Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 243 It’s not like the main person who turned against the guest has never happened before.

Chapter 243 It’s not like the main person who turned against the guest has never happened before.

Regarding Lin Shengli’s question, Master Wu could only say with a slight embarrassment:
"The two of them are used to living in the countryside and are reluctant to come to the city..."

Lin Shengli knew that Master Wu's words must not have been sincere.

Lin Shengli turned around and thought about it, and figured out why Master Wu didn't take over his wife and children.

Lin Shengli didn't say anything more, but had an idea in his mind.

A few days later, it happened to be Sunday, and it was also the time when Master Wu's children were discharged from the hospital.

This is the hospital that Lin Shengli and Master Wu went to together. After completing the discharge procedures, he took Master Wu's wife and child with him. Lin Shengli gave Master Wu an address.

Master Wu didn't think much about it, thinking that Lin Shengli was going there to do something, so he drove straight to this address.

The address that Lin Shengli told Master Wu was actually a courtyard house. It was one of several courtyard houses that Lin Shengli was awarded to him after he donated the two drugs.

This courtyard is not too far from the courtyard where Lin Shengli lives. It only takes about ten minutes by car.

Most of the courtyard houses in these forty-nine cities are built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and most of them have "house-style" front entrances.

This kind of door is actually a row of houses with an aisle in the middle.

How many rooms are in this row?What tiles are used on the roof?How many nails are on the door?
They are also very particular and knowledgeable.

During the feudal dynasty, there were specialized agencies and people responsible for inspecting such matters. Once the relevant rules were not followed, it was called "exceeding the rules", and those who exceeded the rules would be punished.

Although the decadent feudal Qing Dynasty has been dead for several decades, most of these courtyards still retain their previous traditional layout, and few people have changed the overall layout and structure.

Lin Shengli's two-entry courtyard is located a little ahead of the alley. The gate of the courtyard is not big and looks a bit old.

After arriving at the place, Lin Shengli asked Master Wu and his family to get out of the car, and Lin Shengli led the way towards the courtyard.

Master Wu and his family were confused. Why did Lin Shengli, the leader, bring them here?
However, they didn't ask any questions and followed Lin Shengli silently.

The door of the courtyard was locked. Lin Shengli dug in his pocket, took out the key, opened the door, and then walked in with Master Wu and his family.

This is a typical Chinese courtyard house. After entering from the house gate, you pass through the Moon Gate on your left. On the left is a row of reverse-seat rooms. On the right is the hanging flower door and verandah leading into the main courtyard.

Passing through the hanging flower gate is the main courtyard of this courtyard. There are wing rooms on the left, west and east. Opposite the hanging flower gate is the main room plus the east and west wing rooms.

The main courtyard has a reasonable layout and is very spacious. There is also a tree planted in front of the west wing as an embellishment.

But if there is anything wrong with it, it is that the yard has not been taken care of for a long time, and there is a lot of dust in the yard.

After Lin Shengli got the yard, he only took the time to take a look and had no time to take care of it.

Before even looking inside the house, the layout of the yard and the structure outside caught the attention of Master Wu and his family.

Later, Lin Shengli took Master Wu and his family to take a general look at each room, and finally came to the main room.

"Master Wu, sister-in-law, what do you think of this courtyard?" Lin Shengli said to Master Wu and his family.

Master Wu: "Okay, really good..."

"Yes, it's so nice here!" Master Wu's daughter-in-law also praised.

Lin Shengli nodded, thrust the key into Master Wu's hand, and said with a smile, "As long as you think it's good."

"Master Wu, sister-in-law, then this place will be your home from now on."

Master Wu was stunned by Lin Shengli's words. After he reacted, he quickly put the key back into Lin Shengli's hand.

"Director Shengli, this is not appropriate. I want to follow you and drive for you. Another thing, this place is too, too, too, too big..."

Lin Shengli waved his hand, interrupting what Master Wu was going to say next.

"Master Wu, please listen to me. You have also seen that this yard has been empty and no one lives in it. It has collected a lot of dust."

"As the saying goes, if a house is not occupied, it is not afraid of living in it. If a house is occupied, it will last for a hundred years, but if it is unoccupied, it will collapse in three years!"

"This yard needs people to live in it, so that it will be more lively. In addition, it also needs someone to take care of and repair it regularly."

"So, just think of it as a favor to me. You and your sister-in-law come to live here and help me look after the house. After that, you have to take care of the yard regularly..."

Lin Shengli's words are not nonsense.

