Rebirth begins with the waste wood returning home

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Something went wrong?

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Something went wrong?
" that okay?"

Jiang Kuncheng asked with some uncertainty.

If they apply directly to the above, does that expose that there may be problems with their job this time?
"Then what do you think we should do? It's been more than 10 days now, and we still don't have any confidence. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong? Now we can apply for a ship to go check it out. Maybe we can help. Even if something goes wrong, we are still active. To the rescue!

Wouldn't it be better if there were no problems?The above is asking about it, and when asking about it, we are rigorous in our work! "

Jiang Defu refuted directly.

"But Deputy Chief Zhang..."

Jiang Kuncheng was still a little hesitant.

"If something happens, can Deputy Chairman Zhang hide such a big thing, or can he take on it? Of course, the leader's words are orders, but Deputy Chairman Zhang is currently in the hospital and has undergone surgery, and we are the ones commanding the scene. If If there is a problem, we may need to take on more important responsibilities!"

Jiang Defu directly stated the current situation.

He had already seen that Jiang Kuncheng came here just for an internship. It would be better to do less than to do more. If he had not faced this situation, he would not be willing to participate in these things.

Even in this current situation, it was impossible for him not to take responsibility or participate.

If something goes wrong and Deputy Chief Zhang happens to be hospitalized, even though the matter is serious, he will have a reason to pass the blame.

I'm afraid Jiang Kuncheng will have to bear the blame when the time comes, even if he doesn't want to.

"Then...then how should we apply? The matter is so urgent. If we go to the higher level to report now, I'm worried..."

Jiang Kuncheng broke into a cold sweat and finally made up his mind.

"We directly contacted Heishan Island. If they don't have a boat, they will dock in the next two days. The matter is urgent. We can use the boat without delaying the upward application!"

"Consultant Jiang, I will do as you say!"

Jiang Kuncheng patted the table and made up his mind.


I contacted Heishandao over the phone and the other party was very enthusiastic and kind.They took it seriously and said that they would send a boat out on the second day and dock the next day to pick them up and go to Songshan Island to check the situation.

Jiang Defu held a meeting overnight and selected a group of soldiers to go to the island to conduct search and rescue work.

They have prepared a lot of medical supplies.

"Do we also need to bring these things? I only bring them when I see the doctors in the hospital. Aren't we going to save people? We are not treating people!"

There were 50 people going to the rescue. Not only were they fully armed, but each person was also given a protective suit and a mask.

People in this era have the impression that masks are worn by doctors in hospitals.

Many people don't read much, and their awareness of them is that some problems may have occurred on the island or at sea. They are rescuers. What does wearing a mask mean?

"Anyway, it was Staff Jiang who asked everyone to take the lead. We just listen. Why talk so much!"

Previously, many people thought that the new Chief of Staff Chiang was just a dispensable character with no background.

In their minds, Staff Officer Jiang might be in charge of logistics in the future.

After spending these days together, many people began to admire this young Counselor Jiang.

Needless to say, he led everyone to learn a lot of so-called technologies, which means that under today's balanced conditions, many people's living conditions have been improved through him.

Many of those who come out to serve as soldiers are rough men who grew up in hardships. When have they ever been able to live and eat so well?

It’s not that the team also eats coarse grains and fine grains. It’s good to be full.

Under Counselor Jiang, I didn't know that he was like magic. From time to time, he could help everyone improve their lives together and turn the originally rough food into fine and delicious food.

Although Counselor Jiang is a bit more serious, looks a little bookish, and doesn't make very nasty jokes with everyone, but who wouldn't like to be able to follow such a leader, eat well, drink well, and learn some things? What about the leaders?
Moreover, in the current situation, Wang Zhenbiao, who was once in the limelight, seems to have a problem. If this counselor Jiang can save this situation in time, maybe the boss of Songshan Island will be this counselor in the future!
Anyone who is not stupid should understand by now that the only way to have a future is to follow Counselor Jiang!
"In other words, I still believe in Officer Jiang. After all, I haven't seen this thing anywhere else before. Officer Jiang is really good at getting so many things."

The big ship would arrive every other day, so Jiang Defu ordered people to prepare the necessary things to be uploaded.

He himself took people to Sunzhuang Village.

