Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 263 Dragging the mainland! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

Chapter 263 Dragging the mainland! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

The three people headed all the way to the deepest part of the seabed.

I don't know how long it took for the three people to pass through the thick seabed mud.

Entered a completely new underwater underground world.

Qin Xiu had seen the abyss before, but the underground world under the sea was a completely different feeling.

Qin Xiu looked at the place in front of her that was like a dragon palace, with all kinds of crystals everywhere.

I think it's so beautiful here.

In such a dreamy place, a large broken pit in the middle is like a scar, embedded in the middle and looks very weird.

In Qin Xiu's eyes, it was a scar, but in the eyes of Qin Che and Qin Ying.

This is not a scar, it is caused by the rupture of the earth veins.

Qin Ying looked at Qin Che and said, "You are seriously planning to try to connect the earth veins of the two continents."

When Qin Che dived into the bottom of the sea, Qin Ying had already guessed what Qin Che was going to do.

Qin Che looked at the broken earth veins and said, "Just give it a try. If it works, forget it if it doesn't."

"You have to think carefully. The other end of the earth's veins is connected to another continent."

"What you want to try is to pull one continent toward another continent."

Qin Che thought for a moment and said, "It's not an exaggeration. It's just a pull on the earth veins. The two earth veins are originally connected together."

"It was just broken. I'm just trying to connect them now."

"If it can be done, it can increase the speed of cultivating martial arteries."

"If it doesn't work out, it won't be a loss to me."

Since Qin Che said so, Qin Ying didn't say anything else.

Qin Ying was nervous just now, completely worried about Qin Che's use of brute force.

If Qin Che really used brute force, it would be too much of a loss if he hurt himself.

Now that Qin Che has something in mind, Qin Ying has nothing to worry about.

Qin Che walked to the other side of the broken earth vein.

That huge earth vein is the materialization of complete energy.

This huge earth vein lies in the underground space of the seabed, with a height of more than several hundred feet.

It really looks like a big mountain.

Qin Che stood under this earth vein, he was completely insignificant and could be ignored.

Qin Che stood next to the earth vein and firmly grasped part of the earth vein with his two hands.

Then Qin Che took a deep breath, then nailed his feet firmly to the ground, and then exerted force on his waist and arms at the same time.

Suddenly, a powerful force that could move mountains and fill seas burst out from Qin Che's body.

This burst of power directly pressed the entire underground space, shaking it violently.

Faced with such power, even Qin Ying felt that his breathing had stagnated.

Qin Xiu's face turned pale with fright.

Holding Qin Ying's clothes tightly.

Qin Xiu didn't know what Qin Che was doing yet, but Qin Xiu knew that Qin Che must be doing something earth-shattering.

The strength of Qin Che's arms continued to increase, but the earth veins did not move at all.

What Qin Ying said is not wrong. The other end of the earth's veins is connected to another continent.

If you want to shake this section of the earth, it is really equivalent to confronting the entire continent.

Although what Qin Che is doing now does not count as bringing the entire continent over.

But the strength of the confrontation is really not much different from that of the entire continent.

At this time, the people on the continent being dragged by Qin Che still had no idea what was going to happen next.

Everyone is still living and working happily.

After the Zhou Dynasty ruled their continent.

For these ruled people, far from making them feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Dazhou's advanced system made their lives easier.

The imperial examination system of the Great Zhou Dynasty gave all of them the possibility to cross class.

At the same time, Dazhou treats all classes equally, which also makes the lives of those at the bottom much easier.

With the support of these ordinary people, even the former royal families, nobles, and royal families on this continent will want to be restored.

Then they can't find anyone to support them.

"Hu rumbling!"

Suddenly the ground shook.

After a few breaths, people reacted and shouted loudly: "The earth is shaking! The ground is shaking!"

People who heard the shouts ran out of the room one after another.

He looked at everything shaking around him in horror.

This kind of earthquake lasted for about dozens of breaths.

Then the earthquake disappeared.

Faced with this earthquake that comes and goes quickly.

After the initial panic, everyone reacted.

It seemed that there was not much impact on the surrounding area, and there were no casualties around.

Soon they all returned to their rooms.

Then it didn't take long for the cries to appear again.

Such a short earthquake would not have any impact.

For them, the earthquake is far less important than their livelihood.

For ordinary people on this continent, their feelings are not considered sensitive.

But for the warriors on this continent, their perception is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Especially those warriors who can fly.

When the earthquake comes, they fly into the sky.

From a bird's-eye view in the sky, they saw a scene that terrified them.

For people on the ground, it was really just a short earthquake.

