This player is too into the drama

Chapter 229: The flying generals of Dragon City are here, but they don’t teach Hu Ma how to cross th

Chapter 229: The flying generals of Dragon City are here, but they don’t teach Hu Ma how to cross the Yin Mountains!

"You still want to come over and fight?"

Looking at the other party's movements on the mini-map, Li Sang Hyuk looked a little surprised.

This kind of decision is very irrational. Now the strength of the midfielder and the jungler on both sides is not at the same level at all. does look like a decision Xu Yuan would make.

When his team is at a disadvantage, he will never give up.

"If you have a good vision and don't give the opponent Gnar a chance to retreat, there's no way this team will lose."

He spoke calmly.

You have reasons why you have to win, and so do I.

Let me see the real chapter.

"The Chinese team doesn't want to give up, but the Korean team's field of view is so good that there is no room for Yan Junze to enter the field. He can only play from the front, which is very difficult to play!"

Colonel Guan said in a deep voice without blinking.

Gnar's development is poor to begin with, and even if he succeeds in bypassing him, it will be difficult to make a good ultimate move.

What's more, there is no chance to go around now!

Without any hesitation, after clearing the last field of view near the vanguard pit, the Korean team started playing directly.

"With the vision gone, the Chinese team must be more careful. From God's perspective, you can see that the Korean team is very fast as a vanguard. The double shooters of Qianjue and Xiaopao have great output!"

"Can you make it?"

Miller's breathing became rapid.

Xiaotian's blind monk walked forward unwaveringly, and he was the only one who could resist for a while.

Now letme's development is really poor, so he can only be pushed in front.

The Pioneer Pit is right in front of you.

What made Xiaotian relieved was that the Korean team did not choose to squat.

It's normal when you think about it. Now they are not afraid of taking over the group, and they will take the vanguard first.

"I want to try it!"

Xiaotian spoke immediately.

Xu Yuan understood what he meant, he wanted to take the vanguard.

"It's meaningless! You can only win if you win the team!"

Xu Yuan stopped him directly.

What if I take the Pioneer? You may not be able to pick it up even if you pick it up.

If you want to win this one, you must win this team battle.

The Korean team in the Pioneer pit and the Chinese team outside the pit started to fight.

Xu Yuan controlled Verus, looking for opportunities to steal A.

However, he is very restrained, basically running away immediately with A, without giving the opponent a chance to save anyone.

Pioneer's blood volume has dropped to about 4,000.

"Open AD?"

CoreJJ spoke.

He was already a little eager to try.

This matchup made him very unhappy, especially the one where he was knocked down from the air by a wine barrel.

Now the other party dares to come out to pick up the group?

He has absolute confidence in his Luo, and he will definitely be able to kill the opponent's C position.

"No! Open the center!"

Lee Sang Hyuk shook his head and spoke decisively.

Open AD?

He knew Xu Yuan as a teammate so well that Luo might never come back.

When the situation becomes four versus five, it will be really hard to say.

Instead of challenging Xu Yuan's reaction, it is better to choose a more reliable way to win the team and not give him room to operate.

As long as the midfielder is killed, it will be useless no matter how Xu Yuan can operate.

"it is good!"

CoreJJ still obeyed the command and sent an attack signal directly to the Chinese team's midfielder.

Canyon Pioneer’s HP is three thousand!

Xu Yuan held his breath and stopped stealing A. Verus kept rotating and adjusting his position.

Smeb has quietly placed a powder keg at his feet, and his eyes are fixed on the Chinese team in Longkeng.

Lee Sang Hyuk's finger was hovering on the flash, always ready to flash out of the dragon pit to retain people.

Xiaotian's eyes were sharp and locked firmly on Li Sang Hyuk's Ryze.

Chi Di paid attention to his positioning, not giving the blind monk a chance to penetrate the candied haws, and was always ready to keep up with the output.

Letme's constant AQ increased his anger, and he had already controlled his anger to around 90.

And CoreJJ’s Luo is ready to go.

In the canyon at this moment, a storm is coming!

Canyon Pioneer’s HP is two thousand!

The moment his blood volume dropped to two thousand, Luo turned into a golden stream of light!

