Chapter 231 Apologize
Cong Yang actually has a lot of work to do. He has been busy with Jiang Defu's affairs for the past two days. Now that everything has settled, he will go about his own affairs.

There was still some distance from the school, so he left Jiang Defu halfway and asked him to walk back by himself.

"Principal, you are so unethical!"

Jiang Defu couldn't help but complain.

"Get out of here! You boy will stay in his school for me from now on. You are not allowed to go out and wander around before the work assignment is over. If you go out again, you will attract bees and butterflies for me. Wait for your new work assignment. Come down here and ask your sister-in-law to find a good housewife for you, get married and have children for me as soon as possible, so that you don’t get into trouble!"

Before leaving, Cong Yang gave Jiang Defu a kick to express his impatience with the boy.

The crisp autumn air is a good weather for walking.

Jiang Defu whistled and walked towards the artillery school.

As soon as I arrived not far from the school gate, I saw Director Hao Gang and Director Hao entangled with a woman.

Director Hao is from the south. He has been transferred to work in the north for many years. His wife and children have lived together for a while, but his wife is cowardly and southerners are not used to life in the north.

After living for a while, he went back, leaving Director Hao alone here.

After all, Lao Hao is just a Guanghantiao here.

Director Hao is very adaptable. Over the years, his living habits have become that of a northerner.

Could it be that Director Hao was lonely and had a crush?
Jiang Defu was confused.

It's just that this was in broad daylight, at the school gate, and it didn't seem like his style!
He has always been cautious.

He had previously taught himself to pay attention to the influence of men and women in the future.

Jiang Defu saw that the woman was quite plump from a distance, and felt that Director Hao had a pretty good eye, so he decided to go up and tease him.

"Master...Ren, this is..."

"Captain Jiang, you are finally back!"

Before Jiang Defu could finish his words, the woman ran towards him excitedly.

Who else could she be if she wasn't Yan Lihua An Xin's sister-in-law?
"You...why are you here?"

Jiang Defu was a little surprised.I didn’t expect that their family would dare to come looking for me.

"Captain Jiang, I want to talk to you about something, can you give me a little time?"

Yan Lihua said with red eyes, her hair was a little messy and her expression was a little excited.

Although Yan Lihua in Jiang Defu's memory was a little chubby and a little worldly, she was kind, had high emotional intelligence, and could even be said to be well-rounded, making people feel comfortable getting along with her.

He loves to be clean. Although his hair and clothes are relatively low-key, he is always in a messy state. He is rarely as embarrassed as he is today.

"Tokutomi, you won't provoke me again... The principal said that you are not allowed to run around in the school these days. Be more honest."

Hao Gang rushed over and said.

He heard in the office that someone was looking for Jiang Defu, so he came out in a hurry. The principal recently helped Jiang Defu go to the base to find connections to talk about the situation. He was worried that this kid would have another problem at this juncture.

When I came out, I saw a middle-aged woman saying that she wanted to see Jiang Defu, so she refused directly and said that Jiang Defu was not in school and could not meet people as he pleased.

That woman is more excited!
Hao Gang was a little puzzled. Although this woman looked plump, she seemed to be much older than Jiang Defu. He couldn't help complaining in his heart, that boy wouldn't have such a heavy appetite!

Ordinarily, at this age, it’s pretty good for me!
Just as he was letting the woman leave, Jiang Defu came over.

"Captain Jiang, I have some words for you. I won't trouble you, and I won't ask you to do anything to help me! Can you give me some time to tell you the situation?"

Yan Lihua prayed again.


Hao Gang suddenly felt that something was a little strange. Could it be that Jiang Defu had such a strong taste and found such a person again?
"Director, this is my sister-in-law. She may want to talk to me about something."

Jiang Defu saw that Hao Gang had a strange look on his face and hurriedly explained.

Hao Gang's expression softened a lot when he called the woman sister-in-law.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately and return to school soon. The principal has told you not to wander around outside."

Hao Gang warned.

Jiang Defu immediately responded.


"Sister-in-law, what do you want from me?"

