Chapter 390 Sudden unexpected situation

After arriving at this office, the military liaison officer took out some photos from the bag he carried with him and handed them to Lin Shengli.

"Team Leader Lin, these photos were taken recently by our satellite."

"The reconnaissance plane appears in everything taken here."

Lin Shengli picked up the photo and looked at it for a while, then frowned.

Lin Shengli touched his chin and said, "The enemy is getting more and more aggressive!"

"The number of dispatches is really becoming more and more frequent!"

"Yes, Team Leader Lin, our comrades at the Satellite Intelligence Analysis Station, based on the analysis of the time and location of the appearance of the enemy aircraft in these photos, this reconnaissance aircraft has been coming to us frequently to conduct reconnaissance activities in recent times. The frequency is It’s getting denser and denser.”

"However, the fact that they are dispatched so frequently also gives us opportunities."

"According to relevant intelligence analysis, this reconnaissance plane probably came from the eastern coastal area of ​​Shandong Province and headed all the way to our northwest region. The return route of this reconnaissance plane is also estimated to follow the original route. ."

After listening to the words of the military liaison officer, Lin Shengli smiled and said: "It seems that the enemy really doesn't take us seriously. This route is not taboo at all."

"They plan to go back wherever they came from!"

"If we don't give them some clues, will they think that our country's airspace is just their back garden where they can come and go at will?"

The military liaison officer nodded and then said: "Team Leader Lin, this superior thinks so too."

"My superiors asked me to ask you if we can speed up the progress of our plan. At the very least, it would be best to fix the radar on the route of the reconnaissance plane so that we can give it some light first. Look at the color.”

Hearing this, Lin Shengli thought for a moment and then said: "This is not a problem."

"These comrades in our project have basically mastered the relevant modification technology, and they have also learned how to use the modified new radar."

"Currently, they can be divided into groups, with two people in each group, and assigned to different radar stations for modification and usage training."

"In this case, we can bloom in many places at the same time and quickly form a radar network for new radar detection."

When the military liaison staff heard this, they immediately became excited.

"That's great. I'll report it to my superiors right away."

With that said, the military liaison officer was about to run to report to his superiors.

Seeing this, Lin Shengli quickly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, why are you so anxious? I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Hearing this, the military liaison officer scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Team Leader Lin, I'm really sorry. Didn't I want to report this good news to my superiors as soon as possible?"

Lin Shengli did not blame anything, but continued: "When you report, you must remember to count the number of radars along the route."

"Then, you contact the staff in the factory and ask them to give priority to the production of radar antennas for these radar stations."

"Also, I suggest that if multiple places start renovation at the same time, it would be best to distribute the work of producing this kind of radar antenna to several factories for simultaneous production and processing."

"Otherwise, our comrades here who have arranged the renovation are in place, but if we don't have the materials for the renovation, then it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, the military liaison officer nodded and said: "Okay, Team Leader Lin, I remember these things, and I will take care of them right now."

Lin Shengli nodded: "Well, then go ahead."

After saying that, the military liaison officer trotted all the way to report to his superiors.

Soon, the instructions from the superior came down.

According to instructions from his superiors, Lin Shengli will continue to be responsible for the radar transformation work at the radar stations around Sijiucheng. In the Zhongkui plan, comrades from the joint project team were divided into groups of two and dispersed to various radar stations along the enemy aircraft's flight path to carry out the work. Radar modification.

As for the production of antennas, superiors also assigned several large factories to carry out production at the same time to ensure the smooth implementation of Zhong Kui's plan.

After all these large numbers of personnel were transferred, Lin Shengli was left without any available troops.

Fortunately, the military sent another group of personnel to support them.

However, because he was a new employee and was not yet proficient in radar modification technology, Lin Shengli had no choice but to start over and teach these personnel step by step.

After a month and a half of intense work, Lin Shengli finally took charge of him, and the radar modifications at various radar stations around Sijiu City were completed.

After completing his mission, Lin Shengli returned to his office and had just made himself a cup of tea. Before he could drink it, the liaison officer from the military came over again.

"You came here so early in the morning, what's going on?" Lin Shengli asked.

