After hearing what Lin Shengli said, Team Leader Sun stood up in excitement.

"Comrade Lin Shengli, are you sure?"

"As long as the diameter of the main body of our satellite does not exceed five meters?"

Lin Shengli looked at the excited Team Leader Sun, smiled and said: "I'm sure, as long as it's no more than five meters, it's okay."

After hearing Lin Shengli's affirmative answer, everyone present was also very happy.

Later, Nie Lao smiled and said to Lin Shengli: "Comrade Shengli, after you have completed the test launch of the launch vehicle project, it can be considered temporarily over."

"If you have time next time, why don't you also go check out the satellite project?"

After hearing what Mr. Nie said, Team Leader Sun, who was standing next to him, suddenly brightened up and immediately stepped forward to grab Lin Shengli’s hand and said: "Comrade Lin Shengli, our satellite project very much hopes that you can come over to guide and help us." .”

As he said that, Team Leader Sun held Lin Shengli's hand and turned to Mr. Nie and Dean Qian. Saw it."

"We might as well ask Comrade Lin Shengli to become a consultant on our satellite project."

After Team Leader Sun finished speaking, Dean Qian immediately smiled and said, "I think it will work. After all, those who can do more work."

"Maybe Comrade Shengli can bring us bigger surprises when he gets involved in the satellite project!"

"Comrade Shengli, what's your opinion?" Nie Lao asked with a smile.

Seeing the three people singing in harmony in front of him, Lin Shengli wondered if these three people had already discussed this.

Also, Lin Shengli is now seriously doubting whether Dean Qian, a person who is suspected of having special powers, has successfully predicted Lin Shengli's new reward.

Otherwise, why had he just used the orange lottery board to draw satellite-related technologies two days ago, and the dean came to visit with Mr. Nie and Team Leader Sun of the satellite project!
Looking at the expectant expressions of several people waiting for his reply, Lin Shengli smiled helplessly and shook his head and said: "Since Mr. Nie, Dean Qian, and Team Leader Sun have all said so, I will just It’s better to obey orders than to be respectful!”

Hearing this, Team Leader Sun shook Lin Shengli's hand vigorously and said, "Welcome, Comrade Lin Shengli, and welcome you to join our satellite project."

"With you as the chief engineer and consultant of the launch vehicle project joining us, the development of our satellite project will definitely go very smoothly."

No wonder Team Leader Sun is so excited. Although no one knows yet, Lin Shengli actually has very advanced satellite technology in his hands.

But just because Lin Shengli can develop a launch vehicle that spans the ages like the Long March [-], Lin Shengli's level in aerospace must be as high as it can be.

With his joining, it will definitely be of great help to the development of satellites.

Don't say anything else, just say that they can design satellites based on the data of the current launch vehicle. This alone is enough to benefit their project.

After all, as the chief designer of this launch vehicle and the consultant of the entire project, no one is more familiar with the various data indicators of Long March [-] than Lin Shengli.

That's why Team Leader Sun excitedly held Lin Shengli's hand and refused to let go for a long time.

After Team Leader Sun and Lin Shengli sat back down, Team Leader Sun said impatiently: "Comrade Shengli, I think this is better. When we return to the satellite project development base tomorrow, you can go back with us. .”


Lin Shengli didn't know how to answer that Team Leader Sun was so eager to drag him to the satellite project.

Seeing Lin Shengli's appearance at this time, Dean Qian, who knew Lin Shengli's situation, took the initiative to help Lin Shengli explain to Team Leader Sun before Lin Shengli said anything.

Dean Qian told everything he could about Lin Shengli's situation, especially the fact that Lin Shengli could not go out on a business trip for a long time.

And how he worked as a consultant when he first entered the launch vehicle project.

After listening to Dean Qian's words, Team Leader Sun also said readily: "Mr. Nie, Dean Qian, since Consultant Lin's working model on the launch vehicle project has proven to be feasible, our satellite project will be no problem at all. .”

"We can also set up a liaison room for Consultant Lin in the steel rolling mill. When he can't get away, he can tell us his ideas through this liaison room."

"I even think that if the conditions of their steel rolling mill permit, we might as well put the satellite design, production and assembly work in their steel rolling mill."

Team leader Sun said this not only to facilitate Lin Shengli's work and to facilitate their contact with Lin Shengli, but he also had some selfish motives of his own.

