Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 112 The Black Tiger Gang surrenders and the Black Government Office is established! [Ten tho

Chapter 112 The Black Tiger Gang surrenders and the Black Government Office is established! [Ten thousand updates, please subscribe]

After Su Zhiyi finished his promise, he waited anxiously for Qin Che's reply.

Su Zhiyou knows his weight very well.

Therefore, he did not dare to say whether Qin Che would agree to his surrender.

After a moment, Qin Che asked in a cold voice, "How can I ensure that after you submit to me, you will not be killed immediately by people in your gang?
I don't want to see any return on my investment. "

Su Zhiyou was overjoyed after hearing Qin Che's words, and quickly assured Qin Che: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, as long as Your Majesty is willing to let Zhiyou surrender, Deputy Gang Leader Niu will naturally not dare to touch me."

"Having the prince look after me means I have a bigger backer, even though the two deputy gang leaders covet the position of gang leader."

"But there are some people who are really willing to help me. Plus, if those outsiders in the gang know that the prince is willing to help me, then they will naturally come to my side."

"When the time comes, my power will be greater than that of Deputy Gang Leader Wu, and Deputy Gang Leader Niu will have no choice but to admit it even if he doesn't want to."

"Deputy Gang Leader Niu is a cautious person, and he would never dare to do anything that he is not sure about."

After Su Zhiyou finished talking, Qin Che took out an elixir and said to Su Zhiyou: "This elixir is called the True Tarsal Pill.

If you cannot get the antidote within a year after taking it, the tarsal poison will break out.When the time comes, it will be difficult for the gods to save them.

The antidote is given once a year. Come to me one month before today every year, and I will give you the antidote for the next year.

Of course, if you behave well, maybe I can detoxify you directly. "

As soon as Qin Che finished speaking, Su Zhiyou directly picked up the Tarsal Bone Pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

Qin Che didn't expect Su Zhiyou to be so straightforward.

After a pause, Qin Che reminded Su Zhiyou: "Do you understand what true elixir means?"

Su Zhiyou nodded and said: "I know the meaning of the true elixir. The true elixir is an ancient elixir recipe. Compared with the later elixir recipes, it contains more medicine.

Nowadays, the alchemist cannot refine the antidote according to the normal method. "

Qin Che looked at Su Zhiyou with interest and said, "Since you know it, you can still be so hesitant. What do you think?"

Su Zhiyou said calmly: "Your Majesty gives me a chance, so I will seize it.

If I don't catch it, someone else will naturally catch it.

When others catch the plan, it will be none of my business. "

Qin Che nodded: "You are decisive and straightforward in doing things, which is good."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty." Su Zhiyou said like a spring breeze.

Qin Che glanced at Su Zhiyou and frowned slightly: "Since you are already my subordinate, you can avoid such slavish thanks in the future. I like people who can do things, and I don't like listening to useless flattery. "

After hearing Qin Che's order, Su Zhiyou immediately said seriously: "Zhiyou understands."

"Sit down." Qin Che gestured with his eyes and said.

Su Zhiyou sat on the chair again, and Qin Che also asked Su Zhiyou: "What position can your Black Tiger Gang rank in the current world?"

Su Zhiyou answered truthfully: "Despite the large number of people in our Black Tiger Gang, we have semicolons in most of the capitals of Zhou Dynasty.

But if we really talk about rankings in the world, our Black Tiger Gang can only be considered third-rate at best.

Of course, this was when my father was alive. Now, I'm afraid even a low-level sect can easily deal with our Black Tiger Gang. "

Qin Che's heart moved and he asked Su Zhiyou: "Where are Baose Temple and Lianxu Palace?"

Su Zhiyou said: "On par with our Black Tiger Gang."

Qin Che asked curiously: "What is the standard used to rank the sects in the world?"

"The length of time it exists. The longer it exists, the higher the ranking will naturally be. The shorter the time it exists, the lower the ranking will naturally be."

The answer Su Zhiyou gave really surprised Qin Che a little.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Various sects may appear in the world every year, but there are not that many that can truly be washed away by time.

