The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 162: The decree comes out, 5 regions are shaken; all races are tested

Chapter 162: The decree comes out, the five regions are shaken; all races are tested (two become one!)
On this day, in the Holy Land of Yaochi in the East Barren, there was a supreme decree shining on the five regions of the Beidou, sweeping across the East Barren, crossing Zhongzhou, overlooking the Western Desert, and finally descending on the Nanling Mountains.

"The world is peaceful!"

There are only four words like this, iron hooks and silver strokes, vigorous and powerful, hanging high in the sky, divine sounds descending from the sky, and supreme holy power rising into the sky.

It was like a group of ancient sages suppressed the world and directly suppressed everyone.

The decree flew through the sky, flew across the endless vast land, and manifested in the sky above the five regions of Beidou.

The five regions were shaken, and all the ancient and human races were frightened.

What kind of divine power is it that can suppress so many beings who are at least ancient sages? It can also refine the blood of many powerful sages and above with its own power and write such a decree. Such divine power can make even the Great Sage Jue... The supreme existence at the top is probably not as good as it is.

Could it be that he is the supreme power in the forbidden realm of quasi-emperor?
You know, even in the most glorious golden age, there are only a few powerful quasi-emperors in the entire universe!
What's more, in an era like today, a quasi-emperor is enough to crush all voices of injustice.

Even the major royal families must deal with such a big shot carefully. After all, no one knows whether even a great sage holding an imperial weapon can defeat a powerful man like the Quasi-Emperor (Quasi-Emperor).

Li Chengnian, who was in the far northern wilderness of the Northern Territory, also learned the news, because on that day, the decree flew all over the Northern Territory and stayed above his head for several breaths.

At that time, Li Chengnian had just recovered from the serious injuries caused by being surrounded by four semi-saints. He stared at the golden decree and could feel the essence and blood imprint of at least forty saints on it.

This decree, said to be a decree, is actually more like a murderous weapon.

It was made by Gai Jiuyou himself and refined with the blood essence of so many beings above saints. I am afraid that even the quasi-emperors of the first and second heavens would have to shed their skin.

"What does Gai Jiuyou mean? Warn me?"

Li Chengnian looked up at the golden decree in the sky and thought deeply.

Since he was born, although his attitude towards the human race is not bad, it is not much better.

After killing tens of thousands of ethnic monks in one battle, the Demon Emperor Palace has now formed an alliance with dozens of ancient royal families, and some of the dragon races have even fallen under the banner of the Demon Emperor Palace.

This is a terrifying force. Counting the existence of the Demon King Ruler, it is enough to subvert any human force, even those dynasties of the human holy land that have the ultimate emperor's weapons.

"I don't have the heart to care about the ancient human race. You should go find that guy the Emperor."

Maybe he really heard Li Chengnian's words, and this golden edict actually went to the Ancient Emperor Mountain in the North Territory for a tour.

The decree spanned the five domains, and it really had a great effect. At least the tense atmosphere of imminent war was eliminated.

The main war factions such as the Blue Demon Clan, the Bull Demon Clan, and the Blood God Clan had even prepared their warships and were ready to go out at any time, but now they had no choice but to give up, not daring to refute the face of such a supreme powerhouse.

One's own strength is enough to suppress the existence of dozens of at least ancestor kings. It is absolutely effortless to destroy these royal clans. No one will joke with their own heads, even these powerful ancient clans who are the main killers.

At this time, many major and powerful clans also fought, and the tense situation seemed to disappear in an instant.

After all, the ancient races are too complicated. Not every race is so radical, and there are many big races that also hope to coexist peacefully with the human race.

Among them, many royal families have remained silent, which became the last straw for those royal families who took the lead in the war.

The human race has a lot of imperial soldiers, and no one wants to use their own bones to test whether the imperial soldiers are stronger or their own bones!

A world-shaking turmoil that was about to break out has calmed down, but it has not dissipated, but continues to brew.

Millions of years have been too long. When I woke up, the human race that once bowed down and willingly ate blood had already risen in these millions of years.

However, the thinking of many ancient peoples still remains in the past. This is the direct cause of the contradiction, but it is not the root cause.

The fundamental reason is that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, unless there is one male and one female.

