Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 399 The battle at the peak of Emperor Wu! 【4600 please subscribe! 】

Chapter 399 The battle at the peak of Emperor Wu! 【4600 please subscribe! 】

Qin Che's casual actions had already allowed [Yan] Martial Emperor to spy on a lot of things.

In [Yan] Wu Emperor's opinion, he really came a little too late.

If he had taken action early, he definitely would not have allowed Qin Che to grow to this point.

"I still care too much about those false reputations, but fortunately it's not too late now, it just takes a little time."

[Yan] Emperor Wu murmured something.


Across the space passage, [Yan] Martial Emperor suddenly struck down with both palms.

[Flame] Emperor Wu's two palms came down, and immediately countless huge fireballs fell directly towards the altar from the other end of the space passage.

Those fireballs were not big at first glance, but after they passed through the space channel, everyone saw how big they really were.

The diameter of each fireball is several kilometers.

It fell from the sky, just like the stars in the sky falling straight towards the ground.

If such a huge fireball fell on the ground, it would swallow the lives of millions of people in an absolutely instant.

The most panicked one is naturally the two combined forces.

Because the altar is on their side, if they are attacked first, they will definitely be attacked first.

By then, there is no need for Dazhou to take action, and their entire army will be wiped out.

Even the Martial Emperor cannot escape.

These emperors who built the altar never expected that the outcome would be like this.

They summoned these Martial Emperors to help, but they were definitely not here to destroy the Great Wall.

It can be seen from this incident that the lives of these people are really worthless in the eyes of Emperor Wu.

They are just ants that can be crushed to death at will, even the Emperor Wu.

Even if you are the Martial Emperor's orthodoxy, it will be the same, there will be no difference.

On the Great Zhou side, when the changes had just begun, they had decisively withdrawn their troops.

The battle between Emperor Wu is definitely not something they can interfere with.

The smartest thing to do now is to hide as far away as possible.

Otherwise, the little bit of energy released from Emperor Wu's fight would be devastating.

"Inform us and ask the retreating army to open an opening in the middle so that the people on the opposite side can get through to our side." Qin Si, flying in the sky, took a look at the situation below and ordered the people around him.

"Your Majesty, there may be something wrong with this. If they suddenly attack us, we may not be able to take care of both ends, and we may suffer heavy losses." Fu Zu quickly reminded from the side.

Qin Si shook his head and said: "If we maintain our formation and retreat, we will definitely be safe, but the people on the opposite side may not be able to survive the battle between Emperor Uncle and Emperor Wu."

"The altar is too close to their core area. If they retreat, they will inevitably pass through the range of the Emperor's uncle and his friends."

"If we don't take action, they will definitely die."

Before Fu Zu could speak, Qin Si interrupted Qin Si and said: "They are also human race, and they may also be my subjects of Great Zhou in the future."

"Save them now. I believe they won't be ungrateful. Just follow my orders."

Since Qin Si was determined, Fu Zu did not continue to persuade him.

Fu Zu directly asked someone to pass on the order.

The expeditionary army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, under the solemn military orders of Fu Zu, had always followed orders and prohibited them.

So although the order felt strange to them, they still followed the order, and the formation opened a wide enough channel in the middle.

At this moment, the enemy army, which was on the opposite side of the expeditionary army of the Great Zhou Dynasty and was in a dilemma, saw the changes in the formation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

They also instantly understood what Da Zhou meant. Da Zhou took the initiative to change the formation, allowing them to insert into Da Zhou's formation and giving them enough escape channels.

"Clang clang!"

There was a sound of metal hitting the ground, and then someone saw that the comrades beside them dropped the weapons in their hands.

Putting down the weapons in your hands means surrender and no longer resisting.

Although they did not have a real battle with Dazhou on the battlefield, it was hard to say who would lose and who would win.

However, the current Da Zhou is worthy of their surrender.

With this first, there is the second.

Soon the sound of discarding weapons spread across the entire plain.

The coalition forces gave up their weapons and began to run crazily in the direction of Da Zhou.

Putting down their weapons represents their attitude, but their own lives still depend on themselves.

Da Zhou made way for them, but he would not come to pick them up.

Da Zhou has already done his best, and the next step depends on how fast they run.

When Fu Zu saw the piles of discarded weapons, he knew that Da Zhou had won the final battle.

And he still won the final battle in such a bloodless way.

At this moment, Fu Zu looked at Qin Si with the same admiration in his heart.

The courage of what Qin Si did just now is really not something ordinary people can possess.

