Chapter 59 Reflection!

While the commentary was chatting, the big screen suddenly went dark.

"Okay, now let's take a look at the pre-match trash talk recorded by both sides."

Miller's eyes also lit up and he brought the topic back.

"Urgent! I can't wait to see Xu Yuan's trash talk!"

"I still remember the trash talk last time very clearly. The attack power was too high. Can you be more aggressive this time?"

"Teng Jing is nostalgic? Hurry!"

The barrage is also quite anticipated.

Although Xu Yuan did not appear in many interviews, every time he spoke, it was quite explosive.

It can be said that it supports many marketing accounts and self-media.

"What are you talking about? You're not attacking Uzi again, are you?"

Backstage, Ming Kai asked casually.

Because the trash talk was recorded one by one, he didn't know what Xu Yuan said.


Xu Yuan shook his head.

Why keep attacking Uzi?It's like trying to catch someone's heat.

Mingkai didn't ask any further questions and followed the other contestants backstage to focus on the big screen.

Following a brief black screen, the picture finally appeared on the screen.

"You will face EDG next, what are your thoughts?"

Following the host's question, Letme appeared in front of the camera with a serious expression.

"Well... although EDG is also a very strong team, we definitely still want to play MSI. Let's try to win against them today,"

Letme spoke very cautiously.

He has no status in RNG.

When the looper comes, he goes to the second team. After the looper leaves, he can only return to the first team. He has no fans and no tactical status. He is a pure G8 bastard.

Where do you have the confidence to say harsh words?

Some people actually say that he is the GT twin star alongside Xiaohu.

You asked Letme if she dared to admit it?
Immediately afterwards, the camera also showed A Guang.

A Guang is a person who likes to laugh very much. Even now during interviews, he still laughs happily.

He is also quite gentle towards Letme, and even said that he would support Letme.

The barrage is so disappointing!
"Damn, these two are really less aggressive than kindergarteners."

"No, can you guys say something sexy? I'm really speechless. Why don't you just play house?"

"Fei Wu is indeed Fei Wu, even the trash talk session is so Fei Wu, I really can't stand it anymore!"

"You're not good at the game, let's not talk about it. You can't even say harsh words?"

"Boring, I want to see rivers of blood flow!"

Most of the audience are fun-loving people.

Now is not the era of complete invasion and assimilation by the fandom in later generations. Trash talk is generally very real and offensive.

The result was a terrible fight between the two.

However, they don't have to worry about not having fun.

Because, next is Mingkai.

Now that Mingkai is here, there's trash talk.

When Ming Kai comes, he becomes the king of gossip!
Since his debut, Ming Kai has made countless hits.It can be called the only designated big C in the trash talk session.

This Mingkai is just different from ordinary players.

He speaks harshly, but his performance is funny, and he can also spread his hands like a bear.

Our LPL cannot survive without him.

Mingkai still played steadily today.

"Many people in Mala Xiangguo say that he is very good at invading the jungle, but I just want to say that if he came to my jungle today, he would give me money, and I will also enter his jungle to tell him that he is very good at invading. He’s just a little brother.”

Ming Kai spoke calmly in front of the camera, and what stood out was his calmness.

Although the words are simple, they are indeed lethal enough.

At least the Mala Xiang Guo in the background laughed angrily and secretly decided to have a good contest with Ming Kai in the jungle.

Although the spicy hot pot on the big screen also said something about Ming Kai, it was not painful at all for an old man like Ming Kai. "Okay, okay! It's the factory that's in trouble!"

"Le, the factory said he is going to invade the wild area of ​​Mala Xiangguo, so crazy!"

The audience is comfortable.

What you need is aggression, Changzi, and you.

Then there are the mid laners on both sides.

The two mid laners have a good relationship in private, so the harsh words are relatively mild.

Then came the highlight of the day that they were looking forward to.

Xu Yuan!

Xu Yuan’s last critical video about Uzi has now received over one million views on Station B.

Unexpectedly, the fanatical fans of Uzi were extremely angry but could not refute. The most they could say was, "Then the rest of you can't even beat Uzi, so aren't you giving it away?"

But no one can be convinced by this.

After all, many people have always argued that those who are not on top are the strongest.

When other players were interviewed before, the camera was still relatively far away.

But when it was Xu Yuan's turn, the camera suddenly zoomed in closer.

At close range, Xu Yuan's outstanding appearance became more eye-catching.

At this moment, facing the host's question, Xu Yuan lowered his head slightly and thought for a while.

"Do you have anything to say to your opponent? Actually, I don't have anything to say."

"I think no matter who can win this BO5, go and play this MSI."

"They all represent our entire LPL."

"So what I want to say to Uzi is that if he wins today, go for MSI."

"Of course, I prefer that I win, because..."

The handsome young man was silent for a moment and showed a somewhat arrogant smile.

"I told Brother Mingkai."

"Say, I will protect everything about EDG."

The crisp and determined voice echoed throughout the venue.

The barrage couldn't be refreshed for a while.

Backstage, Ming Kai couldn't help but glance at Xu Yuan beside him.

He stared calmly at the lights above the stage.

At this time, the barrage was finally refreshed.

"I'm super!"

"I thought he was going to mock Uzi again, but I didn't expect him to say such thoughtful words. It's changed a bit."

"These words are so grand. Before the finals, I am cheering for the winner who has not yet been determined today. The pattern!"

"I will protect everything about EDG... Guigui, these words are so domineering!"

"I won't be a bastard today. I'm just a bastard. EDG will help me!"

"Xu Yuan, come on!!"

"No matter how I play today, I completely approve of this new AD. Deft can just treat it as a guest."

"Brother Xu Yuan, I gave you a message last time. A man should be broad-minded and aboveboard. Now I am very happy to see you do it."

On the other side of the background, Uzi's face turned red again.
This time it's not Hong Wen, it's shame.

Because his pre-match interview is playing on the screen:

Uzi spoke with an indifferent expression,
"I think Xu Yuan is just average. Today I will make a difference in the bottom lane. I don't think he is a player of the same level as me."

Before the interview with Xu Yuan just came out, there was no problem with these words, they were very offensive, and the audience was very happy to hear them.

After all, Xu Yuan attacked him last time, so it makes sense for him to attack back now.

but now……

Xu Yuan was cheering him on just now!
This is... embarrassing.

"It's really not a player of the same level."

Comments on the barrage.

It is self-evident who it is aimed at.

(End of this chapter)

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