Chapter 362: Greetings, Emperor Qin Wu!

At this time, Wu Luyao was still struggling with who had the final say.

In the eyes of many people, this is a sign of narrow-mindedness and disregard for the life and death of the human race.

On the contrary, the old Martial Emperor of Zhenwu Sect who spoke up directly ignored Wu Luyao as the head of the family, and no one thought it was excessive.

Seeing the faces of these people present, Wu Luyao was even more sure that her clear attitude was very necessary.

The second child of the Wu family was more disappointed.

The second son of the Wu family also felt that Qin Che could handle this coming Martial Emperor-level existence.

If Wu Luyao didn't refute just now, he might be able to make some fuss about it after the matter is resolved.

But now this way of making a fuss has been directly blocked by Wu Luyao.

All the Wu family's second child can do now is pretend to be bullied to win some sympathy.

"Luyao is indeed the current head of my Wu family. She also knows the situation of the Wu family." The second son of the Wu family said with an aggrieved look.

Seeing the Wu family's second child like this, Wu Luyao's image in everyone's minds naturally dropped a bit.

But Wu Luyao was not interested at all.

What you look like in the eyes of outsiders is not important at all.

What's important is how he looks in the minds of the Wu family, and what's important is his image in Qin Che's mind.

If he acts too weak, after this crisis passes, there will be a backlash not only within the Wu family.

Maybe Qin Che would be disappointed in himself.

If it were Qin Che, Wu Luyao would not hope that the person she invests in is a softie.

So at this time, Wu Luyao must be tough.

Seeing this situation, the Emperor Wu of the Zhenwu Sect could only turn to Wu Luyao and asked in an unhappy voice: "Then please tell us, the head of the Wu family, the situation of the Wu family?"

Wu Luyao did not care about the teasing in the tone of the old martial emperor of the Zhenwu Sect, but introduced herself: "The physical body of my pseudo-Martial Emperor of the Wu family has been destroyed for some reasons."

Hearing what Wu Luyao said, the old Emperor Wu of the Zhenwu Sect changed his face and said in a more serious tone: "Master of the Wu family, we don't remember any major events in your Wu family that required the use of the body of the pseudo-Martial Emperor.

Now you are telling us that the body of your pseudo-Martial Emperor of the Wu family has been destroyed.

This makes people doubt that the Wu family is planning to hide their secrets.

But in this situation, you should know that now is not the time for your Wu family to hide their secrets. "

Wu Luyao said firmly: "The physical body of my pseudo-Martial Emperor of the Wu family has indeed been destroyed.

If you don't believe it, I am willing to take the inner demon oath. "

The old Emperor Wu of the Zhenwu Sect glanced at the second son of the Wu family.

The second child of the Wu family could only nod.

The body of the pseudo-Martial Emperor of the Wu family was indeed destroyed, and it was destroyed by Qin Che's hands.

It's just that this matter cannot be discussed on the table now.

They would not dare to reveal Qin Che's identity without Qin Che's permission.

Seeing that the second son of the Wu family also nodded in acquiescence to this matter.

It can be seen that the physical body of the false Emperor Wu of the Wu family was indeed destroyed.

But what happened to the Wu family that forced the Wu family to use the body of the fake Emperor Wu?
No one present could remember anything life-or-death happened to the Wu family.

Moreover, how could such a big event as the physical body of a fake Martial Emperor being destroyed not leak out at all?

Of course now is not the time to think about this.

The disaster of annihilation of the human race is still hanging over our heads.

Now that the body of the false Emperor Wu of the Wu family has been destroyed, there is no need to count on this.

Then everyone will just start taking action.

Gather together what everyone has promised.

Find a way to resolve the situation in heaven.

The disaster of annihilation of the human race hangs overhead, so everyone is racing against time.

No slack.

In just half a day, everything everyone had promised before was gathered together.

When these promised things come together.

It still looks very reassuring.

There are as many as nine bodies of the Pseudo Martial Emperor alone.

Even if there were not all the pseudo-Martial Emperor bodies in the human world, there would definitely not be more than three hidden away.

There were not many false emperors in human history.

After all, there won't be anyone who is training specifically for the fake Martial Emperor.

If you can become the Martial Emperor, you must be working hard for the Martial Emperor.

