Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 302: Can the eye sockets be less shallow?

Chapter 302: Can the eye sockets be less shallow?
In response to Shazhu's words of thanks, Lin Shengli smiled and said, "It's not easy to thank me. When you cook for me in the factory from now on, just cook a few more of your specialty dishes."

"Okay, please hold it up. I promise to make you some special dishes every time." Silly Zhu promised confidently.

The next day, Shazhu couldn't wait to go to the matchmaker and discuss with her about going to Wang Erni's house to propose marriage.

For this reason, Shazhu hurriedly cooked in the canteen of the steel rolling mill at noon and disappeared in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Lin Shengli ate in the canteen at noon. Silly Zhu and Lin Shengli mentioned it, so it was not considered unexcused absence from work.

Lin Shengli is also happy to see the rapid progress of Shazhu and Wang Erni.

However, Lin Shengli also reminded Silly Zhu that before the matter between him and Wang Erni was completely settled, it was best not to spread it everywhere, especially not to let Qin Huairu and the Jia family know about it.

After Si Zhu was tricked so many times and taught a few times, he understood the secret and would not make the same mistakes again.

Silly Zhu's idea is to strike while the iron is hot, pick a good day as soon as possible, and arrange the marriage between him and Wang Erni as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

Therefore, in order to be busy with wedding matters, Sha Zhu went out early and came back late. Basically, no one in the courtyard could see Sha Zhu.

Although Shazhu's salary is quite high, he doesn't have much expenses on his own, but before he couldn't bear it, he had been PUA by Qin Huairu and kept helping Qin Huairu and the Jia family. A lot of the little money he earned was lent to Qin Huairu, he really didn't have much left.

In the past few months, he had saved some money after staying away from Qin Huairu and the Jia family.

But with the money he saved to buy He Yuyu a bicycle, he didn't have much left.

It costs money to clean up the house, and it also costs money to rebuild 36 legs.

Furthermore, he also wanted his wedding to be a glorious one.

Therefore, during this period of time, in addition to the work in the steel rolling mill, Shazhu worked hard to accept various weddings and weddings from outside, and the work of entertaining the hostess, which formed a sharp contrast with the previous lazy appearance of having to work hard.

On Monday morning, after finishing his regular morning meeting, Lin Shengli was picking up his notebook and preparing to return to the office.

"Shengli, there is still more than a month left. The Model Worker Conference is about to be held. You have to prepare early." Director Yang stopped Lin Shengli and reminded him.

That was the National Model Worker Conference.

It is the highest honor and cannot be taken too seriously.

The entire leadership team of the steel rolling mill is now studying how to send off Lin Shengli.

When the Model Worker Conference is over, how will we welcome Lin Shengli?

As a representative of model workers, Lin Shengli needs to go on stage to give a report and report on his work experience.

These all need to be prepared in advance.

"Okay, Director Yang, I understand." Lin Shengli nodded. As for the work report, he would take the time to copy it and use it with a few changes. After all, there are so many books in his space, so it's a bit like this. This report is not surprising.

Director Yang is of course relieved about Lin Shengli. According to past experience, no matter what happens, he only needs a little reminder. For the rest, Lin Shengli has not yet seen his chain slip.

A few days later, it looked like there was only one month left before the Model Worker Conference started.

At this time, the factory had already begun preparations for Lin Shengli's farewell party.

The big red flowers at the factory gate, the big banners, and the thousands of firecrackers for the expedition are all being prepared in an orderly manner.

Factory Director Yang and the others were busy with farewells at the Model Worker Conference, and Lin Shengli was also busy with his own affairs.

After visiting several workshops, Lin Shengli returned to the office and was immersed in revising a technical plan. After a while, the phone on the table rang.

"I am Yu Quanzhi."

"Brother Yu, what are your instructions?"

"I'm going to your place later. You don't have anything else important to do today, right?"

Lin Shengli thought for a moment and said, "That's not true."

