Chapter 251

"Do you think Mazi Sun stole someone else's dog or cat when he didn't have anything to eat?"

Someone laughed.

"Don't mention that we have a cat who specializes in catching mice. He didn't show up today. He won't be killed by that damn boy again..."

Many people in the village knew that the dogs in the village had been trapped and killed by the pockmarked ones that had not been eaten in the early years.

"It's possible that boy killed the dog a few years ago, skinned the dog and threw it into the yard to make it smell rancid. Then he ate the dog meat himself without disposing of the food."

"Why don't we go to the yard and see what kind of monster this kid is doing!"

Some people suggested that it should be done soon, and some others agreed. Several people walked towards Sun Mazi's house.

"Oh, it's dead, it's dead!"

Jiang Defu and the others had just returned from the brick kiln and walked to the main street of the village when they heard someone screaming.

"What's your name? What are you calling?"

I saw a man shouting loudly. After picking it up, the people around me looked at it and couldn't stand it, so they directly stepped forward and asked.

"Dead man, dead man!"

The man shouted in a panic.

"Who died?"

"Sun Mazi, that Sun Mazi is dead!"

said the man loudly.

"Why is Mazi Sun dead? Why is he dead?"

Many people shouted in surprise.

Although everyone hated Ma Zi, a second-rate thief in the village who did a lot of good things but not bad things, the sudden death of this person was still a big deal after all.

"It's not in that courtyard, let's go! Let's go take a look!"

Everyone joined together and ran swarm towards the yard where Sun Mazi used to live.

Jiang Defu also led people to follow him.

As soon as I walked into the yard, I smelled a foul smell, which was obviously coming from the corpse.

Sun Mazi was lying in the middle of the yard, his whole body just flattened out. He had obviously been dead for a long time.

Although everyone was surprised and had many comments, they didn't seem to be too surprised.

Death is actually not that unusual these days.

There was not enough food to eat. In the early years, it was normal for people to die from time to time in the village, and because of this era.The medical conditions are relatively backward. Most people rarely go to the hospital when they are sick. Some people die suddenly and for no apparent reason. Everyone thinks that they have not suffered much and are in the paradise world.

As for children, it is normal for children to have their waists broken when they are seven or eight years old. From time to time, a dead child will be thrown out on the top of the slope in the village, which is not much different from the death of a cat or a dog at home.

Sun Mazi, as a second-rate boy in the village, is not only lazy but also likes to steal things in the village and even bullies the weak and avoids the strong.

In fact, such people have no value in the village, and few people like such people.

Regarding his death, many people actually had a spectatorial attitude.

Jiang Defu was surprised by Sun Mazi's body. Sima Zi had obviously been dead for a long time. Judging from the state of the body, he must have been dead for at least four or five days.

As for his hands and feet being still tied, judging from the circumstances of his death, if there were no accidents, he should have died of starvation.

"During the quarantine, why didn't you remove the rope that bound your head?"

Jiang Defu couldn't help but ask when he saw the condition of the man's death. It was a human life after all.

"I told the village before that even if the villagers were quarantined, they would still give him some food. Who knew that those people didn't care about him at all, they just locked him up and put a lot of food around him. thing.

With his behavior, who in the village would care about him? "

Er Mao said from the side.

The scoundrel had done something like that before and they tied him up.

In order to teach him a lesson, he notified the village that he was a suspicious case, and thought about locking him up for a while to make the village quieter. Who knew that the people in the village hated this guy, and no one even gave him food or drinks. That's it. Burp.

After all, this was a village matter, so Jiang Defu and the others just looked at it and said nothing.

The stench of leaving the body here was too great, so soon some people in the village began to organize, dug a hole in a relatively remote area of ​​the village, and buried the pockmarked body directly in it.

Jiang Defu actually attended some funerals when he came here. In this era, despite the poor people, funerals are actually more luxurious.

When you are alive, you are not willing to spend money, but after you die, you are willing to spend money.

Such as wearing linen and wearing mourning, such as mourning, such as digging a deep pit to carry the coffin.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of education. In this era, many people still believe in the afterlife and feel that through funerals, some customs and habits can change the fate of future generations, or provide shelter for future generations.

Sun Mazi was a bachelor with no children, no parents, no brothers and sisters, but he did a lot of evil things in the village. Naturally, everyone just buried him hastily, not at all like a dead cat or dog.

As for the burial pit, I heard it was relatively shallow.

Jiang Defu later heard that because the pit was relatively shallow, some wild dogs in the village even made a hole in it, and some dogs were seen coming out with bones in their mouths.

