Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 323 You can’t lead this bad guy.

Although Si Zhu has a wife, Yi Zhonghai feels that this does not conflict with his retirement business.

It would be better to have a daughter-in-law. As long as Shazhu's work is completed, wouldn't it be possible for the two of them to provide for the Yi family in their old age?

So, the last time the police came to take Banggeng away, Yi Zhonghai decisively stood with the Shazhu family and did not speak for the Jia family.

This time Qin Huairu came to borrow food, and Yi Zhonghai also knew that their Jia family was here to help Bang Gang.

Even though Bangge has entered the juvenile detention center, it is estimated that Shazhu is still angry at Bangge for letting her daughter-in-law fail.

If Yi Zhonghai continues to help Qin Huairu and Qin Huairu continues to help Bangge, what will Silly Zhu think?

Then wouldn't it be even more difficult for Yi Zhonghai to repair his relationship with Sha Zhu and expect Sha Zhu to provide for him in his old age?

So, as soon as Yi Zhonghai and Aunt Yi came together, Aunt Yi came forward and gave Qin Huairu a soft nail.

Qin Huairu, although she thought that Yi Zhonghai's family no longer planned to help her, she couldn't just watch Bang Gang suffer in the juvenile detention center because of this.

So Bangge, on the other hand, still has to continue sending things over.

So here's the problem, their current family situation is completely different from before.

After Silly Zhu got a daughter-in-law, and because of this outrageous incident, the Jia family and Silly Zhu's family were completely in ruins.

Don't even think that Silly Zhu might help their family again.

Although she later fell in love with the chef Nan Yi, Nan Yi was not like Silly Zhu back then, who brought lunch boxes to their family every day and provided food and money to help them at any time.

Nan Yi was just pitiful towards her, just to give her more food.

Occasionally, she can get some leftovers from Nanyi.

After thinking about it, Qin Huairu finally decided on her cousin Qin Jingru.

It has nothing to do with Si Zhu's failure. She can introduce Qin Jingru to Nan Yi again.

This Nan Yi is also alone, and his monthly salary is no less than Sha Zhu.

If Qin Jingru marries Nan Yi, then Nan Yi's character will definitely increase the level of support for their Jia family.

Maybe, this Nan Yi would be like Silly Zhu before, bringing her a lunch box every day.

After getting the lunch box from Nan Yi, he can also send it to the juvenile detention center to replenish Banggan's body!

I heard that in the juvenile detention center, you have to undergo reform through labor. You may have to endure a lot of hardships if you are in there.

If she didn't bring some nutritious food in, she was afraid that Bangge's small body would not be able to bear it.

But there is also a problem. This is Qin Jingru. Because of the last time she introduced her to Silly Zhu, there is already a gap between the two of them. It may not be easy to trick her into marrying Nan Yi now.

After all, this Nan Yi is not young anymore. He is older than Qin Huairu, and he is not very tall either.

This Qin Jingru probably really looks down on Nan Yi!
But at present, this is the only way to alleviate the Jia family's plight.

After Qin Huairu made up her mind, she told Jia Zhang about her idea.

After hearing this, Jia Zhang would certainly not object.

After all, their family has completely fallen out with Shazhu's family, and there is absolutely no hope for Shazhu.

Now that she has another option, Jia Zhang hopes that someone can continue to support her family.

"Don't just think about this. You should also ask someone to see if there is any way to take out the stick in advance." Apart from eating, Jia Zhang is most concerned about the stick. Something happened.

After all, this Banggeng is the only male child of their Jia family, and the only hope for their Jia family to continue their family lineage, and for her Jia Zhang family to enjoy happiness in the future.

"I know, mother." Although Qin Huairu agreed, she didn't think so in her heart.

She is an ordinary female worker in a steel rolling mill and a widow. What connections can she have and who can she go to?

It was impossible for Wang Erni to issue a letter of understanding. They ignored her at all.

She also went to see Yi Zhonghai, but he didn't want to deal with this matter. In fact, even if Yi Zhonghai wanted to deal with it, what relationship could he have to let Bangge be released in advance?

She also mentioned it to Nan Yi, but the relationship between Nan Yi and her was not very deep, so why should they help her?

Besides, Nan Yi is just a cook and doesn't know any particularly powerful connections.

Qin Huairu was like a headless fly, bumping around everywhere, even looking for Xu Damao in the courtyard.

Xu Damao did not refuse to help, but this Xu Damao not only wanted money from her family, but also wanted her body.

However, how can Qin Huairu and the Jia family have any money?
As for her body, Qin Huairu couldn't give it to her family.

But the key point is that Xu Damao asked Qin Huairu to give her money and body first, and then he would help find someone to talk to her.

Now, Qin Huairu was not happy.

As for Xu Damao's virtue, Qin Huairu really couldn't guarantee whether what he said was true.

