Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 343 Civil servants play the leading role!

Chapter 343 Civil servants play the leading role!
They looked at Wu Shaozhi's physical body because if Wu Shaozhi failed to attack Emperor Wu in the end.

Then Wu Shaozhi's body will be inherited by them.

After the seal is unlocked, now we are waiting for Jiang Daojun to appear.

As long as Jiang Daojun appears, Wu Shaozhi will be able to control the pseudo-Martial Emperor body of the ancestor of the Wu family and directly take away Jiang Daojun's Martial Emperor foundation.

Although the ancestor of the pseudo-Martial Emperor of the Wu family has been dead for a long time.

But because it has always been sealed, the power of the whole body is extremely well preserved.

All three of them believed that as soon as the pseudo-Martial Emperor ancestor of their Wu family came out, Jiang Daojun would definitely be beheaded.

"The next step is how long Jiang Daojun can endure it." Wu Shaozhi looked in the direction of Da Zhou and murmured.

Until now, they still firmly believe that the contract between Dazhou and the Imperial Alliance is just superficial.

Everything in Da Zhou was supported by the Imperial Alliance behind it.

Da Zhou is nothing to worry about.

Little did they know that their plan to attack Dazhou had already been secretly passed back to Dazhou by Wu Luyao overnight.

At the same time, Wu Luyao also told Qin Si about sending people.

Qin Si handed the information Wu Luyao sent back to Fu Zu and Ding Yang.

The two men, both civil and military, are the real pillars of Dazhou.

It's just that Fu Zu still looks very young, while Ding Yang, the literary minister, looks like he's already in his twilight years.

Ding Yang's own martial arts talent is very average, so his cultivation is also very pitiful.

Over the years, if it weren't for being rewarded with a lot of top-notch elixirs.

It is really difficult for Ding Yang's cultivation to reach the realm of heaven.

But after reaching the realm of Heaven, Ding Yang has reached his limit.

Continue to improve, unless Qin Che is willing to reverse the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" to give Ding Yang a new foundation.

However, this method will definitely not be used on Ding Yang.

So Ding Yang naturally looks very old, and at the same time, Ding Yang's longevity seems to be reaching its limit.

Therefore, in these years, while Ding Yang was handling the affairs of the Zhou Dynasty, he was also looking for his successor.

Over the years, Ding Yang has found some successors.

It's just that these people are all down there now, with their own experiences.

It depends on who can stand out, who will be Ding Yang's successor.

Qin Si also agrees with this. Birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable even for warriors.

Ding Yang has served Dazhou for almost 200 years, and he has definitely fulfilled his duties.

And in the past 200 years, Ding Yang's contribution to the Great Zhou Dynasty was really no less than that of the top warriors.

Ding Yang is really responsible for Da Zhou's ability to quickly stabilize a place after occupying it.

At the same time, the officialdom of Zhou Dynasty was managed in an orderly manner by Ding Yang.

Qin Si had actually already thought about his arrangements for Ding Yang.

As long as someone here can stand out and show the talent to succeed Ding Yang.

Qin Si planned to let Ding Yang get rid of everything and live a good life in Beijing.

But at this time, Ding Yang and Fu Zu still need to cooperate to deal with the attack from the Wu family.

Fu Zu read the information Qin Si handed over and frowned slightly.

The same goes for Ding Yang.

"What do you think we should do in the face of the Wu family's attack?" Qin Si asked Ding Yang and Fu Zu.

Ding Yang glanced at Fu Zu and spoke first: "My suggestion is to avoid his sharp edges. Judging from the intelligence sent back by Wu Luyao."

"The combined strength of all aspects used by the Wu family this time far exceeds that of my own, Da Zhou."

"If we have a head-to-head confrontation with the Wu family, I, Da Zhou, will be the one who suffers."

"So I think this time, it's up to me, the civil servant, to play the leading role."

After finishing speaking, Ding Yang looked at Fu Zu: "The Prime Minister should not deny the strength gap between us and the enemy."

Fu Zu didn't know much about the situation on the indigenous people's side.

Although I have heard about it, I have never really come into contact with it.

It is already very difficult to gain a foothold on the human side of Haotian Continent.