Seeing Qin Che's strange expression, Su Zhiyou added and explained: "Although it is not absolutely correct to use time as the standard, most of the time this standard will not be wrong."

Qin Che continued to ask: "Please tell me specifically about the criteria for classification."

Su Zhiyou said: "The top sects are those that have existed for more than a thousand years, and those below a thousand years are divided into 300 years.

A first-rate force from 800 to 1000 years!
600-800 is a second-rate force!
400-600 is a third-rate force!
200-400 is the last force!
A sect that is less than 200 years old cannot be considered a sect.

Our Black Tiger Gang has existed for more than 400 years, so it is considered a third-rate force. "

After a pause, Su Zhiyou thought of something and added: "In addition to sects like us, there is also a rather special kind of existence in the world - aristocratic families."


Su Zhiyou nodded and said: "The aristocratic family belongs to a rather special type of existence.

The family is very low-key and mysterious, and it is said that there are not many people.

But everyone is very powerful, and I don’t know much about the specific situation. "

Looking at Su Zhiyou who was hesitant to speak, Qin Che said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't like hesitating."

"Yes." Su Zhiyou responded and said: "There are rumors in the Jianghu that Taizu Taizu of Great Zhou is a child of aristocratic family. At the same time, there are also rumors that the reason why Jianghu sects dare not take action against the royal family of Great Zhou is because they are afraid of the identity of a child of aristocratic family. "

The topic changed and Su Zhiyou said: "But no one knows whether it is true or not, they are all just rumors.

What's more, the real recorded situation is that Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty had countless fights with people in the world.

In my opinion, the reason why Jianghu sects dare not do anything to the Zhou royal family is because of their strength, and secondly, even if they seize the country, they cannot manage it well.

A troubled time is a disaster for the people, and it is also not a good thing for the world.

Only when the people are stable can talents in the world continue to obtain cultivation resources. "

Qin Che did not listen to Su Zhiyou's analysis. What Qin Che always thought about was the words 'child of aristocratic family'.

Qin Che felt that even Qin He might not know the truth of such a thing.

Qin Che had read almost all the ancient books in the palace, and had never seen any records in this regard.

So no one knows what the truth is.

Qin Che had no intention of delving into this uncertain matter.

Because it is meaningless and may waste a lot of time, it is really unnecessary.

"How many top sects are there in the world?" Qin Che restrained his thoughts and continued to ask.

Su Zhiyou said: "Some people say there are four families, some say there are six families.

I know that there are only four temples, one each for Taoism and Buddhism, namely Donglin Temple and Chixiao Temple.

The other two are the Chunyang Sect and the Tianfu Sword Sect. "

There was no need for Qin Che to continue asking, Su Zhiyou said: "These four thousand-year-old sects have long been out of touch with worldly affairs. No one outside knows what is going on inside."

Qin Che nodded and said, "You can sort out the Jianghu forces and keep them for me later."

"Yes." Su Zhiyou quickly agreed.

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Che asked again: "What is the status and weight of the Earthly List and the Heavenly List in the world?"

Su Zhiyou continued to reply respectfully: "The Dibang is not very valuable in the world."

After a pause, Su Zhiyou said: "Actually, the land list is something that only existed in the past 100 years or so.

The Earth Ranking was purely designed to correspond to the Heaven Ranking, and that was why some evil people created such a list.

Above Jianghu, there was originally only one Heavenly Ranking.

The Heavenly Ranking was originally just a list used to judge who could enter the innate realm first. Although it also represented strength to a certain extent, its real role was not to divide strength. "

After listening to Su Zhiyou's words, Qin Che understood why Wuhu and the others were not afraid of him.

It turns out that the so-called Earth Ranking was made up by people with good intentions. As for the Heavenly Ranking

"Is there a real ranking of strength in the world?" Qin Che continued to ask.

Su Zhiyou nodded: "Actually, there is, and this strength list can be traced back to the period of Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, the rankings of strength in the world were: One Immortal, Four Emperors, Six Saints, and Eighteen Leaders.

One immortal is Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the others are too old, so I don’t know much about them.

