Chapter 133 New Currency Exchange
After being injured, Wang Zhenbiao originally wanted to recuperate, but Zhang Wanshan, also known as Deputy Zhang, actually informed him to ask his wife from his hometown to bring his son to take care of him, and a place of residence had been arranged for him.

If it weren't for Zhang Wanshan's identity, Wang Zhenbiao would have really looked down on Zhang Guiying.

When people are very poor and helpless, their choices may be lowered, but after they have achieved certain achievements, they will naturally not be willing to settle for the original choice.

If Wang Zhenbiao was still living without food in his hometown, he might be willing to marry Zhang Guiying.

But he already had certain achievements and professional titles in the army, and originally wanted to marry a good wife. For example, for some junior officers, even if they cannot marry college students, it is normal for them to marry the beautiful daughter of a small boss in the city. .

But Zhang Wanshan wanted him to marry his own niece!

That Zhang Wanshan was an old fox. When Wang Zhenbiao first heard that a fellow villager had come to seek refuge with him, he treated him indifferently and just let him work under him, but he didn't take much care of him.

At that time, Wang Zhenbiao even regretted defecting to Zhang Wanshan.

He always thought that he was a talented person. He went to private school for a few years. Later, when his parents were in trouble and the family fell into trouble, he went to live with his aunt.

I originally thought that Zhang Wanshan was a fellow countryman of mine and would take special care of me. But when I arrived, I realized that because Zhang Wanshan was famous, there were quite a few fellow countrymen who came to seek refuge with him. He also had a lot of nephews and nephews, so they never took turns. Go to Wang Zhenbiao to drink oil and water.

Just one day, Zhang Wanshan suddenly came to talk to him.

After some deep and affectionate hometown feelings, Zhang Wanshan said that he had a niece who stayed with his younger brother out of filial piety and stayed rooted in the countryside. He delayed getting married until he was still young, and he always felt guilty.

Wang Zhenbiao was a little confused at first. Your brother is not easy. What does your niece's pity have to do with me?There are many more pitiful relatives in my hometown.

Who knew that Zhang Wanshan was recruiting from behind, so he directly said that his niece had been delayed, that her hometown had gotten married early, and there was no suitable young man to match his niece, and he wanted to find a husband for his niece in the team.

Then he asked Wang Zhenbiao if he didn’t have a partner. He was a fellow countryman and knew everything about him. If he wanted to find a partner, so on and so forth...

Even though Zhang Wanshan has always emphasized that marriage between a man and a woman is always voluntary to avoid becoming a resentful couple.

Wang Zhenbiao cursed in his heart.

Can he say no?He has no partner. He has always wanted to be successful. He has always hoped that his fellow countryman Zhang Wanshan would give him some guidance so that he could climb faster and rise higher...

In this way, he became Zhang Wanshan's niece-in-law and Zhang Guiying's husband. But why was this life so difficult?

According to the history in Jiang Defu's memory, the new currency will not be replaced until March of the new year.

It's just that the real situation is much faster than he thought. The issuance of new coins actually started to be implemented near the end of the year.

Jiang Defu was very confused. Generally speaking, many policies are rarely implemented at the end of the year.

After all, for people in this country, celebrating the New Year is indeed a big event. Generally, things are either done before the new year or postponed until after the new year.

This is indeed somewhat inconsistent with the real situation.

But if you can change your soul, what else can't happen?
Compared with the almost silent new currency issuance policy experienced in previous lives, this new currency issuance is quite sensational.

In previous lives, after the news was announced, the policy was usually to slowly replace it.

The situation is indeed different today. There are only three days to exchange old coins for new coins, yes!Three days!
The currency value to be exchanged is generally a large currency value:
Exchange NT$1 for SGD$1;
100 yuan old currency exchanged for [-] cent of new currency;

For old coins that are less than [-] yuan, we will replace them in kind;

[-] yuan is given to an envelope, [-] yuan is given to a piece of letter paper, and [-] yuan is given to a steel pin.

The redemption time is also very urgent:
Limited time is one week!
When Jiang Defu saw this notice, he was immediately stunned.

It’s not that he suffered a big loss, he’s basically spent all his money!Yang Kang had given him too many large banknotes of 10 and 1. In order to change the money, he asked a classmate who worked at Lao Ding Bank to change it into small change. As expected, that person was well-informed and directly changed it into 10 yuan and 10 yuan. The currency value was exchanged for nearly [-] yuan and given to him.

The reward he gave Lao Ding was 1 yuan, which was also exchanged for small change.

Of course, I also gave the classmate nearly 10 yuan as a help fee. This kind of thing is inherently risky.

Jiang Defu kept a few 1 notes and a few [-] notes as souvenirs, of which [-] were exchanged by Cong Yang for small change.

The sum of these miscellaneous things will be enough to spend according to future purchasing power.

Sometimes people can't be too greedy. Too greedy will often lead to disaster. He is content to be able to keep the money, not to mention it is an unexpected fortune.

Lao Ding was very excited, because the money below 10 yuan was gradually exchanged, which was equivalent to keeping all his change.

He also regretted that he was worried that the money would turn into waste paper and wasted a lot on eating and drinking, which made Jiang Defu laugh.

18 yuan for a steel needle!
When Jiang Defu saw this notice, he was a little confused. Is there still a currency value of 18 yuan issued?

He hadn't heard much about it.

After asking some people, I found out that this denomination was actually issued in some areas.

It’s no wonder that the higher authorities are rushing to issue new currency. The value of this first edition of currency is really messy.

In the artillery school, neither the students nor the instructors were in the mood to attend classes these days, and were basically busy with this matter.

After all, this is related to many people's financial issues.

Jiang Defu originally thought that it would be unrealistic to exchange new currency within a week. After all, in such a big place, even Qingcheng should have a lot of work.

But on the fourth day, the announcement came out: the old currency exchange is over!
The local newspaper also reported the good news, saying that with the joint efforts of bank staff from all over the country, the exchange work had been completed after three days and three nights of work.

"Old Ding! Old Ding, have you read the newspaper?"

Jiang Defu came back from outside with the newspaper and opened the door of the dormitory excitedly. Lao Ding was lying on the bed reading a novel.

"Close the door. It's very cold today. When you come in, the wind blows and gives me a headache!"

Old Ding shouted.

Now that it has entered winter, Qingcheng is close to the sea, and winter is still cold, especially the whistling wind in winter.

"You're in confinement with your little wife, and you're always lying on the bed!"

Jiang Defu joked as he looked at Lao Ding who was wrapping himself in a quilt.

"What are you doing out so early in the morning? Are you going to see beautiful women again?"

During this period of time, Jiang Defu would go to Western restaurants on weekends, but he never met any "acquaintances" and always came back disappointed.

As for An's residence, it was not close to the artillery school. He also wanted to go there when he was shopping, but he hesitated a little when he thought that the girl with a gentle smile already had a fiancé.

I have been busy with the exchange of new currency these past few days, so I naturally don’t have time.

"I'm thinking, isn't money more important? Lao Ding, this new currency was exchanged in three days! His grandma's, it was so fast! You said it wouldn't take a week, I thought you were joking ! What on earth do you think is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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