This incident is just an episode for Jiang Defu and the others. It cannot be said that he is cruel. For people who have been on the battlefield and have seen more cruel aspects, what does this mean?

What's more, that person is not a kind person!

When the second kiln bricks fired in the camp were just entering the kiln, the top leaders finally arrived.

When the brother's correspondent came to Jiang Defu and the others, he had just come out of the kiln.

Everyone got into the car and ran towards the camp.

"Chief of Staff, is there any problem if we didn't go to greet the leader? After all, he came down to inspect that matter!"

On the way, Er Mao couldn't help but ask.

When Er Mao first came here, because of his young age, everyone treated him like a child.

But after being in contact for a long time, Jiang Defu discovered that Er Mao, although this young man is young, is actually very mature in thinking, and can even be said to be smooth.

Thinking about how at such a young age he was able to persuade the leader to take the initiative to be transferred here, and how he could do so many things to pave the way for his uncle's reunion, he must not be a stupid person.

However, Jiang Defu likes this kid. He is smart, knows how to solve problems, and is mature in considering things. Now he can be said to be his right-hand man.

The leader had arrived at the ink stone a few days ago. He was supposed to arrive at Nanwang Township a few days ago, but it rained for many days and the road conditions were not good, which delayed the time.

The current incident on Songshan Island has cost more than 40 members of the team and almost caused a large-scale dangerous incident. Naturally, the higher-ups are taking it very seriously.

Deputy Chief Zhang has gone north to be investigated. According to past circumstances, people like them, including Jiang Defu, will be investigated.It's just the follow-up work that requires a lot of people to deal with the aftermath, such as the previous isolation and control of the disease.

This kind of thing is hard work, and many people are unwilling to do it.If they were locked up for investigation, there would be no one familiar with the situation. Considering the situation, the higher-ups did not investigate their personnel on the front line for the time being.

It's just that so many people were suddenly lost, and the impact of the matter was too great, so it naturally required serious investigation. Now that the situation has improved, the higher-ups have begun to send personnel to investigate.

This was an investigation, and no personnel from the northern region were sent. It was said that personnel from across regions were here to investigate. The leaders of the southern base were chosen. Naturally, this was to avoid too many familiar people in the area and seeking connections through backdoors.

This is why Cong Yang called Jiang Defu several times before and was very worried about him.

Principal Cong was naturally worried that Jiang Defu would become the scapegoat. Even if he did not take responsibility, his future might be ruined, and he might even be driven back to his hometown to farm.

Principal Cong previously promised that Jiang Defu could follow him if he couldn't survive here. In fact, it was just a word of comfort. Jiang Defu knew that if the Songshan Island issue was not resolved and understood, Principal Cong would not be able to help him.

After all, I heard that people from the capital were directly responsible for this matter, and people from their Beihai base couldn't get involved at all.

Now that this was the case, Jiang Defu felt that he had no choice but to give it a try, so after the incident, he devoted almost all his energy.It was used to control the disease and make arrangements for subsequent visits to Songshan Island.

The south is next to a large sea. They are more proficient in coastal defense construction and various navigation technologies than those in the north. Moreover, people in the south always do things and don't actually like to play so much.

Just like the culture of the north and the south, Jiang Defu actually had a lot of dealings with southerners when he was doing business in his previous life. Without being exposed to the cultural differences between the north and the south, he was not aware of their huge differences.

Since they don’t know each other, there aren’t that many conflicts of interest!
The southern side was responsible for investigating this matter and would naturally seek truth from facts. Jiang Defu felt that instead of doing that, it would be better to do things down-to-earth and leave everything to God's will!
So these days when the leaders above had no time to come over because of the rain, Jiang Defu did not deliberately wait in the camp, or go to greet the so-called leaders, but continued to do their things.

Jiang Defu originally thought that they would stay for a few days, but he didn't expect that when he arrived at the brick kiln today, he got the news that the so-called leader and his people came directly to the camp.

This dragon is obviously planning a surprise attack!

It's not that Er Mao is nervous, Jiang Defu actually doesn't know what to do.

This off-site investigation, it can be said that it is not an easy task to establish connections, but as a place where many people do not want to cause trouble, they generally prefer formal investigations.

According to the general procedure, this group of people should first go to Nanwang Xiangxiang Hospital to meet Jiang Kuncheng and Wang Zhenbiao. After all, these two people are the main parties.

Even though Wang Zhenbiao has now become a fool and cannot communicate normally, Jiang Kuncheng is still a normal person!

