Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 266 The olive branch extended by Deputy Director Li

Chapter 266 The olive branch extended by Deputy Director Li

The next day, a small meeting was being held in Lin Shengli's office at the steel rolling mill.

Attending the meeting were Lin Shengli, Director Yuan and Deputy Director Li.

As for Factory Director Yang, he is not in the factory at the moment.

In fact, even if Director Yang is in the factory, he will not come to this small meeting. He is not very interested in the topics discussed at this small meeting.

As for the topics discussed in this small meeting?
Not to mention the diesel engine technology that Lin Shengli pulled out last night. He thought about what agricultural machinery engines he would use as a basis for half the night.

In fact, in the morning, during the morning meeting attended by factory leaders, Lin Shengli mentioned that he wanted to engage in diesel engine research.

After hearing this, Director Yang did not immediately and unconditionally support Lin Shengli in conducting project research as he had done in the past.

Because Director Yang's mind is no longer on the steel rolling mill at the moment.

Because Lin Shengli has made so many achievements in the steel rolling mill, as the top leader of the steel rolling mill, Director Yang has also received a lot of credit, and he has received a lot of credit.

Recently, there has been a rumor from somewhere that the higher-ups seem to be intending to transfer Factory Director Yang to a certain district in Sijiu City.

According to rumors, Factory Director Yang's post after his passing will be either the second in command or the first in command.

This was related to his great career as Director Yang. After Director Yang heard the news, his thoughts were no longer in the steel rolling mill.

Because if he is transferred to a certain district, this steel rolling mill, as an enterprise directly under the Ministry of Metallurgy, will not be under his jurisdiction at all.

According to experience, at this stage, he only needs to maintain the stability of the steel rolling mill and does not need to make any outstanding contributions.

Especially projects that he was not sure could be completed in a short period of time.

According to Factory Director Yang, the project proposed by Lin Shengli to study diesel engines was not as easy as Lin Shengli's original rolling mill renovation project.

After all, there is a prototype for reference.

But the current diesel engine project needs to be studied from scratch. If this project is to be completed, even with Lin Shengli's miraculous level, Director Yang feels that no matter what, it will take a year and a half to complete it. .

At that time, Director Yang had been transferred away long ago.

By then, even if the project succeeds, it will have nothing to do with him, the transferred former factory director.

Therefore, Factory Director Yang was not too enthusiastic about Lin Shengli's diesel engine project.

But he would not object to Lin Shengli pursuing this project.

Because even if he no longer works in the steel rolling mill in the future, it is still necessary to form a good relationship with someone like Lin Shengli.

So, during the meeting, Factory Director Yang said to Lin Shengli: "Shengli, as the leader of our factory, you are in charge of production and technology. If you think it is feasible, you can do it. What, just prepare it yourself..."

"That's it, I'm going to go to other departments soon."

After saying that, Director Yang hurriedly ended the morning meeting and went to run about his own affairs.

When I heard that Lin Shengli wanted to start a diesel engine project, the first person to stand up and firmly support him was Lin Shengli's die-hard director Yuan.

After Director Yuan, it was Deputy Director Li who firmly supported Lin Shengli in this project.

This actually surprised Lin Shengli slightly.

Deputy Director Li is basically a person with mixed reviews in many novels or in the mouths of readers.

But based on Lin Shengli’s contact with Deputy Factory Manager Li in this era, Lin Shengli felt that although Deputy Factory Manager Li was more flashy, that was a matter of his personal life.

In terms of work ability, Deputy Director Li's work ability is still very good.

Moreover, since Lin Shengli arrived at the steel rolling mill, he and Deputy Director Li have never had any conflicts or unpleasantness.

Even when Lin Shengli later became the first deputy director and first deputy secretary, overpowering Deputy Director Li, Deputy Director Li did not show any hostility towards Lin Shengli.

When we meet at ordinary times, we should say hello and say hello, and at work, we should cooperate when we should cooperate.

Therefore, Lin Shengli was not stupid and would not refuse the olive branch offered by someone like Deputy Factory Li, who had no hostility towards him and was capable of working.

The reason why Deputy Director Li did this was that in addition to knowing that Lin Shengli had a great background, he also admired Lin Shengli very much for being able to do things, do practical things, and have the ability.

In addition, Deputy Director Li also heard from his old father-in-law. It seemed that there was news from above that they were considering whether to transfer Director Yang to a certain district in Sijiu City as the second or first leader. .

I also know that Director Yang has recently started to frequently visit various higher-level departments for this matter.

If nothing else happens, Director Yang may be transferred soon after the Chinese New Year.

In the steel rolling mill, two more positions were suddenly vacant.