The reason why it is said that a house will last for a hundred years if there are people living in it is actually very simple. When building a house, especially the courtyard houses in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the wood that is several decades or hundreds of years old is chosen. Then when building a house, it also needs to be combined using mortise and tenon technology.

Whether it is beams, purlins, eaves or columns, they all need to be fixed with mortise and tenon.In addition, although the main body of the house is a wooden structure, sandstone or large stones will be used when laying the foundation and building walls. When the two are organically combined, the house will become extremely strong.

Even though this type of house cannot be compared with a house with a reinforced concrete structure, as long as there are people living in this kind of house, the damaged areas will be repaired frequently, so it will last for a hundred years.

Houses with wooden structures are afraid of water vapor and moisture, because once the wood gets damp, it will deform, especially after the beams and columns are deformed, they will no longer be able to support the house, and will naturally collapse over time.

In addition, occupied houses need to be cleaned almost every day, so damage caused by insects, ants and mice is avoided.

In addition, they will pay special attention to the quality of the house and will repair or replace it immediately if any parts are found to be damaged.

In other words, the quality of the house that is occupied and maintained is very good, so it will not collapse easily. However, once the people leave and the house is empty, the house loses maintenance. Under this premise, it will definitely collapse.

As for why you don’t rent it out, don’t make trouble. Who knows who the future tenants will be. Don’t worry. After a few years, whether this place needs to be relocated or renovated and protected, those tenants will be given If you turn against the customer, I will give you half of the demolition money, or you will be compensated for not leaving...

It’s not like this kind of thing has never happened in later generations.

Although he has a clear ownership certificate for this yard, Lin Shengli has to worry about arguing with such rogue tenants.

Regarding this kind of uncertainty, Lin Shengli must be resolute and nip it in the bud.

Besides, Lin Shengli is not short of the rent of three melons and two dates!

"Director Shengli, can you move here by yourself?" Master Wu asked very puzzled.

Lin Shengli waved his hand and said, "Master Wu, the place where I live is big enough and comfortable. I don't need to move around anymore..."

Move here, but pull it down. The house he lives in now has water supply, bathtub, bathroom, and heating in winter. Compared with this place, except for being bigger, it is a courtyard house that has not been renovated in any way. But It's much more comfortable, isn't it?

The other one, staying there, is also convenient for checking in and completing the other two long-term tasks.


Seeing that Master Wu was still struggling, Lin Shengli continued: "Master Wu, please stop being so."

"You know my situation well. There is really no need for you to follow me inseparably all the time."

"This is not far from where I live. From now on, after you pick me up and drop me off, you can commute to get off work normally."

"As for using the car after get off work, it's not like I don't know how to drive it myself."

With that said, Lin Shengli pulled Master Wu aside and whispered to Master Wu: "Master Wu, do you think if we two are in danger at the same time, who will protect whom?"

"One more thing, you have a wife and children, but I'm still single. You can't let me go on a blind date with a big light bulb like you following me!"

Lin Shengli's words made Master Wu fall into deep thought.

Seeing Master Wu starting to think deeply, Lin Shengli continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Comrade Lao Wu, even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about your children and sister-in-law, right?"

"You must know that the child's father is often not around the child, which is very detrimental to the child's physical and mental health."

"One more thing, your little baby will also go to school in the future. The conditions of the schools in Sijiu City are better than those in the county."

"Also, you and your sister-in-law are always living in separate places. How long will it take to separate..."

Ignoring Master Wu who continued to meditate, Lin Shengli knelt down, took out a few pieces of White Rabbit toffee from his pocket, and waved to Master Wu's son: "Come here, little treasure, uncle, there are White Rabbit toffee here. Do you want it?"

When Xiaobao heard Lin Shengli calling his name, he looked at the White Rabbit toffee in Lin Shengli's hand, and immediately ran to Lin Shengli's side with eyes shining brightly.

Lin Shengli touched Master Wu's four-year-old son, Xiaobao's head and said, "Xiaobao, as long as you answer uncle's questions honestly, can I give you these pieces of candy?"

"Yeah," Xiaobao nodded vigorously.

"Xiaobao, do you like it here?"

"Do you want to live here with your parents?"

Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, then looked back at his parents, then at the White Rabbit toffee in Lin Shengli's hand, and then nodded heavily: "Xiaobao likes it, Xiaobao wants to live with his parents. "

Lin Shengli stuffed a few White Rabbit toffees into Xiaobao's pockets, and after whispering in Xiaobao's ears for a while, Xiaobao ran to his parents, holding one on each side. Master Wu said with a milky voice:

"Mom and dad, I want to live with you. I don't want to be separated from dad..."

(End of this chapter)

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