Jiang Defu saw Yan Lihua's eyes were red and swollen, and felt a little complicated inside.

To be honest, for the people in the An family, except for An Jie, his impression of the family was actually quite good.

Especially An Xin, to be honest, when she came to this era, she was the only woman who had a little heartbeat.

It's just that there are too many things going on in this family, and An Xin's entangled feelings sometimes make him feel a little tired. He doesn't like the kind of person who hangs himself from a tree. Sometimes it's too troublesome or he doesn't get a response. Will also retreat.

That Anjie was weird. He didn't expect that woman to have such skills. She almost ruined his future and made the people around him worry about him. He felt that he was sometimes too soft-hearted towards women.

He had thought before that since his feelings were not responded to by An Xin and there were so many miscellaneous things going on in his family, he might as well stay away from that family to avoid getting into too much trouble.

"Captain Jiang, I know you are very angry! We really didn't expect my little sister to do that.

You also know her character. Her brother and I can't control her. She is so old, and there is nothing we can do.Now that she has done something like that, our family is really embarrassed to see you.

Brother An and I just found out about this, and so did An Xin.

We didn’t come here to ask you for help today, it’s because you helped us so much before, especially my son An Chen. If it weren’t for your little life... let’s not talk about it. Your brother An feels ashamed to see you. , let me come here just to let you know that really that matter has nothing to do with us.

It's just that the incident happened in our family after all, and we were not strict with our little sister, so we are also responsible for this matter.

We should be punished no matter what, but we must show our attitude. We really did not let the little sister do that. It was her own idea. "

Yan Lihua explained excitedly.

Because she was so excited, what she said was a little confusing.

“Sister-in-law, I understand your family’s situation, and you believe that Anjie won’t be the only one of you to do those things.

It's just that now this matter has been managed by the leaders above. I can't say much myself, and I can't make the decision on many things.

However, the above matters are all about evidence and testimony. If you and Brother An have anything to say, you can write a statement letter. I will help you submit it when the time comes. This is the only thing I can do. "

Jiang Defu looked at Yan Lihua's red and swollen eyes and said softly.

"Thank you, Captain Jiang, thank you! Thank you!"

Yan Lihua said excitedly.Jiang Defu's ability to say such things has actually helped them a lot.

Whether the days ahead will be difficult or not is another matter, at least they can get through the current difficulties now.

The solution that the Ans discussed was the curve approach.

This matter has become too big recently, and they are too embarrassed to directly ask Jiang Defu for help.

Asking people for help is very skillful. For some difficult tasks, it is often objectionable to directly ask people for help.

Especially if you offend someone and want to ask for forgiveness and ask for help, directly asking for it will actually make people more disgusted and unwilling to help.

Antai and his wife are both human beings, so they naturally understand this.

Today's matter is too big, and I don't even know if Jiang Defu can help. First of all, my little sister Anjie almost caused her to lose her future. She wants to ask for forgiveness and help to save their family. This is really too much.

An Tai and Yan Lihua understood this very well, so they came to Jiang Defu with the attitude of giving it a try.

Even if Jiang Defu is unwilling to forgive them or help them, at least they can leave some good impressions by expressing their apology.

Yan Lihua expressed her gratitude. Seeing that Jiang Defu seemed to be busy with things, she agreed with Jiang Defu on a time to deliver the letter and then left.

Thinking of the family that used to talk and laugh together.We may lose contact in the future, after all, neither of us feel comfortable with this matter.

Jiang Defu actually felt a little sad inside.

He stood at the school gate, watching Yan Lihua leave, and saw a gentle and charming figure appearing near the small park, it was An Xin!

An Xin stared at Jiang Defu blankly. She had become even thinner after not seeing her for many days.

Standing there weakly, like a frail daisy after a storm.

Jiang Defu from a distance seemed to see the sadness in her eyes.

He sighed helplessly.


The weather in September is crisp and clear.

Anjia in West Market Alley is stuffy.

"It's already the beginning of autumn, why is it still so hot?"

Yan Lihua shook her fan, looked at the sky and complained a little.

"Qiuhuhu will show off his majesty for three more days!"

