Rebirth begins with the waste wood returning home

Chapter 117 The suddenly rich old man

Chapter 117 The suddenly rich old man
I saw that the room was filled with things of all sizes:
Two large wooden boxes; several large bundles of fabric;
Several locks; two new desks; the desks were filled with pens, ink, paper and inkstones;
As for the bed, there were a lot of things densely packed on it.

The student dormitories at the artillery school generally have two-person rooms. Only those with a family will be allocated a separate house with two bedrooms and one living room. Those must apply in advance.

It does not mean that everyone can apply. The reasons must be stated, such as the husband and wife have been separated for a long time, and there is no one to take care of the wife and children in the hometown. Anyway, the procedures are a bit troublesome.

The dormitory for two people is only about 30 square meters. As a separate room, the area is not small, but with two people living there, two beds, and their respective luggage and other things, it seems a bit full.

As a result, so many things suddenly appeared, seeming to fill the room. No wonder Jiang Defu was so surprised.

"You...what did you buy again?"

Jiang Defu was surprised when he saw Lao Ding appear at the door with several bags in his hands and some clothes on his head.

"You...what are you doing?"

Jiang Defu directly pulled Lao Ding and asked doubtfully.

"Don't... don't stand at the door and ask me to put things in the room!"

Old Ding looked around and saw that no one was around, and hurriedly rushed into the room with his things.

Today is Saturday, it is the students' break time, many people have gone out for shopping.

Many of the students here are not natives of Qingcheng. It has not been long since school started, and everyone is very curious about this city.

After all, it is a city once occupied by Lao De. It is full of Western buildings, which is too special for many people.

It was a surprise when Lao Ding first came.

He threw the things he bought on the table, watched Jiang Defu come in, and closed the door neatly.

"I did a whole day's shopping today and I'm exhausted!"

Old Ding picked up the cup on the table, poured a cup of herbal tea from the teapot, drank it in one gulp, and took a breath.

"Why did you suddenly buy so many things?"

Jiang Defu saw that the things Lao Ding brought back this time were all clothes.

Men's, women's, old people, children's, there are always a lot of them.

"What are you going to do? Are you going back to your hometown after buying so many clothes? It's not long since school started and there's no holiday. Did something happen to your family?"

Jiang Defu looked at the clothes. They were complete for men, women and children. They should have been bought by Lao Ding for his family.

"Why do you want to go home! Didn't we say that our money will become useless paper in the future? That would be a pity! I... I just sell it into things and buy as much as I can!"

Lao Ding said directly, because he had been running around all day and was sweating on his head.

"You are so stupid. You have to spend all that money to buy things, and this house is not enough for you!"

Jiang Defu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He looked through the clothes that Lao Ding bought, which belonged to his grandma. This boy was really weird. He bought clothes for not only men, women, and children, but also for the whole family, and even bought a dozen pairs of underwear.

"You're not wearing these flowery pants, are you?"

Jiang Defu saw three pairs of bright red flowered pants.

"Then...that was bought for your sister-in-law! How could I wear that color!"

Lao Ding's face turned red for a rare moment, causing Jiang Defu to laugh so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

"You'd better not buy it. The change issue should be solved by the higher-ups. It won't make all the money in everyone's hands disappear, and all the hard-earned money will be turned into waste paper. Maybe you can go to the bank to change the money. .

You are buying so many things now that we can’t keep them here. Your goal is too big. If someone comes over and sees it, it will arouse suspicion. "Jiang Defu expressed his thoughts.

You can't blame Lao Ding. There are not many things on the market now, especially not big ones. If you have a small one with a thousand yuan in your hand, you really can't spend it.

"Of course I understand what you are saying. The problem is that we have so much money. If we go to the bank to exchange it at that time, it will make people suspicious if we take so much money to exchange it all at once!"

Lao Ding said somewhat eagerly.

What kind of identity they have, the artillery school naturally knows.

In case someone finds out that they are so rich, please report it...

"If you have already bought these things, just buy them. If you need to send them home, send them home. Don't buy the rest. No amount of money is as important as safety. At worst, you can just exchange for less when the time comes! You didn't have the money before. Hasn’t the time passed?”

Jiang Defu has already thought about it. Now he can exchange as much money as he can and let everything take its course. Anyway, with his current status, as long as he doesn't do anything big wrong, he shouldn't be without food.

As for making money, he is still young now. Based on his understanding of his past life, if he saves more valuable things, he will be fine in the future.

"Hey! I'm really exhausted today! I wanted to discuss this matter with you, but you went to the principal's house and didn't come back. I thought you would be protected by the principal in the future. Even if you don't have the money, how can you get promoted and get rich and marry a beautiful wife? All are good days.

I'm different. It's basically a foregone conclusion. Being able to stay in this artillery school is a huge favor. It's impossible at all. I might as well make good use of the money I have. Let me tell you, I couldn't do it all night last night. I fell asleep and was excited about this today!

What you said is true. When my father was alive, he said that having too much money is also a disaster. It seems to be true. I have no money in my life. No matter how much money I have, I can't stop it. I'll just go with it naturally as you said. Bar!"

Lao Ding collapsed directly on the bed.

After getting acquainted with Jiang Defu, I realized that this guy really had someone in the government, and his official position was quite high.

Lao Ding is really envious.

His family is in the countryside, and he is just a small rich farmer. It is okay in the countryside, but it is really not enough to see in the city.

The reason why he was able to come to the artillery school for further study was because of his connections with his classmates.

Although his classmate is capable, he is still a classmate after all, and the classmate is in Kyoto. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, so it is good to be able to help him get here.

How can it be compared to Lao Ding’s backstage being directly the principal!

Moreover, the principal is still his old leader and fellow villager, so he is basically one of his own.


Day two.

Jiang Defu accompanied Lao Ding to the post office to mail many of the things he bought for his family.

"Hey, why did you two get so many things? What are you doing?"

As soon as the two of them dragged the large package tied with sheets to the school gate on their bicycles, they met the smiling Section Chief Hu.

"Hello, Chief Hu!"

The two saluted directly.

Jiang Defu complained in his heart, why did he meet this old guy again!
It was better for Section Chief Hu to ignore him before.

After learning about his relationship with Principal Cong, Jiang Defu couldn't bear his close attitude.

Lao Ding looked at Section Chief Hu nervously. After all, a new student suddenly brought such a big package out, just in case it needed to be checked.

He bought so many new clothes, it's so easy to make people suspicious!

(End of this chapter)

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