Qin Si used his spiritual thoughts to investigate the area he covered over and over again.

On the other hand, Qin Si also notified Fu Zu and asked Fu Zu to come over and see him.

After Fu Zu was notified, he immediately came to see Qin Si.

After Qin Si told Fu Zu about the four Martial Emperors, he asked Fu Zu to take people to search for the four Martial Emperors in various directions.

In fact, with the current strength of the human world, the mere four Martial Emperors really cannot make any big waves.

However, the current situation is special, if the four of them really cause something big.

This made people panic and even questioned Zhou and Qin Si.

That will directly affect Qin Si's strength.

The threat of the Phantom God is right in front of us. If Qin Si's strength is affected at this time, it may be a catastrophe for the entire human race.

Especially Qin Che's current situation is still unclear.

If Qin Che's situation is clear, then Qin Si doesn't need to worry at all.

Even if his strength is completely exhausted, he doesn't have to worry about the safety of the human world.

Now all the situations have come together, making Qin Si feel a little uneasy.

After Fu Zu gathered his men, he set off from various directions to look for traces of the four Martial Emperors.

In order to deal with the Phantom God matter, the Great Zhou Dynasty established a complete yellow book system and a population management system at all levels.

The management of the township, li and bao population system has always been extended to the minimum five families.

It is still easy to survey the migrant population.

Moreover, Emperor Wu was not an ordinary person after all. No matter how realistic he pretended to be, he would still show some obvious differences between him and ordinary people.

Therefore, Fu Zu was still very confident about finding these four Martial Emperors.

It's just that the speed must be as fast as possible. The four Martial Emperors must not be allowed to have any huge impact on the human world.


Avenue Hill.

Qin Che is still in the midst of his own inner calamity.

Qin Che didn't know how long he had been in his inner tribulation.

If it were someone else in this situation, I'm afraid they would have panicked and even had self-doubt.

It may be time to finally get out of this room and go outside to find answers.

However, this room is the safe house in the heart tribulation.

As long as you don't leave this room and don't touch things outside, you won't be affected by the stream of consciousness.

You can continue to stick to your true intentions.

Outside the house that Qin Che couldn't see, the originally bustling world of flowers and flowers was filled with all kinds of modern things.

Its color is fading rapidly at this moment.

All colors and things are collapsing towards a point.

And this point of collapse was the safe house where Qin Che was.

When everything presented in the heart tribulation collapses and returns to the safe house, it means that Qin Che's heart tribulation has passed.

Judging from the current situation, Qin Che is not far away from success.


Outside of Daoshan, in Daoshan City where the Black Yamen once resided, there were four figures of the Martial Emperor level.

At this time, in the city that was destroyed by the last catastrophe, only the broken foundation was left, some kind of weird and mysterious altar was built.

These are some altars whose appearance is difficult to describe in words. The shape of this altar completely violates all observable laws.

Some places that look like curves are actually straight lines.

But where there are straight lines, there are curves.

At the same time, the appearance of this altar is not static.

It's changing all the time.

The four Martial Emperors stared closely at the altar taking shape in front of them with a kind of blind worship.

It's just that although their eyes reveal admiration, their aura is getting weaker and weaker.

At the same time, it can be seen to the naked eye that they are drying up.

The flesh, blood and bones on their bodies are all being lost from their bodies.

All the blood, flesh and bones that were shed became part of the altar.

That's right.

This entire altar is made up of the blood, flesh, bones, cultivation and longevity of the four Martial Emperors.

The four bewitched Martial Emperors never thought of causing trouble in the human world from the beginning.

Their goal from the beginning was to build such an altar.

In their distorted cognition, the Phantom God is omnipotent and the supreme and great existence.

The Phantom God does not need to weaken Qin Si, as long as the Phantom God can come to the human world.

Qin Si is simply an opponent worth mentioning.

At that time, the entire human world will be inspired by the Illusion God and become its servants.

All their sacrifices now are worth it.

Therefore, they arrived here when they first arrived in the human world, and then quickly sacrificed all their cultivation, which became the basis of the altar.

This is also the reason why Qin Si did not find their aura in the human world after he returned.

From the beginning, they lost their cultivation.

Naturally, there is no breath. In this case, it is strange that Qin Si can find it.

At the moment when the last light in the four people's eyes disappeared, the altar was successfully completed.

This is a large-scale altar.

The appearance of the altar is based on all the materials in the dilapidated city of Daoshan City.

The core of the altar is everything owned by the four peak martial emperors.

Cultivation, longevity, blood, flesh, bones...

The only purpose of this altar is to summon the phantom god.

And the work on this altar has already started from the moment it is completed.

It opened a passage directly to the space where the Phantom God was.

The Phantom God felt the existence of that space channel, and directly used his powerful ability to lock the location of the human world.

At the same time, such a space channel was also fixed.

In this way, even if the altar is destroyed, the phantom god can successfully take over the human world.

When Qin Si and the others discovered this place, it was already too late.

Qin Si looked at this scene that emitted a bright beam of light toward the outside world, shining in an unknown direction, and his face became as solemn as water.

On the other side of the bright light, Qin Si felt a terrifying aura that made people shudder.

That was the aura transmitted from hundreds of millions of miles away.

But even though they were so far apart, Qin Si still felt shuddering and invincible.

That is the breath of the Phantom God.

Powerful to suffocate.

Now everything has become a foregone conclusion. Even if Qin Si wants to change, he can no longer reverse it.

All Qin Si can do now is to call everyone together.

Let’s work together to deal with the phantom god that is about to come to the human world. After [Feng] Emperor Wu and others learned the news, their faces instantly became extremely gloomy.

This situation was something they never expected.

