Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 51 The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique! [Recommended monthly tickets for Zhuidu Collection

Chapter 51 The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique! [Recommended monthly tickets for Zhuidu Collection! 】

Emperor Ming, who knew everything before his death, was not happy at all. Instead, his whole face became distorted and depressed. In the end, Emperor Ming bled to death in this distortion and depression.

Looking at the bleeding from the seven holes, one can tell at a glance that it was Emperor Ming who died of poisoning.

Qin Che understood that Emperor Ming had been waiting for a result these days.

If it was Eunuch Qian who came back, everyone would be happy.

But if it is not Eunuch Qian who comes back, then Emperor Ming has also made plans. Even if he dies, he will still splash the blood of his imaginary enemy - Prince Yan!

Anyone would know that Emperor Ming's death was definitely not a normal death with bleeding from seven holes.

Whoever gets the biggest benefit at that time will definitely be the one who poisoned Emperor Ming.

With such a stain, it is indeed impossible to become a wise king through the ages.

But from beginning to end, the enemy in Emperor Ming's imagination, Prince Yan, no longer existed in the world.

Such a result was really more uncomfortable than death for Emperor Ming.

Qin Che did not look at Emperor Ming, who was sitting upright and dead.

Instead, he went directly to the bookshelf in the imperial study room to look for the book of exercises left by Eunuch Qian.

According to what Eunuch Qian said, Qin Che found the skill book left by Eunuch Qian.

"Swallowing the Devil!"

Qin Che read out the title of the book according to the words on the cover.

The martial arts were acquired, and Emperor Ming died.

Qin Che's purpose of this trip has been completed.

He left the Imperial Study Room calmly. From the beginning to the end, Qin Che never glanced at the shining jade seal on the table.

It was already sunset when we returned to Daodao Mountain, and Qin Che also began to study the martial arts skills left behind by Eunuch Qian.

After reading the magic technique once, Qin Che's eyes shone brightly.

To others, this is indeed a magic skill, but to Qin Che, it is a martial skill that can assist in the best practice.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique can swallow all the true energy, not just people, but also pills and items.

As long as there is true energy or can produce true energy, you can use the technique to devour it.

The reason why he is called a demonic power is not because the swallowing of true energy itself has demonic properties.

It's because the true energy swallowed by the magic power can only be swallowed in passively and cannot change the original properties of the true energy.

For example, the true energy that a person cultivates is itself a true energy of fire attribute.

If his true energy is swallowed into another person's body, it will also be of fire attribute.

If a person who practices the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique has a fire attribute, it would be okay.

But if a person practices magic skills, his own Qi is water-attributed Qi.

Water and fire are incompatible, so exploding to death may be his only ending.

If you want to survive, you can only continue to swallow other people's water attribute Qi to destroy the fire attribute Qi in your body, or swallow other attributes' Qi to maintain the balance of the body's Qi.

In this way, those who practice magic will fall into a cycle of constant devouring.

As for the true energy in the devouring elixir, an attribute will appear randomly.

In order to maintain this balance, a massive amount of elixirs will be needed.

What to do if there is no such thing? In order to survive, people who practice magic will naturally grab it.

So whether it's swallowing the true energy cultivated by others, or the true energy in the elixir.

The final outcome is to take the devil's path.

This is where the name of magic power comes from.

Eunuch Qian did not take the devil's path, probably because he was always in the palace and had the support of the emperor.Not to mention resources, even those martial arts practitioners who have cultivated true energy can be directly captured by the royal family and given to Eunuch Qian for use.

This is also the reason why Eunuch Qian’s Qi is so strong.
But, magic power is for other people.

Qin Che practices the "Five Elements Breathing Method", and the true energy in his body can be arbitrarily converted between the attributes of the five elements.

The Qi attributes in Qin Che's body can actually be regarded as a mixture of five Qi attributes.

Therefore, as long as the Qi Qin Che swallows is not Qi other than the Five Elements Qi attributes, Qin Che can perfectly absorb and digest it.

Even if the Qi with attributes other than the Five Elements is really swallowed up, Qin Che can also use the relationship between mutual generation and mutual restraint to resolve the Qi that has been swallowed up and does not belong to the Five Elements.

"This "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" looks like a martial skill paired with the "Five Elements Breathing Technique"." Qin Che held the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and sighed sincerely.

After he said this, Qin Che suddenly thought of something: "That's not right!"

"This "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" is a martial art practiced by Eunuch Qian."

"Li Zhu said that Eunuch Qian entered the palace since he was a child and followed the late emperor."

"Eunuch Qian must have never practiced any martial arts before entering the palace."

"There is a high probability that Eunuch Qian found and learned this "Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" in the palace."

After connecting all these clues, Qin Che got an obvious answer.

The "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" should originally be a training method paired with the "Five Elements Breathing Method".

However, due to some reasons unknown to Qin Che, the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" was lost, and only the "Five Elements Breathing Technique" was passed down as the inheritance of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Eunuch Qian must have accidentally discovered the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" in the palace."

"Just because of his identity, he can't access the Five Elements Breathing Method."

"So he can only use the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" to practice with other internal skills and mental methods."

Although things were straightened out, Qin Che also discovered a secret.

Eunuch Qian did not know the inside story of "Five Elements Breathing Method", but the late emperor must have known the inside story.

Even if the late emperor had no martial arts training, how could he not know some of the inside stories of the "Five Elements Breathing Method" as an emperor.

However, under such circumstances, the late emperor did not give the "Five Elements Breathing Method" to Eunuch Qian.

It can be seen that the late emperor was not completely relieved about Eunuch Qian.

He did trust Eunuch Qian, but he was also wary of Eunuch Qian.

"It's true that there is a lot of filth in the royal family."

After sighing with emotion, Qin Che stopped thinking about these dirty things.

All this has become a thing of the past, Qin Che just needs to take control of himself.

Qin Che didn't care about what happened in the palace.

When Emperor Ming dies, there will naturally be a mechanism in the palace.

The new emperor will definitely succeed him soon. As long as the new emperor does not affect his cultivation, Qin Che will naturally not prevent him from ascending to the throne.

After resting for a day, Qin Che was at the top of Daodao Mountain early in the morning, preparing to start practicing the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique".

The reason why magic power is called magic power is, firstly, because of the demonic nature of its function itself, and secondly, because this kind of magic power is easy to use, but once spread, it will cause great harm.

Because of this, Qin Che had already mastered the technique of "Swallowing the Sky Demon Technique" after just watching it a few times.

After trying to operate it a few times, Qin Che was able to operate the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" relatively proficiently.

Qin Che took out a Qi Gathering Pill and swallowed it, but this time Qin Che did not operate and absorb it according to the "Five Elements Breathing Method".

Instead, he directly used magic power to forcefully and quickly extract the true energy contained in the elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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