"Yes, Team Leader Lin, this other comrade has sent word that all the radars at our various radar stations along the line have been renovated." "No, the superior said, you are the person most familiar with this radar, and I want you to Go to the radar station along the line and take charge of the ghost hunting operation planned by Zhong Kui."

"The superior means that if you are here to take command, we will have a greater chance of catching the little devil above us in one go."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded without saying anything else. After making some arrangements for the steel rolling mill, he followed the military liaison personnel to the military satellite intelligence analysis station.

As soon as he arrived at the conference room here, Lin Shengli saw that many military bosses had gathered here.

"Comrade Shengli is here. Comrade Xiao Xu should tell you what happened on the way."

After seeing Lin Shengli come in, the superior leader nodded to Lin Shengli and said.

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded and replied: "Yes, leader, Staff Officer Xu has already told me everything on the way. I don't know which radar station I need to go to?"

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, the superior leader sighed, and then his face turned ugly.

"Comrade Shengli, we will discuss this matter later."

"It's like this. We have just received news. This news will have a huge impact on the ghost hunting operation planned by Zhong Kui."

"So, we need to analyze first how to deal with this matter."

Seeing the serious expression of the superior leader and listening to the superior leader's words, Lin Shengli realized that there must be a serious problem.

After all, superior leaders have used the word "very huge influence".

At this time, Lin Shengli did not interrupt to ask any more questions, but quietly waited for the superior leader's next step.

"Comrade Shengli, in recent times, according to the analysis of images taken by our satellite, the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft has not been as regular as before."

"Moreover, its flight route and return route have become erratic."

"According to the analysis of the comrades at our intelligence analysis station, it is very likely that they have noticed that our radar has the ability to detect them!"

After hearing the words of his superiors, Lin Shengli frowned.

Lin Shengli was still convinced by the analysis results of these comrades at the Satellite Intelligence Analysis Station. Since they came to this conclusion, there would basically not be any big deviation.

"After multiple verifications, we have basically eliminated the possibility of anyone leaking the information."

"Comrade Shengli, please help me think about whether there are any other reasons that may cause our intelligence to be leaked."

"Our comrades in charge of intelligence analysis have been thinking about this for a long time, but they don't have a clue."

After listening to the words of his superiors, Lin Shengli lowered his head and thought for a while, and suddenly he thought of a possibility.

Then Lin Shengli said to the superior leader: "That leader, I don't know if our comrades have verified whether the radars at each of our radar stations have been turned on after being modified."

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, the superior leader immediately replied: "We have verified this with the radar stations along the line."

"At a radar station in our eastern coastal area, after they completed the radar modification, they turned it on and tested whether the radar could work normally."

"Could it be that this was the reason why he was exposed?"

It seemed that the situation was as Lin Shengli thought. Lin Shengli nodded and replied with certainty: "It should be so."

"Think about it, this enemy's reconnaissance aircraft can use stealth technology, even if it is only half-baked."

"Then this means that this reconnaissance plane should be the enemy's most advanced fighter plane."

"It can be concluded from this that the airborne radar detection equipment on that reconnaissance plane is probably the most advanced."

"It is very possible that when our radar was turned on, the enemy plane happened to be nearby, and then it was detected by them."

After the superior heard this, he smashed the table with his clenched fist, obviously very angry.

Seeing this situation, Lin Shengli knew that someone must be punished, so Lin Shengli said: "Boss, I'm really sorry. This is my fault. Maybe we didn't explain it clearly to everyone."

The superior leader glanced at Lin Shengli and knew that Lin Shengli deliberately took the responsibility on himself, so the superior leader said nothing more.

Instead, he continued to ask: "Comrade Shengli, is there any other way for our ghost hunting operation?"

Hearing this, Lin Shengli touched his chin, pondered for a while and said: "Leader, there is no way to do this, but I have to know one thing first."

"But I don't know if I should know about this."

Seeing that Lin Shengli was hesitant in speaking, the superior leader waved his hand and said: "Comrade Shengli, if you want to know anything, just say it. As long as we know it here, I promise to tell you everything."

Seeing that the superior leader had expressed his position, Lin Shengli then continued: "Leader, I would like to know if we have any large-scale military tasks such as exercises or military parades in the recent period?"

(End of this chapter)
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