After all, more than two-thirds of Dazhou's elite are concentrated here.

Any mistake would seriously injure Da Zhou, and may even directly lead to Da Zhou's complete decline.

Under such circumstances, Qin Si dared to do such a thing, which was really in line with the people of the world and returned to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

What Qin Si didn't know was that his actions directly led to a sudden increase in luck within the Mountain and River Cauldron.

If Qin Si sees it, he will be very surprised, because with the luck in the Mountain and River Cauldron at this moment, Qin Si can completely reach the realm of Emperor Wu.

But now, Qin Si didn't dare to delay.

He didn't dare to bet on how wide the scope of Emperor Wu's fight could be, so he would definitely run as far as he could.


Several huge fireballs, dragging their long tails, crashed down towards Qin Che with scorching heat.

The scorching temperature seemed to melt the entire space.

Facing this world-destroying attack, Qin Che followed up with a punch.

As Qin Che punched out, countless black death thunders rushed out from Qin Che's fist.

The thunder turned into countless branches, directly penetrating all the burning fireballs.

In just an instant, thunder covered the entire surface of the burning sphere.


After a violent roar, all the burning spheres collapsed directly under the influence of black thunder.

At the same time, under the influence of black thunder, those small pieces that collapsed were quickly shattered again until there was nothing left in the end.

All the people who were frantically running back for their lives froze in place when they saw what was happening in the sky.

They even forgot that they were running for their lives.

At this moment, the black thunder in the sky still remains in the sky.

But the world-destroying fireball that could easily wipe out a country with any one ball had completely disappeared.

Although they were not Emperor Wu, they could all see it.

The attack just now was just a tentative attack by the two Martial Emperors.

It was definitely not an all-out confrontation between the two Martial Emperors.

However, even this tentative casual attack has an almost terrifying power of destroying the country.

They really couldn't imagine what the result would be if the two Martial Emperors really went all out.

After being stunned for a while, they remembered that they were still running frantically for their lives.

As a result, all the people on the plain began to run wildly to escape again, and their escape speed was faster than before.

After truly seeing the strength of Emperor Wu, they had to run faster to have a chance of survival.

Running slowly.

The slightest ripples caused by the attack can make him not even have any scum left.

Qin Si and the Martial Emperors of Great Zhou were watching from a distance, their expressions more solemn than ever before.

Especially those peak martial emperors.

Only now do they understand what it means to sit in a well and look at the sky.

They thought that when they reached the peak of Martial Emperor, they had touched the threshold of Martial Emperor and had a stepping stone to knock on Martial Emperor's door.

They felt that even if there was a gap between them and Emperor Wu, it should be visible to the naked eye.But they didn't understand until they actually saw the real Emperor Wu take action.

The gap between them and Emperor Wu was more than just a distance invisible to the naked eye. It was a gap that even the limits of their spiritual perception could not compare to.


The first confrontation between Qin Che and Emperor [Yan] Wu ended like this.

[Yan] The expression on Emperor Wu's face was a bit more solemn than before.

Qin Che's blow from Feng Qingyundan just now shattered a large piece of the calmness in the [Yan] Martial Emperor's heart.

He found that he still underestimated Qin Che's strength.

Qin Che's growth rate still greatly exceeded his expectations.

"In this case, I will kill this person even more, and I will never give him any more time to grow." [Yan] Wu Emperor's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he thought fiercely in his heart.

"Flame Dragon!"

[Yan] Emperor Wu stopped shouting.

Then, countless fire dragons flew out of Emperor Wu's City.

Each of these fire dragons is hundreds of feet long, and their bodies are burning with eternal flames of destruction.

The fire dragon roared ferociously and flew from Emperor Wu's city into the space passage.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the space channel.

When these fire dragons rushed out, it was as if countless suns suddenly appeared here.

The indescribable heat caused everything on the plain to quickly burn.

And the fire is still burning bigger and bigger.

Originally, both sides set up camps on the plains that stretched for hundreds of miles.

In an instant, it was directly burned and turned into fly ashes.

The vegetation on the plains was completely carbonized in the blink of an eye, and then quickly turned into white soot.

Not only those that burn easily, but also those that don't burn easily.

They all burned.

Even the soil and stones on the ground were bursting into flames at this moment.

This huge plain instantly turned into a huge furnace.

Those warriors who had no time to retreat could not withstand the heat of the flames.

Before he even had time to scream, he turned into ashes.

The appearance of the fire dragon directly turned this plain into a world of flames.

The altar under Qin Che's feet had already turned into gurgling lava, flowing downwards.

