Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 358 The first step towards the sea of ​​stars

Gansu Province, in the assembly workshop of a rocket test launch base.

"Comrade Shengli, we finally lived up to expectations and finally built this rocket!"

"This five-hundred-ton flight thrust is something that has never been imagined before!"

"To be honest, I still feel like I'm dreaming."

Looking at the assembled Long March-[-] carrier rocket standing in the final assembly workshop, Team Leader Wang couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Shengli smiled and said, "Yes, Team Leader Wang, I think it's not just you. In fact, when I originally designed this rocket, I was always worried about whether we could actually build it."

"Now, we have finally completed the first step of this long march of thousands of miles."

"And when we successfully conduct a test launch, then we can truly breathe a sigh of relief."

Team leader Wang nodded, and then said with a smile: "By the way, Comrade Shengli, the comrades from the meteorological department just sent over the latest meteorological data."

"According to the forecast of the meteorological department, it will be a very clear and sunny day in the next five days. Various meteorological conditions are very suitable for our Long March [-] test launch."

"That's what I think. Now that all the conditions are mature, we will postpone the test launch of our Long March [-] to five days later."

"In the past few days, everyone will work harder and inspect our launch vehicle carefully."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded and said, "I think it's okay. Then, Team Leader Wang, you have to report to the superiors quickly so that the superiors can officially determine our test launch date as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about this, I will contact my superiors shortly."

Regarding the official test launch date of Long March [-], the superiors responded very quickly. On the evening of the next day after Team Leader Wang's report was typed, the superiors' reply came.

After receiving a positive reply from his superiors, Team Leader Wang immediately found Lin Shengli, who was inspecting the Long March [-] with his staff.

"Shengli, the higher-ups have officially approved it. Our test-firing mission will be carried out on the day we set."

"It's great. Everyone has worked hard for so long, and it's finally time to reap the rewards." Lin Shengli said.

"Shengli, the superiors attach great importance to this test mission."

"The superior's reply said that when the time comes, the leading comrades above will also come to watch the ceremony."

"And the superiors said that comrades in the satellite project also strongly requested to come and visit."

"Aren't they in the urgent stage of scientific research?"

"Can you still find time to come visit us?"

Lin Shengli was very confused about this.

After all, this satellite project, like their launch vehicle project, is an important weapon of the country.

Even the satellite project is even more important than their launch vehicle project at this stage.

I didn’t realize that their launch vehicle project came into being just to send satellites into space!

"I guess you haven't heard that our superiors knew that our Long March [-], which has a flight thrust of [-] tons and a carrying capacity of more than [-] tons, has entered the stage of lift-off test firing, so they quickly stopped it temporarily. development of satellite projects.”

"The superiors want to see the situation here first before talking about it."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli thought for a moment and roughly knew what was going on.

According to the normal trajectory, the satellite project being carried out now will be the famous Dongfanghong-[-] in later generations.

The launch vehicle developed at that time had a carrying capacity of only 300 kilograms.

The carrying capacity of this launch vehicle limits the size and weight of the satellite.

At that time, the final launch weight of our Dongfanghong-173 satellite was [-] kilograms.

And now, Lin Shengli, a cross-generational porter, has developed a launch vehicle with a flight thrust of [-] tons and a carrying capacity of more than [-] tons. It is about to be launched into space and test fired. At this time, Superiors stopped the development of the satellite project.

It seems that the superiors are going to have new plans and new actions.

And this action is probably not going to be small.

"Team Leader Wang, if this is the case, then we must make serious preparations."

"But we must not let the day of the test launch have any bad results due to some of our negligence." Lin Shengli said seriously.

"Yes, this superior attaches so much importance to us, we must not let things slip at the critical moment."

"You also understand the current situation in our country."

"It can be said that every screw on our rocket was provided by people across the country who saved money and supported us."

"If something goes wrong with our test launch, not to mention wasting so much of the country's resources, we will also be sorry for the broad masses of the people's expectations of us!"

In this regard, Team Leader Wang also expressed a lot of emotion.

Time flies, and soon the day comes when the Long March-[-] takes off for a test launch.

On this day, the comrades from above and the satellite project arrived at the launch base early in the morning.As the commander-in-chief of this test launch mission, Lin Shengli is in the command hall, directing and coordinating various departments to make final preparations before the rocket launch.

It was Team Leader Wang, the deputy commander-in-chief, who went to greet the comrades who came to watch the ceremony.

Lin Shengli was also surprised when he saw Team Leader Wang bringing people in.

