Rebirth begins with the waste wood returning home

Chapter 66 Shallow Water True Dragon

Chapter 66 Shallow Water True Dragon
Liu Mulin's wife looked at her husband in surprise. She did not expect that her husband would agree with her daughter and that boy from the Jiang family.

To her, although the boy from the Jiang family seemed to be a different person when he came back this time, he was not only able to fight and challenge the four brothers of the Li family, but the fields at home seemed to be growing better and better, and their family now seemed to have become a phenomenon in the village. figure.

It's just that their family is too complicated, with a wife who broke off the engagement and a sister who was divorced. All of this is definitely not a good match for Liu Mulin's wife.

"Why did you just agree with her and that boy from the Jiang family!"

Seeing her daughter running out happily, Liu Mulin's wife collapsed.

"You think they can do it if I agree?"

Liu Mulin lit the dry pipe, sat down and took a deep breath, and said disapprovingly.

"What do you mean?"

"Chunlan agrees, but that kid from the Jiang family may not agree!"

"What? You said Jiang Defu doesn't like our daughter? How is that possible?"

Liu Mulin's wife shouted in disbelief.

Not to mention her daughter's beauty, her family is one of the best in Shi'ao Village and the most prestigious in the entire village.

If they hadn't spread the word and wanted to keep this daughter by their side for a few more years, I'm afraid the family's threshold would have been broken down, and too many people would have taken a fancy to their girl.

"What's impossible? You don't understand Jiang Defu!"

Liu Mulin sighed.

"What don't you understand? Isn't he just a soldier? Hasn't he retired? His mind can't remember what he used to do, and he's not a farmer now? Although his family's conditions seem to be good now, look at them The situation at home is that there is not even a parent to take care of her.

A mute brother, a mother-in-law who is still living at home after breaking up the engagement, and a sister who was divorced. In such a situation, let alone our family, no one would be willing to marry his daughter to him even if he were released to other villages! "

After hearing from her husband that the Jiang family looked down upon his daughter, Liu Mulin's wife was very protective of her, and she felt that the Jiang family was even worse.

"What do you know! Long hair makes short of knowledge! Don't look back at the past. The Jiang family was not good in the past, but now Jiang Defu is back. Don't bully a young man into being poor. This boy is definitely not a simple boy!"

Liu Mulin felt that he could not communicate with his wife.

This girl in my family is indeed beautiful. She is in her early fifties. Like San 41, she is still very durable!

It's not Liu Mulin's fault. Even though his mother-in-law is from the countryside, he has seen even the so-called educated wives of the leaders in this town, not to mention the rich. There are few who can compare with his mother-in-law at the same age.

But a mother-in-law is a mother-in-law. Although she is good at using the kang head, her knowledge is still limited after all. He feels that his wife does not understand at all about his daughter.

He really fell in love with Jiang Defu. This kid was definitely not a man in the pool.

If the previous fight with the Ding brothers only proved that he had become capable of fighting after being outside for several years, then it was only a small advantage.

In this rural area, although being able to fight is good, being able to fight cannot be enough to make a living. Just like the Li family before, although they were arrogant and arrogant, they were considered a tyrant in the village.

But those days were extremely poor, and even though the big guys didn't dare to mess with them, they actually didn't think highly of them in their hearts.

Even if there is a girl in the family, she will not be allowed to marry into the Li family.

The wives of the Li brothers are basically bought from outside.

Therefore, even though Jiang Defu was in the limelight that time, Liu Mulin didn't pay much attention to this kid.

Who knows, what Jiang Defu does next will be completely unexpected.

His method was definitely not a random one, there must be some secret in it, and Secretary Zeng, a popular person next to the secretary in the town, was also polite to Jiang Defu.

Liu Mulin had an intuition that Jiang Defu would not live in Shi'ao Village for a long time. A real dragon could not be kept in shallow water. This boy must have other fortunes in the future.As for his daughter's enthusiasm for Jiang Defu, Liu Mulin was not a fool. Nothing that happened in this village could escape his eyes. He had heard about it a long time ago.

He had already secretly observed that his daughter was definitely hot-headed, and Jiang Defu didn't seem to have any reaction.

This boy's future will naturally be different. If his daughter can climb such a high branch...

That's okay, it depends on whether your daughter can change through her own abilities.


The rabbits I shot in the fall were much fatter than before.

One was pickled, and the other two Jiang Defu were directly slaughtered by Zhang Guilan and Jiang Dehua. They fried spicy rabbit meat with chili peppers, stir-fried some vegetables, and served it with multigrain pancakes and rice porridge. It was a delicious meal. .

"Third brother, my parents were reluctant to let them eat the mountain products before, so they saved them all for fear of famine! We all eat so much now, will it be..."

Although Jiang Dehua also likes to eat, she is used to saving after all. Seeing the generosity of her third brother, she can't help but feel a little worried.

After all, this is the sequelae of poverty.

For people who have been poor, even if their economic conditions improve, they still have a reluctance to eat and are afraid of hunger.

"Don't worry, the days ahead will definitely get better and better! It's time to harvest the sweet potatoes in two days. Only when you're full will you have the strength to do it!"

Jiang Defu said directly as he feasted on the fresh rabbit meat.

Eat well first and then talk about it. Anyway, there is a system and the mountain cannot be moved away, so the future should not be too bad.

After coming here for so long, I finally don’t have to worry about hunger anymore!

Jiang's harvest of early sweet potatoes has become a spectacle in the village.

Many people gathered around his early sweet potato field to see how big his sweet potatoes were and how much they produced.

There are also early sweet potatoes grown by many families in the village. Compared with the strange manure used by the Jiang family, many early sweet potatoes have not caught up. Late sweet potatoes, cabbage, and radishes can only be used according to the method Jiang Defu said.

And the families who used it were only a part of the village. Some of the families in this group only used a small piece of field to try it out. They were worried that if this method didn't work, they would ruin their own sweet potatoes.

You must know that in this era, corn and wheat grain yields were low, and many people relied on crops such as sweet potatoes and radishes to fill their stomachs during the winter.

Otherwise, in winter, the mountains will be bare and there will be no wild vegetables. Hunting is not guaranteed. If you don’t prepare food, you will be hungry.

It's not too early for the Jiang family to plant and harvest sweet potatoes. In the past few days, some families in the village have already harvested sweet potatoes.

Jiang Defu looked at the size and leaf condition of the sweet potatoes and started asking his family to harvest the sweet potatoes.

"How rich! These sweet potatoes have too many fruits!"

Rural people are very lively and curious. While watching the excitement, they also started to help the Jiang family harvest sweet potatoes.

Now that the cesspit has been announced, Jiang Defu no longer hides it. Everyone comes to see it and greets him warmly.

Everyone helped cut the flesh of the sweet potatoes, and someone dug them down with a grapple, and a bunch of sweet potatoes with large and small ones were dug out.

Sweet potatoes have a high yield, and to be honest, some of the sweet potatoes grown by people in the village have larger fruits.

But Jiang’s sweet potatoes seem to be even more different!
Where is the difference?

(End of this chapter)

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