"Okay, then you can wait for me in the cubicle of our special office in a minute. I will definitely be there within an hour!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shengli didn't think about why Yu Quanzhi came to see him. He packed up and went to the one ten rooms away. It was said to be a confidential workshop for researching new rebars, but in fact it was their banner project. A special management office established at the rolling mill.

About 10 minutes later, Lin Shengli heard footsteps outside and guessed that it was Yu Quanzhi who had arrived.

Lin Shengli received the information he had just written into the space, and then filled the two teacups with water.

After Yu Quanzhi arrived, he went straight to the tea cup that Lin Shengli had just poured. After drinking the milk, he burped.

"Brother Yu, you said that you are already a grown-up, but you are still such a freshman leader. Why are you acting like your butt is on fire? I always look at you in a hurry."

Lin Shengli said with a crooked mouth when he saw Yu Quanzhi and Niu drinking the tea he brewed from fine tea leaves.

Yu Quanzhi rolled his eyes and said, "You think everyone is just like you, just sitting here and waiting for others to come to you!"

Lin Shengli smiled and did not answer Yu Quanzhi's criticism. Instead, he turned around and asked, "Brother Yu, tell me, you are so worried. What do you want to do with me?"

"Did you believe what happened about the rice cooker last time?"

Hearing Lin Shengli ask about the business, Yu Quanzhi straightened his figure, which was sitting crookedly on the chair, and said, "It's not just about this."

"That's right. First of all, let me tell you about the progress of our flag project."

"Comrade Liqing, through the cooperation of our covert front comrades, has successfully arrived in Hong Kong Island some time ago and successfully registered a pharmaceutical company called United Laboratories."

"In the past two months, United Pharmaceuticals has promoted our two drugs on a large scale in Hong Kong Island, and has achieved great results and has won the favor of many hospitals and patients."

"It seems that Fang Liqing is doing well there." Lin Shengli said with a smile.

Yu Quanzhi nodded and said: "Yes, recently, Comrade Fang Liqing has recruited elites there and established multiple sales teams. Next, they are planning to expand the markets in Wanwan and Kangaroo.

After listening to Yu Quanzhi's words, Lin Shengli frowned slightly and said: "Whether it's Hong Kong Island itself or the other side of the bay, their market is only that big. If they want to make money, they have to open up Europe and the United States as soon as possible. Only the market will do.”

"Europe and the United States have already been in contact, but there has been no response. However, a few days ago, the Foot Pot Chicken took the initiative to contact Fang Liqing's company." "What the Foot Pot Chicken means is that they want to spend a lot of money to buy it. Patent for amoxicillin and ethambutol.”

"And their asking price is quite high. We are a little undecided, so we come here to ask you!" Yu Quanzhi said.

"What price was offered there that you can't even make up your mind about?"


"Eagle sauce coins?"

"Hong Kong dollars."

"That's it, are you excited?" Lin Shengli frowned upon hearing this.

Yu Quanzhi sighed and said: "It's not me who is moved, but some people in our commercial department who are moved."

"This 5000 million Hong Kong dollars, in their view, is already a lot of foreign exchange."

After hearing this, Lin Shengli said angrily: "This cannot be sold. I want to buy the patents for amoxicillin and ethambutol for 5000 million. What are you thinking about?"

"Tiaobaji is almost ready to exchange cabbage for gold. It's so obvious that you're here to take advantage and pick up the slack. Can't any of you notice it?"

"None of you took the market forecasts I made seriously, right?"

"Really not selling it?" Yu Quanzhi asked.

"It's bullshit. Go back and tell those people who want to sell patents, can your eye sockets be less shallow! Have you never seen the money or something?"

"They don't even think about it. Since they are willing to spend 5000 million to buy it, it means that the value of those two medicines is far more than 5000 million!" Lin Shengli said angrily.

"Okay!" Yu Quanzhi nodded and responded.

Lin Shengli continued: "In addition, tell Fang Liqing to quickly organize a sales team and go to Foot Pot Chicken as soon as possible. Since there is such a big deal there to buy our medicine, it means that their market demand is not small!"

"Let Fang Liqing take a bigger step. If necessary, we can cooperate with the local pharmaceutical company over at Tiaobenji. We will only handle production and supply, and leave all the specific sales to them!"