"You said there was something wrong with the boat to Songshan Island?"

When Jiang Defu found some old boatmen in the village, they asked in surprise.

"We guess something went wrong because the ship has been out for nearly 12 days and there is still no news.

According to our agreement at that time, if the power supply stabilizes a week after arriving there, we will return to the ship and bring people back to report the news, and by the way, let the remaining people go to the island together.

Now that the ship has not returned, we suspect that something went wrong, and now we want to organize people to continue to Songshan Island to explore the situation.

You are relatively familiar with the conditions in the nearby waters, so this time we would like to invite you experienced people to go to the island with us. "

Jiang Defu said the purpose of this trip.

As for familiarity with the nearby waters, no one from the nearby fishing village is familiar with it.

They live here all year round but make a living from this sea, and many of them are fishermen.

Previously, Jiang Defu's consideration was to bring fishermen to the island, but Wang Zhenbiao was too eager for quick success and took people to the island directly.

"Counsel Jiang, we naturally know what you are talking about. We have told you before that because of what happened on Songshan Island more than ten years ago, the fishing villages near us have always regarded that place as a forbidden area, and few people go to that place. .”

Someone said hesitantly.

Because of the incident more than 10 years ago, many people died nearby, and Songshan Island has become a restricted area nearby.

Moreover, the situation at sea is inherently changeable, and no one can make a guarantee.

Problems arose as soon as the team members arrived, which shows that there are still very high risks in that section of the sea.

"Actually, it's not that no one has gone. There is actually one person who has been to Songshan Island a few years ago. Although he was wandering around the island, he should be familiar with the local terrain."

Someone suddenly said.

"who is it?"

Jiang Defu asked directly.

Everyone also looked at that person.

"It's just Ge Qingshan!"

The man said somewhat sarcastically.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that Ge Qingshan had brought a boat through there a few years ago. It was still rumored in the village for a while, and the old man even called him Ge Bold!"

"It's just that that person is wild and bold when he was young. The older generation said that they were not allowed to go to that island. I heard that he has always been curious about it. He has such a fleet, so he is naturally bold. But I heard Even though he took people there, he didn't go to the island. If he had gone to the island at that time, his life would probably have been lost."

Everyone exclaimed.

"It's no use that he knows the road well. I don't think he looks like this now. His waist is broken. Some time ago, I doubted that he would survive the New Year. But he seemed to be wandering around the yard again in the past two days. He is really lucky. !”

"He's actually not that bad. He helped a lot of people in the early years..." "Stop talking nonsense. Don't forget that he is a fisherman!"

"With his talent, how can we let him help the people on the team? Whether he is willing to help or not is another matter!"

The crowd was talking.

"Ge Qingshan really wandered around Songshan Island?"

Jiang Defu immediately grabbed the person who just spoke and asked.

"Yes, it's not wrong. Our second son followed him out on the boat in the early years. At that time, he followed him through the route of Songshan Island. They all told it when they came back. The second son of our neighbor also followed him. It should be went.

Although Ge Qingshan is a fish tyrant, has money in his hands, and almost all the fishing boats around him belong to him, he does not exaggerate and rarely lies. He said that there should be no fish from that island. Fake. "

The man was caught by Jiang Defu and said nervously.

"It's just that he is a fish bully, so he shouldn't be allowed to do things for the people in the team, right?"

Some people questioned.

"What's wrong with Yuba? Because of his status, he should behave well and contribute more to the team! Selfless service! Otherwise, how can it be considered a good transformation? Our purpose is to use all the people who can be used to transform everything that can be transformed people!"

Jiang Defu immediately retorted.

Who doesn’t know how to engage in a public opinion word war?
Although Jiang Defu is disgusted with that, facing those people with rigid ideas, direct rebuttal will make them speechless, and there won't be so many miscellaneous rumors!
"That's right, what Staff Jiang said is better. It seems that I heard the same thing from above. Let them reform and learn more about our ideas..."

Someone quickly echoed.

Jiang Defu's identity has already made these people in awe. The theories he spoke are beyond their reach, so naturally they are more convinced by his words.

Jiang Defu talked to these people and those people and prepared the plan to go to Songshan Island.