R flashes W, an outrageous combo that is almost at its peak.

The ultimate reaction time left by this set of combos is not even more than 0.5 seconds. In the hands of a top-level Luo with extremely fast hands like CoreJJ, it has already approached the theoretical reaction limit.

Almost the moment he saw Luo, he had already rushed to his face.

However, Xiye came to his senses.

It wasn't a reaction, it was his pre-reading.

When will the opposite party start a group?

Xiye had been thinking about this issue since he decided to take this group.

And he did seize this time.

The moment his health dropped to 2,000, Kassadin, who was standing not far from the vanguard entrance, stepped back with his R skill!

And the one wiping his sleeves was Luo who handed over R and flashed W into flowing light!

Although he was still charmed, Kassadin had already stepped far away.

It's safe since Luo didn't pick it up!

"Xiaotian is in danger!"

However, the crisis is not over yet.

Although he failed to control the mid laner, Xiaotian reacted a little slower and was still controlled by CoreJJ's Luo.

Almost instantly, Xiaopao had equipped him with the E skill, outputting it in conjunction with Ryze's damage.

As Qian Jue's punishment fell, Pioneer wailed and officially left work.

Ueno, on the other hand, is already preparing to attack Xiaotian!

If Xiaotian falls like this, then the Chinese team will still be defeated in this wave of team battles.

Because there is no front row at all, we can only run.

So Xiaotian - must be saved!

Almost at the same time, Meiko's ultimate move was thrown!

His target was not Luo, but the Korean team's midfielder behind him.

The bulk of the damage is in the middle and upper jungles. Only by blowing them away and preventing them from connecting to the output can Xiaotian be saved!

Seeing the wine barrel's ultimate move, Luo, who had been knocked to half health by Xu Yuan, directly chose E to retreat.

Xu Yuan did not use R.

Now using R can certainly keep Rakan, but when faced with Ryze and Peanut's face riding, he loses his ability to resist.

Only by holding R can you win this wave!

Luo Anran retreated. Xiaotian also recovered from control.

However, Xiaotian did not retreat.

The Q directly hit Luo, who had already flown into the crowd of the Korean team, and the second Q flew directly over!

"Ah!? What is Xiaotian doing!!?"

Colonel Guan was stunned.

Now Xiaotian only has about one-third of his health left. Do we still need to kick?

Almost certain to die!


At this moment, Xiaotian had no concept of whether he would die or not.

He only knows that if he kicks a big one, then this team can seize the opportunity to win!

Xiaotian, who had no hesitation, chose to enter the market!

The Q skill moved halfway, the speed of light touched the eye, and the W moved behind the cannon!

Emperor Chi was very focused and immediately handed over the flash to adjust the position!

Want to kick me?


However, Xiaotian's goal was not him in the first place!

The next moment, the bleeding blind monk, accompanied by an explosion of golden light, finally kicked out his ultimate move before dying!

R flash!

Target, Captain and Lo!

Smeb was also focused, but he was just about to blow up the barrel at his feet, but was knocked away by Luo's body!

In the knocked-up state, the orange cannot be used at all!

Trivia: Today's version of Blind Sin's R can still be removed by Orange, because now Blind Sin's R has two effects, the first one is imprisonment, and the second one is knocking him away.

As long as you seize the opportunity to release the imprisonment with W, you can escape.

This is why Smeb is so confident.

However, Xiaotian didn't kick him at all, but chose R to flash Luo and knock him away through Luo's body.

This resulted in him being unable to resolve it at all!

While he was still in the air, he had already seen the enlarged Gnar!

Although Letme wasn't very good at laning, he controlled the timing of entering team battles very well.

Especially in situations like the second entry after Lee Sin now, his performance is very good.

The moment he stepped on his head and jumped into the Pioneer Pit, he immediately grew bigger in mid-air, and was shot hard with his R skill!

The captain and Luo had no chance to operate and were knocked unconscious to the wall.

Lee Sang Hyuk was also photographed without crossing the line.

Xu Yuan finally used his R skill, and when Ueno entered the field, he had already started outputting.

After stealing Captain A for a while. Directly hit the captain with R skill!