If the prince needs it, I can help him find out. "

Qin Che shook his head and said: "No need for the time being, even after such a long time, it won't be of any help to me.

From now on, in addition to being escorts, you will help me find out all kinds of things in the world.

Once a month, the major events in the world will be sorted out and passed on to me.

I'll let Li Wu tell you how to deliver it later. "

"Yes, my lord."

Qin Che pulled off a token from his waist, threw it to Su Zhiyou and said, "If your deputy gang leader is suspicious, show him my token."

Su Zhiyou took the token with both hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Li Wu, you just have to deal with him for the next thing."

After Qin Che finished speaking, he stood up and walked back.

"Congratulations to the lord."

After Qin Che left, Li Wu began to deal with the remaining matters with Su Zhiyou.

Including how to find Qin Che and how to deliver news to Qin Che.

When Qin Che returned to his bedroom, he saw that Lu'e had fallen asleep on the table.

It's not Lu'e's fault. She and Su Zhiyou chatted for almost two hours.

It’s normal for Lu’e to be unable to bear it.

Hearing the noise, Lu'e quickly got up.

"Your Majesty, you are back. There is Yu Pozi in the bed. It should still be warm. Your Majesty, please rest quickly."

Qin Che nodded and said, "You should also rest early."

Lu'e said stubbornly: "Your Majesty, I am not tired."

Qin Che pointed at the corner of Lu'e's mouth.

Only then did Lu'e realize that there was still saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Lu'e quickly wiped away her saliva with the back of her hand, her little face flushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, go and have a rest. You don't need to take care of me anymore." Qin Che looked at Lu'e and felt funny.


Lu'e shyly agreed, then lowered her head and ran away without looking back.

Qin Che also shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Early the next morning, Qin Che and the others continued to set off.

Li Wu also told Qin Che exactly what he had talked with Su Zhiyou yesterday.

"General Li, how much do you know about Jianghu?" Qin Che suddenly asked Li Wu.

Li Wu shook his head and said: "The general has been in the Red Flame Army for a long time and has never entered the Jianghu.

I haven't had much contact with Jianghu people.Therefore, the final general is not very clear about the affairs of Jianghu. "

Qin Che nodded and did not continue to ask.

After Su Zhiyou's exchange yesterday, Qin Che discovered that there was such a huge gap between the world he knew and the real world.

Of course, this is not Qin Che’s fault.

Qin Che had been sent to Qianjing City to be raised since he was a child, and the channels for obtaining information were even more limited.

Even the information obtained was all from official channels.

Although there is overlap between official channels and Jianghu channels, there are not many.

Therefore, the information about the world that Qin Che received was pitiful.

But now that Su Zhiyou has joined him, he has placed his own chess pieces in the world.

Qin Che didn't really expect Su Zhiyou to do anything. In Qin Che's view, this was just a casual move on his part.

It just gives me an extra set of eyes and ears in the world.

Su Zhiyou, with Qin Che's token, confidently returned to the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang.

Returning to the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang, Su Zhiyou also saw Niu Kai, another deputy gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang, who had been waiting in the Black Tiger Gang for a long time.

In addition to Niu Kai, there are also rudders from many places.

Looking at this posture, it seems that Su Zhiyou will abdicate today and make way for others.

When Niu Kai saw Su Zhiyou coming back, he stood up unhurriedly, tricked Su Zhiyou, and then asked Su Zhiyou: "The gang leader has been out for such a long time, and he said he was going to investigate the situation of deputy gang leader Wu. I wonder how the gang leader’s investigation is going?”

Su Zhiyou said coldly: "Deputy Gang Leader Wu is indeed dead, but he brought it upon himself and had nothing to do with anyone."

After listening to Su Zhiyou's words, Niu Kai asked: "Gang leader, you are going to chill everyone's hearts by saying this.

Deputy gang leader Wu was out looking for resources for the gang, so how can we say that his death was his own fault.

Could it be that the gang leader found such an excuse because he was afraid of the hawks and dogs of the imperial court? "

Su Zhiyou snorted coldly and said: "Deputy Gang Leader Niu, please pay attention to your identity. You are just a deputy gang leader, and I am the gang leader."