"it is good!"

Then Yu Quanzhi continued: "In addition, the news from Fang Liqing said that they now only have two drugs, amoxicillin and ethambutol, and the varieties and types seem to be a little lacking. He hopes that the country can provide some more useful drugs. Market competitive products!”

"Didn't I just get a rice cooker for you some time ago?"

"What? That thing doesn't work?" Lin Shengli asked very confused.

Yu Quanzhi shook his head and said, "It's not impossible. After I reported to my superiors last time, my superiors have agreed to use the rice cooker you provided as our flagship project and another flagship product that will earn foreign exchange for the country."

"The superiors have also given clear instructions. Our Jingqi Project will be responsible for the entire process of how to operate this rice cooker in the future, and the superiors will provide full support."

"In accordance with the instructions from our superiors and the opinions you gave us, we went to Shenzhen, the city closest to Hong Kong Island, and planned to place the production of our new rice cookers there."

"The corresponding production lines over there are now being set up, but this will take time."

“Another one, after we took the relevant information and samples to the factory there, they raised a very real problem, that is, to produce our new type of rice cooker, a large number of electronic components are needed. "

"You also know that our country now has a huge demand for such basic electronic components in all walks of life."

"Our own production capacity is extremely limited. We can't even supply it for national defense construction, let alone supply it to us for the production of rice cookers."

"And those electronic components that were finally obtained from outside were quickly divided up by all walks of life."

"Although the Lou family's electronics factory on Hong Kong Island has recently been shipping a lot of electronic components to the country."

"But how can their small factory supply our huge domestic demand?"

"So, without solving the problem of supply of electronic components, we plan to wait for the production line in Shenzhen to be built and then produce a small amount for testing according to your idea."

"During this period, China will find ways to improve our own production capacity of electronic components, and try our best to bring back more from outside."

"When we have enough reserves, we will promote the new rice cooker."

"After all, according to the business plan you gave, this rice cooker is a daily necessity for people in developed countries, and the demand is definitely not small."

"We can't even rush to promote overseas if we can't even keep up with production capacity."

"Another one, Fang Liqing's United Pharmaceutical Company is, after all, a pharmaceutical company. They have not yet completely established themselves in Hong Kong Island, and they cannot start selling rice cookers before their medicines are well sold. Bar?"

"So, based on these points, our department has done some research and plans to wait until Fang Liqing has completely established a foothold on Hong Kong Island. After the promotion and sales of those two drugs are on track, we will also have corresponding reserves of electronic components in China. Later, we will promote the new rice cooker as another flagship product of our flagship project on a large scale."

"But during this period, we will also ask them to register an electrical appliance company controlled by their United Medical Company on Hong Kong Island, and first apply for the patent rights of the rice cooker around the world."

After listening to Yu Quanzhi's words, Lin Shengli nodded and said: "I think you are very thoughtful about the new rice cooker."

"At the beginning, I only considered the technological advancement of this rice cooker, and forgot that we were not yet able to supply electronic components on a large scale."

"It's okay to wait a moment now."

Speaking of this, Lin Shengli paused for a moment, took a sip of tea, and then said: "Brother Yu, listen to what you just said, you come to me now, besides telling me this, is there anything else you can do?" thing."

Yu Quanzhi nodded and said: "What you want me to ask you is, in addition to those two drugs, can you provide another drug to the pharmaceutical company on Hong Kong Island? "

"After all, drugs are not difficult to produce for us now. As long as we have the corresponding formula and preparation process, we can quickly produce them on a large scale and generate benefits quickly..."

"If it doesn't work here, we'll find other ways."

After Yu Quanzhi finished speaking, Lin Shengli thought for a moment and said, "Well, give me some time and I'll think of a solution."

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, Yu Quanzhi immediately slapped the table happily: "Hey, I just said, as long as I come to you, you have never let me down!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Lin Shengli's rolling eyes, but took out an envelope from the bag he was carrying and handed it to Lin Shengli.

(End of this chapter)

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