Chapter 466 Sea Eye!

Such chaos not only did not cause chaos on the Wanzu side.

On the contrary, it made countless creatures excited.

Especially those emperor-level beings, they are the most excited.

Such chaos is a sign that the abyss of chaos is about to begin.

The Chaos Abyss is an opportunity for any existence among all races except gods to reach the sky in one step.

Even for gods, there is a possibility of going further.

It's just that the risks here are too high, too high.

There is no real god, just go and take risks.

But for non-gods, this abyss of chaos is really the only way for them to complete their class jump.

You must know that in the abyss of chaos, there are existences of divinity.

The only difference between an emperor-level master and a god is that he is above the godhead.

Although in the universe of all races, there are various ways to obtain godhead.

However, the truly successful ones are the ones that no one has ever heard of.

But the godhead in the Chaos Abyss is real.

And there are already people who have successfully obtained divine status and directly become gods.

With such a successful example in front of you, how could it not be exciting?

Especially those emperor-level masters who are approaching their longevity.

For them, the emergence of this abyss of chaos is definitely their last chance.

Especially the appearance of the Chaos Abyss this time was hundreds of thousands of years away from the last time.

This time span is really too long, too long.

I don’t know how many emperor-level masters have endured such hardships and tortured themselves to death, but they still failed to wait for the opening of the Chaos Abyss.

Those of them who have not been tortured to death now have an opportunity to challenge the gods.

The Shou clan has long known that the Chaos Abyss will open.

After all, the immortals had already given them a hint in advance.

However, when the Abyss of Chaos actually opened, the Shou Clan was still a little surprised that the Immortal Clan could predict the opening of the Abyss of Chaos.

The opening of the Chaos Abyss is completely irregular, especially since it has not appeared again for hundreds of thousands of years.

How can the immortals predict the approximate time when it will appear again?

Could it be that in addition to the map inside, do the immortals also have more information?

On the side of the Immortal Clan, there are also people who plan to enter the Abyss of Chaos.

Among the clan elders, some clan elders have come to the end of their lives.

Entering the abyss of chaos to give it a try is their last chance.

If you can gain something and come out alive, that would definitely be the best.

If not, they will die without regrets.

"The Immortal Clan definitely gained the most this time."

"It's such a pity that Qin Che actually refused to cooperate with the immortal clan."

The messenger of the Shou Clan murmured to himself.

The Immortal Clan owns the map, and in the eyes of the Shou Clan, it must be the one that benefits the most.

The only thing that he couldn't figure out was Qin Che.

Such a great opportunity was presented to him, yet he gave up just like that.

If it were him, he would definitely be willing to take the risk and give it a try.

When the chaos reached its peak, the Chaos Abyss suddenly appeared in the center of the universe of all races.

This is a huge black hole.

The black hole is the entrance and the first test.

Black holes have super strong suction power, if your cultivation is not enough.

It is simply impossible to pass through a black hole alive.

This level can basically eliminate 90% of people.

Because of such suction, if you want to pass through it intact, you must be at least an expert above the emperor level.

Of course, if powerful people below the emperor level, or even ordinary people, swarm in, they will enter.

There is also a chance that someone can make it through alive.

After all, there is precedent.

However, this kind of precedent is too individual and unique.

Although everyone knows the individuality, everyone has an illusion, what if he is the most individual existence.

Therefore, every time the Abyss of Chaos appears, the final scene will be all kinds of existences below the emperor level swarming up in unison.

I hope I can be that very lucky person.

According to past traditions, the first batch to enter should be emperor-level masters.

However, this time, when those emperor-level masters planned to enter.

A white light that reached its extreme and carried overwhelming divine power rushed into the black hole first.

This white light was extremely fast, and the impact it caused was even more powerful.

Wherever the white light passes, all living beings, whether they are ordinary people of all races, or emperor-level masters with monstrous strength.

Everything collapsed, without any hope of survival.

Then dozens of terrifying and terrifying divine powers came from behind.

Although the masters of these divine powers did not show up, they had already suppressed all the creatures present so that they dared not breathe, and could not even think.

Those dozens of monstrous divine powers did not chase into the abyss of chaos.

Of course, they didn't leave immediately.

They stayed there for a long time, seeming to be discussing something.

About a quarter of an hour later, these dozens of monstrous divine powers disappeared completely.

After these dozens of monstrous divine powers disappeared, the creatures present resumed breathing and thinking.

After recovering their thinking, all the creatures present also understood.

What exactly happened just now.

The first one to rush in just now should be the God of Speed.

To be precise, it should be the God of Speed ​​who was forced into a corner.