Niu Kai smiled and said: "Of course you are the gang leader, but as the deputy gang leader, I also have the full power to question. I am also saying this for the good of the Black Tiger Gang."

After a pause, Niu Kai said sarcastically: "If the gang leader wants to submit to the imperial court, then he should tell us in advance.

It would be better for us to learn the etiquette of the imperial court, so as not to offend senior officials in the imperial court and be beheaded instead. "

When Su Zhiyou heard Niu Kai's words, he calmly sat down on the gang leader's seat, looked at Niu Kai and said, "There is no need to learn the etiquette of the court.

Prince Ze is not a person who pays attention to etiquette, he values ​​reality more.

So our Black Tiger Gang can do whatever we want, and Prince Ze also said that he can help us get through some local governments so that our Black Tiger Gang can enter those places to do business.

In addition, from now on in the Black Tiger Gang, we no longer have to worry about being exploited by those local officials.

This will also save my Black Tiger Gang a lot of money.

Our Black Tiger Gang has really ushered in a good opportunity for rapid development. "

After hearing Su Zhiyou's words, Niu Kai frowned deeply.

"What do you mean? You took refuge in Prince Ze?" Niu Kai asked Su Zhiyou.

After the questioning, Niu Kai shouted with great excitement: "Su Zhiyou, by doing this you are forgetting your ancestors and trying to exterminate the Black Tiger Gang. You have caused great harm to the Black Tiger Gang!"

Su Zhiyou continued to say unhurriedly: "The word "resignation" is not used correctly.

Our Black Tiger Gang was originally engaged in the escort business, and the escort business was originally authorized by the imperial court.

Now I am just making this business chartered by the imperial court more formal.

And I also helped my Black Tiger Gang and saved a lot of expenses.

In the future, both vehicles, horses and personnel can save a lot of trouble.

Is this also harming the Black Tiger Gang? "

After a pause, Su Zhiyou continued: "And is it appropriate for me to forget my ancestors?

Prince Ze didn't let me recognize the Qin family as my ancestor?
The ancestors of my Black Tiger Gang are still my Su family.

My Black Tiger Gang is still called the Black Tiger Gang, and Prince Ze never asked me to change my name.

So your so-called extermination of the Black Tiger Gang does not seem to exist. "

Niu Kai looked at Su Zhiyou with burning eyes.

He really didn't expect that Su Zhiyou would act so decisively.

Su Zhiyou nominally went to investigate Wu Hu's death and seek justice for Wu Hu.

In fact, he built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang, and went directly to join Prince Ze.

This made Niu Kai very passive.

Su Zhiyou can now be said to be a member of Prince Ze, that is, a member of the imperial court.

If he gets rid of Su Zhiyou now, it will be tantamount to openly opposing the imperial court.

At that time, with the strength of the imperial court and Prince Ze, he will definitely not be able to get any benefits.

If the imperial court and Prince Ze really come to visit him, he will not be in vain, and he may not even be able to save his life.

Niu Kai stared at Su Zhiyou fiercely, his eyes full of anger.

If Niu Kai knew, Su Zhiyou went to defect to Prince Ze.

No matter what he said, he would not let Su Zhiyou go.

He really thought that Su Zhiyou was trying to gather people's hearts in the name of seeking justice for Wu Hu, so that everyone would continue to support him as the gang leader.

Niu Kai's original intention was to kill Su Zhiyou with Qin Che's hands.

In this way, he can naturally take the position of gang leader.

Even if Qin Che didn't kill Su Zhiyou, it was absolutely impossible for Su Zhiyou to seek justice.

Without seeking justice, he could also take advantage of this to force Su Zhiyou to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy.

According to Niu Kai's plan, he would definitely make a profit no matter what.

As a result, Su Zhiyou has now been severely plotted.

Su Zhiyou actually went to join Qin Che first.

Let yourself be so passive now.

"Deputy Gang Leader Niu, please tell me. Is what I just said correct?"

After Su Zhizhi finished speaking, he looked at Niu Kai intently, waiting for Niu Kai's answer.

