Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 316 At that time, I had my hands in my pockets and didn’t know what an opponent was.

The staff took Lin Shengli to a small private room.

In this small private room, Lin Shengli saw the respected and beloved Mogang.

What exactly was discussed, no one knows.

However, when Lin Shengli left the small private room, he held the photo with the top in one hand and another inscription "The Pillar of the Country" given to him by the top in the other.
Holding these two death-free gold medals, Lin Shengli just wanted to yell, "Who else!"

On the way home, Lin Shengli silently thought of a sentence: "That year, I had my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was."

In the next few days, these model worker representatives from all over the world came to Huairen Hall one after another to give reports and communicate.

At noon on the day when the conference ended, everyone had a farewell lunch together.

These model worker representatives from all over the world also began to return to their respective places of origin.

Due to the relatively short distance, these representatives from the Forty-Nine Cities were sent directly back to their respective work units by special vehicles.

Lin Shengli was no exception. He was sent back to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill in a special car for the conference and was welcomed all the way.

Why is it said to be a farewell along the way? This means the enthusiastic people along the way. They spontaneously cheered and shouted all the way...

Many people along the way held flowers and banners to express their respect and love for the model workers.

After returning to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, the welcome scene in the mill was even more generous.

That's called a red flag waving, gongs and drums roaring, firecrackers blasting...

National model worker, in this era, symbolizes the most glorious and noble honor of the working class.

Director Yang and the factory leaders even organized a welcome meeting with the participation of all cadres and workers of the factory.
"Comrade Lin Shengli, as an outstanding representative of our working class and a role model for our workers, is an example that all of us should learn from..."

Director Yang's excited words were transmitted to every corner of the steel rolling mill along the old microphone on the rostrum.

After Factory Director Yang finished his speech, the enthusiastic workers and masters cheered and allowed Lin Shengli to come to the stage to speak.

When Lin Shengli stepped onto the makeshift rostrum, the vast number of cadres and workers below burst into cheers and applause like a roaring tsunami.

Looking at the cheering crowd below the stage, it was a lively scene.

This scene, like a memorable movie clip, was deeply engraved in Lin Shengli's mind.

Until many years later, Lin Shengli would still think of this scene from time to time.

The convening of the National Model Worker Conference has set off an upsurge of learning from model workers across the country.

Fortunately, Lin Shengli is relatively low-key, and Lin Shengli’s name was not included in the report. In the group photo, Lin Shengli was standing in the corner of the last row. You can’t tell who it is, but you can clearly see that it is a person. It's not easy enough.

Even so, in the steel rolling mill and courtyard, knowing that Lin Shengli became a national model worker still had a little impact on his life.

But it only has a slight impact.

In a steel rolling mill, as a big leader in the mill, those enthusiastic workers would not rush to his office to learn anything.

Just when I met Lin Shengli on the road, I went up to say hello warmly.

And in the courtyard, as the eldest man in the courtyard, and with Erha as the gatekeeper, no one came to his house to see what the country's model workers looked like, like watching monkeys.

Everyone looks up but doesn't look down, so it's not like they've never seen each other before.

Therefore, this sub-influence passed quickly with the passage of time.

Shortly after the Model Worker Conference, Lin Shengli received a notice from Team Leader Wang.

The personnel of this launch vehicle research and development project are fully equipped and have gathered at the research institute in Sijiu City to prepare for the first plenary meeting of this project.

In the conference room, all the people coming for the meeting have arrived. Team leader Wang stood in front of the conference room and said: "Comrades, please be quiet. We are ready to have a meeting."

Following Team Leader Wang's words, the people in the conference room fell silent from whispers.

"Comrades, everyone gathered here today must have already understood our mission. I won't repeat it too much here."

"Now, our superiors require us to develop a launch vehicle based on missile technology."

"Everyone here is an elite in various professions. Let's discuss next how we will carry out this project."

After Team Leader Wang finished speaking, none of the people present came out to speak.

Most of the comrades who can sit here for meetings come from different fields. They basically had no or little exposure to rocket-related technologies before.

This makes them say something constructive all at once, which is a bit embarrassing!
Seeing that no one was speaking, Team Leader Wang turned his attention to Lin Shengli who was sitting in the back.