Start walking A!

Little Peanut's Kindred is in the deepest part and didn't get this shot.

At this moment, seeing Verus firing the R skill, he was not in a hurry to hand over the R skill. He dealt with Gnar who entered the field first!

Little Peanut is very confident.

He was confident that he could use the R skill Sheep's Breath to lock Smeb's health the moment Xu Yuan's QW shot out.

As for Luo?

Luo's skills are all used up, just surrender his weakness before death, it doesn't matter whether he dies or not.

It's not that Little Peanut is heartless, but because Luo's blood volume is already low, and he can only save him by firing R now.

However, now using R not only saves Luo, but also saves Letme's Gnar.

"Nar's health drops very quickly. Yan Junze's equipment is too poor and he can't hold it back!"

"Now the two-for-one vanguard is lost! The Chinese team can't end like this, it must fight!"

"The stacks of Verus Sheep Knives here are full. After killing Luo, the passive attack speed triggered has exceeded 2.5. Can Xu Yuan do it?!"

Colonel Guan explained passionately,

"Xiye must stay calm, Kassadin cannot withstand the opponent's output now, and must create a harvesting situation!"

Miller then emphasized, his face full of seriousness.

Xu Yuan was not affected by Nal's death at all, and he shot whoever he could.

The stacked attack speed was extremely exaggerated, taking away the health of the outermost captain one arrow after another.

Smeb unleashed his big move with his backhand, then raised his hand to hit the target twice!

However, Xu Yuan had clearly seen his movements. Despite Luo's weakness, he kept drawing A's in his hands and at the same time, he used A's away to move out of the range of the gunpowder barrel!


KKoma in the background also had his pupils constricted at this moment.

This one goes A, so beautiful!

When he is weak, he moves A. Not only is he smooth, but he can also move to dodge the skills! ?

Emperor Chi finally chose to jump forward, but he ignored a fatal problem.

Verus' ultimate move has a spreading effect!

The moment the cannon landed, the confinement was triggered.

Although Emperor Chi reacted quickly and immediately pressed Purify.

However, the ultimate move spread to the future and left a mark on his body.

After landing, Xu Yuan knocked him out of the third level, and E followed QW to beat him to a bloody pulp!

"Verus is still cumming! Oh my god!"

"The cannon made a mistake!"

Colonel Guan's voice suddenly became louder.

"He can only use his R skill to push Verus away, flash back and retreat!"

"The captain came over and gave Varus a shot. Varus' health reached half of his health, but because of the push from King Chi, the captain can't touch Varus now!"

The sheep spirit lives!

Peanut finally handed over his ultimate move. Because if you don't hand it over to the captain, you will be killed.

Xu Yuan looked calm, and after using the E skill to slow down, he immediately walked back without looking back.

Faker was a little dazed. Chi Di's ultimate move meant that he had to flash to save others.

But now, there is no time to hesitate.

Lee Sang Hyuk handed over the flash, and W directly pinned Xu Yuan!

However, Xu Yuan's useless purification was prepared for this moment.

Backhand purification lifted Ryze's W from imprisonment, and Verus went crazy with A!

Shake left to avoid Lee Sang Hyuk's Q. Then A moves to the right with a knife, dodging the captain's barrel!

What is the art of taking A?

This is!

With his sheep knives already stacked up, Verus's attack speed was ridiculously exaggerated.

Almost instantly, Ryze was half-blooded!

Qian Jue's ultimate move is over, and he can no longer hold back, handing over the flash!

However, Xu Yuan flashed simultaneously and left the scene directly!

The next second, Xiye, who had been silently supplementing his output, chose to enter the field!

R flashes QEWA, perfect combo!

The almost full set of ultimate moves, combined with Xu Yuan's output, directly killed the half-health Ryze in an instant!

"Xiye has entered the scene!"

"Xu Yuan did it! Now no one can hinder Kassadin's output!"

Qian Jue, who tried to kill the remaining blood Verus, was knocked unconscious by the wine barrel guarding Xu Yuan!

The moment Kassadin entered the field, all the Korean team's explosive skills had cooled down.

