Chapter 396 What else does he not know
Taking advantage of the rewards brought by this mission, Lin Shengli used the orange lottery board to draw out a reward that could be said to be incredible.

This time Lin Shengli drew all the technical information on the third-generation aircraft.

Yes, you read that right, it’s all the technical information.

Because the technical information of the third-generation aircraft provided by the system includes not only the technical information of our own third-generation aircraft in later generations, but also the technical information of the third-generation aircraft from other countries.

This is really everything. Lin Shengli, who has obtained these information, has not yet had time to check these information in detail.

Because what he has to do now is to seize the time to dismantle and analyze the reconnaissance plane in front of him.

Now that he had all the technical information about the third-generation aircraft, it became easier for Lin Shengli to analyze the reconnaissance aircraft.

After all, except for its half-assed stealth technology that spans the ages, the other technologies on this reconnaissance aircraft are basically between the second and a half to the third generation.

With the technical information of the third-generation aircraft rewarded by the system and mutual verification with the aircraft wreckage in front of us, the analysis work was very fast.

However, this is such a big aircraft after all, and Lin Shengli spent a lot of time to sort out the data after comparison and analysis.

At the same time, it is very fortunate that in the end, Yingjiang's request was not agreed to.

The wreckage of this reconnaissance plane has always been ours.

Of course, as for Lin Shengli's quarrel with Yingjiang, it is unknown.

But this plane wreckage is still in our own hands. For us, this is indeed a very good thing.

After all, if this is the case, everyone will have a reference to imitate and analyze, so they don't have to be so tired.

Even though Lin Shengli’s analysis speed is very fast, it’s because he has a problem.

In addition, he has all the technical information of the third-generation aircraft in his mind, so there is no comparison at all.

But for our other technology workers, they don’t have plug-in bonuses.

Therefore, their parsing speed is not fast.

At the beginning, in order to catch up with the progress, many people chose to trade time for progress.

Especially our comrades in aircraft manufacturing plants basically spend their time working overtime day and night.

These people have never left the factory since they entered it.

When I was really sleepy and exhausted, I took a nap in the corner of the factory. Under such high-intensity working conditions, several of our comrades were completely exhausted.

But now it's better, you don't have to rush to grab time to dismantle and analyze it.

After all, the technology contained in this high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is indeed far ahead of us.

Even if we have ready-made samples to analyze, it cannot be completed overnight.

After Lin Shengli stayed at this air force base for more than ten days, he returned to Sijiu City along with the first batch of disassembled aircraft parts.

These returned parts were disassembled and scanned by Lin Shengli and then shipped to various research institutions for research.

Among them, some materials, as well as parts that have not been disassembled and scanned, returned to the rolling mill with Lin Shengli.

Now, Dean Qian put it in the material laboratory of the steel rolling mill and had something to do.

The various materials obtained from the wreckage of the enemy's reconnaissance plane were enough for them to study for the last three to five years.

In the following days, except for the particularly large parts that required Lin Shengli to be dismantled in the factory at the base, the rest of the parts that were not particularly conspicuous were gradually transported to Lin Shengli's confidential workshop in the steel rolling mill. .

As soon as Lin Shengli was free, he went into the confidential workshop and performed reverse drawing work on those parts.

In this way, after almost four months, Lin Shengli finally reverse-engineered the drawings of various parts on the wreckage of the aircraft.

After gathering several large boxes of information, Lin Shengli immediately handed it over to his superiors.

As for other subsequent issues, it depends on how it is arranged above.

However, Lin Shengli did not intend to interfere in the subsequent research.

After all, these technologies are of various types and cannot be solved by him alone. Especially when it comes to various material issues, Lin Shengli is really helpless.

It's no problem if you ask him to reverse the drawings. Just sweep the flat glasses and have a photographic memory, and it will be done.

But Lin Shengli really couldn't handle those various basic raw materials!
The analytical data that Guanglin Shengli handed over is enough for everyone to study for several years.

In addition to handing over the reverse thrust data of the reconnaissance aircraft, Lin Shengli also handed over a design plan for a third-generation aircraft along with these data.

The design of this third-generation machine was selected by Lin Shengli from the pile of information collected in the system lottery.

The model Lin Shengli plans to build this time is the famous J-[-] in later generations.

As for why Lin Shengli doesn't build more advanced fighters of this era, such as Mao Xiong's Su-27, Yingjiang's F14, or F15E?
In fact, Lin Shengli wanted to do it, but the conditions didn't allow it.To build an airplane, you don't just have to have the drawings and skills. It doesn't matter if you can't keep up with the materials, manufacturing techniques, processes, and mechanical equipment.

