Have I become a nightmare for goddesses?

Chapter 64 Testimonials on the shelves!

Chapter 64 Testimonials on the shelves!

Here comes the little green ginseng!

This book will be on the shelves on October 20th, which is tomorrow at [-] noon. This is the moment that determines the fate of the goddesses. Please place an initial order here.

Xiaolu originally planned to release it on the shelves a few weeks later, because the update was slow and the word count of the book was still a little short. I wanted to write a longer free chapter, but the situation did not allow it.

Last week, the editor actually informed me that it would be on the shelves. I begged the editor overnight to postpone the release to this week. It couldn’t be any later because my new book issue has passed and the recommendation process has been completed. If it is not on the shelf, there will be no recommendations.

Speaking of recommendations, I would like to thank all the book friends here. Xiaolu is slow to update, but the reading data has been good. I went all the way to Sanjiang and completed the recommendation process of new books. Thank you to everyone who has read this. I am very grateful.

This book can be considered a work after my skills have greatly improved. The writing should be pretty good, and there are almost no negative reviews. The biggest problem is that the updates are not strong enough.

Let’s not talk too much nonsense. Let’s be honest. After this book is put on the shelf, it will definitely not be able to contain one chapter every day. In this way, you will not even be able to get perfect attendance. From now on, I will update at least two chapters every day. I will try my best to get [-] updates per day. Thank you. Everyone’s support.

In summary, the update will be released at [-] noon tomorrow, there will be additional updates, everyone must check it out!
Yakumo green

(End of this chapter)
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