Chapter 73 Taking the First Step

The industrial infrastructure in most areas is backward and all kinds of machinery and equipment are in short supply. This can be used as a reference for the direction of development.

There are also related equipment for postal and telecommunications, which can also be used as a follow-up and a direction for efforts.

The second is to see if there is an opportunity to develop light industrial machinery and agricultural machinery. But Lin Shengli thought about it and found that at this time, flower growers were at a stage where they were giving priority to the development of heavy industry.

Because only by giving priority to the development of heavy industry can we have the foundation to develop light industry.

Only when heavy industry develops and expands can we produce machinery and equipment for light industry and agriculture.

The third is to see if it can be transformed and upgraded based on the imported machinery and equipment.

Fourth, it is almost the end of [-]. Lin Shengli thought about it. Next year, flower growers will propose the Third Five-Year Plan. The main direction of the Third Five-Year Plan is that it must be based on war and prepare for war. The policy is to start the war early, actively prepare for war, put national defense construction first, and accelerate the construction of the "third front".

Lin Shengli wondered if he could also contribute some of his strength to national defense construction.

Also, Lin Shengli thought that if possible, he would like to promote and speed up the construction level of industrial equipment for flower growers, hoping to speed up the process from imitation to manufacturing.

Even if it can be just a little bit faster it would be nice!

As for intelligent manufacturing, it is really not suitable for the development of equipment manufacturing industry in the current industrial field.

Because the development of an industrial system is not a child's play, it is a step-by-step process. The formation of an industrial system requires talents, technology, materials and various related supporting facilities to reach a certain level before it can be formed.

It's impossible that you want to run away before you learn to walk. Besides, it's easy to get pulled when you take a long step!

Based on the present, look to the future, proceed step by step, and overtake in corners!
This is what Lin Shengli concluded based on his own shallow knowledge. He believes that it is suitable for the development direction of the equipment manufacturing industry in the industrial field.

After thinking a lot and writing a lot, Lin Shengli felt that considering the current conditions, upgrading the existing industrial equipment is the best choice!

Now that you have a direction, then work hard in this direction and move forward!

Looking at the pen and paper in front of him, Lin Shengli felt helpless.

Lin Shengli, who was accustomed to using computers in his previous life, can no longer remember how many years it has been since he picked up a pen to write.

Fortunately, Lin Shengli's original handwriting in this life was pretty good. Now Lin Shengli has perfectly inherited this excellent traditional skill.

Otherwise, what Lin Shengli writes now would be really unreadable.

After the words "Technical Transformation Plan for Existing Equipment of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill" were written on the paper, Lin Shengli, who had a trough in his mind, wrote like a god.

Lin Shengli knew all the equipment in the steel rolling mill, including the two imported equipment that in the eyes of others were extremely advanced and abnormal. In Lin Shengli's eyes, they were a symbol of stupidity, blackness, roughness and backwardness.

It is not difficult to upgrade the original equipment, but the efficiency of this handwriting is really too low.

It took Lin Shengli a long time to write such a simple transformation plan of dozens of pages.

After finishing writing, Lin Shengli felt that his back was sore and his hands were weak. He missed the computers of later generations very much.

(End of this chapter)
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