Just as Su Zhiyou judged, Niu Kai is an extremely cautious person.

At the same time, as long as he removes a great god like Qin Che, Niu Kai will definitely not dare to act rashly.

"You said Prince Ze promised you to assist the Black Tiger Gang. Do you have any proof?" Niu Kai continued to question.

Su Zhiyou had to admit that Qin Che was really clever.

Su Zhiyou originally thought that he could just move out of Qin Che, but he didn't expect that Niu Kai would really dare to question it like this.

Su Zhiyou took out the token Qin Che gave him, showed it to Niu Kai and said, "Deputy Gang Leader Niu, please take a good look at it. This is Prince Ze's token."

Niu Kai looked at the word "ze" engraved on the jade of high quality and was completely lost and speechless.

Facing such a behemoth as the imperial court, he, Niu Kai, was indeed no match.

What's more, Qin Che is now famous in the world.

One person fights three Tongmai realm masters alone.Not only did he easily counterattack, but he also directly broke through the Liujue Valley. It is said that he also exposed the lies told by the old man Liujue.

Qin Che's reputation is now considered to be one of the best in the world.

It's really not enough to face Qin Che with his own strength.

Niu Kai just hates now.

If he had known this was the case, he would have rushed ahead of Su Zhiyou to surrender to Qin Che.

When the time comes, with Qin Che's support, even if Su Zhiyou doesn't want to give up his position as gang leader, he will still have to give up.

"Deputy Gang Leader Niu, do you have any questions?" Su Zhiyou asked Niu Kai like he was victorious.

At this moment, Niu Kai could only admit that the winner was the king and the loser was the enemy: "I have no doubts."

Niu Kai gave up, but Su Zhiyou took advantage of the victory and asked, "Deputy Gang Leader Niu now thinks, did what I did harm the Black Tiger Gang or save the Black Tiger Gang?"

Niu Kai knew that Su Zhiyou was deliberately humiliating himself, but Niu Kai had no choice but to admit through gritted teeth: "To help Gao Zhanyuan, this trip has greatly revitalized our Black Tiger Gang.

Our Black Tiger Gang will definitely reach a higher level in the future under the leadership of the gang leader.

I, Niu Kai, am willing to go all out to assist and revitalize our Black Tiger Gang. "

Now that you've been humiliated, it's better to admit defeat directly.

This way you can avoid being humiliated even more.

Seeing Niu Kai like this, Su Zhiyou no longer wanted to continue ridiculing and humiliating him.

"Everyone, today we have received help from Prince Ze. This is an opportunity for our Black Tiger Gang to grow.

I hope that all the helmsmen can work together to help me revitalize the Black Tiger Gang.

I, Su Zhiyou, promise that I will never treat you badly, and I promise to double your income than before! "

"We are willing to follow the gang leader!"

The helmsmen below all stood up and said in unison.

Su Zhiyou's words were not without purpose.

It's not just a random lie just to deceive them.

Although the current escort business of the Black Tiger Gang is very broad.

But in fact, it only spreads out half of the state capital on Monday.

In most counties under Dazhou, the Black Tiger Gang is not distributed.

In the other half of the state capitals, the Black Tiger Gang has no presence.

Now that Qin Che has such a banner, those state capitals will definitely no longer block the Black Tiger Gang and prevent the Black Tiger Gang from entering.

Although Su Zhiyou also said that [-]% of the Black Tiger Gang's income would be given to Qin Che.

However, with the expansion of the Black Tiger Gang branch, the Black Tiger Gang's business has at least doubled from what it is now.

Even if Qin Che is given [-]%, the remaining income will more than double what he is now.

What's more, even if the money is not given to Qin Che, it will be given to others.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to give it to the person who speaks most effectively.

Su Zhiyou felt particularly heroic after completely taking back the management rights of the Black Tiger Gang.

Su Zhiyou was also thinking about how he should carry out his revenge next.


Qin Che finally returned to Daoshan City after riding for seven or eight days.

Li Wu and his people stopped in Daoshan City.

Lu'e rode her horse and continued to follow Qin Che back to Daodao Mountain.