The Pseudo Emperor Wu is a relatively deformed existence.

There can't be too many in the first place.

In addition to the physical bodies of these nine pseudo-Martial Emperors, there are also various resources and various magical weapons promised by all parties.

When these things are on paper, they are not so intuitive and shocking.

But actually putting it into practice and appearing in front of everyone is still very shocking.

It's also very reassuring.

Everyone felt that such a gathering should be enough to destroy a Martial Emperor.

Always stay with me.

They certainly couldn't let that inexplicable existence in the sky continue to spit out poisonous smoke.

No one knows if there is anything else behind the poisonous smoke.

It would definitely be best if we could solve this problem as early as possible.

So, after everyone gathered the things, they immediately started taking action.

The bodies of the nine pseudo-Martial Emperors, carrying various magical weapons, flew directly into the sky.

The physical body of the pseudo-Martial Emperor has definitely reached the level of the Martial Emperor.

Therefore, the poisonous smoke that was enough to corrode the Martial Emperor did not harm the pseudo Martial Emperors.

Seeing the bodies of the nine false Martial Emperors pass through the poisonous smoke safely, the Martial Emperors below felt relieved.

Then all the Martial Emperors, following the holes left by the nine pseudo Martial Emperors, passed through the poisonous smoke and came to the top of the poisonous smoke.

They had long since determined the source of the poisonous smoke outbreak.

So after the martial emperors passed through the poisonous smoke, they saw the huge strange snake entrenched in the void.

The strange snake has long noticed the actions of these weak humans below.

But the strange snake didn't pay attention to their actions.

From the perspective of the strange snake, no matter how hard they try, these weak human beings can't change anything.

So even if they appeared in front of it now, it didn't stop what it should do.

"He is indeed the emperor of the Soaring Snake clan!"

Someone recognized at a glance what kind of race this strange snake was that was spitting poisonous smoke.

The Tengshe clan is considered a powerful clan among all clans.

Not only are the number of ethnic groups large enough, but there are also many emperor-level people in the ethnic groups.

Among all races, the strength is average.

"Weak race, you are worthy of appearing in front of me." Teng She did not speak, but her contemptuous voice clearly appeared in everyone's mind.

Accompanied by the sound of Soaring Snake, there is also a stinging pain coming from the depths of his spiritual thoughts.

This made the martial emperors present couldn't help but groan.


Facing the emperor among all races, they have no right to waste time.

If you have to come up, just use all your killing moves.

Even so, they are not sure whether they can truly strangle the emperor among all races.

Where they couldn't see, Qin Che was also staring at the battle in front of him.

Qin Che had actually arrived a long time ago.

However, after Qin Che arrived, he noticed the actions of the Martial Emperors who envied the human race, so he decided to see what they planned to do first.

If these Emperor Wu's plans could directly kill this Soaring Snake.Then Qin Che doesn't need to come forward.

The nine pseudo-Martial Emperors took the lead, and at the same time, the magic weapons in their hands were activated to the extreme.

The emperor of the Soaring Snake clan obviously did not know the existence of such a false Martial Emperor.

So when I first came up, I did suffer a small loss.

Two of the six legs filled with flames were chopped off directly.

At the same time, one of the two pairs of flesh wings was also punctured.

I saw that the method that gathered everyone's background worked.

This also made the martial emperors present look more relaxed.

They were really worried that if they gathered all the means and background to attack, it would all be ineffective.

Then their end will really come.

Teng She was indeed negligent.

It doesn't know that there is such a thing as the Pseudo Martial Emperor.

So it treated all the nine pseudo Martial Emperors who rushed over as ordinary Martial Emperors.

In addition, the nine of them had various magical weapons in their hands, so it did suffer a big loss when they first came into contact with it.




After a burst of 'poof' sound.

The two legs of the Soaring Snake were chopped off, and a pair of fleshy wings were penetrated.

Everything quickly recovered as before.

Seeing that they had just gathered all their abilities to attack, Teng She recovered like this.

Suddenly everyone's heart sank hard.

If the pseudo-Martial Emperor is coupled with the divine weapon, such an attack should be considered a true Martial Emperor-level attack.

A Martial Emperor-level attack is devastating.

It's definitely not something that can be recovered so easily.

But now that Soaring Snake has recovered so easily, it can be seen that the strength of this Soaring Snake Emperor is not low.