Deputy Director Li did not dare to think about the top secretary. The position he was thinking of was the director of the steel rolling mill.

As for the position of secretary, who else but Lin Shengli can secure that position.

Moreover, Deputy Factory Director Li clearly understands that others may think that they are not doing their job properly if they are engaged in diesel engine research in a steel rolling mill, but Deputy Factory Director Li does not think so.Because this Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, although it is called a steel rolling mill, is actually a comprehensive factory.

Although its main business is the production and processing of steel, it does have various workshops and branch factories that engage in other industries.

For example, Factory Director Yuan's current fourth branch factory is currently producing the new rolling mill built by Lin Shengli.

Also, in the Fourth Branch Factory, there is a very large workshop similar to a small factory that specializes in manufacturing new high-strength steel ropes.

This illustrates a problem.

It doesn’t matter what the project is, as long as you can research it and use the existing conditions to produce it.

Then, it means that your steel rolling mill has the ability to produce such things.

Just let your superiors see your technical level and manufacturing capabilities.

Then the superiors will hand over the order task of manufacturing this kind of thing to the steel rolling mill.

Being able to receive and complete more production tasks is a real achievement for a factory.

So, as a staunch supporter and participant in this project, Deputy Factory Director Li’s contribution must be indispensable.

In this case, the possibility of the position of factory director he wants to seek will be greater.

Because of this diesel engine project, Lin Shengli planned to build a two-stroke single-cylinder engine first.

Therefore, it was not a particularly confidential project, but at the reminder of Deputy Factory Director Li, Lin Shengli first established a three-person leadership group internally.

Lin Shengli serves as the team leader of this project, and Factory Director Yuan and Deputy Factory Director Li serve as the deputy team leaders of this project.

After that, several people began to divide the work. Lin Shengli was responsible for the main R&D and technical parts. Director Yuan provided support in terms of site, personnel and equipment, and Deputy Director Li was responsible for all logistics support and management during the project.

To put it simply, Lin Shengli drew the drawings of various parts and handed them to Factory Director Yuan, who distributed them to the Fourth Branch Factory and various workshops capable of producing such parts.

If you need materials and logistical support, just contact Deputy Director Li.

Afterwards, after the production of these parts is completed, they will be sent to a special workshop for assembly under the joint supervision of Factory Director Yuan and Deputy Factory Director Li.

If there are any parts that cannot be produced or there are technical problems, go to Lin Shengli to solve them.

After several people divided the work, everyone began to work separately.

Because this time we were working on the engine of this agricultural machinery, there was no physical object for reference, so Lin Shengli’s photographic memory and plain vision glasses were not of much use in the early design and workshop production of parts.

Therefore, Lin Shengli was not prepared to settle this matter in a short period of time.

He plans to follow the normal research and development speed, slightly increase the speed, and complete this two-stroke single-cylinder engine within a month or two.

After that, it will take another one to two months to build the entire tractor.

Thinking about this kind of research and development speed, it should be considered normal!
In the afternoon, Lin Shengli, apart from busying himself with workshop [-], found time to start drawing.

Since it's not particularly urgent, there's no need to rush into the space to work.

Therefore, it is normal for Lin Shengli to get off work when the time comes.

Lin Shengli had just returned from get off work and as soon as he stepped into the front yard, he saw Yan Bugui, the second uncle.

When Yan Bugui saw Lin Shengli coming back, he smiled and said hello: "Shengli is back."

Lin Shengli smiled and nodded, "Well, then you are busy, second uncle."

After saying hello, Lin Shengli carried his big black bag and walked to the backyard.

Seeing that Lin Shengli was about to leave, Yan Bugui hesitated, but still shouted, "That Shengli, please wait a moment."

Lin Shengli stopped, turned to Yan Bugui and said, "Second uncle, is there something wrong?"

After seeing Lin Shengli stop, Yan Bugui was a little unable to explain it away, but after thinking about it, he still said:
"That Shengli, your dog brought back a pheasant..."


Speaking of this, Yan Bugui smiled awkwardly, and then continued: "Shengli, you also know the situation of my family. Can our family help deal with this pheasant?"

The Yan Bugui family, apart from that time, the brothers Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang helped Lin Shengli decorate the house and lived in his house for some days to have good food and good food, but that time has passed a long time.

The old couple from Yanbu, as well as Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiedi, just mixed in some big white steamed buns.

Later, when we invited Lin Shengli to dinner, there wasn't much meat, and it all went into the stomachs of several children.

As for the two cans of luncheon meat that Yu Li brought back, how long had it been and they were already finished?

After such a long time, the Yan family has never seen any meat.

(End of this chapter)

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