After returning to Daodao Mountain, Lu'e also started busy cleaning up the cabin.

Qin Che didn't stop him and went directly to the top of the mountain.

When he was bored on the road, Qin Che studied the fog formation.

Qin Che felt that this formation could be placed on the top of Daodao Mountain.

In this way, I have an extra layer of protection, and secondly, I can avoid prying eyes while practicing in the formation.

It is not difficult for Qin Che to understand the fog formation.

Moreover, the tortoise shells used to set up the formation have already been prepared.

Qin Che just needs to arrange the formation according to his own needs.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, Qin Che first lit up a piece of tortoise shell with his true energy according to the arrangement of the formation.

Then the tortoise shell was buried directly into the soil.

This piece of tortoise shell entered the soil and immediately started functioning.

There were layers of thick fog slowly emerging from where the tortoise shells were buried.

However, the amount of this thick fog is very small, and it is only concentrated in the area where the turtle shell is located, and cannot spill out.

This is just the first piece, Qin Che is not in a hurry.

Qin Che then buried all nine pieces of tortoise shells on the top of the mountain in order.

All nine pieces of tortoise shells were buried, and suddenly a strong wind blew on the top of the mountain.

This sudden strong wind brought a huge amount of water vapor.

Under the action of the tortoise shell, this water vapor directly turned into a thick mist that could not be dissolved.

At this moment, the top of the mountain was finally completely obscured by thick fog.

From the foot of the mountain, you can no longer see any of the top of the mountain.

And these fogs are very strange. No matter how the mountain wind blows, they gather on the top of the mountain and remain motionless.

After arranging the mist formation, Qin Che refining the jade tablet made by the Six Jue Old Man in his hand.

Let it become a new key that can enter and exit the dense fog.

Qin Che was going to give this key to Lu'e.

It can make it easier for Lu'e to go to the top of the mountain to find herself.

After completing all this, Qin Che's understanding of the battle method has deepened a lot.

To put it simply, formation is the use of the power of heaven and earth.

Using special patterns, the infuriating energy entering inside can be stored for a long time.

Then the effect of these true qi is amplified to a certain extent to play a special role in communicating the power of heaven and earth.

Of course, such a formation is actually time-sensitive. Generally speaking, the formation needs to be maintained every ten or eight years.

Otherwise, the true energy in the formation will dissipate and the formation will have no effect.

Likewise, if the formation encounters damage from external forces, such as when Qin Che prevented the fire from burning down the mountain, the energy stored in the formation will also be quickly destroyed.

Without the true energy, the formation will naturally lose its effect.

This is also the reason why Qin Che was able to prevent the fire from burning down the mountain and force out the Six Ultimate Old Man.

Qin Che stood in the center of the formation he had arranged. This was the only place without fog.

After looking around at the dense fog around him, Qin Che was still very satisfied with his arrangement.

If you practice here next, you don't have to worry about being spied on.

At the same time, if others want to kill themselves, they must pass through this fog formation.

As soon as he enters the mist formation, Qin Che will feel it immediately.

Once sensed, it is Qin Che's own choice whether to kill him or run away.

After setting up the formation, Qin Che returned to the foot of the mountain.

Lu'e has already packed up the cabin and even prepared dinner.

"Take this." Qin Che handed the formation key he made to Lu'e.

Lu'e looked at the jade of excellent quality and for a moment she didn't dare to pick it up: "Your Majesty, this gift is too valuable. I haven't done anything, so I don't dare to ask for it."

Qin Che said helplessly: "This is the key to passing through the fog formation on the top of the mountain. If you need to see me for urgent matters in the future, you can only pass through the fog formation on the top of the mountain with this key."

"Mist formation?" Lu'e's watery eyes were filled with confusion and confusion.

"Just go outside and take a look at the top of the mountain yourself." Qin Che was too lazy to explain to Lu'e, so it was better to let Lu'e see what she saw.

Lu'e listened to Qin Che's words and came outside the wooden house.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, I found that the top of the mountain had indeed disappeared into the thick fog.

And no matter how strong the wind blows on the top of the mountain, the thick fog will only deform, but it will not dissipate.

