Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 373 The brightest star in the night sky

During this period of time, the staff here worked overtime. After integrating it with the satellite, the assembled launch vehicle underwent a series of tests.

Now, the Long March-[-], loaded with satellites, is already standing on the launch pad.

At this time, Lin Shengli stood at the commanding position in the command center with a worried look on his face.

What Lin Shengli was most worried about happened.

On the day when their satellite was about to be launched, the area where the launch site was located suddenly began to rain heavily, accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder.

Now, there are less than three hours left before the scheduled launch time.

If the weather remains like this, satellite launches will definitely not be possible under such weather conditions.

Looking at Lin Shengli who was full of anxiety, Team Leader Wang on the side comforted him: "Shengli, please sit down and rest for a while. It's useless for you to be walking around in a hurry."

"On my side, we have ordered our weather monitoring comrades to report the weather conditions every 15 minutes."

Lin Shengli glanced at Team Leader Wang, sighed and said: "Team Leader Wang, you said that we finally encountered a suitable launch window. If we missed it, we would have to wait at least two or three months. Now, you said this, can I not be anxious!"

"This motherland and people are still waiting for the good news of our victory!"

In fact, not only Lin Shengli, but everyone in the entire command center was also waiting anxiously.

Time passed by, Lin Shengli looked at the time, and it was now half an hour past the scheduled launch time.

Although the rain outside has decreased a lot, the meteorological conditions for launch are still far behind.

I hope that the weather will improve in the next two hours, even if it is sunny for ten to ten minutes!

If the weather continues like this in the next two hours, then today's launch window will be really missed.

Just as Lin Shengli was pacing and worried on the command seat, a staff member hurried in, holding a document in his hand.

The staff member quickly ran to Lin Shengli and said: "Report to Commander Lin, the latest news from the weather monitoring comrades."

"According to their calculations, the clouds above us will temporarily dissipate in an hour, and the estimated duration is 10 minutes."

"The comrade in charge of weather monitoring said that during this 10-[-]-minute period, the weather conditions at our launch site are sufficient for the launch of our satellite."

After speaking, the staff member quickly handed the document in his hand to Lin Shengli.

After reading the document in his hand, Lin Shengli immediately excitedly said to Team Leader Wang beside him: "You see, Team Leader Wang, even God has come to help us."

"In such a horrible weather, you actually left me precious 10 minutes!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for any feedback from Team Leader Wang, he quickly grabbed the microphone in front of him and said:

"Comrades, according to the latest meteorological data, a window suitable for our launch will appear in an hour."

"Although it is only a short 10 minutes, these 10 minutes are enough for us to send the satellite into space."

"So from now on, I hope everyone can be energetic and make all preparations seriously."

"When the window period comes, we will launch immediately."

"Comrades, we only have this one chance. We must ensure that we can successfully send our satellite to space during this short launch window!"

Comrades from various departments at the launch site learned the good news from Lin Shengli through the radio, and everyone immediately became excited.

As time passed by, and the window for launch was getting closer, everyone's hearts couldn't help but lift.

At this moment, it seemed that the time given by the weather monitoring department was approaching. However, the rain outside had stopped, but the sky was still covered with dark clouds.

The brief period of fine weather that everyone was looking forward to did not come as promised.

At this time, it is less than an hour before today's launch window ends.

Team leader Wang looked at the weather outside and said helplessly to Lin Shengli: "Comrade Shengli, it seems that we are going to miss today's launch window."

"If it really doesn't work, let's report it to the superiors and push back the launch time."

After listening to Team Leader Wang's words, Lin Shengli did not answer immediately, but stared at the sky outside the window.

After a while, Lin Shengli turned around and said, "Team Leader Wang, there are still four to ten minutes in today's window."

"We still have time, let's wait."

"If I really miss this window period, I will really not be reconciled!"

Seeing that Lin Shengli had said this, Team Leader Wang said nothing more. After all, Lin Shengli was the commander-in-chief of this launch mission.

