging from the scene, this is indeed the case.

Verus is only two soldiers away from being promoted to the second level, and Skateboard Shoes has not lost any front-line soldiers.

This seems like a minor mistake.

Precisely because it was neither big nor small, Snake was fooled!

If Xu Yuan's selling was too obvious, he would definitely not be fooled.

It seems like a reasonable mistake, but actually...

It's a trap carefully laid by Xu Yuan!
This is Puzi's specialty, stealing three soldiers.

The general bot lane team's control of the second level is mostly concentrated in situations where there is only one or two soldiers left to upgrade.

But Puzi’s skate shoes are different.

Using supports like Lulu or Karma, you can forcibly block three soldiers, and use the tearing effect of the E skill to upgrade to level two in an instant!

This is Puzi’s unique laning skill!
The moment Xu Yuan saw Verus pressing forward, he immediately controlled his skateboard shoes and turned his head.

This gave another signal to the Flash Wolves bot lane team:
He gave up on grabbing second place.

Now that the opponent has given up, the Flash Wolves bottom lane feels that they have an advantage, so they naturally want to take advantage of this strong period to press more.

Betty's movements were not as cautious as before and she started to move forward.

It was at this time that skateboard shoes came back.

"Meiko, Q! Point W for level two!"

Following his order, Lulu, who had originally retreated with him, suddenly turned back.

With one Q skill, the three front row soldiers passed right through and were disabled at the same time!

There is an angle to this.

Because when the soldiers come online, different positions will be formed due to the position of the soldier line.

Under Xu Yuan's deliberate control of the position of the troops, he had quietly helped Meiko adjust to the angle with the highest success rate.

If he can't hit three Q, then Xu Yuan can't do anything.

Fortunately, Meiko did not disappoint his expectations. This Q shot was very accurate.

When Xu Yuan made his first hit with Verus from A, he chose a forward position.

Naturally, it has reached the skill range of E skill tearing.

E skill explodes instantly!
Three soldiers were killed at the same time, and Skateboard Shoes and Lulu were promoted to level two first!

"not good!"

Snake's pupils shrank and immediately made Xu Yuan weak.

However, the weak special effects didn't even finish playing, and the light of purification had already covered it up.

What a ridiculous reaction!
Snake complained crazily in her heart.

Seeing the Lulu Pixar special effects appearing on the skateboard shoes, Snake didn't hesitate to speak.

"If you can't fight, just dodge!"

Now it is too late for soldier A to be promoted to second level.

The stacking damage of Skateboard Shoes E is exaggerated. If you choose A soldiers, you will have enough A Verus during this time.

It’s one point closer to the killing line of skateboard shoes!
Betty's flash followed quickly, but Xu Yuan's flash followed even faster!

He flashed his Q and hit it without any surprise.

The war zeal that had piled up on her skateboard shoes and the spear stuck in Verus's body had left Betty without any courage to turn around and confront him.

At this time, his face was pale!
Because he didn't bring healing, he brought purification.

Unable to run away, Verus could only choose to turn back and struggle to the death. With the death of the soldiers, he finally reached the second level.

However it was of no use.

His body has been pricked into hedgehogs.

The moment Xu Yuan pressed the E skill to tear apart, Verus fell to the ground unwillingly!

"All traitors must die!"

There was a biting chill in the cold female voice.

first drop of blood!

"In the final analysis, it's still formula laning... ADs in the LMS region can only reach this level."

Xu Yuan sighed slightly.

Ming Kai: ...

Damn it, it seems like he was tricked!

Karsa who is brushing the three wolves:? ? ?
Within a few seconds, another announcement sounded.

Double kill!

"I am super! Yuan Shen!!!"

"What a ruthless skateboarder! Double kill at level two, Gui Gui!"

"Brother Xu, be gentle and don't affect unity!"

"Stable domestically, but frantic overseas? As expected of you!"

I was still afraid of SKT's barrage, but it was like I was given a shot in the arm!

Karsa, who was still farming, fainted.

what's the situation?
It's too early to die!

When he cut to the bottom lane, he saw that Skate Shoes, who still had one-third of his health, had already pushed his troops into the Flash Wolf's bottom lane defense tower, preparing to return to the city.

The grasshopper died inside the defense tower.

"Hey, no way, you were jumped over the tower by someone's second level?"

Karsa looked horrified.

On the English commentary stage, Maomao looked happy.

The blond male commentator had a look of astonishment on his face and couldn't help but speak.

"What happened?!"

What happened? !

This new ADC actually completed a solo kill against the bot lane team at level [-] in his first game in the World Championship? !
Wang Defa!
[Ten thousand and seven, am I fierce?The time will be set at [-] pm in the future. Today’s fourth update has been exhausted and the food is gone. Everyone, please reward me for updating! 】

(End of this chapter)

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