However, the warriors in the sky could clearly see that the continent they were on had moved a certain distance towards the Great Zhou.

That's right!

Not a certain place, but the entire continent moved a certain distance towards the Great Zhou.

At first they thought they were blinded, but after the earthquake ended.

After they found some people with whom they had good relationships, they asked.

Only then did I realize that they were right.

Because their friends also witnessed the same thing.

The continent they were on had moved a certain distance towards the Great Zhou as a whole.

This is a bit of an exaggeration.

If it was just a certain island, they would all understand.

But now it's not an island, but the entire continent where they are.

The whole body moved laterally in the direction of Dazhou.

This is really a bit scary.

It would be fine if it was caused by nature.

However, they always felt that such movement did not seem to be due to natural causes.

“If it’s not a natural cause, how can it be caused by man-made causes?”

"Who can have such power to drag a continent forward?"

This is indeed a problem.

Can anyone really drag a continent forward?
Obviously it is impossible.

Even if there really are gods in this world.

Even gods can't do it, so they can just drag the entire continent forward.

People outside are just speculating.

But Qin Ying was right opposite Qin Che, and he watched with his own eyes as Qin Che pulled the broken earth veins to the place where the Great Zhou earth veins broke.

The distance between the two is more than ten feet.

Qin Che just pulled the broken earth vein and moved forward for more than ten feet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is equivalent to Qin Che dragging a continent forward for more than ten feet.

Qin Ying really didn't expect that Qin Che could actually accomplish such an exaggerated thing.

For a moment, Qin Ying's mouth was open in a daze, not knowing what to say at all.

Because what Qin Che did was too powerful.

The two sections of land lineage are of the same origin.

So after getting close to each other, they quickly merged together again.

With the fusion of ley lines.

The energy exchange between the two is also smoother.

At the same time, under the pull of the earth veins, the earth veins and the earth veins are also slowly merging.

This also means that the continent connected to the other side of the broken earth line is moving closer to Dazhou little by little.

But now this closeness is relatively gentle.Unlike Qin Che who used brute force to directly pull the mainland over.

Such a gentle approach is something that people living on that continent cannot feel at all.

Seeing the two earth veins, they have begun to merge.

Qin Che also gently shook his slightly sore arm.

Qin Che really didn't expect that to shake the ground of a continent, he would need to use almost all his strength.

"Go to another place." Qin Che glanced at Qin Ying, who was still in a daze, and reminded Qin Ying.

After hearing Qin Che's words, Qin Ying nodded hastily and agreed.

Then Qin Ying took Qin Xiu and followed Qin Che to another place.

When he arrived at this second place, Qin Che followed suit.

The people living on that continent experienced a short-lived earthquake at the same time.

Then when they arrived at the third place, Qin Che did the same thing.

The broken third ley line was also connected together.

At this point, the earth veins between the four continents have all been integrated with each other.

With the Great Zhou as the core, the other three continents began to slowly move towards the Great Zhou.

In fact, it is slow.

In fact, the speed is quite fast.

Every day, I can advance a distance of five or six feet.

This kind of intensity is actually a negligible speed for such a huge continent.

However, for the warriors living there, the meaning is completely different.

Their continent was moving towards the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This is an absolutely huge event.

Previously, it was far enough away from Dazhou.

On their own road, they went a little too far.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Even if Da Zhou wanted to punish them, he would choose to give up because he was beyond his reach.

But now that they are getting closer to Da Zhou, it will be much easier for Da Zhou to deal with them.

Don't look at the current movement of five or six feet, it will take a long, long time to connect the continents extremely quickly.

But the only other advantage they have as practicing warriors is that they live longer.

Five or six feet a day is a distance of two thousand feet a year.

Although the sea area between the four continents is very vast.

But if it doesn’t work in one year, it won’t work in ten years. If it doesn’t work in ten years, it won’t work in 100 years. If it doesn’t work in 100 years, it will work in 200 years.

For warriors like them, it is quite easy to live for 200 years.

Suddenly, the various martial arts alliances on the other three continents became busy.

There are only two issues they need to discuss. The first is whether the current matter is natural or man-made.

After everyone finally discussed it, everyone agreed that what happened now should be man-made.

If it were natural, it would not be possible for it to go in the direction of Dazhou by such a coincidence.

Now that it is determined that it was man-made, who did it is the second question that everyone needs to discuss.

Everyone still has different opinions as to who did it.

These martial arts alliances naturally have spies in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

News of the return of Taizu Taizu of Great Zhou, the legendary immortal who ascended during the day.

There are already many people who know about it.

