Chapter 199 Doubts about Marriage
"Uncle Hua, I'm leaving!"

Ouyang Yi shouted to Ouyang Hua and his wife who were tearing apart, then pulled the luggage and walked towards the door.

"Little Yi!"

Ouyang Hua saw Ouyang Yi pulling the suitcase out, and the hands fighting with his wife stopped instantly.

He was just dissatisfied that his wife had been beaten and beaten recently and did not want Ouyang Yi to live here, which would have a great impact on the family. He believed that the second son, including his daughter and the eldest son, did not like Ouyang Yi because of his wife's influence, so he wanted to teach his wife a lesson.

Forgetting that they are like this, for Ouyang Yi, it is a disguised form to let Ouyang Yi know and want to drive him away.

Ouyang Hua chased Ouyang Yi out.

"You...if you want to get him back, I won't stay in this house anymore!"

Xie Chun'e shouted to Ouyang Hua who ran out to chase Ouyang Yi.

"Mom! Don't..."

Ouyang Kui just said something dissatisfied, but he didn't expect that it would cause a fight between his father and his mother, and it would really make Ouyang Yi angry. After all, he was not old and was a little flustered.

"What are you afraid of! This is what happened at home, and your father slapped the fat man in the face. If he does this again, the family will be broken up. What else can we live with!"

Now that the commotion has started, if Ouyang Hua still lets Ouyang Yi come back, Xie Chun'e is ready to give up the job!

She planned to take the child to her parents' house for a few days with some dry food. Although Ouyang Hua was considered capable, he had a shortcoming, that is, he couldn't cook.

She wanted to see how Ouyang Hua would take care of the young master in his eyes if she didn't come back!

Yes, visit relatives with dry food!
Xie Chun'e said that bringing dry food or food to her parents' house to visit relatives was not just a casual talk.

Life is not easy these days. If you really want to live with relatives, many families with poor economic conditions bring dry food or food with them.

For example, if a married girl has no one to take care of her child and wants to send it to her natal family to live for a period of time and ask her parents to help take care of it, she will usually give them some food, which is the so-called ration. Have opinions.

When Ouyang Yi came to Ouyang Hua's house, to be honest, it was not an exaggeration to stay for ten days and a half. The problem was that you either stayed for three or two days, which was a long time, or you didn't bring food, so you had to at least use money to buy some things. It's the most basic courtesy.

It was actually the same thing when Ouyang Yi was in Anjia before.

It's just that he is too self-centered and doesn't understand the ways of the world.

Naturally, he doesn't know how to plan his life. The less money he has, the less money he has. This actually shows the situation, and he can be more diligent.

He is also rather arrogant, treating himself as a guest and eating and drinking well without paying for it. He says that he will not be able to stand up wherever he goes.

An Jia, even Yan Lihua, is tacky in Ouyang Yi's eyes, and she can't do it directly. Although she comes from a landlord's family, she is also educated, wants face, and respects her husband. At most, she follows Zhang Ma complained.

Xie Chun'e is different. She is basically like a peasant woman. Her family is poor, her things are precious, and she has many children. Naturally, she will not tolerate Ouyang Yi.


"Xiao Yi! Xiao Yi!"

Ouyang Hua had been pulling the cart all morning and was actually very tired. Now he was unable to catch up with Ouyang Yi.

After chasing for about one kilometer, we caught up with Ouyang Yi.

"Xiao Yi, your aunt is a rural woman. She is ignorant. Don't be like her. Come home with me!"

Ouyang Hua caught up with Ouyang Yi and grabbed him.

"I'm not going back, Uncle Hua, your family isn't well-off either."

Ouyang Yi looked at Ouyang Hua who was panting, stopped and said.

"Then where are you going?"

Ouyang Hua asked.Ouyang Yi said nothing.

Although he has a somewhat unflexible personality, he also knows that Ouyang Hua is a person who truly cares about him and has nothing to say to him. It's just that his family is too poor.

"Xiao Yi, you won't go to Anjia, will you?"

Ouyang Hua looked at Ouyang Yi and asked.

"I...some of my luggage is still there."

Ouyang Yi said somewhat reluctantly.

He really had nowhere to go, and all he could think of was to settle down.

When he came out of An's house, all he wanted to do was to hide out. He couldn't eat or sleep well at Ouyang Hua's house these days. In fact, he had long wanted to go back to An's house, but Ouyang Hua insisted on keeping him longer. On that day, they said that they would not let him go until he started reporting to his work unit at the beginning of school.

Now that the commotion is like this, Ouyang Yi even thinks that Ouyang Hua is too stubborn. If Ouyang Hua hadn't been so good to him and often looked after him when he was a child, Ouyang Yi would have had other ideas about Ouyang Hua.

"Xiao Yi, do you still want to get married to the An family?"

Ouyang Hua asked.

"Uncle Hua, what do you mean? The elders of the An family and I made a promise, and we are considered to be a good match. Although An Xin's personality has changed a bit now, it is all due to the influence of her sister-in-law... They... They are generally pretty good to me!"

Ouyang Yi hesitated and said, he is still sincere. Even though he is dissatisfied with Anjia, he also knows that Anjia treats him well.

As for his fiancée An Xin, she has a gentle personality. Although she often talks to him about big principles, which makes Ouyang Yi impatient at times, compared to his little sister An Jie, he thinks An Xin is really good.

It is indeed difficult to find such a gentle and beautiful woman. Ouyang Yi is indeed dissatisfied with An Xin, but he has no other ideas at the moment. Of course, the most important thing is that he does not have many choices.

"Xiao Yi, after all, the An family is your in-law's family. You came out earlier. I don't think it's appropriate to go back now. If you go back like this, you will be looked down upon! After all, it is your in-law's family. We still have to save some face so that we can get along easily in the future. I'm worried that if you go back now, you will be looked down upon by others. From now on..."

Ouyang Hua reminded.

Ouyang Hua also roughly understood the circumstances surrounding Ouyang Yi's departure from the An family.

He is an upright person, but since he has been running around outside since he was a child, he naturally has to know a lot about people and the world.

He knew that the An family was doing well, but that the young master in his family had many shortcomings in his worldliness.

In Ouyang Hua's opinion, the An family is definitely a good family, and he also knows An Xin. The An family and the Ouyang family are family friends. Even in these years, because they are in the same city, Ouyang Hua and the An family have met each other, and they are very polite to each other. Hot.

Ouyang Hua thinks that Ouyang Yi's situation is very good for him to find An Xin as his wife. He is worried that the An family will not be willing to marry Ouyang Yi after seeing Ouyang Yi's current situation and have other ideas.

It smells far and near!

Ouyang Hua doesn't want his nephew Ouyang Yi to be looked down upon by others, so if he leaves enough space and face, the marriage can go smoothly.

If Ouyang Yi continues to live in Anjia, if something happens, he is worried that the marriage will be ruined. This is why he wants to let Ouyang Yi live in his home despite his own difficulties.

"But if I don't go to settle down, where will I go? Uncle Hua, my aunt doesn't welcome me to live in your place, and the conditions in your house are really inconvenient. You see, I have a lot of bug bites on my body. I can't eat well or sleep well." …”

Ouyang Yi complained a little.

"Xiao Yi, the school will start in a week at most. Since you have been transferred to them as a teacher, you have to arrange a place to live first! Why don't we go to the school and have a look!"

Ouyang Hua suggested.

"Is that okay? School hasn't started yet, is there any use in going here?"

Ouyang Yi hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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