Chapter 249 Wait!

Although Song Ziyang was angry, what could he do.

Jianghu has always been so realistic.

His own disciples are also like geniuses.

Song Ziyang was also worried about the safety of his disciples, but Song Ziyang did not dare to even mention a word of these words in the Yi family.

Song Ziyang could only accompany him cautiously and said: "This matter is indeed a bit strange, but I think with the cultivation and strength of the two of them."

"The probability of encountering danger there is not high, unless the three-headed demon eagle inside revives."

"However, now the fluctuations in the formation have disappeared."

"It's enough to show that the three-headed magic vulture should still be sealed."

The elder of the Yi family, after listening to Song Ziyang's analysis, asked very politely: "Then tell me, what is the current situation of the Yi family's genius?"

"Don't forget, it was you who made this possible."

Song Ziyang understood the hidden meaning of these words.

This expedition was made possible by him.

Now that such a problem has arisen, it is natural that he should solve it and give the Yi family an explanation.

"I will go inside to investigate right away, and I will definitely give you an explanation as soon as possible."

The elder of the Yi family nodded gently: "This is the best."

After saying that, the elder of the Yi family called for people to come in and see off the guests.

He didn't give Song Ziyang any face at all.

After leaving the Yi family, Song Ziyang's face became gloomy.

Whoever it was, his face would never look good if he was treated like this.

But no matter how angry Song Ziyang was now, he was going to investigate this matter and get to the bottom of it.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

In fact, Song Ziyang was also very strange about this matter.

My own disciple is the safest.

There has been no news for two years now, and Song Ziyang is definitely in danger.

His disciples may have low strength and lack any advanced defense methods, so the probability of death may be higher.

Yi Mengdie is different. Yi Mengdie is a genius cultivated by the Yi family.

He must have the Yi family's life-saving means before leaving.

This kind of life-saving method is at least comparable to the methods of a warrior in the true body realm.

With such a level of life-saving means, how could it be dangerous to enter such a martial arts desert?

Unless the three-headed demon eagle is resurrected.

This result has been ruled out.

"Is there another character like Qin Chang appearing inside?"

Song Ziyang suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but murmur.

"It shouldn't be possible. Qin Chang was able to reach that point because he gathered too many resources."

"At the same time, it overdraws the family's future."

"It's been less than a thousand years now, and even if it's the future of their family, another talent has appeared."

"The resources there should not be enough for him to support Qin Chang's level back then."

"Forget it, let's go in and check it out."

After some analysis, Song Ziyang couldn't find an answer.

Finally, I decided to go inside and take a look.

Song Ziyang flew all the way to the outside of the formation.

This formation cannot see the situation inside at all from the outside.

Similarly, from the inside, you can't see what's going on outside.

If you want to get in and out, you can only rely on a special formation base.

Or some secret passages, such as the passage controlled by the ancestor of the Qin family.

Not everyone can own the formation base.

Because of the special nature of this place, the formation base is only in the hands of a few forces.

The formation base in Song Ziyang's hands was obtained through application.

This is not the first time Song Ziyang has come here. He came here to kill Qin Chang hundreds of years ago.

So this time it was a familiar journey.

After arranging the formation base, Song Ziyang directly opened a hole in the formation.

The moment the formation was opened, Song Ziyang also felt something strange.

It's not that there are any special changes in the formation.

Song Ziyang didn't feel the special change at all.

Song Ziyang just felt that this formation seemed to be newer than the last time he came in.

The last time he came in, the formation had gone through the ravages of time and already looked a bit old.

Now that this formation is opened, it feels very new.

"Maybe it's to prevent the three-headed demon eagle inside from coming out. Maybe the battle method has been renovated."

Even though Song Ziyang's strength is not weak, he can be regarded as a mainstay outside.

But outside, there are many people who are better than Song Ziyang.

Especially when it comes to updating the formation, there is no need to explain it to Song Ziyang.

Song Ziyang is not among the top ones.

Without thinking too much, Song Ziyang entered the formation.