Its strength is definitely not that of a newly promoted Martial Emperor, or a first-level Martial Emperor.

Its strength may have reached the strength of the Second Martial Emperor.

If this is the case, the things they have gathered together now may not be able to restrict him anymore.

Such a result made the hearts of all the Martial Emperors present sink deeper and deeper.

It is not unheard of in the history of the human race for emperors of all races to sneak in secretly.

But generally speaking, the emperors who sneaked over from all races had the strength of the newly promoted Martial Emperors.

The Ten Thousand Races are also worried that the powerful emperor they sneaked over will fall on the Human Race side.

If this is the case, it will be a big loss for them.

Once such news spreads, those races that have a bad relationship with them may take action directly against them.

Therefore, even if there is a chance to sneak over, he will not send an emperor who is too powerful.

The purpose is to prevent an eventuality.

But this time, it was obviously not the case.

The emperor who came this time was very powerful.

"Weak race, you have successfully attracted my attention. In this case, I will send you to death first!"

After Teng She finished speaking, she opened her mouth.

Suddenly billowing tongues of fire spurted out.

The sea of ​​​​fire instantly swallowed up the nine pseudo-Martial Emperors.

The nine Martial Emperors who controlled the pseudo Martial Emperor didn't even have time to react.

At the same time, he vomited blood from his mouth.

They also cut off contact with their pseudo-Martial Emperor.

Each of them looked at the sea of ​​fire with sadness and regret.

The interruption of contact means that those pseudo-Martial Emperors in the sea of ​​​​fire have no possibility of surviving.

Sure enough, after the flames burned out.

The bodies of the nine false Martial Emperors had turned into ashes.

Seeing these nine bodies of pseudo-Martial Emperors, together with the magical weapons they mastered.

They all turned into ashes in an instant.

It directly made all the Martial Emperors look pale.

Even Wu Luyao's expression changed several times.

The strength of the Soaring Snake in front of him completely exceeded expectations.

Wu Luyao was not sure whether Qin Che could defeat the opponent.

After taking care of the bodies of the nine false Martial Emperors, Soaring Snake also aimed its vertical pupils at the Martial Emperors present.

Then it is ready to destroy these weak bugs that have injured itself.

The two pairs of wings of Soaring Snake flapped fiercely.

In an instant, four seas of fire surrounded the Martial Emperors from all directions.

Teng Snake didn't take action, but once he did, he would make it impossible for any of these Martial Emperors to escape.

When the besieged Martial Emperors saw such a scene, their eyes were full of despair.

They could see that the power of this sea of ​​fire was definitely not something they could withstand.

Not only were they unable to resist, they also had no room to escape.

Seeing that the sea of ​​​​fire is getting closer and closer to them, the only thing they can do now is to give it a try.

They have just played all the trump cards they can play.

Now they are on their own.

Qin Che, who had been hiding in the dark, saw such a scene.

You will understand that these Martial Emperors really have no hidden methods.

He had to take action.

Qin Che took one step forward, and in the next second he appeared directly in the sea of ​​fire from all directions.

Then Qin Che punched out.

The next moment all the sea of ​​​​fire was extinguished.

After the sea of ​​​​fire was extinguished, all the Martial Emperors felt like they were surviving a disaster.

These martial emperors have seen countless storms and waves in their lives.

At this moment, my back was soaked, and I was panting heavily to relieve the tension in my heart.

After a while, they remembered to go find their savior.

But when they saw Qin Che appearing in front of them holding a cat, they were all stunned.

Because Qin Che's face is too young and a little too unfamiliar at the same time.

Originally they thought Emperor [Feng] Wu came back to save them.

But they didn't recognize the young man in front of them at all.

"Lu Yao, meet Emperor Qin Wu!" Wu Luyao was naturally the happiest when she saw Qin Che coming.

Wu Luyao bowed suddenly and even called him Emperor Wu.

On the contrary, it made everyone present feel confused.

"Emperor Qin Wu?"

They did not remember that there was an Emperor named Qin among the Emperors.

But looking at Wu Luyao's attitude, it didn't seem like she was being fake or trying to trick them.

Wu Lao Er and Wu Lao San, after Wu Luyao, also bowed and respectfully paid homage to Emperor Qin Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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