The small cannon has no E or R, Qian Jue's E skill has been attached to Xu Yuan, Ryze has been killed, and the captain has just fired two barrels!

Therefore, even if he entered the battlefield and received damage, Xiye's Kassadin still did not lose much health and remained above half health.

The cooldown time of Level 1 R is not too short, but it is also not too long.

Coupled with the mana recovery effect of Calm and Calm, the offensive has been completely reversed at this moment!

Xu Yuan blocked the attack distance and still did not give up the output.

Peanut's control of attack distance is not as good as his, coupled with the slowing effect of the wine barrel's Q skill.

Even though both sides now have an attack distance of 575 yards, he can't beat Xu Yuan at all.

"Justice will be served!"

Kassadin's R is cooled down!

With one kick, Qian Jue was crushed to death!

Xiye, kill a double kill!

Chiku's small cannon recovered a little HP, and after the E skill cooled down, he decided to jump in the face, because if he didn't jump, he would be betraying Smeb's captain.

Kassadin also didn't have much health, because when he stepped on Kindred to death, Smeb took the opportunity to give him a fire knife.

However, the Captain's Q skill has not cooled down, so Kassadin can pull away.

The wine barrel stuck to Smeb like a piece of sticky dog ​​shit, making it impossible for him to pursue Xu Yuan.

But Xu Yuan had stopped leveling A and began to use the Q skill to supplement the output remotely, lowering the small gun's health to its residual health again.

"The captain has something to hide, so you can't get on it, Q, so and so will die!"

Xiaotian, who had been killed in battle, reminded urgently.

"How long does it take for the wine barrel E? How long does it take for the mid laner R?"

Xu Yuan just spoke like this.

In a flash of thought, Xiye understood what he meant.

"Three seconds!" Tian Ye already understood his plan and immediately replied.

"Five seconds!"

"Pull, I'm on!"

"After I deceived his Q, Jiugong E flashed out his flash, harvesting it for Xiye!"

Xu Yuan made the final decision without hesitation.

This wave has hit now, two for three.

It’s already considered profitable.

But even if the captain doesn't die, this one will still be difficult to defeat.

His bounty must be eaten, and preferably Kassadin would eat it.

Therefore, he has no hesitation!

Three seconds later, Verus looked back again and played his final EA.

Smeb showed no mercy, raised his hand and killed him directly.

Xu Yuan finally ended his sinful life.

When the captain raised his hand to kill Xu Yuan, Ye Ye's E finally cooled down. E flashed directly into the captain.

Smeb's reaction was exaggeratedly quick, and he flashed his backhand to pull away.

However, Emperor Chi next to him had no means of resistance.

One kick, crush him to death!

Three kills!

Triggered again, calm and relaxed!

"Pull, pull! Wait for the next E from the barrel!"

Xu Yuan, who was killed in battle, was still in command.

He was really afraid that Xiye was in a hurry.

Now continue to chase, and when you turn around, you will be stabbed with a fire knife by the captain. That wouldn't be fun.

Xiye was very calm and did not chase after him immediately, but let the wine barrel stick to the captain.

Finally, during the pulling, along with the third cooling of barrel E, the final harvest was completed!

Four kills!

"Won the fight!? Won the fight!"

The Colonel Guan's voice suddenly rose in pitch.

"Oh my God! This wave of Chinese team's Double C's is really full!"

Miller couldn't hide his surprise and couldn't help laughing.

The entire team coordinated and won this wave of team battles that were almost impossible to win.

Among them, the calmness of Double C is even more amazing.

Whether it's Xu Yuan's ridiculously excellent positioning and crazy continuous output, or Xi Ye's calm and decisive entrance.

This wave of the Chinese team's double C's has indeed been maxed out.

Except for the questionable decision of King Chi to push Verus away after he suddenly took the damage from Verus, neither party made any mistakes at all.

And now, the Chinese team is standing at the end!

After the team battle, the damage panel suddenly opened.

Verus: 7859

Kassadin: 5673

Double C, a total of over 13,000 injuries!

"But if the flying generals of Dragon City are here, I won't teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains!"

Colonel Guan roared passionately.

"The double C of our Chinese team is the flying general!"

