Dou Po: Rebirth of Furukawa, start strategy of Yun Yun

Chapter 143 This is the real illusion

"Who do you think you are?"

As Gu He finished speaking, Huang Yi struck with an attack.
He had a serious look on his face, his legs were slightly bent, and his hands were dancing rapidly, like a martial arts figure entering a fighting stance.

As his palms drew a path, fiery red fighting energy surged out of his body and quickly condensed into a huge flame cauldron in front of him.

His face was also dyed red by the fiery fighting spirit, and blazing flames ignited in his eyes. He pressed his hands on the huge flame cauldron with a "pop" sound, raised it and slammed it towards Furukawa.


Like a huge planetary fireball.

The moment before the attack hit Furukawa, he did not move. Only when the whirlwind stirred the black hair behind him, Furukawa raised his finger and flicked,
The fish master's beautiful blue flame instantly enveloped Huang Yi's attack, and the huge flame cauldron was instantly enveloped by an even bigger cauldron, like ashes falling from a smoke column.

The thunder from the sky stirred up the fire on the earth, and the light flashed in one flash.

The energy of Huang Yi's furnace cauldron was swallowed up instantly.

The huge shock wave that surprised Huang Yi made him retreat dozens of steps.

"How is that possible?!" He exclaimed secretly, his face darkening with a hint of shocked confusion.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Before he grabbed the Earth's Heart and Soul Marrow, he carefully checked Furukawa's strength, but he was just a six-star Douzong.

He is the Seven Star Douzong!A difference of one star can be described as a thousand miles!

This is also Huang Yi's confidence.

However, at this moment, Furukawa easily...!
Huang Yi stabilized his body,
He sighed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Then he stared at Furukawa viciously, and his indifferent eyes, as if looking at ants, hurt him deeply, and he couldn't help but roared with a ferocious face:

"Haha, you are cruel enough! But I won't make it easy for you. Two of my companions have also entered the alchemy world, and they will avenge me!"

Before he finished speaking, Huang Yi spit out another mouthful of blood.

Immediately afterwards, he flicked his fingers, and a ray of light flew out from his fingertips. The light quickly circled in the blood and turned into a bloody light, rushing into the sky like lightning.

In a blink of an eye, the blood glow disappeared. It was obvious that he was very skilled at doing this kind of thing.

Furukawa didn't even take out the Red Sky Sword. He stepped on the void, his black robe rustled, and he spoke lightly,
"If you want to die, that's fine."

"However, I will give you a chance to escape. If you don't escape, don't blame me."

While Huang Yi looked horrified, a flash of fish master's green flame ignited onto his body from his back.

He didn't expect that the strange fire would sneak up on his back, which was the weakest defense!


Before the blood on the corner of his mouth was wiped clean, it turned into a smear of white ash between heaven and earth.

Nourish the land.

There was no time to even crush the jade.

Furukawa glanced at it, shook his head, and started on his way.

After all, underestimating the enemy is a grave sin in war.

Huang Yi should pay a corresponding price for seeing clearly that he had concealed and suppressed his cultivation.

If he didn't make that useless struggle and send out signals, he wouldn't bother to add another life.

To be honest, after entering Dou Po World and Dou Qi Continent, he has always been worried about the matter of "murder".

He has no problem killing monsters, after all, they are beasts, but when facing people...

Human life is so fresh, the heart is beating, and the skin is active.

He hesitated and hesitated and gave countless psychological hints before finally accepting the principles of this fighting spirit continent——

There is no gorgeous magic, but boundless fighting spirit. Here the strong are respected, and the first task is to protect yourself, and the second is to protect others.

Kohe lowered his head and glanced at the ashes that had been scattered in the wind, and sighed in his heart, which was hard to describe.Who says time travel is a good thing?He was also on tenterhooks.

The golden-fingered Yao Lao who secretly assassinated the protagonist Xiao Yan, killed Xiao Yan, the son of the plane, and captured the strange fire to attack the major female characters...

Is he sure about everything?



and many more!

Furukawa seemed to realize something.

Very strange, very strange!
Why did he suddenly think of this?

The small shadow of "counterattack killing" has always been buried in his subconscious. After he came to a strange world and obtained the system, he had already adjusted himself. This matter has been left in the corner of his memory. Why? Will you be suddenly aroused?

Weird, so weird!

Why did Huang Yi make him think so much?Arouse deep subconscious memories and lose control?
Why should Huang Yi shake his confidence?

Furukawa suddenly sneered, the corners of his mouth curved with frost,

The Scarlet Sky Sword was summoned, and he slashed hard at the surrounding space! !

The fighting spirit from the whole body attacks without any reservation, and the beautiful blue flame of the fish master is also side by side with the fighting spirit, accomplishing each other and blending into one,
"Bang bang bang!"

Like spaceships hitting planets one after another, huge cracks appeared in the space around Furukawa.

It was as if something in the space was broken one after another, turning into pieces of crystals, floating like petals.

Gu He looked at all this indifferently, and consciously looked into the black Najie he was carrying. Sure enough, there were all the things he had prepared before coming, and even half of the watermelon left by Zi Yan, but there was no pretending to be there. The jade box of the heart and soul.

And where are the vast mountains, green grass, and white ashes before his eyes?

The black space truly appeared before his eyes,
He Furukawa is still in the first level of the Dan Realm assessment!
Furukawa held the Red Sky Sword in one hand and held his fist with the other hand.

What is true?What is fake?

The modern world is fake, and killing Huang Yishou's heart and soul is also fake, but what about now?What's really true?
Furukawa took out the moonstone and let it float in the sky, then neatly raised the Red Sky Sword and attacked without mercy.

But this time, the black space showed no reaction, only the moonstone shone with a light that was not dazzling.

Furukawa continued to attack until his strength was exhausted. He took a few more pills to restore his fighting spirit.


It seems that this time it should not be an illusion.

Furukawa couldn't help but knelt down, supported his body with the Red Sky Sword, and took a breath.

Someone inside Danta must be trying to mess with him!

I just don’t know which one it is...why should they worry or complain.

The intensity of the illusion in this first level was unexpectedly great.

Three levels of fantasy!How virtuous and capable is his ancient river? How virtuous and capable he is!
This third level made him think that he had broken through the illusion. Who knew that "breaking through the illusion" was also a layer of illusion!

"Sooner or later, let me know who you are..."


Furukawa stood up, and the Red Sky Sword slashed across the ground, making a harsh clash of fine steel.
The Red Sky Sword was retracted, the moonstone flew into his hand, and Kohe quickly flew toward the exit.

After a long time, the real exit finally appeared in front of him.

White light suddenly appeared, and the first layer of illusion was broken--!

(End of this chapter)
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