If others don’t know, how can Team Leader Wang know?Some time ago, it was the solid engine technology provided by Lin Shengli that made the superiors make up their minds and quickly start the research and development project of this launch vehicle.

He also begged the dean for a long time before getting Lin Shengli, an important person who can be said to be the main force in the research and development of their project, to the project team.

Others had no ideas or ideas. Team Leader Wang felt that Lin Shengli must have something in his head.

Thinking of this, Team Leader Wang said to everyone present: "Since no one has any good ideas for the time being, let me introduce you to a comrade, Lin Shengli."

"Comrade Lin Shengli provided technical information on solid rocket motors during a previous missile project, which enabled the project to proceed smoothly."

"After that, the superiors took a fancy to the solid rocket motor technology provided by Comrade Lin Shengli, which allowed our project to be approved so quickly..."

"Now, everyone welcomes Comrade Lin Shengli to share his views."

Lin Shengli, who was sitting below and thinking about something, suddenly felt someone pushing on his arm next to him.

Lin Shengli turned his head and found that it was Comrade Lu sitting next to him, winking at him: "Comrade Shengli, Team Leader Wang has asked you to express your opinion."

After listening to Comrade Lu's words, Lin Shengli realized that he had become the focus of the audience, and everyone's eyes in the conference room were all focused in his direction.

Lin Shengli scratched his head, stood up, thought for a moment and said, "Since Team Leader Wang asked me to talk first, let me talk about my views first."

"I believe everyone already knows that our mission this time is to develop a launch vehicle based on missile technology."

"So first of all, we have to understand the difference between a launch vehicle and a missile."

"Some of our comrades may have been exposed to missile-related technology before, while some comrades may not have been exposed to this technology. So today, let's talk about some things in this area."

"First of all, let's talk about the missile. This missile is generally composed of a warhead, a control system, an engine device, and a missile body. Its engine device is somewhat similar to the engine device used in a launch vehicle. of the place.”

"As for the launch vehicle we want to develop, it consists of a rocket body, a power plant system, a telemetry system, a control system, an external ballistic measurement system, a safety system and a targeting system."

"Compared to missiles, the technologies used in launch vehicles are more complex and diverse."

"Although the engine device of the missile is relatively similar to the power device system used by the launch vehicle."

"But judging from their names alone, I think everyone will find that the power plant system of this launch vehicle is much more complicated."

"I have an idea, that is, all of us here can be divided into several different groups according to different majors. These different groups can study various components of the launch vehicle."

"Then, Team Leader Wang will coordinate the work of each research group."

After listening to Lin Shengli's speech, Team Leader Wang nodded happily.

This Lin Shengli was worthy of being the main force he had recruited from his grandfather and grandma. He had a lot of things in his mind.

In just a few sentences, the key points of how the project is to be carried out are captured.

"Very good, Comrade Shengli, your idea coincides with your superior's idea."

"In this way, we will divide into several research groups according to the components of the launch vehicle to carry out research work on the project. We will report the research progress of each research group at any time."

After Team Leader Wang finished speaking, everyone agreed.

But at this time, Lin Shengli raised his hand again.

Seeing Lin Shengli raise his hand, Team Leader Wang smiled and asked, "Comrade Shengli, do you have anything to add?"

Lin Shengli stood up, smiled and said, "Team Leader Wang, it's like this. Some time ago, didn't you ask me to go back and think about how to carry out our project next?"

"In addition to the opinions I just raised, I have reviewed a large amount of information through some special channels."

"Then I combined this information with my previous experience in other projects to compile some technical information on the launch vehicle."

"I will take out these materials and use them as a reference for our project to see if they can be used in the research and development work of our project."

After saying that, Lin Shengli dug around in his big black bag and took out some technical information that he had compiled in advance. Then he walked to Team Leader Wang and handed it to Team Leader Wang.

After receiving the information handed over by Lin Shengli, Team Leader Wang took a rough look at it, but the more he looked at it, the tighter his brows became.

Since Team Leader Wang can be appointed as the leader of this project team by his superiors, he must have two skills.

If this is left to future generations, then he will be the chief engineer of a national-level project.

He is certainly no stranger to rocket-related technologies.

But these materials handed over by Lin Shengli... (End of chapter)

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