Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 446 The Immortal Clan! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

If it wasn't a natural explosion, it must have been intentional.

Wanzu himself would definitely not do such a thing to offend the gods.

So the only people who can do this kind of thing are humans.

But what puzzled the Shou Clan envoy was that based on the feedback from the human race.

The human race should also obviously not know why such a thing happened.

"Clan leader, even Qin Si and other Martial Emperors can cheat."

"But the human army I saw ready to go when I just entered Wu Emperor City should not be fake."

"It cannot be done in an instant to organize the entire army."

"And they didn't know I was going or when I was going."

"It can't be arranged in advance to deceive me."

The messenger of the Shou Clan expressed his confusion and speculation.

This is indeed a problem, and the wise men of the Shou tribe cannot give a relatively reasonable explanation.

But if it was not done by the human race, then who could do it?

Exploding ten altars of the top ten powerful clans in a row. Anyone with such ability must be stronger than the top ten powerful clans.

Unless the strong ones among the three major races above take action.

But this is completely unreasonable.

Those three major races will not interfere in such matters at all.

No matter how hard these ten powerful families try, they cannot threaten the existence of those three families.

What are the pillar races?

That is to say, if these three major races are lost, the entire race will cease to exist.

Under such circumstances, the three major races would naturally not intervene.

The three of them are transcendent existences.

"Is it possible that some of the twenty tribes that did not come to participate joined forces?" A wise man from the Shou tribe expressed his guess.


"Those twenty tribes certainly have the strength to challenge the ten powerful tribes, but that is only theoretical."

"The strength gap between them and the top ten powerful clans is still quite far. Challenging the authority of the top ten powerful clans at this time is completely a recipe for death."

Another wise man in the clan quickly denied this guess.

Everyone in the Shou clan fell into silence again.

After a long time, the messenger of the Shou Clan suddenly thought of something and suddenly said: "Could it be the Immortal Clan who took action?"

Hearing the shocking words spoken by the Shou Clan envoy, everyone else was stunned for a moment before falling into deep thought.

Obviously this possibility exists.

It's just that they need to think of a reasonable reason as an example to prove the feasibility of this matter.

"This guess is not impossible."

"Everyone has said that the immortal race and the human race are very similar, and the two may have the same origin."

"When the human race is facing the crisis of annihilation, it may not be impossible for the immortal race to take action."

There was an elder from the Shou clan who lived long enough to know more secrets. He pondered for a long time before speaking.

The immortal clan and the human clan may have the same origin, but this is a secret that the young messenger of the Shou clan does not know.

"Is what the elder said is true? Is the human race really connected with the immortal race?" The Shou Clan envoy was also very surprised by this secret.

The elder of the Shou clan nodded gently and said: "There are indeed such rumors, and these rumors are definitely not groundless. They must have their origin and support."

"It's just that the Immortal Clan is mysterious, and I haven't verified it myself."

"But the rumors should be true."

The messenger of the Shou Clan nodded slightly and wrote down this secret.

"Then if it is really the immortals who take action, the situation will become more complicated, right?"

The elder of the Shou clan nodded slightly and admitted this speculation: "If it is really the immortal clan who took action, then the complexity of this matter may be far beyond our imagination."

The Shou Clan envoy naturally agreed with this judgment.

If it is really the mysterious immortal clan who takes action, then the complexity of this matter is far beyond imagination.

Because in the eyes of many races, the fairy race is as famous as the three pillar races.

A race that none of the top ten powerful races can defeat.

If it was really them who took action, then this matter would be really big.

It involves such a high level, and if it is not handled well, being involved in it will inevitably end in being shattered into pieces.

Although the Shou Clan envoy could think of this, he still had to ask: "Do we need to share this matter with the human race?"

"Or can we use this matter to exchange elixirs with the human race?"

The leader of the Shou clan did not even hesitate. He shook his head and said: "This kind of thing that we speculate without solid evidence should not be shared with the human race."

This answer was not beyond the expectations of the Shou Clan envoy.

The pills in the hands of the human race are certainly needed by the Shou clan.

But compared with beings like the Immortal Clan, the Shou Clan still needs to be more stable.

The long life of the Shou people is also related to their steady attitude of not jumping around repeatedly.

If the Ten Thousand Clan hadn't pressed too hard, the Shou Clan would not have made such a risky decision to cooperate with the Human Race.

From a certain perspective, the Shou clan's principles of doing things are the same as Qin Che's.

If you can avoid being tainted by cause and effect, you will definitely not be tainted by cause and effect.

Unless it threatens survival and life, otherwise it will never be easily contaminated with unnecessary cause and effect.