Fortunately, the dean and the comrades on the satellite project were fine. Lin Shengli did not expect that it was said that the leading comrades from above came to watch the ceremony, but it was actually Mr. Nie who came in person.

You know, Nie Lao is now close to 70 years old. This launch base is not close to Sijiu City.

Even if you come by plane, the long journey and long journey will not be easy for an old man who is almost 70 years old.

Lin Shengli walked down from the podium and came to the crowd headed by Nie Lao, and said solemnly:

"Reporting to Nie Lao, the Long March [-] carrier rocket is making preparations for launch. Please give your instructions."

Mr. Nie looked at the energetic Lin Shengli and said with a smile: "Comrade Shengli, you don't have to worry about us, you can continue your work."

"Today we come, we only bring our eyes and ears, nothing else."

Nie Lao's humorous words relaxed the somewhat serious and tense atmosphere.

"It's Nie Lao."

After saying that, Lin Shengli returned to his job and continued to direct the preparations of various departments in an orderly manner.

There are still two hours before the official launch time. At this time, according to the predetermined plan, the fuel group will refuel the Long March [-] that is already standing on the launch pad.

"Attention of all departments, attention of all departments, the Long March 10 will be ignited and launched in [-] minutes on Wednesday. Personnel from all departments are requested to evacuate immediately, evacuate immediately!"

After Lin Shengli issued the order through the microphone, the staff who completed the final inspection on the launch pad evacuated the launch pad one by one.

10 minutes before final launch.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, according to the feedback from the weather monitoring comrades, the current weather conditions are good..."

The staff handed the latest weather monitoring data to Lin Shengli. After Lin Shengli looked at it, he said into the command microphone:

"Attention all departments, the Long March 10 is ready and the weather conditions are good. The [-]-minute countdown will now begin."

In the blink of an eye, it was the last minute before launch.

"Attention of all departments, there is still one minute. After the Long March 1 takes off, all departments should pay attention to reporting the various data of the Long March [-] at any time."

In today's day and age, there are no such advanced monitoring ships and detection stations.

Fortunately, the pile of information Lin Shengli pulled out also provided corresponding data detection equipment.

These data detection equipment are installed in various parts of the launch vehicle.

Even after each stage of the launch vehicle is separated, as long as the detection equipment installed on it is not damaged, various data of the launch vehicle can be sent back to the ground.

"Ten seconds countdown, ten, hook, eight, turn, six, five, four, three, two, unit, light the fire."

As the countdown ended, I saw the Long March [-] carrier rocket standing on the launch pad in the distance. The engine at the bottom spurted out huge flames. With a burst of white mist rising, the Long March [-] slowly headed towards the sky. .

"Long March [-] has entered the acceleration phase and is currently in good condition with all data normal."

As Long March [-] took off, the voice of the data monitoring personnel soon came over the intercom.

The launch command center in this era is not equipped with various advanced electronic instruments and equipment like in later generations.

There is no very intuitive real-time monitoring like that of later generations, and there is no large display screen for viewing.

From the moment Long March [-] takes off, in addition to having to stick to their posts, comrades must also monitor and report data.

Other comrades, including Nie Lao, Lin Shengli and others who came to watch the ceremony, also ran outside and watched with their own eyes as the Long March [-] flew into the sky bit by bit until everyone could no longer see it with the naked eye.

Lin Shengli, in order to be able to see the spectacular scene of the Long March [-] taking off without delaying his work.

In addition to holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, he also had a spare one on his waist.

On the outdoor wall, Lin Shengli also installed a large loudspeaker in advance and connected it to the radio in the command center.

"The Long March [-]'s first-stage engine shut down and began to break away. The second-stage engine successfully ignited and continues to accelerate."

"The current altitude is 90 kilometers and the operating data is normal."

"The Long March [-]'s second-stage engine shut down and began to break away. The Long March [-] entered the inertial flight stage, and all data returned to normal."

"Long March [-] entered the predetermined satellite orbit position, and the third-stage engine was successfully ignited."

"The simulated satellite successfully ejected from Long March [-]."

As the news of the successful ejection of the simulated satellite came from the walkie-talkie, Lin Shengli couldn't help but waved his fist excitedly, and then said loudly into the walkie-talkie with a passionate voice:
"Comrades, I have good news for you. Our test mission of the Long March-[-] carrier rocket was a complete success!"

Lin Shengli's words were transmitted to every corner of the launch site along with the intercom and loudspeaker. (End of chapter)

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