Living in the same universe, no one can avoid racial wars and racial hatred, even an ancient emperor.

Because the Great Emperor will eventually pass away, but racial war and hatred will always exist unless one party disappears completely.

Half a month passed by.

On this day, Qi Tianling, the Holy Master of the Demon Emperor's Palace, approached Li Chengnian again and handed over an invitation filled with rays of light with an extremely solemn expression.

"This is."

When Li Chengnian took the invitation and looked at it, his eyes suddenly brightened and his heart was shocked.

"The Trial of All Races."

Li Chengnian said to himself, he seemed to see endless blood of genius behind this name.

Qi Tianling looked serious and respectfully informed Li Chengnian of what happened during this period.

Although the human race has tabooed strong men born, overwhelming all dissatisfaction with their invincible appearance, it is impossible for those ancient royal families to remain silent like this.

Therefore, with the conspiracy of many royal families and the secret promotion of the major ancient royal families, this trial of ten thousand races came into being.

Trial of Ten Thousand Races, as the name suggests, is to invite the masters of the younger generation, including the human race, to hold a trial to find opportunities and compete in a peerless battle!

The prosperity of a race, in addition to the strong men of the current world, is absolutely indispensable for today's geniuses, because they are the strong men of the future.

Therefore, some people from the ancient tribe did not dare to go into full-scale war with the human race, and they could not swallow that breath, so they wanted to establish their authority among the younger generation.

During this period of time, ancient emperors' bloodlines have been born one after another among the ancient tribes. In addition, with the talents of the major royal families, there are only a few people such as Ji Zi on the human side who can fight. Therefore, those people from the ancient tribe want to fight at a young age. Within a generation, the human race was completely suppressed.

"Is Yuanhuang Taixu Realm?"

Li Chengnian's eyes shot two astonishing beams of light. This was a mysterious trial place left by Emperor Yuan.

Rumor has it that there are peerless creations and immortal treasures inside, and there is no shortage of great enlightenment left by Emperor Yuan Gu. If you can enter it, it will be a great opportunity. Even some ancestors and great sages who were once famous in ancient times are extremely enthusiastic about it.

And more importantly, after the Emperor Yuan passed away, two Dzogchen Holy Spirits attacked the Primordial Lake. The three parents and sons of the Yuan Emperor fought with them with ancient imperial weapons, and finally killed these two Dzogchen Holy Spirits.

In this battle, the ancient prince died, many powerful men withered, and almost fell out of the ranks of the ancient royal family.

He once asked Old Man Xue why the two Dzogchen Holy Spirits attacked Primordial Lake, but he didn't mention a word except for the words that Emperor Yuan had a great opportunity.

As for the rumors circulating in the world that the two Dzogchen Holy Spirits were eyeing the Primordial Lake in order to rob the ancient emperor's soldiers, Li Chengnian didn't quite believe it. What use did the ancient emperor's soldiers have to people of their level?

Moreover, even if it is useful to say the least, then why not find the kind of ancient emperor who has already been enthroned, but instead find the primitive lake where the Yuan Emperor has just been enthroned?

You know, before an ancient emperor died, who knew whether he had left any backup plan.

For example, the Emperor of the Void in later generations did this kind of trap. It is even possible that the two Dzogchen Holy Spirits were killed by the backhand left behind by Emperor Yuan.

After all, if the ancient emperor's parents and children defy heaven, they are two statues of the Great Perfection Holy Spirit. This is the real fighting power of the emperor. There are still two statues. Even if the ancient emperor holds the imperial weapon, so what!

The entire body of the Dzogchen Holy Spirit is an imperial soldier.

However, that kind of great opportunity that even the Holy Spirit of Dzogchen covets may be hidden in the Yuanhuang Taixu Realm.

Therefore, Li Chengnian was a little surprised that Yuanhuang was able to open the Yuanhuang Taixu Realm to the world this time. It was probably because of secret pressure from several royal families.

After all, there is never a shortage of people in this world who have the brains to open up more avenues. If Li Chengnian can think of it, others can naturally think of it.

Of course, this kind of big secret has only been spread among a few people, and is destined to be unknown to the majority of people.