Conveniently, he took back the formation base outside.

When Song Ziyang opened the formation, Qin Che had already felt it.

Sensing Song Ziyang's entrance, Qin Che also allocated part of his energy to observe what happened after Song Ziyang entered.

Let's see if Song Ziyang just comes in for a walk and then leaves, or if he plans to conduct a thorough investigation here.

Then you will decide whether to kill this second group of intruders.

After Song Ziyang came in, he looked at the sea below his feet, chose the direction he had flown in that year, and flew in this direction.

When he came in that year, Song Ziyang flew in this direction.

Then flew all the way to Dazhou.

When Da Zhou inquired about it, he found out about Qin Chang.

Through his own secret observation, he discovered that Qin Chang was a danger.

Later, he successfully eliminated Qin Chang by relying on his control of the battle method.

Now that he is revisiting his old place, he still plans to go in the direction of Dazhou first.

Look at the country that you took care of back then, is it still there?

Anyway, if you come in once, just think of it as reminiscing about the past.

After flying for a while in that direction, Song Ziyang also discovered some abnormalities.

It's just that there seem to be a lot fewer monsters in the sea than there were back then.

Although he discovered an anomaly, Song Ziyang had no intention of delving into the matter.

Such small things are simply insignificant to Song Ziyang.

There are humans here too, and it is normal to clear out the monsters in the sea.

It flew for a while.

Song Ziyang finally saw the trajectory of human activities.

There are many huge merchant ships below, sailing on the sea.

These merchant ships were not particularly different from the ones he saw back then.

Following the direction of the merchant ship, Song Ziyang quickly arrived at the merchant island closest to Dazhou.

Seeing the prosperity and busyness on Shangdao, Song Ziyang was slightly surprised.The prosperity and busyness of this commercial island are not inferior to those of their external seaports.

"Is it still Zhou? Is it still the Qin family that rules now?"

Looking at the flags planted on Shang Island, Song Ziyang was surprised again.

When he came in that year, it was the Zhou family of Da Qin.

The Zhou family still has the most flags on Shangdao.

Neither the color nor the style of the flag changed.

Therefore, it should not be the later Great Zhou, but the original Great Zhou.

The ruler was naturally the Qin family back then.

"The Qin family's fortune is quite long. The potential of future generations was devoured by Qin Chang like that."

"Now we can still maintain control over Dazhou."

Feeling a little emotional in his heart, Song Ziyang also came down and entered Shang Island to check out some of the current situation of the Zhou family.

Seeing Song Ziyang enter Shang Island, Qin Che almost understood the purpose of Song Ziyang's coming.

And his purpose of entering Shang Island now.

After Song Ziyang entered Shangdao, he also temporarily settled in a teahouse to inquire about the current situation of Da Zhou.

Song Ziyang used the money he had just received from others to order a pot of good tea, and then started chatting with the waiter.

When he saw Yinzi, the waiter naturally knew everything and talked about it.

What's more, the questions Song Ziyang asked were too basic, and they were just giving him free money.

For example, Song Ziyang asked, 'Is the Qin family still ruling the Zhou Dynasty now? '

It's all a matter of sending money.

The waiter even felt that there was something wrong with Song Ziyang's brain.

It's just that the waiter doesn't care if Song Ziyang has a brain problem.

If Song Ziyang really has a brain problem, then he really can't make such money in vain.

If he could meet ten or eight such fools every day.

He could even save enough money to open a teahouse.

After asking some basic questions, Song Ziyang continued to ask: "Who is the most powerful person in Da Zhou now?"

This is the question Song Ziyang really wants to ask.

The waiter said matter-of-factly: "No need to ask, the most powerful person in the world today must be my Prince Ze of Great Zhou."

Song Ziyang noticed the waiter's words and continued to ask: "You mean the most powerful one in the world today?"

The waiter nodded vigorously: "Yes."

Song Ziyang continued to ask: "What is his powerful method?"

For the waiter, this is a bit over the top.

However, Xiao Er has been hanging out on Shang Island all year round, and there is always a lot of information exchange on Shang Island.