Therefore, many people believe that this matter should be Qin Ying's big move after he came back.

However, some people also brought different opinions.

That is, after selecting disciples from Dazhou, they came to the conclusion that even the ancestor Qin Ying seemed to be a little afraid of Qin Che.

Therefore, there is a high possibility that Qin Che did this.

Finally after a series of various discussions.

Everyone is more inclined to think that this matter is related to Qin Ying, the ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In this world, people who left countless legends of ascension did it after they came back.

Although Qin Che has a great reputation.

But Qin Ying is a figure living in legend.

A character living in legend has reappeared in everyone's sight.

It is completely normal to do some unbelievable things.

In comparison, Qin Che has done many earth-shattering things.

However, compared with the Taizu of Great Zhou, what Qin Che did was still not legendary enough.

Now it is confirmed that this matter was done by Taizu of Great Zhou Dynasty.

Then they can't just pretend that nothing happened.

Expressing your goodwill first will naturally be very beneficial for the next thing.

Suddenly, these martial arts alliances on the three continents each sent their own missions.

In the name of paying homage to the great ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I went to the great Zhou Dynasty to meet the great ancestor of the great Zhou Dynasty.

At the same time, the affiliated kingdoms and dynasties on the other three continents.

They also wrote letters to Qin He one after another, once again expressing their loyalty to Dazhou.

Qin He suddenly saw so many heartfelt memorials.

I was a little confused for a moment.

Qin He didn't think that just a dozen years of development could make them submit to him so much.

So there must be something going on here that he doesn't know about.

"Xiao Dezi, is there anything strange happening outside?" Qin He asked Xiao Dezi who was waiting behind him.

Ever since Xiao Dezi became successful after that incident, he has been staying by Qin He's side to serve him.

Later, with the help of Qin He, he successfully passed the Tongmai realm.

Xiao Dezi is now a master in the Xiantian realm.

He has always stayed by Qin He's side, taking care of Qin He's food and daily life conscientiously.

He also said that he tried his best.

No matter it is inside the court, outside the court, or in the harem.

A man of little virtue is a man of great power.

It's just that Xiao Dezi is very smart, and he knows where his huge power comes from.

Therefore, he has always positioned himself as an obedient slave.

As for those rights, they are not important to Xiao Dezi.

Because Xiao Dezi knows very well that no matter what messy thoughts the people below have.

How thorough and detailed the planning was.

In front of Qin Che, everything was like paper.

As long as Qin Che, the sea-fixing needle, is around, Qin He's throne will be as secure as Mount Tai.

Anyone who wants to touch Qin He is simply seeking death.

Xiao Dezi bowed and replied respectfully: "To answer your Majesty's question, the spies I placed outside did find out some strange things."

"I just don't know if it has something to do with this matter."

After hearing Xiao Dezi's hesitant words, Qin He couldn't help but said unhappily: "Why do you want to betray me now?"

Xiao Dezi said quickly: "I don't dare. It's just that this matter is too unbelievable. I don't know what to say."

"Say." Qin He gave a short and direct answer.

Seeing Qin He's resolute attitude, Xiao Dezi immediately told Qin He about the earthquake and the movement of the continent.

After Qin He listened, he realized how incredible this matter was.

"You mean the three continents are all moving towards our Great Zhou?!" Qin He asked again in disbelief.

Xiao Dezi nodded seriously: "Yes, Your Majesty, I also asked my subordinates to confirm this matter."

"The other three continents are indeed floating towards the Great Zhou."

"Although the floating speed is not very fast, they are indeed floating towards us."

After listening to Xiao Dezi's words, Qin He sat on his chair and pondered for a long time before asking: "Do you think this matter is more likely to be man-made or natural?"

Xiao Dezi also truthfully stated his truest thoughts: "Your Majesty, I think the possibility of artificiality is high."

"If it's natural, it's really a coincidence that three continents are drifting towards us at the same time."

"Only if it was man-made, could they all drift towards us by such a coincidence."

After listening to Xiao Dezi's analysis, Qin He nodded seriously and said: "You are right. Only if it is man-made can we make the three continents drift towards us."

After finishing speaking, Qin He asked Xiao Dezi again: "Then who do you think is more likely to have done this man-made thing?"

Xiao Dezi knew that Qin He was asking the question knowingly, but he still replied seriously: "Except for our Prince Ze, no one in the world has such ability."

"What the gods cannot do, our Prince Ze can do."

Xiao Dezi was making a pun, and of course Qin He didn't think there was anything wrong with what Xiao Dezi said.

Because this is the fact, Qin Che can still do things that gods cannot do.

(End of this chapter)

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