However, this selfishness is also due to the better performance of the work.

After all, this is a period of strong winds. Even their satellite project is already a very important and key project for the country. Their project team has also been affected to some extent.

In fact, the tentative decision of Team Leader Sun's project was not only due to the launch vehicle developed by Lin Shengli.

Also, because they themselves have been affected by some, their design and development progress is a bit too slow.

It has been almost a full year since the launch of their satellite project, and they have only completed simple preliminary design work.Regarding this situation, Team Leader Sun also mentioned it to Dean Qian, but at this time, this situation is the general trend after all, and Dean Qian can only try his best to coordinate, but with little success.

When he heard that Lin Shengli was the director of both the Military Control Commission and the Workers' Ethics Committee in the steel rolling mill, Team Leader Sun immediately became interested.

If they move their satellite project to Lin Shengli's steel rolling mill, then their project will basically not have any constraints anymore.

Considering how much attention Lin Shengli received from the superiors, it was impossible for the superiors to send anyone else to the steel rolling mill to manage it.

Having a pure technical person like Lin Shengli and a consultant overseeing their project is a dream come true!
After Team Leader Sun finished speaking, Dean Qian and Mr. Nie looked at each other, and were both surprised by Team Leader Sun's bold idea.

However, the two of them quickly understood Team Leader Sun's intentions.

So Nie Lao nodded to Dean Qian, and Dean Qian nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Dean Qian said to Lin Shengli: "Comrade Shengli, I think this proposal from Team Leader Sun is better."

"We don't have to worry about the safety of your steel rolling mill. After all, the security level of the confidential workshops in your factory is no less than that of our research institute."

"One more thing, I remember Comrade Shengli, you said that his confidential workshop is equipped with all kinds of advanced machinery and equipment."

"In addition, now Comrade Shengli, you are also the consultant of the satellite project."

"By placing this satellite project in your steel rolling mill, it will not attract attention. After all, no one would have thought that we would put such an important project in a steel rolling mill."

“Moreover, it also facilitates timely communication between you and the project manager.”

"Comrade Shengli, what do you think?"

After Dean Qian finished speaking, Mr. Nie continued: "Comrade Shengli, I also think this idea is very good."

"After all, you are quite familiar with putting such an important project into your steel rolling mill, aren't you?"

After Mr. Nie finished speaking, he looked at Lin Shengli with a smile.

Of course, Lin Shengli understood what Mr. Nie was talking about. Indeed, whether it was the imitation of the precision equipment at the time or the later Fifth Master, or the later Flag project, that project could be said to be no more important than the satellite project. How different is the degree.

Since they have done this before, there is nothing wrong with moving the satellite project to their steel rolling mill now.

After all, a sheep can be herded, but so can a group of sheep.

Besides, the steel rolling mill is now managed by Lin Shengli. Whether it is safety, stability, or other aspects, it is indeed suitable to put such an important project as satellite development here.

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded with a smile and said: "Since several leaders think it is feasible, there must be no problem here. I will fully cooperate with our satellite project to enter our steel rolling mill."

After hearing Lin Shengli's affirmative reply, Team Leader Sun was certainly the happiest.

Second was Dean Qian, because after Lin Shengli agreed, it solved a lot of his worries.

After all, this satellite project is developed by their research institute as the main development unit.

Now, Leader Sun's satellite development project team, like Leader Wang's launch vehicle project development team, is a specialized organization specially established by their institute for projects.

In fact, the management rights of these projects still rest with their research institutes.

But at this time, there are many things that he, the dean, cannot necessarily decide.

For example, their research institute has now implemented military control. Many times, many things need to be discussed with the comrades of the Military Control Commission.

But the comrades of the Military Control Commission are not technical people after all. It takes a very long time for many things to be communicated. As a result, a lot of scientific research work may need to be postponed.

For this kind of thing, even if you are the dean, you can't change anything.

Now, it would be great for Team Leader Sun and his team to move their satellite project to Lin Shengli's Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

The other person who breathed a sigh of relief was Nie Lao.

Because although Nie Lao is the superior, Lin Shengli's management power is at the top.

If Lin Shengli didn't agree to this, it might not be possible.

Although Lin Shengli agreed to move Team Leader Sun's satellite project to the steel rolling mill, Lin Shengli still felt that he had to talk about some things in advance. (End of chapter)

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