"With this double C——"

Miller continued the second half of the sentence seriously.

"What else can I ask for?"

A wave of team battles with 13,000 people, almost two people beat the output of five people!

Moreover, this is a team battle fought when the overall economy is lagging behind.

It's no longer enough to describe it as a disadvantaged group.

A more suitable adjective is miracle!

This is a miracle that is almost impossible to replicate!

Even if everything else can be copied, who can copy Emperor Chi's fatal push?

Of course, Emperor Chi cannot be blamed.

Immediately upon landing, I was hit with an EWQ.

After triggering the passive twice, the small cannon's HP could no longer withstand Verus's two flat A shots.

If he didn't want to die, he could only choose to push Verus away.

But if the team battle is lost, someone has to take the blame.

You pushed Verus away, but you yourself survived.

But it also made Faker have to dodge to reach Verus, cutting off Faker's escape route in disguise.

As a result, when he faced Kassadin's R flash, Faker had no choice.

From the perspective of the entire team battle, Emperor Chi's move was a big mistake.


"Axiba, what on earth is this bastard doing!?"

"A team fight that was guaranteed to win! Faker wouldn't be trampled to death by R Flash even if he flashed. It's because of Ruler, a bitch!"

"Xipal Ruler, don't let me see you at Seoul Airport!"

"The sinner of the Great Cold Underworld!"

Korean audiences now feel the same way:

So disappointed, I knock!

This one was about to be taken down, but now the team battle is like this!

Especially against the backdrop of his opponent Xu Yuan's Verus, Chi Emperor's cannon looks more and more abstract.

A whole wave of team battles resulted in nearly 8,000 damage output.

What about you?

two thousand!

One Xu equals four feet, right?

It can only be said that the Korean audience is still making a fuss. This wave of Chi Di's output is actually not low, and it is more or less a tiger.

One wave of raids can deal a whole lot of damage, isn’t it?

Korean viewers, your name is Greed!

Puzi, who was watching the live broadcast, also smiled.

"Xiba ruler, are you fucking your mother?"

"This ultimate move directly wastes Pek [Faker]'s flash. I am Faker and I want to call others stupid!"

The LPL audience also laughed and gave King Chi a new title:

Push the ruler!

"Awesome, one big move kills team fights, pure timid lizard!"

"It's so funny that it spreads directly after landing. What are you doing with the push ruler?"

"No, Brother Chi, can you push this? Please push a few more times, please!"

"After the game, the Chinese team held a celebration banquet, and no one dared to use their chopsticks without a ruler."

"I just checked, and the ruler should be a Korean from our side. Now he has served his country with loyalty, but he is not serving South Korea."

"Okay, okay, explore again, report again!"

They were laughing here, and Emperor Chi himself was already fainting.

His hands had begun to shake.

Emperor Chi carefully reviewed his decision in the team battle just now in his mind, and couldn't help but feel his eyes darken.

It's really a bit exaggerated.

This kind of mistake shouldn't happen to him.

Even if he dies in that wave, there is a high probability that the team battle will be won.

Faker's Ryze can also kill Xu Yuan, and Flash can stay to guard against Kassadin's entry.

If Ryze doesn't die, can Kassadin get four kills?

It's simply impossible, because Ryze can quickly bring out the second W.

But just because of my own push...

It directly led to the collapse of the team battle!

Why doesn't this make Emperor Chi uncomfortable?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t beat the laning team, but now the team fight is completely destroyed!

It didn’t matter if he was completely destroyed, he was still the trigger for the collapse of the team fight!

So at this moment, Emperor Chi was in a state of confusion.

But obviously, it is impossible for the audience to feel how uncomfortable he is.

It is difficult for people to understand each other.

Like I told you, the Vatican has a permanent population of 800 people.

There are now 5000 million kangaroos in Australia.

If these kangaroos attack the Vatican at the same time, each person in the Vatican will need to kill 62500 kangaroos.

Do you care? You do not care!

You only care about yourself!

For the Korean team, even if the team is wiped out, the economy is still about the same.

Didn't pull away.

But the problem is...

These economies are all concentrated on one person.