Fu Zu had never thought about going to the indigenous people.

Although Fu Zu had heard something about the situation over there with the indigenous people.

But I really saw this information sent by Wu Luyao.

Only then did Fu Zu know how big the gap between the two was.

Now, Dazhou can definitely be regarded as a real behemoth on the side of the human race in Haotian Continent.

Needless to say, a Martial Emperor. Fu Zu also knew that Fu Tingshuo became a Martial Emperor.

In addition to Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu, the number of King Wu in Dazhou is almost 40.

There are countless warriors above the Martial King.

Now every army in the Great Zhou Dynasty can have a Martial King sitting in the center, and eight to ten masters of true spirit, true body and true god personally leading the army.

At the same time, each army can have a team of the strongest warriors, and everyone is a being above the Qiankun realm.

The number is almost in the thousands.

Such a huge and powerful super army.

In Fu Zu's opinion, it was really enough to sweep the world.

However, I saw the lineup sent by the Wu family on Wu Luyao's side.

Fu Zu really felt that he couldn't beat him.

Forget about the ones sent by Wu Shaozhi and his three families, even the cannon fodder sent by Wu Luyao to die was extremely powerful.

The cannon fodder sent by Wu Luyao to die was led by three Martial Kings on the third level, and there were eight Martial Kings below the third level of Martial Kings.

This adds up to eleven Martial Kings.

Although this quantity is not as good as Dazhou.

But you must know that Wu Luyao sent him to die.

The army sent by Wu Shaozhi and the others were truly elite.

Let's say that.

The quality of the army sent by any one of the three of them, Wu Shaozhi, exceeded the combined quality of the entire Zhou army.

The quality of the three armies is three times the combined mass of the armies of the Zhou Dynasty.

If such a powerful legion attacks Da Zhou, it can really destroy Da Zhou.

Fu Zu really felt that in the face of such a situation, Da Zhou could choose to avoid its edge.

Then just concentrate on eating the team of people sent by Wu Luyao to die.

As for Wu Shaozhi and his three-pronged army, they can only divide them up, or simply hand them over to Qin Che.

Ding Yang said that civilian officials would play the leading role. Fu Zu had never thought about what kind of leading role civilian officials could play in a battle of this level.

Ding Yang smiled softly in response to Zu's doubts, and then explained: "The Prime Minister Wu may not know that the civil servants I have sent to assist Wu Luyao over the years have penetrated deeply into the Wu family."

Fu Zu was still puzzled by this, or rather dismissive.As the Martial King, Fu Zu naturally believed that matters on the battlefield should still be decided by strength.

It still depends on who has the bigger fist and who is stronger.

As for the position of civil servants, Fu Zu didn't think it was that important.

There is naturally no shortage of civil servants among the legions of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But when Fu Zu really needed to fight, he would listen to the advice of some civilian staff.

But when a decision really needs to be made, it is up to him to make the decision directly.

Ding Yang was not angry at all. He and Fu Zu had been cooperating for a long time.

Ding Yang actually admired Fu Zu's ability.

But Fu Zu didn't know that his own strength was actually very terrifying.

"Prime Minister Wu, let me tell you this. Within the Wu family, as long as there is no need to use fists, it is under the control of the civilian officials sent by me."

"It can be said that as long as the Wu family is non-military, such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, it is controlled by our civil servants in the Zhou Dynasty."

"As small as how many sandbags they need to practice today, as large as the amount of material supplies for a city, they are all controlled by the civil servants of my great Zhou Dynasty."

Fu Zu was really shocked after hearing Ding Yang's introduction.

Fu Zu really didn't expect that after all these years.

The civil servant group of Dazhou has penetrated into every corner of the Wu family like capillaries.

And it has a certain say in every corner.

As long as matters that do not require force are decided, they are all under the control of the Ding Yang Civilian Group.

"So what?"

"I am also a military commander. No matter how many and good suggestions my staff give, they are nothing more than reference."

"In the end, it is the general who really makes the decision, and most generals will not mention this matter to anyone for a period of time after making the decision."

Ding Yang nodded and said: "What Wu Xiang said is right, but has Wu Xiang thought about it?"

