Chapter 394 It’s exactly as expected

"Fake, what's going on? How could we be locked by radar?"

"Oh my God, what the hell happened?"

"Move quickly and pull up quickly."

"You idiot, we are locked by the radar, and the missiles are coming soon."

The two were about to fly the plane to make evasive maneuvers, but suddenly Jerry pointed at the radar on the plane and shouted: "Oh my God, how can I avoid this?"

"Our airborne radar showed that three missiles flew towards us from different directions."

"Oh, God, how to avoid this?"

"Are we letting our plane drift?"

Just when the two were at a loss, three missiles flying from different directions hit the reconnaissance aircraft almost at the same time.

At the same time, on the ground, in the radar monitoring room, "Expert Lin, according to the radar, the signal of the reconnaissance plane has disappeared. It should have been shot down by our missile."

After hearing the report from Comrade Lin Shengli, he quickly turned to Staff Officer Xu and said:
"Advisor Xu, immediately notify our drill troops of this news and ask them to start a search immediately."

"This reconnaissance plane contains a lot of very advanced technology and equipment, and they won't let us just get it."

"It won't be long before our comrades in charge of foreign affairs will have a headache."

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, Staff Officer Xu quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the news.

Soon, all the troops participating in the exercise immediately turned into search teams, and all began to move in the direction where the enemy plane fell.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire exercise ground changed. Everyone was maneuvering in the direction of the notification, and even the tanks were rushing there.

Looking from a distance, the rising dust looks like a giant earth-yellow dragon.

"Come on, Expert Lin. The car is right outside. Let's go there too."

"I also want to see what kind of thing this invisible reconnaissance plane has, with three heads and six arms."

At this time, Staff Officer Xu felt completely relaxed and started to joke.

Lin Shengli breathed a sigh of relief at this time. You must know that he took a huge risk by arranging the three missile launchers separately this time.

Fortunately, the task was successfully completed, otherwise, even Lin Shengli would definitely not be able to escape even if he was criticized.

"Come on, Counselor Xu, let's go and open our eyes too."

After saying that, the two people came out of the tent, got into the jeep, and headed towards the direction where the enemy plane was shot down.

Along the way, there were teams rushing there quickly.

Soon, some small fragments began to appear on the ground one after another.

Seeing this, Lin Shengli said to Officer Xu: "Officer Xu, please report to the superiors. Don't let go of any debris on the ground."

Staff Officer Xu nodded and replied: "Okay, I will report to the superiors right away."

With that said, Staff Officer Xu picked up the walkie-talkie in the car and reported the situation.

As the car continued to drive forward, more and more debris appeared in front of Lin Shengli's eyes, and the area of ​​the debris gradually became larger.

"Good guy, our missiles are powerful enough. We have never seen debris larger than our jeep on this journey!"

"That's not true. Our set of surface-to-air missiles is very advanced. Even if it is considered internationally, it is not far behind."

"Xiao Li, drive a little faster. We have to hurry up and get there. I hope this reconnaissance plane won't be completely smashed into pieces."

"Otherwise, the scientific research value will be much smaller!"

Soon, after another round of running, the car stopped.

Lin Shengli and Staff Officer Xu got out of the car and took a look. It turned out that they had arrived at the place where the main body of the reconnaissance aircraft crashed.

This place has been protected by comrades who came in advance.A cordon has even been set up.

After Staff Officer Xu handed his certificate to the soldier in charge of the guard, he was put inside the cordon.

Staff Officer Xu looked at the wreckage of the plane in front of him and exclaimed: "Oh my god, what kind of plane is this?"

After hearing Officer Xu's exclamation, Lin Shengli followed his gaze and was also startled.

Although this reconnaissance aircraft was hit by a missile and the tail and wings of the aircraft exploded and disintegrated, the main body of the aircraft was still relatively intact.

The structure of this aircraft is very different from common aircraft structures.

Its main body is relatively flat. Judging from the connection between the wing and the main body, the wings of this aircraft are very large, and the connection can even be said to run through the entire fuselage.

If there is any aircraft in later generations that is closer to it, then it might be the famous B2 or F117.

After seeing the wreckage, Lin Shengli's original guess was verified.

Sure enough, Yingjiang really sent the "Blackbird", known as the world's most powerful reconnaissance plane. "Okay, don't be in a daze. Staff Xu, please contact your superiors quickly and ask them to quickly mobilize large machinery to move the wreckage of the plane as soon as possible."