But despite this, this time the trial of all races, I am afraid that famous geniuses will be present. After all, the secret realm left by an ancient emperor is enough to attract everyone, and this can definitely be called an alternative imperial journey. Conquest.And this is what Li Chengnian needs. He needs an ultimate battle and enough pressure to allow him to find the slightest opportunity to reach the Third Immortal Path.

Moreover, he just took this opportunity to finish off that annoying Princess Wanlong.

In the past few days, the challenge book alone has been issued ten times, and Li Chengnian somewhat admired her perseverance.

Soon, as more and more young people received the invitation, the news of the trial of all races flew to the vast land as if it had wings. The five regions were in an uproar, all races were shocked, and everyone was discussing intensely.

Because this involves young masters all over the world, everyone knows that this is a golden age that is rare in the ages. Various divine bodies, royal bodies of the human race, and the geniuses of the ancient races are all born and awakened in this world.

Among them, there is no shortage of the proud sons of the ancient emperor and the great emperor!

It is definitely a big deal for such a group of people to hold trials and compete together.

"Have you heard? Yuanhu, one of the ancient royal families, is going to invite the young geniuses from all over the world to hold a trial?"

"Will this ancient tribe really invite us humans to participate?"

"It's true. The Holy Sons of the Yin Yang Sect and the Five Elements Palace have all received invitations, and the news has spread all over Qingzhou."

"They are not planning any conspiracy, are they? They want to wait for the geniuses of the human race to gather together in one place, and then catch them all in one fell swoop?"

This is what the monks in a small wine shop in the ancient human city are talking about, and this is just a microcosm of the five regions of Beidou. Almost every street and alley in Beidou is discussing this incident.

The major holy land dynasties of the human race are also holding conferences to discuss this incident, because their descendants have also received invitations to the trial of all races.

As for the ancient races, they were also in a state of excitement. Speaking of which, they were the main force in this trial. After all, in those years, those who could be sealed to future generations, in addition to the ancestors and kings, were also indispensable for the geniuses of each race.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the confrontation between the bloodline of ancient emperors such as Huo Lin'er brother and sister, Huang Xudao, and Princess Wanlong. Everyone is looking forward to what kind of sparks they will create.

If two ancient emperors don't meet, it's impossible to compare their strengths and weaknesses. We can only find the peerless style of the ancient emperor who dominated the nine heavens from the blood of these ancient emperors.

In the early morning, the red sun gushed out, and the morning glow was brilliant, turning into strands of golden threads and falling on the earth, as if the mountains, rivers and earth were dyed with a layer of sacred color.

As the time for the Trial of Ten Thousand Races gradually approaches, the five regions of Beidou become increasingly unstable.

This was a world-shaking craze that spread across the Eastern Wasteland, Zhongzhou, and then swept through the Western Desert, Nanling, and Beiyuan, completely shaking the entire ancient star.

The ancient tribe and the human tribe were all unable to calm down. They were discussing intensely and paying close attention to all these changes.

"The only golden age in eternity! Geniuses are like carps crossing the river. Any one of them, if picked out alone, can become an extraordinary being in other eras. If you are lucky, you can even become an emperor and become an eternal legend."

"The Central Emperor can stand alongside Gai Jiuyou when he was young. At only 20 years old, he is able to overwhelm the heroes of all parties. There are also existences such as the Northern Emperor, the Western Bodhisattva, and the Southern Demon standing alongside him. How amazing it is!"

"You have forgotten the most terrifying person, the God and Demon King Gu Yi. He was once the No. 1 in Zhongzhou. I heard that he was hunted down by the ancient tribe and was seriously injured and dying. However, as a blessing in disguise, he completely developed the forbidden body of gods and demons and has already established himself as a half-step king. In this realm, you can kill the Tao and become the king at any time."

"Yes, in the battle of the Divine City, the Northern Emperor was defeated by Ji Zi, and the Divine Demon King Gu Yi was defeated by the Demon Prince with one finger. Now these few years have passed by in a blink of an eye, and the Taoism of both sides has improved to a terrifying level. At this point, if we fight again, the outcome may be unpredictable!”

"There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years! Who is the strongest? Maybe this trial can give us a glimpse."