He entered the abyss of chaos at this time, obviously for the purpose of Nirvana and rebirth.

It's just that the dangers involved are also extremely dangerous.

The Abyss of Chaos treats all creatures equally.

Even if you are a god, you will still die here.

According to historical records, more than one god died in the Abyss of Chaos.

So even if the God of Speed ​​enters the abyss of chaos, it doesn't mean.

He will definitely achieve nirvana successfully.

Dozens of divine powers caught up behind him.

You don't need to think about it to know that they are the gods who covet the throne of the God of Speed.

It's just that they are more rational than the God of Speed.

After the final discussion, they gave up the idea of ​​entering the Abyss of Chaos to find the God of Speed.

In the end they chose to leave.

But now, because of the God of Speed, he has entered the abyss of chaos.

No one among them can claim the throne of the Lord God who will succeed the God of Speed.

Only when the Abyss of Chaos disappeared, it was confirmed that the God of Speed ​​had died in the Abyss of Chaos.

After that, they can continue to compete for the throne of the God of Speed.

All they can do now is wait for the abyss of chaos to end.

Regardless of whether the God of Speed ​​can reach nirvana in the end, at least what he is doing now has indeed given him another life.

The God of Speed ​​entering the abyss of chaos can only be regarded as an episode.

This will not prevent other creatures from all races from entering the abyss of chaos.

Entering the abyss of chaos is a matter for everyone.

The other creatures will never give up just because the God of Speed ​​has entered.

After removing the God of Speed.

There is no change in the subsequent sequence.

The first to enter were the emperor-level masters.

These emperor-level masters who are nearing their longevity almost suffer no loss when passing through black holes.

Then there are the emperor-level masters.

Not every emperor-level master can pass through the black hole unharmed.

The first batch of dead creatures appeared just like this.

The blood instantly dyed the black hole red.

It's just that not many people died, and the black hole is really big.

So it looks like there is an extra thin blood line around the black hole.

This thin circle of blood adds a touch of poignancy and cruelty to the entrance to the abyss of chaos.

After the emperor-level creatures, there is nothing to say about the remaining creatures.

What they can do is charge collectively.

How much you can pass, it really depends on your own fate.

There are quite a few people who collectively charge into the Chaos Abyss.

The quantity shall be calculated in units of hundreds of millions.

After all, the Universe of Ten Thousand Races is really too big.

The population can be calculated in hundreds of billions.

In units of hundreds of millions, it is really not an exaggeration. It’s just when these billions of creatures rush towards the black hole desperately.

It was really like the divided pieces of meat rushing towards the meat grinder.

Just contacted.

The black hole began to spin like a meat grinder, and all creatures that tried to pass through were easily crushed.

The crushed creatures just floated within the scope of the black hole.

Soon the black hole was stained with a thin layer of blood mist.

Slowly the blood mist began to spread, circle after circle.

Spread from the inside to the outside.

In the end, the black hole, which was originally colorless, was directly dyed into a faint layer of blood.

This is the color dyed by billions of creatures on the black hole.

In the end, it is only a very small number among a very small number who become the lucky ones.

Really not everyone can be the lucky one in the end.

What outsiders don’t know is that among the lucky ones this time.

There were also some strong men from the Shou Clan mixed in.

The Shou people are definitely excluded by other races.

If the Shou clan reveals their identity at this time, they will most likely be expelled together.

Therefore, the Shou people can only choose to mix among ordinary people.

Follow these creatures below the emperor level to enter.

As for whether the ordinary people who successfully entered before had the same reason, it is really unknown.

After all, some things really can't just be seen on the surface.

It is really an almost impossible task for ordinary creatures to complete a class jump.

Even if someone really does it, it is unknown whether he is an ordinary creature.

Eventually they entered the crowd in large numbers, and that was the end.

There may be some sporadic people planning to enter next.

But it doesn't attract too much attention.

It's really because this abyss of chaos is really too dangerous.

Anyway, there is a high probability that there will be no return.

As someone who has witnessed history, naturally he will not keep staring here.

However, there will still be some people left here to observe.

Although the creatures that enter here are most likely dead or not alive.

But similarly, there will be some creatures that may come out of it at any time.

At this time, someone from outside is needed to respond.

Especially those with races, they need someone to respond and wait outside.

The news about the Chaos Abyss also reached Qin Si.

[Feng] Emperor Wu and others meant that the human race could also send people to mix it up.

With the current strength of the human race, even if the Martial Emperor of the human race wants to enter, he should not encounter any decent obstruction.

This is the best opportunity for humans to enter the abyss of chaos and find out what's going on.