Zhang Ma also took a fan to help little Anchen drive away mosquitoes.

"Mama Zhang, if your nephew treats you badly, just tell us that when we get to the island and stabilize, if you are unhappy there, just let us go."

Yan Lihua said.

"Madam, I'm no longer of use at my old age! Anyway, I don't have a few days to live, and it's not enough to follow you. If my nephew is worse, don't I still have some points to give to him? And I still have a few more points. This old house will be the property left to him when the time comes, so he can’t help but give me food to eat!”

Zhang Ma comforted Yan Lihua and said.

"Oh, it's been so many years. To be honest, Zhang Ma, you are like our elders. Ordinarily An Tai and I should take care of you in your old age, but we didn't expect that our days are getting worse and worse. Let alone take care of you in old age. When the time comes, It’ll be nice if I don’t involve you!”

Yan Lihua's eyes became moist as she spoke.

"Madam, I know how good you and the young master are to me. I can't do anything to you if you go there, and it's a long way there. I heard you have to take a boat a long way to get there.

I am younger and can help you when I get there, but now that I am older, I will be a drag on you when the time comes.

The eldest lady also wants to go with you. She is not too young. This is a matter of subject...

I heard that there are very few people on the island, and it will not be easy to find a suitable partner.I will stay in our hometown so that if I meet a suitable matchmaker, I can introduce him to the eldest lady. "

Seeing Yan Lihua's sadness, Zhang's mother hurriedly comforted her.

The difficulties that Anjia encountered previously have now been resolved.

After the Antai couple submitted a letter reporting on their understanding of the situation, the people above did not come to trouble them, but the factory could not wait for news of the delayed resumption of work.

The family has to pay for food, drinks, and various expenses. What should they do if they don’t get wages from work?
Yan Lihua was very worried and wanted her husband to go to the factory to see what was going on.

Who would have thought that after Antai came back from a run, he actually told Yan Lihua that he had written a request letter and voluntarily applied for the construction of the newly developed island Heishan Island.

Heishan Island is a coastal defense line. Now some people from the team live there. Fresh water resources have also been discovered on the island, and basic life has gradually become normal.

This is because the conditions are so difficult that few residents are willing to move there.

For the people on the team, a large number of residents are needed to build the island and provide the team with the necessary materials, so now they need the residents who enter the island to build the island together.

An Tai thought about it for a while and decided to take the initiative to request to go there.

"Are you stupid? It's a penal colony. Many people don't want to go there. Even those who go there are many who were sent there. How can you take the initiative to go there?"

Yan Lihua asked her husband angrily.

"Do you think we have more options?"

An Tai sighed and said.

"Lihua, the factory has not arranged a job for me now. In the future, it will be arranged, and there won't be anything good.

In addition to the previous incident, we have become the targets. Although Captain Jiang helped us resolve the crisis, it is no longer possible for us to live as we did before.

Instead of living miserable and worried life in this city, it would be better to go to a remote island.

I heard that although the conditions on the island are difficult, there are very few people there, and there are no such miscellaneous things in a place with few people.I would rather suffer more now than live in fear all day long. "

An Tai expressed his thoughts.

He went to the factory today and met Deputy Director Hong Sheng. The man called him to a remote place and said that his family had registered with the factory office and that the future would definitely become more and more difficult.

Rather than living like this, it is better to live somewhere else. The deputy director also said that the situation like this may become increasingly tight in the future, and life for people of their background will become increasingly difficult in the future.

But he said he was just a suggestion and let An Tai think for himself.

After thinking about it for a while, An Tai felt that this idea was actually a good one. Now he was worried all day long because of miscellaneous things and felt that his heart could no longer bear the load.

"What you said is also a solution. You don't know that when I go to the market to buy vegetables, those people are talking about me, and their eyes are as if we are heinous people. Brother Tai, when will this kind of day end? !
Instead of doing this, it would be better to go to the island.There are few fish and shrimps to eat, but people will not starve to death. "

Yan Lihua couldn't help but choked.

An Tai's eye circles were also a little red, and he reached out to hug his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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