At this moment, Lin Shengli looked through the window of the command center and found that the clouds above his head began to gradually disperse, and in some thin places, sunlight was even shining down.At the same time, a staff member rushed over quickly and said: "Commander-in-Chief, the weather monitoring comrades have sent the latest news. In 5 minutes, the clouds in the local area where our launch site is located will briefly dissipate. Conditions for satellite launch have been reached."

After hearing this, Lin Shengli immediately said into the command microphone: "All departments pay attention, all departments pay attention, the weather conditions have matured, and now the five-minute countdown before launch begins."

After Lin Shengli's order was issued, the staff at the launch site immediately entered a tense working state.

"Ten minutes left."

"Seven seconds left."

"The ten-second countdown begins."

"Five, four, three, two, unit, launch."

As the countdown ended, a huge flame rose from the bottom of the Long March-[-] on the launch pad.

Accompanied by a large sheet of white mist and dazzling flames, the Long March-[-] slowly rose into space.

As time goes by, the rocket flies higher and higher, and its silhouette becomes smaller and smaller.

At this time, in the command center of this launch.

"Everything is normal on the Long March 20, and the current altitude is [-] kilometers."

"Long March [-] has entered the atmosphere. The first-stage rocket engine was shut down and the automatic separation was successful. The second-stage rocket engine was started and entered the acceleration phase. It is currently in good condition."

"The second-stage rocket engine was shut down, automatic separation was successful, and Long March [-] entered inertial flight mode."

"Long March [-] entered the predetermined position and the third-stage engine ignited."

"Long March [-] has entered the predetermined orbital area. Three, two, one, the satellite was successfully released."

"The Dongfanghong-[-] satellite is adjusting its attitude. The attitude adjustment is completed. The solar panels are being deployed. The solar panels were deployed successfully."

"The ground signal reception is normal, and the current data of the Dongfanghong-[-] satellite is normal."

As the satellite's signal was accurately transmitted from space, the entire command center immediately became a sea of ​​cheers.

At this time, Lin Shengli grabbed the microphone in front of him and said: "Comrades, please don't get excited. We have more important things to do next."

"Our satellite has been put into orbit. This is just the first step in our current work. Next, we must observe the satellite's data at any time. We must ensure that at [-]:[-] pm, the sound on our satellite can be heard all over the world. People can hear it.”

After hearing Lin Shengli's words, everyone who had been celebrating excitedly just now calmed down their excitement and quickly returned to their respective jobs.

After all, the next work is the top priority. They must monitor the movements of the satellite at all times and ensure that the various equipment and data inside it are normal.

Time passed by, Lin Shengli sat on the command seat, waiting anxiously.

At the same time, somewhere far away, in an ordinary family, an ordinary mother, with her children, was cleaning the courtyard.

A little girl who had just helped her mother clean the courtyard looked up at the sky.

"Mom, look, that star is so bright! It can even move!"

Hearing this, the child's mother dusted her hands and said, "No stars can move. It is wrong for children to lie. They will be eaten by the big bad wolf."

The little girl looked at the sky, then at her mother, pointed with her hand and said, "But look, mom, that star can really move, it's so bright."

Following the direction of the child's finger, the little girl's mother took a closer look and actually saw the brightest star in the sky, moving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the mother didn't know why the stars were still moving, it didn't stop her from weaving a beautiful dream for her child.

So the mother told the little girl that this was a fairy from the sky coming to send them blessings. As long as they make a wish to this shining star, their wishes will come true!

After listening to her mother's words, the little girl immediately clasped her hands together and made a wish to the brightest star in the sky: "Star, star, my mother said that if I make a wish to you, my wish will come true."

"Then Xingxing, can you let dad come back to see us?"

"Mom said that dad went to a place far away for work..."

"Also, my mother is very tired from working every day. I hope my mother will be happy every day."

What the little girl didn't know was that the father he mentioned who had gone to work in a far away place was one of the makers of the star she was making a wish for!

Perhaps, the longing of the little girl's father was transmitted to the mother and daughter through the brightest star in the night sky.

The brightest star in the sky today was seen by many people like this mother and daughter, but they did not know that they were witnessing history! (End of chapter)

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