In addition, the storyteller in the teahouse tells the story vividly.

The waiter's impression of Qin Che already had an outline.

The waiter immediately told what he had heard and what the storyteller had said.

Everything was told to Song Ziyang.

On the surface, Song Ziyang seemed to be listening with interest, but in fact, he was judging how much of what the waiter said was true and how false.

Use this to judge Qin Che's specific cultivation level.

It's just that when I stopped along the way, what the waiter said was too much false.

For example, Qin Che exploded three heads that were bigger than islands with one punch.

In Song Ziyang's opinion, this is complete and utter nonsense.

According to the waiter's description, the three heads that Qin Che blew up that were bigger than the islands should be the three-headed demon eagles.

If the three-headed magic vulture really breaks free of the seal, the formation warning can still be silenced.

This is obviously impossible.

And even the three-headed demon eagle has been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

It's impossible for a native like Qin Che to be able to do that.

Not to mention Qin Che, a native, even if he faced the three-headed demon eagle, he would definitely die.

Now the waiter actually said that Qin Che had defeated the three-headed demon eagle.

No matter how this sounds, it can't be true.

However, Song Ziyang did not correct him and just acted as a bystander.

Any waiter should reveal as much as possible, only if Qin Che's strength comes.

Anyway, I will naturally eliminate all incorrect information.

The waiter said that his mouth was dry, and Song Ziyang poured the waiter a cup of tea.

Let the waiter continue.

Of course, in addition to tea, Song Ziyang also gave Xiao Er a piece of silver.

In the end, the waiter got three ingots of silver from Song Ziyang and drank a pot of tea from Song Ziyang.

In the end, there is nothing to say and nothing to edit.

At first, the waiter still told some things that he had heard, but later, for the sake of money, the waiter started to make them up.

There was no way he could make it up, so the waiter had no choice but to stop talking about it.

Song Ziyang was generous and gave the waiter another ingot of silver. After paying for the tea, he left the teahouse.

The waiter looked at Song Ziyang's leaving figure and helplessly weighed the money in his hand and shook his head: "How can such a stupid person have so much money."

"I'm really unwilling."

Of course the waiter didn't know that the person who just spoke to him had changed his true form.

If this strength were placed on the Xianwu Continent without Qin Che, it would be easily ravaged and crushed in all kinds of ways.

After Song Ziyang left the teahouse, he flew directly towards Da Zhou and Dao Mountain.

The direction of Daodao Mountain was the path pointed out to Qin Che by the waiter.

The waiter pointed the direction of Daodao Mountain correctly.

Because it’s really hard to think wrong about this.

Daodaoshan and Qin Che are really famous now.

You may have never been to Daodaoshan, but if you don’t know the direction of Daodaoshan, that’s going too far.

Song Ziyang flew in the direction pointed by the waiter.

Qin Che, who was in retreat, felt Song Ziyang flying towards him.

He also ended his practice, came out of the secret realm, and waited outside for Song Ziyang to come.

When the little cowardly cat saw Qin Che coming out of the secret realm, he immediately pounced on him, begging to be fucked.

Qin Che stroked the little timid cat twice, and asked the timid cat, "Did anything special happen during the time I was in seclusion?"

It will still be some time before Song Ziyang comes over.

Qin Che also planned to listen and see what happened outside.

Qin Che's instructions to the cowardly cat before were that he should not be disturbed unless it was an emergency.

So Qin Che doesn't know what special thing happened.

The little timid cat picked out some things that it thought were special and told them to Qin Che.

Qin Che was on the side and listened with great interest.

Qin Che listened to these completely as stories.

Otherwise, it would be too boring to wait for Song Ziyang.

After the little timid cat finished telling what he knew, seeing that Qin Che hadn't moved anywhere yet, he couldn't help but feel a little curious: "Master, haven't you always been interested in this kind of thing in the past?"

Qin Che nodded, and then said casually: "The main reason is to wait for others, so it won't be so boring."

(End of this chapter)

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