[Feng] Emperor Wu and the others thought so, but they were directly rejected by Qin Si.

Qin Si’s objection is also very reasonable.

The human race is still not the strongest, even though there is a super powerful being like Qin Che.

But except for Qin Che, no one in the human race can fight, not to mention the gods, even the incarnations of the gods.

If another Emperor Wu falls at this time, the strength of the human race will only plummet.

Instead, it is best to maintain the status quo now.

At the same time, the human race does not have any Martial Emperor who is close to his life expectancy, so he cannot take such a dangerous risk.

As the king of men in the world, Qin Si still has this prestige.

Furthermore, even if Qin Si doesn't, can Qin Che, who is behind Qin Si, still not have such prestige?

At this time, Qin Che was still in the underworld, conducting his own experiments.

Qin Che has conducted this constant matching test hundreds of times.

Every time in the underworld, a small earthquake occurs.

At first, the ghosts living in the underworld would panic for a while.

But the vibrations were so frequent that even these ghosts were immediately numb.

No more reactions.

After hundreds of experiments, Qin Che still gained something.

Qin Che felt that he was getting closer and closer to successfully reconciling the rules of water and the rules of wood.

Finally, after countless experiments, Qin Che finally succeeded in perfectly controlling the rules of water and the rules of wood in the underworld.

Let the two develop in balance with each other.

It was finally a success, and for Qin Che, it was finally the first step.

But the second step after this first step is also not easy.

The addition of a new rule is equivalent to the addition of a new variable.

All the previous fusion ratios must be revised.

What Qin Che is doing now is to rebuild over and over again and then overturn the modifications.

To put it bluntly, what Qin Che is doing now is to find a universal disintegration tool.

This tool is suitable for all unknown equations of Qin Che.

Regardless of whether this system of equations has several unknown variables.

It must be fully adapted.

Of course, what Qin Che is doing now is actually much more difficult than this.

Sure enough, as soon as the third rule was added, the original balance was directly destroyed.

The space that had just been formed was blown up again.

In the underworld, a large-scale earthquake occurred again.

Although there was an earthquake, there was still good news for Qin Che.

Although the earthquake occurred, the scale of the earthquake was much smaller than Qin Che expected.

After all, it’s now a rule of three.

According to normal circumstances, under such circumstances.

The scale of this earthquake should be larger than the combination of the previous two rules.

But the final result is smaller.

So this proves that Qin Che's previous speculation is correct.

Because of the first successful experience, Qin Che continued to join and tried based on the previous successful experience.

So this shows that Qin Che's previous experience is correct when applied to this third rule.

It has gone through countless tests.

In the end, the three rules were successfully integrated and a balanced point was maintained.

Although the three rules have been successfully integrated, the three rules have been maintained at a balanced point.

But Qin Che still couldn't see any traces of the Tao he wanted to find in it.

This shows that Qin Che's previous prediction was correct.

The successful fusion of two or three rules would make it impossible for Qin Che to observe traces of that Tao.

Qin Che could only continue to experiment and add the fourth rule again.

The bad news is.

With the addition of the fourth rule, it exploded without any surprise.

At the same time, the scale of the earthquake caused this time was obviously much larger than when the previous three rules were added.

Not smaller as expected.

This shows that the method Qin Che discovered during the previous three rules is not applicable to the addition of the fourth rule.

The good news is that although the size of the explosion, as well as the size of the earthquake, was much larger.

But it was still much smaller than Qin Che's previous expectation.

This shows that some of the previous experience can be used.

What Qin Che needs to do now is to find these common experiences.

This requires Qin Che to keep trying.

And this is really painful for these ghosts living in the underworld.

These ghosts are really going to be shaken away now.

If it weren't for the Yin Qi inside, it would still be very abundant.

They may have been shattered by the constant earthquakes now.


The human world!

Naturally, the human race has to keep a close eye on matters in the Abyss of Chaos.

After all, if there are really living beings in the Chaos Abyss, they have successfully been promoted.

That would definitely not be very good news for the human race.

Even if it is a Shou clan, it may not necessarily be a good thing.

Because Qin Si can't guarantee that if the Shou clan really achieves a breakthrough.

Will the Shou clan immediately turn their guns to deal with the human race?

After all, you know people, you know faces, but you don’t know hearts.

In the face of absolute interests, some things are really not worth mentioning.

Just as Qin Si kept observing the abyss of chaos.

In an unknown ocean outside the place where humans live, a huge vortex suddenly appeared.

This huge vortex is so huge that it would scare anyone who faces it!

(End of this chapter)

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