What if, after getting the benefit, he puts on his pants and refuses to acknowledge his debt, wouldn’t Qin Huairu suffer in vain?
In fact, Qin Huairu wanted to go find Lin Shengli on the day Banggeng was taken away.

After all, as the big leader of the factory, Lin Shengli must have a wide circle of friends and know many people.For Lin Shengli, cool things may just be a matter of words.

Even though Qin Huairu knew that Lin Shengli, the big man in the courtyard and the big leader in the factory, paid no attention to her at all.

But for the sake of the stick, she risked her life. Even if she went to beg on her knees, she still had to beg and give it a try.

Unfortunately, Lin Shengli happened to be on a business trip, and Lin Shengli didn't come back until Bangge was sentenced to a juvenile detention center.

When Banggeng was first arrested, he might have gone to Lin Shengli to beg him. People might have shown mercy and prevented Banggeng from being sent to a juvenile detention center.

But now, Banggeng has been sent to the juvenile detention center, which is a foregone conclusion.

Now if you want to release people from inside, it is not an easy task.

Xu Damao didn't open his mouth. Not only did he want her body, but he also asked for 500 yuan in activity fees, saying that he would give it to the person doing the work.

Thinking about it this way, even if Lin Shengli came back, even if she, Qin Huairu, knelt and died in front of his house, Lin Shengli would not help her.

After thinking about it, Qin Huairu felt more and more that he should settle the matter between Nan Yi and Qin Jingru first.

After all, this would make Banggong's life inside better. She would slowly think of a way to see if she could find any opportunity or someone to take Banggong out of there in advance.

Another thing, when Nan Yi becomes his cousin-in-law, others will help him find a way.

Maybe this Nanyi will help with money and people, maybe release the stick in advance.
At the test base in Gansu Province, from the day Lin Shengli arrived, the people in the launch vehicle project team found that the people in charge of the engine project team basically did not appear in everyone's sight these days. in front of me.

The lamp in their research room has never been turned off since it was turned on.

It took three days before everyone saw the comrades responsible for the research and development of the engine project again.

One by one, they all had dark circles under their eyes, lowered their heads and hurried to the conference room without saying a word.

In the conference room, Team Leader Wang was also waiting here early.

"Comrades, I understand your eagerness to find out the problem, but you should also pay attention to your health!"

"I heard from the comrades in the cafeteria that people in your group haven't had a good meal in the cafeteria these days."

"Especially you, Comrade Shengli, as the consultant of our project, you can't be such a bad leader!"

Team leader Wang looked at the tired expressions of the people in the engine research team and couldn't help but worry.

After listening to Team Leader Wang's words, Lin Shengli also said a little tiredly: "Team Leader Wang, aren't we all worried?"

"You also know that this engine is the heart of the entire rocket and the most important part."

“If we don’t find out the problem today, everyone will not be able to rest assured!”

As the main force in finding problems, Lin Shengli basically didn't sleep much in the past three days.

If his body hadn't been systematically strengthened, Lin Shengli would have been unable to endure it.

However, after finding out the problem today, Lin Shengli returned to the dormitory assigned to him. After closing the doors and windows, he ran into the space and had a good sleep.

At this moment, apart from feeling a little tired, he was still in good spirits.

"Shengli, how is the situation now? Have you found the problem?"

Lin Shengli nodded and said: "It has been found. I have called everyone here today to let you and everyone listen to our analysis of this test accident."

"Okay, I'll listen while you talk." After saying that, Team Leader Wang found a seat at the back and sat down.

Lin Shengli cleared his throat and said, "Okay, let's start the meeting now."

"Everyone has looked at the engine fragments and the relevant data during the test run, and analyzed them for a few days. Now, let's talk about the causes and opinions of this engine test accident."

After Lin Shengli finished speaking, Lu Gong stood up and said: "Team Leader Wang, Consultant Lin, based on our current report and relevant data, I think it is due to a leak in the fuel supply equipment in the power unit, which then caused explosion."

"If a large amount of fuel had not leaked into the propulsion chamber, there would not have been such a violent combustion and then an explosion."

"But what is the problem with this fuel supply equipment? I haven't seen it yet."

After Gong Lu finished speaking, another researcher stood up and said:

"Counselor Lin, I also think the explosion was caused by a fuel leak."

"As for the cause, I guess it may be a problem with the cooling equipment."

"Otherwise, how could the fuel leak out?"

"You know, I carried out multiple inspections before the test run and after filling the fuel tank. At that time, there was no problem."

"So, I suspect that there was a problem with the cooling equipment, which caused a problem with the fuel supply equipment, causing a large amount of fuel to leak into the propulsion chamber, which in turn caused the explosion."

The comrades present here all nodded their heads after listening to the speeches of these two comrades. Everyone now agrees that this was the reason for the accident. "

Seeing that everyone had this reaction, Lin Shengli said: "The analysis just made by the two comrades is very reasonable. Does anyone else have any different opinions?"

After Lin Shengli finished speaking, none of the comrades present stood up to speak. (End of chapter)

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