Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 439: Defeat the army of all races! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

Having directly eliminated all the real Erwuzi, it would be completely impossible to find the real Erwuzi.

So it is conceivable that it would be strange to see what the subsequent investigation would produce.

It took half a month to investigate the traitors among all races.

Ended up getting nothing.

Bailang was also very angry.

Although this result has already made some guesses in his mind.

But this couldn't stop him from being annoyed.

And it is not a problem to continue delaying it now.

The food and fodder in their army is almost exhausted.

It’s not like the soldiers of all their tribes don’t need to eat or drink.

His original plan was to capture the [Gate] world.

It is supplemented by food and grass that directly sweeps through the [Gate] world.

So he didn't bring much food and grass with him on this trip.

However, the current changes forced him to think about the issue of food and grass.

There aren't many plans for him to think about right now.

Apart from continuing to attack, there is no other way out.

Even if they retreat now, there will not be much food and grass left in the army.

The nearest place where food and grass can be supplied will take about a month.

In one month, many people in his army would starve to death.

Retreating was humiliating enough, and a large number of soldiers starved to death in the process.

Then he really doesn't have to go back to see anyone.

Therefore, for him, there is only one way right now, and that is to attack by force!

Use a stronger attack to tear apart the human race's expeditionary army.

Then drive straight in and fight directly into the [Gate] world.

Now that you have decided, there is no need to think about anything else.

Directly send orders to the three armies to prepare for a strong attack.

And it’s the kind of strong attack that must be completed in one go!

For this reason, Bailang distributed all the food and grass.

Let everyone prepare for the final attack.

This is completely a desperate situation.

With a young man like Shou Clan, Fu Zu naturally knew the news immediately.

Fu Zu had expected such a result.

In response to this situation, Fu Zu had already made a plan in mind.

Fu Zu's starting move was naturally to attack in advance.

When all races are ready, they directly launch a round of attack.

Because of the previous battles, the human race has always been in a passive state.

Therefore, in the eyes of Wanzu and Bailang, it is obvious that the human race will not attack first.

This was designed by Fu Zu from the beginning.

The purpose is to wait for such an opportunity to launch an attack and catch Wanzu by surprise.

After completing the attack, Fu Zu will order everyone to retreat back to the [Gate] world and Emperor Wu's city.

The next step is to take advantage of the inherent advantages of Emperor Wu City and the [Gate] World.

Slowly consumed by all races.

After being attacked once, there was no more food and grass.

Fu Zu really didn't believe how long these soldiers of all races could last.

Because he had accurate information, Fu Zu's first step was very steady.

The sudden attack really stunned all the tribes.

After a round of attacks, Wanzu lost millions of soldiers.

The loss of soldiers was not the greatest.

The biggest loss is the loss of food and grass.

Food and grass have been distributed, so the defense is naturally not so tight.

After the human race received the news in advance, they naturally had to make efforts on food and grass.

After several days of continuous offensive, the human soldiers retreated in an orderly manner, taking the corpses and ghosts of the dead in battle.

Bai Lang was so angry that his bones were burning with will-o'-the-wisps.

He knew very well that this time there was certainly a reason why some humans were confusing him.

But the more reason is that the traitor among them once again delivered the message accurately.

Let the human race see this opportunity and successfully carry out this attack.

The timing was so accurate that Bai Lang didn't believe it at all that there was no traitor who tipped off the news.

Not to mention Bai Lang's disbelief, no one else could believe that the human race could grasp time so accurately.

Bailang had no choice now and had almost lost all his food and grass.

There is really no way out.

The only option is to attack by force!
With the army reorganization completed, Bai Lang directly issued the order for the entire army to attack.

This time it was a true full-scale attack, and he, the coach, was also on the list.

At this moment, everyone can only use their lives.

Only under such circumstances, they might be able to survive.

The idea of ​​a last-ditch battle is definitely a good one.

But the consequences are not very good.

When the vanguard army of all races invaded the [Gate] world.

What he saw were the human soldiers who were well prepared, holding on to the strong and reliable city wall.

Condescendingly, overlooking their army of all races.

It's time to wait for work, and at the same time there is a solid defense to hold on to.

Under such circumstances, even if the soldiers of Wanzu fought with their last resort, it would be really difficult for them to win.

In the eyes of the soldiers of all races, the defense of the human race is a mobile steel fortress.

There was no place they could pry open and break into.

There are absolutely no loopholes for them to get through.

Under such circumstances, the last-ditch attacks of all races would be like hitting an egg against a stone.

All the emperor-level masters from the Ten Thousand Races came out, and all the Martial Emperor-level masters from the human race also came out.

A real battle of emperors broke out between the two sides in the [Gate] world.

It was a terrifying battle like a battle between gods.