Those people were a little hesitant at first. After all, the situation on Songshan Island was quite special. There were also messages from earlier years. Many people were still a little afraid and awe of that place.

When Jiang Defu said that he could go to Songshan Island, he would be provided with food, housing, and food subsidies. He would also invite Ge Qingshan, who was familiar with the situation on Songshan Island, to go with him. He quickly agreed and went to the plan.

You need to know this era.Working for the government is considered voluntary work. You don't get paid, and you have to bring your own dry food. Now that you have food, food, housing, and food subsidies, you can't help but be surprised.

There is already a shortage of food these days. Many families have many children, and the children at home are crying for food. Not to mention the danger, they have to work hard. As long as they can earn food, many people are willing to go.

And these people basically went fishing with Ge Qingshan's team in the early years.

It seems that they are now rejecting Ge Qingshan because of his identity, but when it comes to fishing and going to sea, these people are quite convinced and trustful of Ge Qingshan.

After discussing with these people about the departure time and asking everyone to go back and prepare things, Jiang Defu started to lead people to Ge Qingshan's house.


"Dad, the sun is pretty good today. You should come out and bask in the sun. I heard the hygienist say that it is also very good for people to strengthen their bodies by being exposed to the sun and replenishing calcium."

Ge Meixia is in a good mood today.

His father took the medicine given by Counselor Jiang. Not only did the fever go away, but the original wound also gradually healed.

These days, Ge Qingshan has gained some appetite for eating, and can often walk around in the yard and bask in the sun.

"You don't need to worry about me. You are busy with yourself these days. The family is relying on you. In addition to taking care of us, you also have to go to the fields to work on the crops. When I get well, we can work together! You have never done any crop work, no Understand those!”

Ge Qingshan looked at his daughter who was always busy and felt a little distressed.

"There isn't much work in Daddy's field, so we can only plant in the wasteland. We planted some corns, but we didn't harvest much. There isn't much work to begin with. The most I can do is pull some wild vegetables."

Ge Meixia was a little unimpressed.

Her nephew was sleeping now, and her father was getting better, so she started washing a few people's dirty clothes.

She likes to be clean. Although the house is a bit shabby and they don't have many clothes now, they have to wash them every few days to feel comfortable.

"Did the people in the team really go to Songshan Island?"

Ge Qingshan leaned on the recliner and chatted with his daughter who was doing laundry.

"It seems that I went there. There was a meeting in the village a few days ago, and I listened to it from one side. I heard that a staff officer led someone to go there first.

There is also a staff officer. Officer Jiang is the one who delivered medicine to us before. He often brings people to our village and follows the people in the village to learn how to farm and build houses. Some time ago, he also learned how to make mud and bake bricks. It seems that I plan to go up there in a while. "

Ge Meixia said softly.

"Have you heard that anyone is back?"

Ge Qingshan's face was a little serious.

"No one said anything back? However, it seems that Staff Jiang invited some boatmen from our village and said that they would go to the island together to help. The date is estimated to be more than 10 days later. According to this calculation, originally The departing ship must have been going for more than ten days, right?"

"Have you been there for more than ten days?"

Ge Qingshan's face was a little serious.

"Absolutely, it should be like twelve or three days! I heard them talking about it before, those people on the team went to Songshan Island, so it should be twelve or three days! It can't be wrong, dad, you can too You know I have a good memory!”

Ge Meixia smiled.

Since the incident at home, she had rarely smiled like this.

However, his father taught them from an early age to be strong when encountering difficulties.Suffering lasts a day, happiness lasts a day, and difficulties will eventually pass.

Although her family has experienced such a disaster, and her father almost died in the beginning, her father's condition is getting better day by day. As long as her father is still alive, she always feels that there is hope for life.

"Something may have happened!"

Ge Qingshan murmured.

"What happened?"

Ge Meixia was a little confused.

"Something might have happened to the people who went to the island!"

Ge Qingshan said seriously.

"How could it be? There are so many of them, and the ship is very advanced, more powerful than our original big ship! I heard that many of those people are familiar with water!"

Ge Meixia didn't believe it.

"It has nothing to do with being familiar with the water. You don't know that island. You can't go on that island, let alone live in it!"

Ge Qingshan explained.


Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
As soon as Ge Meixia finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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