"Even if they don't say anything, does he need to mobilize supplies?"

"Others may not be able to access the mobilization and direction of supplies, but my civil servants in Da Zhou will definitely be able to access it."

"If we know the direction of supplies in advance, we know the other party's movements in advance."

"And knowing the other party's movements in advance, can we make some arrangements in advance?"

"In an all-out battle, we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, have no advantage at all. If it is a local war, can we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, win with superior numbers?"

Ding Yang's words awakened Fu Zu.

Indeed, in terms of comprehensive comparison of quantity and quality, Dazhou can be said to be a complete defeat.

But if they gain a local advantage, Dazhou is still very capable of fighting, and it is not impossible to win.

It's just that this information is difficult to be accurate.

Because as long as it is a small mistake, it may cause the whole game to be lost.

However, Dazhou's capillary-like vascular system can come in handy at this time.

The flow direction of materials, the quantity of materials, and the movement time of materials.

These can be used to judge the quantity and quality of the other party's dispatchers.

The secrets that others could not access were obtained directly and easily by the civil servants sent out by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"It's really my turn for the civil servants of the Great Zhou Dynasty to play the leading role in this battle? Our expeditionary army will cooperate with you." Fu Zu is also a free and easy person.

Realizing that he couldn't be the protagonist this time, he took the initiative to let Ding Yang take charge of everything.

"You're welcome, Prime Minister Wu. No matter how accurate our intelligence is, it is your Expeditionary Army that will actually go into battle to kill the enemy."

"So compared with what we have done, the expeditionary army led by you, Prime Minister Wu, is the real main force."

Wen Xiang was also very good at doing things, and he directly praised the matter.

Fu Zu was even more direct: "There is no need for Prime Minister Wu to be so polite to me. How I direct this time depends entirely on Prime Minister Wen."

While speaking, Fu Zu actually saluted Ding Yang.

Ding Yang saw it and quickly stepped forward to help.

However, there are too many differences between martial arts cultivation levels.

Fu Zu didn't even deliberately release his aura, but he already suppressed Ding Yang and couldn't get close.

Ding Yang could only watch helplessly as Fu Zu saluted him.

At this moment, Li Dingyang knew that he would not be able to survive if he did not show his true skills throughout his life.

If his judgment was even slightly wrong, it would be difficult for Fu Zu to let him go.

Next, Ding Yang directly took charge of the central government and led various civil servant groups under him.

Processing a large amount of various information from the Wu family every day.

In order to prevent the civil servant group in the Wu family from being taken over.

Therefore, all civil servants do not know the existence of other people.

They just know who their superiors are.

Everything is connected by a single line.

Whether it is accepting a task or transmitting information, it is a single line of contact.

The advantage of this is naturally to prevent being served in one pot and at the same time pull out the radish and bring out the mud.

But the disadvantages are also very obvious.

Just like the current situation, the massive amount of information was transmitted.

It would be difficult for Ding Yang and the others to process this massive amount of information.

Because each piece of information is independent, it is difficult to find the necessary internal connections.

What's more, if there are two missing pieces of information, it will be even more troublesome.

It's like a giant unnumbered puzzle. Two pieces are missing and you have no idea where they are missing.

You won’t know until you put the other pieces together first.

And putting the other pieces together takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, Ding Yang had already anticipated that such a situation might occur.

Therefore, in the initial civil service arrangement, Ding Yang made the civil service group he led correspond to the civil service group within the Wu family.

It doesn't matter if the information sent in this way is messy, as long as it is handed over to the corresponding person for processing.

After the corresponding person has finished processing, summarize it together.

Then we can know the specific trends of the Wu family.

The news was passed back and forth quickly, and Ding Yang remained glued to the room.

Ding Yang will not leave this room even if all the information is not processed.

After several days of intensive analysis, sorting and rearrangement.

Ding Yang finally figured out the Wu family's intention.

"According to the intention of the Wu family, the Wu family plans to divide their troops into three directions, from the left, center and right, to advance against Da Zhou at the same time."

"Looking at their material allocation, it seems that they want to directly destroy the entire Great Zhou, including all the people and things in Great Zhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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