Chapter 72 The old leader

The letter Jiang Defu received was none other than the so-called old leader Cong Yang.

This letter was sent back by Xiao Zeng, saying that it was written to him by Cong Yang half a month ago. It could have arrived earlier, but there were some mistakes at the beginning. The postman got it to the wrong place, and later sent it around in a circle. of.

Because the village where Jiang Defu was located was too remote, the letter was sent to Cong Wei in the courtyard of Zhenzheng Mansion.

After Cong Wei received it, he asked Xiao Zeng to deliver it to Jiang Defu.

Relationships are based on friendship. In the final analysis, Cong Wei had a strong impression of Jiang De because of Cong Yang, that is, he was just an acquaintance.

Of course, if Jiang Defu needs help, he will be happy to do so within his ability.

But if you want to go further, you need to maintain it.

Jiang Defu is so good at doing things!
He had fainted due to malnutrition and anemia before, so this guy got some rabbits and pheasants to replenish his body. It was really effective.

With his ability, it doesn't mean that he can't get these wild animals and better nutrients.

It's just that now that Zhangdian Town has just been put on the agenda, life is not easy for everyone. He has an upright personality and is not easy to be special.

Coupled with the extreme shortage of supplies, many times even if you have money, you can't buy them.

In addition, since his family is not here, eating is relatively simple and hassle-free.

Xiao Zeng was a man again, so the two of them either ate in the canteen or made do.

Jiang Defu not only brought game meat, but also some fungi, wild vegetables, peanuts and other food. Xiao Zeng also learned how to cook a lot of dishes from their family. During these days, his body became healthier day by day.

For Cong Wei, Jiang Defu is now almost like a relative in his village.

In the letter, Cong Yang "regarded" Jiang Defu's physical condition in very rude language. The tone reminded Jiang Defu of the words he and his friends used to greet each other drunkenly in the club.

It can be seen that the relationship between Cong Yang and the original Jiang Defu is good.

The first page of Cong Yang's letter mainly contained miscellaneous greetings and the like.

His handwriting is indeed something he has practiced. I heard that he is still a top student of this era, which is absolutely incredible.

Jiang Defu turned to the second page and saw the main topic. Cong Yang's superiors intended to send him to work at the Naval Artillery School.

Transferred from the ranks to work at the Naval Artillery School?
Jiang Defu was a little confused. This Cong Yang originally served in the army, so why did he suddenly work in the naval artillery school?
According to what he knew in his previous life, the strength of the navy in this era...

However, I heard that the university that Cong Yang went to was originally in the field of mechanical manufacturing. There is a shortage of talents in this era, and there is a shortage of highly educated talents. It is not uncommon for an army officer to be assigned to work at the Naval Artillery School.

Just like the society where Jiang Defu was treated in the previous life, in some remote local schools, one teacher taught all subjects. In the final analysis, there was a lack of talents.

Not to mention remote areas, a classmate of Jiang Defu University works as a teacher in a second-tier city. I haven’t seen him for a while, and he said he was transferred to a primary school to support him for a while.

That classmate said one day that he had a headache and was struggling in class. When he asked why, he turned out to be teaching English.

They all laughed. You must know that the classmate's English was very poor. He didn't pass the public English test in college and actually went to teach English in the fifth grade of elementary school.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for army generals to work at the Naval Artillery School in this era.

"Defu, are you okay?"

Xiao Zeng, surnamed Gao Caili, came to deliver the letter. Seeing that Jiang Defu's face was not very good-looking, he asked curiously.

Xiao Zeng's favorite thing now is to run to Shixiazi Village.The situation in the town has basically stabilized, with no major changes.

Now that all the work in the town is on track, Xiao Zeng and the others can finally breathe a little easier and have their own free time.

What Xiao Zeng likes most now is to play with Jiang Defu during his breaks.

For him, rural life here is much more interesting than in the town, especially since Jiang Defu's home is really different from other rural areas.

The home is clean and tidy. Compared with many so-called dark houses in rural areas, the walls here are whitewashed and clean and bright.

Unlike the villagers of Shixiazi Village, Xiao Zeng never left this big-ass place in his life. He followed the team to many places and saw different customs in different places.

Although Qiang was a little surprised to see the white walls of Jiang De's family, he didn't take it seriously. He had heard about some places, especially in the city, that had such white walls.

When Jiang Defu told Xiao Zeng that the house was painted with lime, Xiao Zeng was just surprised. He thought that when he had his own house in the future, he could paint it like this, so he didn't think it was too weird.

Although everything in the village seems to be withered in winter, life in the countryside is leisurely. You can make a fire and burn fragrant sweet potatoes and crispy and delicious peanuts. You can also go hunting in the wild and bring back some mountain products. The life is quite good. Zaiyouzai.

Hearing that there was a letter from Jiang Defu, Xiao Zeng rushed over early in the morning.

I thought it would definitely be a happy event. After all, the letter written by the old leader to Jiang Defu, Jiang Defu's old leader Cong Yang, was very good, even more awesome than his own secretary.

His own secretary, Cong Wei, said degrading words when talking about his younger brother Cong Yang. The pride in his tone and eyes could not be hidden no matter how hard he tried.

But why is Jiang Defu looking so weird right now?

"No... nothing! It's just that our leader said that he might go to the Naval Artillery School to work. He said that I was working in the countryside every day without studying, and he wanted me to study!"

Jiang Defu said with a smile.

"Oh! What a good thing this is! Defu, let me tell you, if you study now, you will become an officer in the future. That future..."

Xiao Zeng's eyes were filled with envy.

"That...that is!"

Jiang Defu could only smile awkwardly.

Life in the countryside has just stabilized and is a bit leisurely. Are you leaving the countryside now?
He really couldn't bear to go to the Naval Artillery School, but he didn't know anything about fighting!

Even here, he has just started playing with shotguns, and it’s not clear what the situation will be like when he goes to the artillery school!

For a person who wants to lie down, someone urges him to fight. I won’t talk about this feeling...

But fortunately, Na Congyang just sent him a message and wanted to know about his situation, and did not say to leave immediately, because the work on his team had not been handed over yet!

It's just that Cong Yang seems to be impatient when he talks. It's not impossible that one day an order will be issued to inform him to leave!
"Defu, since your leader sent you a letter asking about your situation, would you like to write a letter back? I will take it with you when I leave and mail it to you!"

Xiao Zeng said directly.

The village is still quite far away from the town, so Xiao Zeng rides a horse every time he comes, which is more convenient.

"Can you tell me not to go?"

Jiang Defu thought for a moment and suddenly asked Xiao Zeng.

(End of this chapter)

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