Then Jiang Kuncheng is still equivalent to Deputy Chief Zhang's spokesperson. Dear, if you want to know the detailed situation, naturally you have to start from Jiang Kuncheng.

To be honest, Jiang Kuncheng was frightened after this incident. He didn't think about his future achievements now. His biggest hope now was to go back as soon as possible and get away from the place that frightened him.

Jiang Defu heard that he had called his superiors through his connections and said that he would be frank and lenient, explain everything and cooperate with all work.

Although Jiang Defu was one of the parties involved in this matter, he did not go to Songshan Island after all. When the advanced island operation was carried out, he did not go to the island and did not participate in the planning activities.

The person at the top suddenly became very kind and wanted to promote him before he came to investigate. After all, he said that he had done some things in this matter, such as controlling the disease. If he came to investigate, I am afraid he would only get the credit. This man has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter, I shouldn't take the initiative to apply for credit for myself!

What do these people want to do by coming to him first instead of going to the hospital?
"Chief of Staff, we are already here! Over there in the living room."

As soon as Jiang Defu and the others got off the bus, Xiao Liu hurried over.

He looked a little serious and a little nervous.

Regarding the situation of the above-mentioned investigation, many people in the camp know about this matter. Everyone does not know what the outcome will be, and it is inevitable to feel nervous.

"How many people are here?"

Jiang Defu asked smoothly.

"Five people came, and they were very loud. Our people let them go in to drink tea with them, but they didn't drink. They said our place was shabby, and..."

Xiao Liu hesitated.

"What else?"

Jiang Defu was a little confused.

Although he is not familiar with the southern side, but based on his own experience, if they are responsible for investigating, there is no need to make such a big fuss, let alone deliberately embarrass them, and just do business business. What does this do to them? benefit?
"He also asked us some questions. Finally, he said, do you have any ulterior motives in coming to this place where birds don't shit?"

Xiao Liu hesitated for a while and said.

After arriving at the camp, I wandered around to look at them, not only at their camp, but also at their kitchens, wandering around various places.

Especially the leader, at first he wanted to take a look at the boat. Fortunately, his men said they were not sure whether it was safe yet and asked him to wait until he was sure it was safe before taking a look. However, the man hesitated and did not get on the boat.

Xiao Liu and the others always felt that those people were sneaky, and the leaders above seemed a little different from what they imagined. However, they drove the car and had a pass, so the various documents should be indispensable.

Everyone didn't know what to do, so they simply let the person into the living room, and then asked someone to report the news to Staff Jiang.

Jiang Defu saw that Xiao Liu and the others were hesitant and felt that this matter seemed a bit complicated.

"How old is the person coming?"

He washed his hands and asked Xiao Liu.

I just came back from the brick kiln. Although I didn't think about changing clothes, I still needed to wash my hands and wipe my face.

"The leader, who is 30 years old, looks very young! The person they are following has stomach problems and is relatively young. There are two others who should be older than him, but it seems to me that those two people sound younger."

Xiao Liu whispered.

Jiang Defu had a headache, it was his grandma's, and he always felt that his luck was a bit unlucky.

Will he send another second-generation ancestor here?

Jiang Defu was very worried. There was a second-generation ancestor like Jiang Kuncheng sent over there, a layman.

Although the previous situations were not Jiang Kuncheng's fault, it was just a matter of process here, but the problem of Wang Zhenbiao and Deputy Chief Zhang.

It's just that it's too difficult for Tong to deal with such laymen. He originally imagined that the southern side had more experience in coastal defense here. If the other side didn't have any selfish intentions to conduct a formal investigation, they might be able to learn from them.

If you are just a second-generation ancestor going through the process, it will be too tiring.

Shangsongshan Island is so full of twists and turns, so tiring!

Jiang Defu really wanted to scold his mother, but thinking about it, he would have done the worst to make things worse, that is, he would just go back to his hometown to farm!

Thinking about it, I haven’t been back to my hometown in these years. I wonder how my hometown is doing!

"Chief of Staff, do you want me to ask the hotel for dinner tonight..."

Xiao Liu thought about this leader coming down for inspection. In order for their chief of staff to leave a good impression on the other party, it was best to have arranged meals.

"Wait until I meet someone!"

Jiang Defu threw the towel in one place. These miscellaneous things were enough to make him upset. If he encountered that kind of thing again...

He brewed it, I won’t serve it anymore!

Nothing to worry about!
Jiang Defu strode directly towards the conference room!

(End of this chapter)

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