"When you go to the human race again, you only need to tell the human race what we just analyzed about the altar."

"There is no need to mention other things."

The Shou Clan messenger nodded, indicating that he understood.

The same thing is happening within the top ten powerful clans.

They were indeed defeated in this battle.

And it can be said that the defeat was very complete.

But for the top ten powerful clans, not to mention breaking their muscles and bones, they really didn't even break their skin.

There is no loss of body hair level.

After all, whether it is the vanguard army or the regular army, they are not people from the top ten powerful families.

Those who lost are not their people.

If no one is lost, there will naturally be no hair-level damage.

Although there is no body hair level damage.

But they must investigate this matter clearly.

The method of destroying all the altars of their ten clans at once is something they must face up to.

The top experts among the top ten powerful clans have already returned to the Star Reaching Platform to check the situation there.

However, the entire star-catching platform was destroyed.

Although it is currently being restored, all traces and evidence have disappeared.

Even if they wanted to investigate, they couldn't find anything.

If nothing can be found at the scene, we can only try to restore the truth of the matter based on the oral accounts of people who came back from the scene.


This was the keyword they heard most often in the oral accounts of people who came back.

But what the underworld is, none of them who came back can clearly explain it.

The people who come back are not weak.

They are all emperor-level experts.

They are all people who are used to strong winds and waves.

However, such a mysterious underworld directly stumped all of them.

No trace of its existence could be found.

He sent a quasi-emperor-level expert to detect and locate him, but he was killed by a sniper from the air.

Directly compete with the altar of gods to compete for the ghosts, and you can completely crush the situation to victory.

All these make this extremely mysterious underworld covered with an even more mysterious veil.

"According to what you know, is there any close connection between the underworld and the human king?"

In a majestic and majestic palace that also seemed to go against common sense and rules, one of the ten towering thrones asked the leader below.

The alliance leader standing in the center of the hall trembled all over when he heard the question that was like thunder exploding in his ears. He felt it instinctively.

If you tell even half a lie, it will disappear directly into thin air.

"Reporting to the Lord Divine Envoy, according to my subordinates' understanding, there should be no connection between the human king and the underworld."

Divine Messenger, this is the title of the patriarchs of the top ten powerful clans.

Only the patriarchs of the ten most powerful clans are qualified to enter this temple, sit on the throne, and be called the envoys of the gods.

Becoming a divine envoy gives you the right to communicate directly with gods.

In the eyes of all races, this is the most supreme right.

This is also the biggest motivation for all races to become the top ten powerful races.

"Why did you make such a judgment?" The question came from another divine envoy.

Then the alliance leader stated all his judgments.

Listen to this alliance leader's organized and logical analysis.

The ten divine envoys sitting on the throne fell into silence.After the alliance leader finished speaking for a long time, a divine envoy said: "Go down and receive the punishment yourself."

The divine envoy who spoke was from the same clan as the alliance leader.

Hearing such words, the alliance leader really felt as if he had been granted amnesty.

Just let yourself receive the punishment instead of directly erasing yourself.

In his opinion, this was the best forgiveness for him.

“Praise God’s messengers and be grateful to God’s messengers.”

After a series of thanks, the leader walked backwards and left the temple.

Coming out of the temple, the leader was completely exhausted.

The feeling was really like escaping from death.

After the alliance leader leaves.

The ten divine envoys hidden in the clouds communicate with each other using their thoughts.

After some exchanges between them, the source of the problem was finally directed to the Immortal Clan.

Because in their opinion, it is impossible for the human race to have such means and energy.

At the same time, if the matter is directed to the immortal clan, there will be a perfect explanation for the phantom god who died in the human world.

Only the immortal clan that can compete with them can have such means and energy.

But for them, this matter is also difficult.

Outsiders don't know the troubles of the Immortal Clan, but they are still very aware of it.

Because they really went to war with the immortals.

In that battle, they lost.

And he still lost very completely.

Although not all ten tribes swarmed forward.

But this is enough to explain the problem.

The Immortal Clan is an independent race whose strength exceeds theirs.

Although there is no god, the strong men in the clan have methods and strength comparable to the gods.

The strong men in their clan really have the ability to kill gods.

Directly start a war with the immortal clan again?
The idea was quickly dismissed.

The reason is very simple. None of them can afford the loss of another war with the Immortal Clan.

There is no doubt about the power of the Immortal Clan.

They no longer need to prove it with failure.

However, it is absolutely impossible to leave the matter as it is.

Especially in this matter, with the intervention of the immortal clan.

They couldn't just let things go.

They also have a naturally antagonistic relationship with the immortals.