"Commander Xu, have you seen his weird appearance? This is the enemy's latest aviation technology. Now we can take advantage of it."

"The technology on this aircraft alone is enough for us to study and ponder for a while."

When Staff Officer Xu came back to his senses, Lin Shengli didn't even need to say anything. He knew the importance of this plane just by looking at it.

So, Staff Officer Xu quickly returned to the car, picked up the wireless walkie-talkie, and reported to his superiors.

Lin Shengli slowly approached the wreckage of the plane. Although the body was in dilapidated condition, its advanced technology could still be seen.

After the large machinery arrived, the wreckage of the reconnaissance aircraft was quickly transported to an air force base closest to the exercise area.

Although if we want to study the wreckage of this plane, in terms of technical strength, the Academy of Science in Forty-Nine City and the two research institutes of the [-]th Aircraft Department are definitely stronger.

However, these scientific research institutions are all located in Sijiu City. After all, there are many people and many eyes.

If such a big guy is transported to Sijiu City, it will be a bit bad if someone sees it.

Leaving other comrades behind to continue searching for various other small wreckage and fragments, Lin Shengli and the main body of the wreckage of the reconnaissance plane arrived at a certain air force base located in the wilderness.

When he arrived here, Lin Shengli did not expect that Dean Tang, Dean Qian, and many scientific research comrades were already waiting here.

As soon as he got off the car, Dean Tang rushed to Lin Shengli, held Lin Shengli's hand, and said excitedly:

"Victory, you have made a great contribution this time!"

"You know, when they pulled the plane back just now, we lifted up a corner of the tarp and took a look. Everyone was shocked."

"Right now, the people from our aircraft manufacturing plants are still stunned over there."

Lin Shengli smiled, and after greeting Dean Tang, Dean Qian, and everyone present, everyone hurried towards the factory building where the plane wreckage was parked.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the factory, they heard a fierce quarrel coming from inside.

"Let me tell you, the structure of this kind of aircraft is just like that."

"How good can this be?"

"If it was really good, we wouldn't let our missiles shoot it down."

"So, I still think that the design of our new aircraft does not need to be changed."

"There is no need for us at all. We have to act like others."

After this comrade finished speaking, another comrade on the other side immediately retorted: "No, I think this structure is very good. Think about it, the ceiling is more than 2 meters, plus this The so-called stealth technology, isn’t it directly invincible!”

Dean Tang walked in and said to Lin Shengli who was standing aside: "Did you see that this is still a debate?"

After speaking, Dean Tang stepped forward and said, "Okay, comrades, now is not the time for everyone to argue."

"Everyone, start quickly. This plane, even if it is a wreckage, probably can't stay in our hands forever."

"Everyone has technical differences now. It's not too late for us to discuss it again after the task is completed."

When everyone who was arguing saw what Dean Tang had said, they stopped arguing and devoted themselves to dismantling the wreckage of the plane.

With the help of these comrades, and the assistance of comrades from the army on the side, various important components were quickly dismantled.

On the morning of the next day, Lin Shengli was still thinking about the avionics system on the reconnaissance aircraft, but was interrupted by Dean Tang who arrived in a hurry.

Dean Tan took out something like a small notebook and handed it to Lin Shengli and said: "Shengli, this was found in the cockpit of the plane. Most of us are weak in English and can understand it." There are really too few places.”

"I remember that your English level is very good. You can even translate the instructions for foreign advanced equipment. You can definitely understand this too."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded, took the pamphlet from Dean Tang's hand, took a look at it, and immediately said excitedly: "Okay, Dean Tang, this is a treasure!"

Hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Tang's eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Shengli, what kind of treasure is this? Tell me quickly."

Lin Shengli smiled and said, "This is the flight log of this reconnaissance plane. Where did you find it?"

"One of our comrades found this in the cockpit of the plane when it was being dismantled last night."

"There were a bunch of ghostly symbols on them. The comrade couldn't understand what they were, so he hurriedly handed them over."

"How's it going? What's written here?"

"Dean Tang, please wait, let me take a look first."

With that said, Lin Shengli looked through the flight log in his hand.

After a while, Lin Shengli looked more and more, and the corners of his mouth turned upward: "Dean Tang, I didn't expect that the plane we shot down had such a big background."

After hearing Lin Shengli's words, Dean Tang's interest was immediately aroused, and he quickly asked: "Shengli, tell me, what is this? You are almost killing me."

(End of this chapter)
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