Both sides tried their best.

Various gorgeous explosions directly tore the sky apart.

Countless fireballs fell like fireballs and landed on the ground, easily creating a bottomless pit.

There was no food and grass in the first place, and now the human race's defense has been unable to attack for a long time.

The vanguard army of all races soon fell into collapse.

Deserters began to appear in the army.

At first it was just one or two.

These two deserters were directly sentenced to death after being captured.

But later on, the number increased.

Even among the supervisory troops, they have begun to flee in droves.

No way.

This is simply an unwinnable battle.

There are no logistical supplies, no follow-up reinforcements, and at the same time, the food and grass are exhausted, and the enemy has a completely advantageous location for defense.

This is simply a battle with no hope of winning.

If you run away at this time, you may still have a chance of survival.

If you don't run, there will really be no chance of survival at all.

The soldiers under his command fled in droves.

Bailang was completely powerless to stop it.

The four emperor-level masters who came with him had already said goodbye to Bai Lang.

They were just ordered to go out with the army, and they were not told to die here.

And dying here now is completely meaningless.

It's better to leave early, regroup after going back, and come back with the big army.

Besides, the defeat was not the fault of the four of them.

That was all due to Bailang's improper command and his greed for credit. What did it have to do with them?

They simply followed orders and did not question Bailang's command at all. They did not go against the rules and did exactly what Bailang said.

If we lose now, it definitely has nothing to do with them.

Their role is to accompany the prince to study, not to accompany him to death.

This prince is not good at studying. Just change him to another prince.

There is no need to spend time with the prince until he dies.

Moreover, the emperor-level powerhouses are not carrots and cabbages among all races and can die at will.From top to bottom, there are no available weapons in hand.

The remaining group of pro-army troops were brought by themselves from the clan.

However, with this group of pro-army troops, he could not do anything.

Bailang could only leave the battlefield in embarrassment in the end.

The coach Bailang ran away.

The remaining soldiers of all races were even more defeated.

Fu Zu was not polite to them, and directly attacked with his entire army, beating up the drowned dogs.

There is absolutely no need for so-called pity towards soldiers of all races.

Wanzu never regards the human race as human beings.

Countless human races died at the hands of all races.

If you kill one more soldier of the Ten Thousand Races now, you will have to face one less soldier of the Ten Thousand Races in the future, and the human race may lose 100 lives.

This is a very good deal.

After a month of continuous pursuit, Fu Zu issued an order to withdraw his troops.

After the war, another month was used to tally military achievements and clean up the battlefield.

After a month of statistics, the human race killed nearly 7000 million soldiers of all races this time, and the human race's losses were less than 2000 million.

A battle loss ratio of one to three was a miraculous victory for the human race.

You must know that in the past, the highest ratio of war losses between the human race and the ten thousand races was one to two, with the human race being two and the ten thousand races being one.

Now turn it upside down and it will definitely be a miraculous victory.

And these were directly killed by the human race, leaving 3000 million.

I'm afraid only one in ten people can actually make it back alive.

You must know that they are completely out of food and grass, and at least half of them are injured.

Under such circumstances, the probability of being able to come back alive is really very low.

If not, his former comrades will be used as food for him to return to.

Such a situation has never happened among the human race, but among all races, such things happen from time to time, which is not surprising at all.

Being able to survive is the most important thing, and other things are not that important to all races.

Therefore, it can be said that the entire [-] million vanguard army of all races was completely wiped out by the human race.

If calculated this way, the battle loss ratio would be one to five!
This is definitely a huge victory that deserves to be celebrated by the entire human race.

As soon as he got the battle report, Fu Zuye and [Feng] Emperor Wu returned to the human world with the battle report to report to Qin Si.

On the one hand, this good news must be known to Qin Si as soon as possible, and on the other hand, this military achievement requires Qin Si’s final approval.

Only when Qin Si stamps his imperial seal can the merits of this war be distributed smoothly.

After Qin Si read the battle report, he couldn't help but patted the armrest of the chair and shouted "Hello".

As for military exploits, they must be approved.

Not only approval, but also a big reward.

This is the greatest victory in the history of the human race, and it can definitely be recorded in the history books.

Naturally, a big reward is needed.

"What do you two think is that after this battle, the allied forces of all races will launch an attack on our human race?" Qin Si asked Fu Zu and [Feng] Emperor Wu.

Regarding this point, Fu Zu and [Feng] Emperor Wu were quite cautious in their views.

Both of them felt that the allies of all races would most likely continue to attack the human race.

The time to launch the attack should be delayed a little later.

After all, they just experienced a big defeat.

The morale of the allied forces of all races probably still needs to be rectified.

And because of the combat power displayed by the human race, their previous deployment should also be adjusted accordingly.