Even if they focus on Verus, they can still hit him.

But the problem is, they were all eaten by Kassadin.

Kassadin, a hero before level 6, was pure shit and basically unbeatable by anyone.

Such low early intensity is actually the price of the exaggerated intensity in the later stage.

Many people say Kiana is a super model, they say Kasha dog is a super model, and they say Nuoshou is a super model.

But few people say that Kassadin is a supermodel.

Because the early stage is really rubbish, as long as you play it once or twice, you will know.

It's impossible to play against a slightly stronger hero.

Being beaten for thirty or forty dollars in ten minutes would be considered a defeat if you were to switch to another mid laner, but this is basically the daily life of Kassadin players.

Only by enduring weakness in the early stage can you dominate the battle in the later stage.

It is actually very reasonable to sacrifice everything in the early stage in exchange for the terrifying intensity in the later stage.

And when a Kassadin didn't fall behind in last-ditch hits, and even got four kills and took the finisher's head...

It can basically be considered a good game for Kassadin.

As long as Xiye doesn't get sick, this is over.

With the Korean team's lineup, no one can handle Kassadin.

When Xiye returned home, she directly made the second Archangel and bought a useless big stick.

It's called a useless stick, but it's actually very useful.

This can be considered the designer’s black humor.

At twenty-two minutes, the three-piece Kassadin ambushed in the jungle and trampled the full-blooded Kindred to death.

"Oh my God, this hurts!"

Even the Korean commentator couldn't help but click his tongue.

But take a look at Kassadin's record and the big hat he has already taken out.

It seems quite normal.

"Most of them can't be driven out, and they'll be dead as soon as they hit the ground."

Little Peanut looked a little pale.

The truth just now shocked him.

The opponent's jungler died, and the Chinese team directly opened the Baron.

After taking down the dragon, the economic lead that was originally about 3,000 yuan instantly increased to nearly 6,000 yuan!

Offensive, reversal!

Next, it's basically Xiye's performance time.

If you see someone, just step on them and take them away.

It's that simple and crude.

Except for Ryze, who also made the Archangel of Time, and could withstand two kicks, the others basically met each other within seconds.

The game time is twenty-seven minutes, Kassadin is level 16, and he has activated his level 3 ultimate move.

The Chinese team is already preparing for a wave.

At this time, Kassadin has made a golden body and is even more confident.

Now is Kassadin's most powerful wave, and the game must end at this time.

If the delay continues, the captain will soon have a three-piece suit.

That's hard to say.

Once the captain replaces the demon-drinking knife, Kassadin may not be able to do it.

Because the captain's later stage is also very powerful.

"Jai Hyuk!"

CoreJJ couldn't help but shout "Chidi".

Ever since the vanguard group had just finished fighting, Emperor Chi had been a little distracted.

Now people are going to have trouble, can you please be more sober.

However, Emperor Chi is still a little dizzy now, and is just operating with numb instinct.

This also gave Xiye's Kassadin another chance.

While dismantling the Highland Tower, he suddenly handed over the Flash in his hand!

It’s still the same formulaic combo.

R flashes QEWA.

Although the formula is formulaic, the damage dealt is indeed sufficient.

Even WA didn't poke Xiaopao, and Xiaopao was already dead!

"Xiye is very decisive! R flash trampled the full-blooded cannon to death!"

"China team, let's go!"

AD was defeated, Lee Sang Hyuk used crazy output, trying to turn into a magic machine gun to kill Kassadin instantly.

However, the moment Xiye stepped on it, he immediately——


Pressed the golden body in his hand!

"……it's over."

Lee Sang Hyuk sighed helplessly.

If this opportunity is not grasped, then the game is over.

Verus's ultimate move forced him to flash, and directly cooperated with Kassadin to kill Smeb's captain first.

Even though Smeb's continuous barrel blast was very good, it almost instantly cleared half of Nakagami's health.

But there is no threat to the most critical double C.

With Nakagami's death, the game is over!

"Kassadin with nine bars and zero, invincible!"

Miller was agitated.

"Let us congratulate the Chinese team for winning the first victory!"

Handsome, Xiye!

(End of this chapter)

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