Seeing such a magical scene, Lu'e's eyes were full of surprise and longing.

After returning to the wooden house with the jade token, Lu'e asked Qin Che in a soft voice with expectation: "Your Majesty, can I try to go up the mountain now?"

Qin Che nodded and said, "Go ahead. After entering the thick fog, input a little bit of Qi, and the jade tablet can guide you."

Seeing Qin Che's promise, Lu'e happily agreed, then rushed out of the wooden house and flew towards the top of the mountain.

Lu'e has also practiced Shenfa. Although she has not reached the state of transformation, her speed is still many times faster than ordinary people.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Lu'e stepped into the thick fog.

Suddenly lost direction.

Lu'e looked around, unable to find any direction at all.

It's impossible to distinguish between east, west and north.

Lu'e looked back and found that the road behind her was gone.

Lu'e relied on her memory to take a step back and leave.

However, he found that after taking a step back, he was still in the thick fog.

"This is amazing." Lu'e opened her big eyes and looked at everything around her curiously.

He lowered his head and glanced at the jade token in his hand.

After inputting a little bit of infuriating energy, the jade tablet suddenly became warmer.

A ray of light appeared on the jade tablet, and the ray of light was like an arrow, pointing in one direction.

Lu'e walked all the way in the direction of the arrow.

Soon Lu'e arrived at the central space of the formation.

In this central open space, there is no thick fog at all.

The surrounding thick fog seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall.

All the thick fog was blocked outside, making it impossible to get in.

This kind of place is really magical, something Lu'e has never seen before.

Lu'e played in the thick fog for more than an hour before returning to the wooden house.

"Is it fun?" Qin Che asked, looking at Lu'e who was still unfinished.

Lu'e nodded like she was pecking at rice: "Your Majesty, it's so magical inside. How did you do it, Your Majesty?"

Qin Che looked at Lu'e who looked excited and curious and said, "When I understand it later, I can leave this to you."

Lu'e heard that she could also learn, and her eyes shone like stars.

"Is the prince real? Can I really learn too?" Lu'e asked in surprise.

Qin Che nodded and said it was true. At the same time, Qin Che also said: "But first you need to improve your cultivation to the Qi Gathering Realm."

Lu'e nodded vigorously and said: "Your Highness, don't worry, Lu'e will definitely work harder to practice."

"Okay, I will teach you when you get to the Qi Gathering Realm."


The next day, Qin Che had just finished practicing using the elixir left by Old Man Liujue. Qin He, who knew Qin Che had returned from outside, came to find Qin Che with good food and wine.

After asking Lu'e to put the food and wine on the table, Lu'e left the cabin sensibly and handed it over to Qin Che and Qin He.

"Brother Huang, you don't know that you have been away for a while, but you have suffocated me to death.

I don’t even have anyone to talk to. Fortunately, my dear brother, you are finally back. "

Judging from Qin He's chatterbox and his continuous output, Qin He has been really depressed this month.

Qin Che didn't interrupt, but just listened to Qin He talking about some things in the court.

After Qin He finished speaking, he took a sip of wine and asked Qin Che, "Emperor brother, tell me how was your trip to the world?"

Qin Che picked some things and briefly explained them to Qin He.

Although Qin Che had streamlined and streamlined his words, Qin He was still very fascinated by what he heard.

The world of martial arts is too far away for Qin He.

Qin He has no contact with real people in the world.

Those green forest heroes are not people in the world, they are bandits.

So Qin He was really fascinated by what was happening in the world.

But Qin He was the emperor after all, so after being obsessed, Qin He regained the calmness and rationality that an emperor should have.

Qin He said to Qin Che seriously: "Brother Emperor, the water in these rivers and lakes is really much deeper than I know."

Qin Che nodded: "That's true. But you don't have to worry, the world is a world, and they don't dare to provoke the court at will.

After all, the manpower and material resources that the imperial court can mobilize are far beyond what people in the world can match.

If our court is compared to a sect in the world, we can also be regarded as a top sect.

So you don’t need to worry about Jianghu matters at all. "

"Yeah." Qin He nodded lightly, not knowing what to think about.