Also, for example, the f14 of Yingjiang, nicknamed Big Cat, is fragrant or not, that one is really fragrant.

However, not only is the technical difficulty of this big cat ridiculously high, the maintenance cost is even more prohibitive.

You can’t even afford to make the eagle sauce yourself, so you can only produce it in small batches.

This thing is now in my rabbit’s hands. Just kidding, let alone whether it can be made or not, even if it is made, my rabbit can’t afford to feed it even if its belt is cut off!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Lin Shengli chose the J-[-] of the future generation.

This J-[-] is durable and suitable for our country's national conditions. The most important thing is that with our current technical level and Lin Shengli's help, this thing can be built even if it works hard!

What Lin Shengli didn't know was that the design plan he submitted caused an uproar above.

In the superior's office, General Nie handed the fighter plane design plan in his hand to Mr. Ye who was sitting beside him and said, "Old Ye, come and take a look. This is a fighter plane design plan."

Mr. Ye took the design plan handed over by Mr. Nie. After looking through it for a while, he raised his head and asked with a look of disbelief on his face: "Old Nie, which comrade made this design plan?"

"This shouldn't be done by Old Tang from the Third Machinery Department, right?"

"You must know that the people on Old Tang's side are either reverse mapping Mao Xiong's MiG-19 and 21, or they are studying the technology on the wreckage of the reconnaissance aircraft."

"Although those comrades are also experts in the aviation field, I feel that, at least for now, this design plan is not from their hands."

When Mr. Nie heard what Mr. Ye said, he was very curious and asked: "Oh! How can you see it?"

"Lao Ye, you must know that the comrades on Lao Tang's side in this third-level department are all elites in our domestic aviation field."

After reading through the information in his hand, Mr. Ye looked at Mr. Nie and said, "Old Nie, don't say you didn't see it."

"Even if we don't understand aircraft technology, just judging from this design plan, the various technical indicators displayed on it are very advanced."

"Furthermore, according to the feedback from our comrades on the external covert front, Yingjiang is also developing a similar fighter jet, which is the so-called third-generation fighter jet mentioned in this document."

"If the comrades over at Old Tang could design such an aircraft, they wouldn't have to spend all day studying the MiG-19 and 21."

"So I say, this design plan must have been made by someone else."

After listening to Ye Lao's words, Nie Lao smiled and said, "It's true that nothing can be hidden from your eyes, Lao Ye."

"You are right. The design of this fighter jet was indeed made by someone else."

"And you also know this person. He is Comrade Lin Shengli whom you met when we had a meeting some time ago."

Hearing Mr. Nie say it was Lin Shengli, Mr. Ye was a little surprised at first, but then he felt relieved.

After all, as a big boss like Mr. Ye, he is quite familiar with Lin Shengli's situation.

But even so, Mr. Ye still sighed: "I never expected that Comrade Shengli's attainments in aviation would be so profound."

"The fifth master he created in the past two years, everyone thought it was just a flash of inspiration on his part, but they didn't expect that he kept it secret."

"Lao Nie, think about it, including the design of this third-generation fighter jet, the aspects involved by Comrade Lin Shengli are too broad."

"From mechanical equipment to medicines, to business planning and Wuye's upgrades, from launch vehicle technology to satellite technology, as well as the radar technology we just developed some time ago."

"This time, he came up with a design plan for a third-generation aircraft."

"Comrade Lin Shengli is truly an all-rounder!"

"I really want to know now, what else can he not do?"

Hearing this, Mr. Nie smiled and said, "Lao Ye, actually when I first came into contact with Comrade Shengli, I was more surprised than you."

"If Lin Shengli hadn't been a comrade trained and raised locally, I would have doubted whether he was a strategic agent sent by Yingjiang."

After hearing what Mr. Nie said, Mr. Ye laughed and said, "Old Nie, if you can't even believe what you said, Comrade Lin Shengli, do any of our comrades still believe it?"

"Just look at the things he did. None of them were earth-shattering."

"I won't talk about the previous part, let's talk about the design plan of the third-generation aircraft that he submitted."

"You know, this is the latest fighter jet that Yingjiang is also studying."

"Outside, everyone knows about the general information, the specific design parameters, even the appearance of the fighter plane, but there is no information at all."

"No matter how stupid this enemy is, they can't possibly use this strategic technology as bait, right?"

(End of this chapter)
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