Dou Po: Rebirth of Furukawa, start strategy of Yun Yun

Chapter 148 Cao Ying’s heart is moved: Brother He!

After the old man Mu Gu realized this, he immediately decided to fight quickly.

"Ha, insidious!" Mu Gu slapped him down and cursed at Furukawa viciously.

Furukawa held the sword in his right hand, and touched the sword body with his left hand, his fingertips stained with the fish master's green flames.
In an instant, his left hand was also covered with strange fire, and beautiful flames wrapped around the palm of his left hand. The next moment, he clenched his fist and pointed it in the direction of Mu Gu.

"If I give you a word in return, it will harm others and ultimately harm you."

Mu Gu summoned a large dark purple net in an attempt to cover Gu He. While the net covered Xiang Gu He, he moved with strange movements in an attempt to leave here.

You can kill Furukawa anytime, but he can't be discovered by Danta now.

If Danta discovers the existence of their Soul Palace and discovers that he is Mu Gu, the outcome will not be good.

"Want to leave?" Furukawa smiled faintly, waved out his left hand, and the fish master's green strange fire instantly burned Mu Gu's big net.

His movement was even more ghostly than that of Old Man Mu Gu, and his fingers instantly appeared in front of Mu Gu. Before Mu Gu could return to his senses, Furukawa's Red Sky Sword had already been placed on his shoulder, with its sharp red blade. Like a poisonous kiss, it broke through the fabric of the black cloak and pressed against his neck.

"Have you asked me?"

Mu Gu's eyes darkened, but in an instant, he had already made a decision——

It was true that he underestimated the enemy, but who said Furukawa could defeat him? ?

What his Soul Palace is best at is——

Blow yourself up!
But the moment he had this idea, Kohe had already noticed the difference in his eyes.
It seemed that he had made up his mind, but he quickly covered it up and pretended to be relaxed. The micro-expression of this second was caught hard by Furukawa.

Furukawa's Red Sky Sword passed by without mercy, and the high-intensity fish master's cyan fire also quickly burned Mu Gu's body.

The flames soared, Mu Gu's soul was crushed by Gu He's powerful spiritual power, and blood mist filled the air.

At this last moment, Danta's people finally arrived.

Furukawa explained everything clearly, and told that there should be two or three spies from the Soul Palace in the Alchemy Club, and hoped that the Alchemy Pagoda would conduct a serious search.

Xuan Kongzi's eyes were sharp as he rushed over, his face darkened, as gloomy as the black pool.

"I will definitely give you and the other players an explanation!"

"This favor of yours...we owe it to you!"

Then he softened his expression and said,

"Time is running out. Your map was an accident caused by someone else. I will tell the person responsible for testing the herbs. Just pick three of them and give them to him. Let's go to the third level."

Furukawa nodded lightly, "I trust Danta's handling."

Kohe set off again, summoning the flying beast and rushing to the exit not far away.

Although it wasn't far, but after walking for half an hour, Furukawa arrived at the exit of the alchemy world within the prescribed time.


The flying beast neighed and landed on the square, attracting attention.

Seeing this very familiar flying beast, the little medical fairy hurriedly greeted him, "Teacher!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Furukawa touched her head and said, "I ran into some trouble. I'll take care of it by the way. Be good, I've been waiting for a long time."

There was a hint of unconscious endearment in Kohe's voice, and his eyes when he looked at the little medical fairy were particularly soft, which made the little medical fairy couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, it's okay, it hasn't started yet anyway."

During the conversation, Furukawa handed three precious herbs he picked out to the old man in charge of inspection.

Cao Ying also came over at this time. She was wearing that beautiful red dress. Furukawa was busy fighting and rushing, so he didn't notice that the hem of her skirt was embroidered with very beautiful lotus lanterns and red-crowned cranes.

They are obviously two unrelated objects, but they blend together exceptionally well.

As if in the vast red sky and earth, the lotus lanterns were moving slowly along the direction of the river, riding on the gentle wind, but suddenly at this moment a crane croaked, and the red sky and earth suddenly started to wind, and heavy snow like crane feathers began to fall.

By the lotus lanterns, she was looking back.

"Furuhe...Brother, you're fine." Cao Ying walked towards Furukawa and said.Brother Furukawa?
The first time he heard this title, Furukawa felt a little strange.

"Don't call me Brother Furukawa, it's weird." Furukawa said subconsciously.

Cao Ying's eyes darkened, and she suddenly realized that she was a little impulsive, as if she was taking advantage of the fate of Gu He to save her.


Furukawa interrupted her, "Just call me Brother He, no need to be so unfamiliar."

Cao Ying raised her head that had just been lowered, her eyes shining: "Ah? Really?"

Furukawa looked back at her tenderly, "You are the first person to call me brother, so feel free to call me brother, I quite like hearing it."

Cao Ying felt as if her breathing had stopped for a moment, her heartbeat accelerated, and her charming face looked more like a stretched and beautiful rose against the red dress.

She quickly suppressed her emotions and didn't let herself show it too obviously.

"Then...Brother He..."

Cao Ying was a little shy, with a soft smile on her alluring face. After a pause, she finally spoke out.

In fact, even she never thought that one day she would be so shy and call a man brother.

After all, she never called any man with a blood relationship in her family "brother."

Because she always feels that she has her own pride.And because of her strength, she was too powerful and had a lot of say, so no one forced her to change her title.

This is the first time she sincerely calls someone brother.

But under this title, there might be some emotions of her own that she didn't even understand.

But at this time, Cao Ying didn't think much. She just introduced the rules of the third level to Furukawa, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.
"Brother He, I think you can win."

"No.1 must be yours."

Cao Ying's usual smile always had a hint of coldness and indifference, but now, her smiles were as warm and gentle as water.

Furukawa nodded, "I believe your results will not be bad."

"Also, I appreciate your good words."

During the conversation between the two, Xuan Kongzi appeared, and his strong fighting spirit carried his voice throughout the square.

"Before entering the third assessment, I have to deal with a few people."

In less than half a stick of incense, several people sent by the Soul Palace were already picked out by Xuan Kongzi.

They were all capable of refining medicine, but their cultivation was average. Xuan Kongzi tore off the arms of these people as a warning, and then threw them out.

The other alchemist contestants were talking a lot.

“I didn’t expect that Soul Palace would be so courageous!”

"I heard that it was 'the one' who told the Danta elder that there would be a mole in Danta!"

"Really or not? This has done us a big favor! If the Soul Palace is here, then this competition will be so unfair!"



Amid the noise, Xuan Kongzi raised his hand to signal for the scene to quiet down.

"Everyone here has passed the level. Now please follow me to the square of the third level."

Under the leadership of Xuan Kongzi, everyone entered the dark space crack.


(End of this chapter)
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