No matter what the immortals are planning, they cannot let the immortals succeed.

The current fairy race may not threaten the strength of the three pillar races.

But the immortal clan has been working hard for this.

In order to protect the foundation of the entire race, they cannot let any plan of the immortal race succeed.

Although they can't start a full-scale war with the immortals, they can force out the immortals and the person hiding in the human world.

If the person hiding in the human world is forced out, things will be much easier to handle.

When the time comes, their ten tribes will gather their fire and deal with an immortal tribe, and they will be very confident.

As for whether the immortals dare to come to rescue, they think they dare not.

It is obviously not a good deal to risk the fate of the entire immortal clan for one person.

Any one of their ten powerful clans may not be a match for the Immortal clan.

But if the top ten powerful clans join forces, the immortal clan may not be their opponent either.

After all, they are not yet as powerful as the three pillar races.

After determining this strategy, the next thing they need to plan is how to force out the strong man from the immortal clan who is hidden in the human world.

This requires them to communicate with the gods in person.

If you want to force this person out, you need to use the power of gods.

The altar they had previously built at the Star Reaching Platform was to use the power of the gods.

The plan failed.

So now they have to go out in person and use their divine envoy abilities to communicate directly with the gods.

Although they are divine envoys, they have the power to communicate with gods.

Then my own family members know their own suffering.

They communicate with the gods without paying any price.

The communication between them and the gods also requires a price.

And this price is not small for these divine envoys.

Therefore, although they have such power, they will not use such ability unless it is critical.

Now that the matter involves the Immortal Clan, it must be the critical moment.


Human world.

As soon as Qin Si returned to the human world, he went to Daodao Mountain and asked to see Qin Che.

Qin Si needed to confirm whether the person who destroyed ten altars of all races was Qin Che.

"I did not destroy their altar."

Before Qin Si's expression changed, Qin Che continued to add: "But according to your description, since those altars can compete for ghosts."

"Then this matter should have been done by the martial spirits in the underworld."

"You can go to the underworld and ask to see if he did it."

Qin Che is completely isolated from his martial spirit.

Qin Che really didn't know whether his martial soul did this.

In order to verify, Qin Si had no choice but to go to the underworld.

After entering the underworld, Qin Si also saw his two literary figures here.

Qin Che's two literary ministers are now serving as judges in the underworld.

One is the chief judge and the other is the deputy judge.

After explaining his purpose of coming to Ding Yang, Ding Yang could only apologize to Qin Si and said: "It is really unlucky for your Majesty to come here."

"Fu Jun has just given an order. Fu Jun is going to retreat. During the period of Fu Jun's retreat, he will not see anyone."

When Qin Si heard this, he could only return to the human world.

Qin Che said he won't see anyone, which means he definitely won't see anyone.

Moreover, Qin Che's retreat must have been in preparation for a breakthrough.

To disturb Qin Che at this time would be the greatest irresponsibility to the human race.

After returning to his palace, Qin Si still felt that Qin Che should have done this.

Although it has not been personally acknowledged by Qin Che Wuhun.

But apart from Qin Che, there is no other person who has the ability to do such a thing in the human world.

Since Qin Che could not verify it in person, Qin Si could only put this matter aside for the time being.

In order to fully respond to the attack of the Allied Forces of all races, many government affairs were temporarily put on hold.

Now this round of attacks from all races has passed.

Even if there is a new attack, there is no telling how long it will be.

Under such circumstances, Qin Si must first deal with all his internal affairs.

After all, taking good care of the human world is the greatest help to his strength.

Otherwise, if there is any disturbance in the human world, Qin Si will be the first to be affected.

Qin Si's strength will inevitably fluctuate by then.

Qin Si is dealing with various government affairs in the human world day and night.

It took more than a month to finally handle all the government affairs that were squeezed ahead.

Just when Qin Si had just finished handling the government affairs, the messenger from the Shou clan came to Qin Si's imperial study room again.

This time, Fu Zu accompanied the Shou clan's envoy back.

[Gate] The situation over there in the world has basically stabilized now.

Fu Zu also needs to come back to handle military affairs in the human world.

This time the mobilization was relatively hasty.

There was a lot of mess left that needed Fu Zu to come back and deal with it.

In addition, Fu Zu also needs to study carefully on how to mobilize the most efficiently next.

Otherwise, if something similar happens again, it may become even more confusing.

That's not a good thing for the human race.

After the Shou Clan envoy met Qin Si, he directly told Qin Si the analysis of the Shou Clan wise man.

Qin Si was indeed not very clear about these matters, but Qin Si also knew that the Shou Clan envoy must have other things to tell him.

(End of this chapter)
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