Qin Che thought of what Su Zhiyou had told him about the aristocratic family before.

Although he felt that Qin He might not know, Qin Che still asked: "Do you know something about the aristocratic family?

There are rumors in the world that our Great Zhou Taizu is a disciple of the aristocratic family. "

Qin He thought carefully, and finally shook his head and said: "I don't know any aristocratic family, and I have never heard of such rumors that Taizu Taizu is a disciple of a famous family.

I think these are probably just rumors. "

Qin He's answer was not at all what Qin Che expected.

Qin He indeed didn't know anything about the family.

Qin He glanced at Qin Che and continued to add: "And I think that if the rumors in the world are true, my Great Zhou Taizu is really a disciple of the famous family.

Then why has no one come to us in these years?
Since the aristocratic family is said to be few in number, wouldn’t we just be able to supplement the aristocratic family’s manpower.

Moreover, even a thousand-year-old family cannot ignore the power and strength of my Great Zhou, right? "

Qin Che and I have never thought about Qin He's perspective on the problem.

But from Qin He's point of view, this is indeed the case.

The Qin family has now flourished in the Great Zhou Dynasty and has become a very large noble family.

If the aristocratic family is really small in number, they can indeed supplement the aristocratic family's population very well.

Even if people like them in the Qin family are not talented in cultivation now, Emperor Jian was not recruited by the family back then.

So this still doesn't make sense.

Moreover, what Qin He said is not wrong. The strength and power of Dazhou should not be ignored even by a thousand-year-old family.

If the Great Zhou Taizu was really a disciple of a noble family, someone would have come looking for him long ago.

From this point of view, the so-called rumors about the aristocratic family are really just rumors.

After thinking about this, Qin Che felt that some of his worries were relieved.

Qin Che took a sip of wine, looked at the worried Qin He and asked, "Are you still thinking about Jianghu?"

Qin He did not hide anything, nodded and admitted: "Although Jianghu will not interfere with my court, their existence is indeed always an unsettling factor."

Qin Che glanced at Qin He and said, "What do you think?"

Qin He said truthfully: "It is most likely a rumor that my Qin family is from a noble family.

But there is one thing that is not a rumor.

I, the great ancestor of the Qin family, indeed managed to unify the world at that time.

Moreover, at that time, I, the great ancestor of the Qin family, also established the Jianghu Yamen—Hei Yamen, specifically to handle Jianghu affairs.

Whether there are disputes in the Jianghu, or the establishment of sects in the Jianghu, including some vendettas in the Jianghu, etc., they will all be handled by the Black Yamen.

During the Taizu period, the world was also very peaceful. "

Qin Che glanced at Qin He and said, "Are you planning to establish another black office?"

Qin He shook his head repeatedly and said: "I don't have the strength and courage of Taizu. I was thinking that if you help the emperor brother, you can take charge of the black office.

Emperor brother, I know you are not interested in power, but the Black Yamen is a place that specializes in dealing with Jianghu affairs.

This will also be of great benefit to your own cultivation, my dear brother.

Although the imperial court can also collect a lot of resources, as you can see, the emperor brother, Jianghu is not willing to have too much to do with the imperial court.

Some resources in Jianghu may not be accessible to the imperial court.

The emperor's younger brother can use the black office to collect this information. When the time comes, it should be much easier for the court to come forward to collect it.

And my dear brother, you don’t have to worry about the black yamen being exposed.

All expenditures of the Black Yamen came from the palace's internal funds.

In this way, no one will know about the existence of Heiya.

The most important point is that I can rest assured that Heiya will be left to you, the emperor's brother.

I will be in charge of the court, and my brother, you, will be in charge of the world. The Great Zhou Dynasty will surely be able to return to the glory of the Taizu period. "

After Qin He finished speaking, he looked at Qin Che expectantly, looking forward to Qin Che's answer.

Qin Che pondered for a while and felt that Qin Heheiya's proposal was not bad.

I do need a lot of resources from the world now, but if I just use a Black Tiger Gang, the information is still a little too closed.

(End of this chapter)

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