The [Feng] Martial Emperor did not expect that the four Martial Emperors who left the [Gate] world would actually become the key to changing the final outcome.

[Feng] Emperor Wu also reminded Qin Si before that if he could capture them alive, he would try his best to capture them alive.

Now it seems that if they were killed directly by Qin Si, it might be better.

[Feng] Emperor Wu and other Emperors also understood that now is not the time to feel sorry for themselves and regret these things.

All they can do now is to unite Qin Si and do their best to deal with this crisis.

Naturally, some people mentioned Qin Che.

However, neither Emperor Wu nor Qin Si mentioned Qin Che's true situation.

It just means that Qin Che is now at the critical moment of breaking through seclusion. As long as they can work together to hold back the Phantom God, they can turn the tide when Qin Che comes out of seclusion.

Although Emperor Wu, who heard these words, had some doubts about the descriptions of Emperor [Feng] Wu and Qin Si.

But now, they have no other choice but to believe.

Only half of the Martial Emperors remained in Martial Emperor City, and the remaining Martial Emperors returned to the human world with the [Feng] Martial Emperor.

As for the defense lines in other directions of Emperor Wu City, they can only give up.

Now the human world is the more dangerous and critical place. If the [Gate] world cannot be defended, it can be temporarily given up.

Only by guarding the human world can the human race have a future.

The return of the various Martial Emperors to the human world caused quite a stir in the human world.

Whether it is official or private, there are all kinds of rhetoric and speculations about the return of various Emperors.

However, Qin Si did not let anyone respond to these rhetoric and speculations.

However, in order not to affect Qin Si's prestige, it would also affect Qin Si's cultivation.

The Emperor Wu who returned from the [Sect] world all publicly expressed their approval and submission to Qin Si.

Ordinary people naturally do not know the true purpose of these Emperor Wu's return.

They just saw that even the Martial Emperor was aloof and like a god.

They must all bow their heads to their Emperor, His Majesty.

In an instant, they inspired their admiration and belief in His Majesty the Emperor.

It also made them more confident in Dazhou.

This actually helped Qin Si's power of faith skyrocket.

Just such a sudden increase was not enough to help Qin Si continue to break through the Sixth Level of Emperor Wu.

The power of faith required to go from Emperor Wu's Sixth Forge to Emperor Wu's Seventh Forge is several times that of breaking through from Emperor Wu's Fifth Forge to Sixth Forge.

In order to gather so much power of faith, the current population must either increase several times, or the number of Martial Emperors must more than double.

However, in the short term, these two conditions are obviously impossible to achieve.


In the Imperial Palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were a total of six Emperors Wu, including Qin Si, who were in charge of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Six Martial Emperors are definitely the pinnacle of combat power in the human world.

If the enemy facing the human world at this moment is not the legendary god.

With such a lineup, even against the most powerful races among tens of thousands of races, they can compete with each other.

But now is different.

Now they need to face the legendary gods.

This is an existence with a higher dimension than them.

It was an existence they couldn't understand.

But now this kind of existence is about to come to the world they live in.

Even Emperor Wu could not say that he could survive stably in the face of such an existence.

"According to calculations, it will take at most one year for the Phantom God to pass through the space channel and come to the human world." Qin Si told the other five Martial Emperors present the results of his calculations.

The other five Martial Emperors present were relatively speechless for a moment after hearing such news.

Because they really don’t know what to say.

Facing such a higher-dimensional existence, what they can do is really very limited.

In the end, it was [Feng] Emperor Wu who broke the deadlock.

"Even if the other party is a god, we can't deal with it so negatively now."

"So what about gods? It's not like we don't have existences comparable to gods."

"We just need to unite as one. I believe we can kill even gods in the human world."

[Feng] Emperor Wu really didn't know how to encourage people at this time, so he could only say something that seemed like a slogan.

Although [Feng] Emperor Wu's inspiring method is really very ineffective.

However, Emperor Wu soon responded.

The Confucian scholar Wu Emperor was the first to respond: "[Feng] Emperor Wu is right. Even if it is a god, it doesn't matter. As long as we give it a try, the gods may not be able to benefit."

"If gods are really so invincible, then our human race should have perished long ago."

"It's not like there has been no precedent for gods to resurrect before."

"Under such a precedent, our human race has successfully survived."

"I believe that this time I can also let my human race survive."

What the Confucian scholar Wu Emperor said was quite effective.

After all, the example he gave is very appropriate.

Because according to human history records, this is not the first time a god has resurrected.

It was not the first time that the human race faced the gods. That time the human race survived.

And the last time they faced the human race, they had faced him directly before.

They even worked with that person for many years.

So these are enough to prove that when facing the gods, the human race was really tenacious and survived.

Since the human race could do it back then, why couldn't they do it.

As a result, everyone cheered up.

Qin Si saw that everyone had cheered up again, and then he continued: "When the Phantom God really comes, I will stand in front of the Phantom God, and I can only leave the other directions to you. .”

This is the plan Qin Si thought of, although this plan is very simple.

However, it is very practical.

Moreover, facing an existence like the Phantom God, a sophisticated plan is of little use.

Because the more precise the plan, if any problem occurs in any link, it will lead to a situation where everything is lost.

The simpler the plan, the less likely it is that everything will go wrong if something goes wrong.

What the human race needs now is a simple, but effective plan.

The plan Qin Si thought of was the most direct and effective.

Qin Si didn't know how long he could hold off the Phantom God.

However, Qin Si will definitely try his best to delay it.

Even at the cost of his asset's life, Qin Si will go all out to delay the Phantom God.

As long as it can be delayed until Qin Che wakes up, everything can be reversed. (End of chapter)

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