The space channel has been opened, and the altar has no effect.

The fire dragons that flew out of the space passage all circled and danced around Qin Che.

They obviously planned to melt Qin Che directly.

This is one of [Yan] Emperor Wu's unique skills - the oven of heaven and earth!
Turn the heaven and earth into a blazing oven, and everything in this oven will be smelted.

With such a unique move, if faced against an ordinary Martial Emperor, that ordinary Martial Emperor would be easily melted by the [Fire] Martial Emperor.

However, Qin Che at this moment is already the Martial Emperor of the fifth level.

Although the promotion has not yet been completed, with Qin Che's Martial Emperor's four-forged body and his perfect promotion all the way, this trick cannot melt him.

Qin Che's current physical strength is not to mention the rules of fire utilized by [Fire] Emperor Wu.

Even if the real rules of fire are applied, it may not be able to truly melt Qin Che.

Qin Che still has this bit of confidence.


Looking at the fire dragon that had surrounded him, Qin Che directly used the Zhanzi Jue among the Thirteen God-Slaying Moves.

The Wanjun Blade, which had been transformed several times, now directly transformed into a majestic dragon in Qin Che's hands.

Following Qin Che's slash, he fell.

A huge dragon roared.

Then a black blade light passed directly through the airtight fire dragon sphere.

With the complete penetration of the black sword light, the Fire Dragon Furnace, which had been airtight just now, split into two halves.

The hundreds of feet long fire dragon broke into two halves under Qin Che's slash.

Not just one fire dragon, but all the flame dragons were broken into two halves under Qin Che's slash.

But when the flame dragon in front of them disappeared, everyone could see clearly.

Qin Che's sword strike just now really extended to infinity.

And the place where Qin Che had just slashed opened into a huge rift valley.

The width of the rift valley directly exceeds a thousand feet, and the depth also exceeds a thousand feet.

This is truly cutting open a mountain with one cut, changing the topography and landscape with one cut.

Under Emperor Wu's attack, any formation or arrangement would be like paper.

In front of Emperor Wu, only pure power can really be effective, and everything else is just a showpiece.

[Yan] Emperor Wu looked at Qin Che, all the expressions on his face had disappeared, replaced only by solemnity.

[Yan] Emperor Wu once again found that he had greatly underestimated Qin Che.

[Yan] Emperor Wu originally thought that his furnace of heaven and earth was enough to deal with Qin Che.

But Qin Che still split open his own furnace of heaven and earth with one strike.

This is one of his unique tricks, and it is also the trick that made him famous.

Those flame dragons were all kept underground in Emperor Wu City.

Underground in Emperor Wu City, there is an undercurrent.

But the undercurrent is not underground water, but magma.

Endless magma.

This magma has no source, but it contains the rules of fire.

It is precisely because this place contains the rules of fire that Emperor [Yan] Wu built the City of Emperor Wu on this undercurrent.

Its real purpose is to raise these flame dragons for the sake of one's own cultivation.

The last time these flame dragons were born was when they were fighting Emperor Haotian.

That time, Haotian Martial Emperor was easily defeated by [Yan] Martial Emperor.

In the end, Emperor Haotian fled in despair.

Since then, Yanlong has been raised by Emperor Yanwu in the underground magma river.

This went on for tens of thousands of years.

The current Yanlong, both in quantity and quality, has surpassed what it was when it dealt with Emperor Haotian.

In the end, Qin Che killed him with a single blow.

The flame dragons that took [Yan] Wu Emperor 10,000+ years of hard work to cultivate, now all became dead dragons under Qin Che's sword.

The most important thing is that [Yan] Martial Emperor discovered that Qin Che's strength at this moment has actually reached the peak of Martial Emperor.

And he is still a peak Martial Emperor who is even more powerful than Emperor Haotian.

The crazy Martial Emperor Haotian back then was also at the peak of Martial Emperor's cultivation.

The result was that he was beaten by his own flame dragon and fled.

Qin Che practiced the same skills as Emperor Haotian, but the result was that Qin Che was stronger than Emperor Haotian back then.

The most critical and terrifying thing is that Qin Che is much, much younger than the Emperor Haotian back then.

This is truly a skill that is better than skill.

[Yan] Emperor Wu knew at this moment that he was in trouble.

This was his real trouble.

"It seems that we can no longer take any chances or hide our clumsiness." [Yan] Emperor Wu quickly calmed himself down and quickly made up his mind.

After [Yan] Wu Emperor adjusted his mentality, the solemnity on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by calmness and coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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