Dou Po: Rebirth of Furukawa, start strategy of Yun Yun

Chapter 134 Three Star Dou Zun!Head to Shengdan City!

Eighth Grade Alchemist!
A trace of uncontrollable excitement flashed in Koga's eyes.

A seventh-grade alchemist may be able to prosper in Zhongzhou, but if you really want to make Dou Zun strong men willing to be your thugs, you need to be at least an eighth-grade alchemist... And Furukawa has achieved it!
He tried his best to suppress the turbulence in his heart and summoned his furnace cauldron, the heaven and earth cauldron.

A beautiful furnace cauldron like a will-o'-the-wisp appeared, and Furukawa took out the materials he had saved a long time ago from the Najie.

Over the years, through making elixirs for strong men and contacting the Mittel Auction House, he has accumulated an amazing inventory of materials. In terms of value, he can be said to be as rich as any country.

On the huge stone slab, various materials for Poria Green Pill are lined up.

There are demon fruit, spirit-nurturing branches, eighth-level water magic cores, etc., almost hundreds of them. Among them, the eighth-level water attribute magic core was obtained by him when he took the time to hunt.

The cyan flame of the fish master rose up in the palm of Furukawa's hand, which was very beautiful. Furukawa poured the flame into the mouth of the heaven and earth cauldron and began to refine the elixir.

The process of refining the elixir was extremely slow, and Furukawa also felt himself improving during this process.

The eighth-grade alchemist is indeed different.

After facing the fierce pill thunder, Poria Green Pill was finally successfully refined.

The formula of Poria Green Pill was one that Furukawa saw among several formulas that were previously rewarded by the system. After absorbing it, he made some improvements. The refined pill has a unique blue color, like the green leaves of spring, full of vitality.

A green snake that seems to be swimming slowly in the air slowly emerges from the Poria Green Pill - this is its essence!

The rich fragrance of elixirs filled the entire cave and spread out of the cave. All the spirit beasts on the mountain peak felt the comfortable fragrance of elixirs.

"It's done!"

Furukawa worked hard, put away the furnace cauldron and the remaining unused medicinal materials, took Poria Green Pill, crossed his legs again, and started practicing.

Poria Green Pill is a powerful elixir with two main functions. One is to help people with impaired strength gradually restore their original strength. The other is to break through the users' cultivation bottlenecks and give them the opportunity to improve themselves. level of cultivation.

Very powerful.

When Furukawa was refining, he used high-intensity strange fire, and the elixir recipe was also improved. Obviously, the elixir's effect has also become much more powerful.

The elixir in the hand is gleaming green, like a beautiful jade that has just been unearthed.

Furukawa wants to use the Poria Green Pill that he has worked so hard to refine to improve his cultivation!


The time of cultivation is like a gust of wind, which passes by but cannot be held.

Dou Zun one star!
Dou Zun Two Stars!

Dou Zun Samsung!

Furukawa's cultivation stopped at the peak of Dou Zun's three stars.

He sighed sadly.

He originally thought that he would make a breakthrough in one fell swoop and be promoted to a four-star Dou Zun, but he didn't expect that he was still a little short of it. However, he also understood that "haste makes waste, and haste makes waste", and he had to lay a solid foundation.

After practicing, I feel light all over.

"I finally have a place here..." Furukawa sighed.

Among all realms in Dou Qi Continent, Dou Zun ranks third, second only to Dou Sheng and Dou Emperor.

When Furukawa stepped into this realm, he had already reached the top of the Dou Qi Continent Pyramid. He could master and use the power of space, have his own space moves, tear apart space to shuttle, and invisibly kill enemies instantly...

There is a raging undercurrent in Zhongzhou. He had been arrogant against Glacier Valley before, but it was just because he knew that sooner or later, he would grow to a point that even his former self was afraid of.

Because he can see the future, he never panics.

The wind blew up and Guhe disappeared.

In the cave, vegetation grows, and the remaining temperature is slightly cool.


After returning to Yecheng to reunite with Yun Yun and the others, Furukawa planned a route and decided to set off for Shengdan City first and attend their famous event - the Dan Meeting.

Everyone felt that Furukawa's cultivation had improved, especially Medusa.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared slightly, even more surprised than when he found out that he had turned into a colorful snake, "You have become a master so soon? Are you going to let others live??"

Medusa could clearly feel the intensity of Furukawa's aura increasing, and that king-like power and shocking power could only be possessed by Douzun she had never seen before.

Furukawa just nodded lightly, "The breakthrough was successful, now we are Dou Zun Samsung."

Medusa was even more surprised, and her exquisite breasts trembled, "You..."

Medusa wanted to say "against the heavens", but she held it back and blurted out -


"You are too perverted!"

Furukawa smiled helplessly, he didn't do anything.

Medusa now seems to be cooing even when she curses.

"Let's work hard together~" Koga Qingqing smiled and put a Na Ring filled with elixirs into Medusa's hand.

"I know, you want to be with me." Gu He said softly.

Medusa bit her bright red lips and accepted the ring.

Furukawa put his hands in his sleeves, not feeling that he had done anything great.

Here, there are as many people as possible, just like the president of modern Blue Star throwing away black cards.

Medusa remembered a moment that made her blush.

Furukawa said to her gently but forcefully,

"Shake it yourself."



Medusa touched the ring, but she didn't know that her smile at this moment was like a shy girl smearing honey on her lips.

No matter how many elixirs you give me to assist me in my cultivation, they still can't cover up the fact that you said those kinds of words and did those kinds of things!

After Furukawa and his party entered the Dan Territory, they found that the place was particularly lively.

As the Alchemy Fair approaches, the flow of people throughout the Alchemy Region is greater than before.

Many alchemists with slightly different accents began to appear in the alchemy area one after another, all to participate in the alchemy meeting.

The Alchemy Society is an important event in the medicine refining world and Zhongzhou, attracting the attention of many people or forces.

During the Dan Meeting, the Dan Region became the focus of the entire Zhongzhou and even the mainland.

Alchemists are the most noble profession on Dou Qi Continent, and their abilities are enviable.Although the combat effectiveness of alchemists may not be as good as other strong men, they can get help from other strong men through elixirs.

On the mainland, the status of high-level alchemists is noble and cannot be underestimated. Their abilities and influence are enough to trigger large-scale battles and conflicts.

Therefore, many forces are willing to provide various attractive conditions to attract them to join.

The Alchemy Club is an important platform to showcase the strength of alchemists, and the alchemists who can stand out here will undoubtedly have strong abilities.

For any force, having such an alchemist will greatly enhance its strength.

And this is also the reason why the flow of people in Danyu has skyrocketed.

"Next, we are going to Qingling City! There is a space ship there that can directly reach Shengdan City!"

There was a touch of vitality on Furukawa's face. This look was not abrupt, but made him look more smoky, no longer aloof and unapproachable.


(End of this chapter)
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