"I heard that Hua Yunfei, the inheritor of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, has been one step ahead of all the great geniuses since he devoured the Holy Son of Yaoguang in the Divine City. He has become a Tao-slaying King. He even killed many great kings in the Holy Land of Yaoguang, including many. The powerful semi-saint is definitely a terrifying existence!"

"And Ji Haoyue, the Ji family's god king, has the same physique as Jiang Taixu, the peerless god king who is now able to kill the ancestor king of the ancient clan!"

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

In the Huolin Cave, Huolin'er, who has a graceful appearance and jade bones, sits there quietly with his chin in his hands. In the ancient cave, purple flames rise, Qilin rises and falls, and the ancient medicine is fragrant, giving it a fairy atmosphere.

"The Demon Prince, the Heavenly Prince, and the Holy Prince, I'm looking forward to it!"

Huo Linzi's blue hair looked like the essence of the sea was surging.

"Brother, why do you always think about fighting?"

Huo Lin'er's beautiful brows furrowed deeply, as if blaming him for his incomprehensible amorous feelings.

The Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest is filled with billowing dragon energy and a myriad of atmospheres, as if there is a real dragon living here.

A woman wearing a purple and gold battle suit sat cross-legged, looking at the ancient coffin in the chaos dragon's nest. Her appearance was stunning, her purple eyes were crystal clear, and her body was slender and toned.

"Princess, you."

Great Sage Qianlun asked softly.

"There will be a battle between me and him!"

The woman in purple directly interrupted the Great Sage Qianlun and spoke firmly.

On the Blood Phoenix Mountain, Huangxu Dao was sitting cross-legged on a Taoist platform. The cold wind blew by and picked up the fallen leaves on the ground.

After the leaves fall and return to their roots, there is still that figure on that square of Taoist platform.

"Demon Prince, Holy Prince, are you ready?"

In the Ancient Emperor Mountain of the Northern Territory, a figure surrounded by colorful rays of light walked out of the hall, with bright eyes and extremely cold eyes.

At the highest point of the Demon Emperor's Palace, there were thousands of divine clouds. Li Chengnian, who had returned to Nanling, stood on the high platform and looked at the Eastern Wasteland. Many figures slowly appeared in his eyes.

There is no doubt that this Trial of Ten Thousand Races is a show of force from the ancient race, to completely crush the human race from the younger generation onwards.

However, none of this has anything to do with him, because this is a world where all great power belongs to itself.

He has no intention of playing the drama of war between ancient humans and monsters on Beidou. He has only one goal, and that is to become stronger.

As long as you are strong enough, all conspiracies are not conspiracies. Each generation of ancient emperors will never have any racial burden, because even if the entire universe stands opposite them, it is meaningless, just because they are strong enough. !

"Prince, it's time for us to set off."

Silently, Qi Ming appeared beside him, as if he was already there.

Since Li Chengnian returned to the Demon Emperor's Palace, the biggest crux in Qi Ming's heart has been eliminated. The accumulation of 1 years has been gradually transformed by him. Now he has approached the realm of the Great Sage. His combat power is close to the middle stage of the Great Sage. He can compete with the Great Sage. Comparable to the fifth heaven.

On this day, super domain gates were opened one after another across the five Beidou domains, and many geniuses were on their way to the Yuanhuang Taixu Realm to participate in this unprecedented trial of all races.

The Beidou Star Territory is very large. From one territory to another, it is easily tens of millions of miles away. It would be difficult for ordinary monks to spend their entire lives crossing the territory.

Compared to Zhongzhou and Donghuang, which have always had outstanding people, the Nanling occupied by the Demon Emperor's Palace is only slightly over half in area.

And the number of human beings is so huge that it is unimaginable. Counting hundreds of millions seems insignificant. Various great religions, holy places, and aristocratic families are everywhere, countless.

This time, countless masters in the holy lands of various religions have all received invitations to participate in this trial of all races and fight for the human race.

The last time the Five Territories of Beidou were so lively was when we met the Qing Emperor, the only person to prove the Tao in the ancient times, thousands of years ago.

And the number of talented people is unprecedented.

The magnificent golden age has officially begun. Young and powerful men from all ethnic groups gathered in the Primordial Lake, attracting the attention of the whole world.

After a heated discussion on who is the true hegemon of the younger generation among the five Beidou domains, we may be able to truly draw a conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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