Overall, both Fu Zu and [Feng] Emperor Wu felt that the attack would be delayed for at least two years.

After all, the number of allied forces of all races is also very large.

Without a year or two of reorganization time, it would be impossible to coordinate so many soldiers.

Even with the powerful mobilization ability and unified coordination ability of the human race.

It would take a year to mobilize these [-] million soldiers.

What's more, the situation on the Wanzu side is even more complicated.

Their beliefs are not consistent with each other, and it is really difficult for them to make coordinated adjustments.

"About two years?" Qin Si murmured.

"Something is better than nothing." Qin Si finally said, easing his brows.

Seeing the opportunity, Fu Zu said: "Maybe we should ask Emperor Qin Wu to help open the passage for a while."

"We still need to transport at least more than [-] million troops to the [Gate] world."

Because of Qin Che's promise, Qin Si no longer worried about asking Qin Che for help. He nodded directly and said, "I will discuss this matter with the emperor's uncle."

When the conversation changed, Qin Si asked Zu: "But the Prime Minister really thinks that [-] million soldiers are enough to defend against the army of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races?"

Fu Zu shook his head and said: "It is definitely not enough. Not to mention the current [-] million, even if it is expanded ten times, it may not be enough."

Qin Si said: "If this is the case, I can ask the emperor to extend the opening time of the passage."

"In this way, we can transport more soldiers into the [Gate] world."

Fu Zu shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, if we transport more soldiers there, it may not be useful."

"The number and strength of the Ten Thousand Clans must be greater than ours."

"We can't outnumber them."

"So sending more people is actually of little use."

After listening to Fu Zu's words, Qin Si asked Fu Zu: "Then how do you plan to arrange the troops for these [-] million soldiers?"

Fu Zu definitely had nothing to hide from Qin Si, and immediately explained to Qin Si: "The best advantage for us is the area of ​​the Star Reaching Platform."

"Although the area of ​​the star-catching platform looks very large, there is only one entrance that can actually pass through the passage and enter the gate world."

"The width of the entrance is not too exaggerated."

"One hundred million soldiers on display are enough to completely block the entrance."

"And I transported [-] million soldiers there just to leave a reserve team, and the other two are to defend each other in rotation."

"The next thing we can do is defend. Active offense is not what we are good at."

"And after this incident, people within Wanzu must have realized that there are traitors among them."

"So the next defense force will definitely be more rigorous."

"If the Shou clan wants to pass on news to us again, the possibility won't be too great."

"Because the Shou clan also has to worry about whether they will be discovered."

"So the next battle may depend more on us."

After listening to Fu Zu's explanation, Qin Si nodded and said: "The Prime Minister Wu's analysis is extremely accurate. If so, leave the passage matter to me."

"I will beg the Emperor's uncle to keep the passage open for another three years."

"Prime Minister Wu can take advantage of this time to prepare quickly."

After Fu Zu nodded, he said goodbye and left the Imperial Study Room.

After Fu Zu left, Qin Si continued to ask [Feng] Emperor Wu about some emperor-level battles.

[Feng] Emperor Wu was not a person who was good at leading troops in war.

There is no practical significance in discussing those tactics with him.

It's better to just discuss the situation of the emperor-level fight.

It can also give you some reference.

You can also know yourself and your enemy.

Qin Si felt that the probability of his end was still very high.

So if you know something in advance, you won’t make any mistakes.

[Feng] Emperor Wu also told Qin Si Lai all the specific details of the entire emperor-level battle.

[Feng] Emperor Wu’s thoughts are the same as Qin Si’s.

[Feng] Emperor Wu also feels that the probability of Qin Si playing in the next battle is still very high.

There is definitely nothing wrong with letting Qin Si know some things in this regard in advance.

When the human race is preparing.

The remaining members of the Vanguard Army of All Races have returned to the place where they originally sent their troops through various methods.

The last remaining people were indeed much smaller than Qin Si and the others had judged.

In the end, the 10 million troops actually returned to the place where the troops were dispatched, and the total number was only a few hundred and [-].

A mere 10 people.

You must know that when we sent out troops before, there were a total of [-] million vanguard troops.

Not to mention that all of them are elites, but elite troops account for almost one-third.

As a result, only a few 10 people have returned now.

Such a result naturally shocked the entire Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

Bailang, the coach, was naturally the first person to be questioned.

The vanguard army was commanded by him, and now such a problem has arisen.

No matter what happened at that time, he, the coach, cannot absolve himself of the blame.

Bailang also knew that this was the result. Although he was full of reluctance, he could only accept his fate.

Everyone's questions were accepted.

However, after questioning, Bailang still put more blame on the traitor hidden among the army of all races.

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