The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 139: The posture of the great emperor, the golden age, the genius appears!

Chapter 139: The posture of the great emperor, the golden age, the genius appears! (Two chapters in one!)
Silent everywhere!

At this moment, everyone was shocked and looked at the figure in blue standing proudly in the sky in disbelief.

Although his clothes were torn, his body was covered with wounds, and blood was dripping desperately from the sky. But none of this could hide the fact that Li Chengnian used his half-step powerful cultivation to kill a half-step king. , or the famous Holy Lord of Light in Beidou.

You must know that Holy Lord Yaoguang was once famous in the Eastern Wasteland and even the entire Beidou. With his current cultivation as a half-step king, I am afraid that it is enough to compare with some slightly weaker kings of Zhan Dao.

However, even so, this evildoer still used half a step of the cultivation of the Nine Heavens to fight against the immortals in retrograde motion, crossing at least nine and a half small realms to kill the Holy Lord of Shaking Light, even though it looked like he was seriously injured.

At the same time, a sword beam headed towards the distant sky.

Seeing this, the powerful elders of the Shaking Light Holy Land burned their energy and blood desperately, so their escape speed increased again.

But most likely, it’s still useless!

"Ah, damn demon prince, I, the ancestor of the Holy Land of Light, will not let you go!"

Regarding these last words that had nothing new in them, Li Chengnian was a little speechless. Why is it that everyone has these same words? Can't they be changed?

They are not tired of talking, Li Chengnian is tired of hearing it, okay!
Oh, what a terrible lack of culture!
After complaining in his mind about the literary quality of everyone in Beidou, Li Chengnian began to use the forbidden secret technique recorded in the Demon Emperor Sutra. The next moment, the dense wounds on his body began to recover, and the turbulent aura gradually became stable.

It has to be said that perhaps because of being an elixir, the secret recovery techniques in the Demon Emperor Sutra are much easier to use than those in the Demon Emperor Sutra.

Li Chengnian even felt that the secret technique of recovery in the Demon Emperor Sutra would not be weaker than Zhi Zi Mi even if practiced by another person. Unlike other Emperor Sutras, it needed to be in the hands of the corresponding emperor to be most effective.

The Haotian Mirror suppressed the Half-Saint Killing Sword that had been broken into two pieces, and then turned into a ray of purple light, submerged into the secret realm of Li Chengnian's Dao Palace, and once again hung on the top of the only Heavenly Palace.

At the same time, the Tianwen Sword was sheathed and tied around his waist.

At this moment, Li Chengnian once again transformed into the handsome young man in Tsing Yi, with a long sword on his waist, giving him a special temperament.

When other people saw this, they couldn't help but be jealous. They couldn't help but be jealous of the semi-holy killing sword. Although it was broken, its divinity was not lost. After repairing it, it might no longer be a semi-holy weapon, but it was definitely stronger than most kings and gods. soldiers.

Of course, the ones who are even more envious are Li Chengnian's two divine weapons. Not only are they made from two of the Nine Immortal Golds, the emperor's exclusive weapon refining material, but judging from their power, they may have surpassed the semi-sacred weapons.

But no one dared to snatch it. After all, the fate of the Holy Lord Yaoguang was still vivid in his mind.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment."

"Is something wrong?"

Li Chengnian turned around and saw an extremely powerful man rushing out in the direction of the Jiang family.

"The Shaking Light Holy Land inherits the man-eating magic skill - the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Skill. It has become a devil's cave. I, the Jiang family, are willing to join hands with His Highness the Prince to eliminate the demons and bring peace to Beidou."

Looking at the powerful Jiang family man opposite who bowed his head and said beautiful words, Li Chengnian chuckled and said:
"What qualifications do you have to discuss this matter with me?"

As a peerless powerful man, although in this era of great oppression, this old man is definitely one of the few contemporary leaders of the Jiang family, but as Li Chengnian said, he is not qualified.

A mere Immortal II cultivator is not qualified to express an opinion on the matter of destroying the extreme forces in the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Although the powerful leader of the Jiang family felt unhappy, he could only be careful. He thought he could seize this opportunity and have a relationship with this peerless monster, but unexpectedly he was beaten down and almost couldn't get off the stage.

"I don't care."

"Fifth Elder, don't back down yet!"

At this time, Jiang Yifei couldn't stand the direction of the Jiang family and scolded directly.

The Jiang family leader had no choice but to retreat obediently. After all, neither Jiang Yifei nor the demon prince could be offended by him.

The night was starry and a bit depressing.

The battle between Li Chengnian and Holy Lord Yaoguang lasted for a day, attracting many major forces from the Eastern Wasteland and even the other four regions of Beidou.

God King Ji Haoyue looked at the young man in green in the distance with a wry smile on his face. After not seeing each other for a few days, he managed to recover from the injury from the previous sword, but the target he had been chasing became Even more terrifying.

Why do I feel that the bold words I made a few days ago were so self-deceiving!

Among the crowd, a woman in a robe had a complicated look in her eyes. Compared with a year ago, the young man was completely different. Would she still have a chance to get rid of such a terrible master in her life?
All the saints and saints in the major holy places fell silent. Some of them were even struck, and their Taoist hearts were almost unstable.

They were still focused on competing with their peers, but Li Chengnian had already surpassed the Holy Master of the Holy Lands.

What is the posture of an emperor and what is a monster? Li Chengnian let them know how vast the world is, and also let them understand that the golden age is coming, but it has nothing to do with them. They just need to be spectators.

The Holy Master of Zifu saw Zixia leading a figure lying on the ground in the distance, and seemed to have made some kind of decision in his heart.

"A myth that has never been seen before, a powerful man who stepped into the forbidden realm in half a step."

The Queen Mother of the West of Yaochi looked up at the young man in green and sighed in disbelief.

The Divine Forbidden Realm is the exclusive domain of the Great Emperor. Those who have been able to enter the Divine Forbidden Realm since ancient times are all rare geniuses, at least the supreme beings at the level of the Dacheng Holy Body.

Being able to enter the divine forbidden realm shows that he has an understanding of the cultivation of the five secret realms that surpasses the world. Therefore, it is natural that the boy's words yesterday made his cultivation further, reaching the threshold that Zhan Dao is looking at.

"The Forbidden Realm of God."

A trace of surprise flashed across the face of the Yaochi Saint beside her, which was covered by gauze. In ancient times, princes and emperors were not allowed to attain enlightenment, but now looking at the demon prince's defiance of heaven, I am afraid that this eternal myth will be destroyed. was broken.

Li Chengnian was dressed in green clothes, elegant and elegant. He casually glanced at the major holy masters in the distance, nodded in the direction of the Ji family and the Jiang family, and then stepped forward and appeared directly beside Zixia.

At the same time, among everyone in the Ji family, a rare smile flashed across the calm face of an ordinary figure.

"Let's go."

Glancing at Li Xiaoyun who had died on the ground in the aftermath of the battle between him and Lord Yaoguang, of course, perhaps it was the Lord Yaoguang who had secretly done this. Li Chengnian took back his unique dog necklace and said a few words. Walking towards the outside of the city.

Zixia looked at Li Chengnian, who had almost recovered from his injuries. If it weren't for the fact that his clothes were still stained with some blood, it would be hard to imagine that he had just experienced a battle, and with his half-step almighty ninth-level cultivation, he had a peerless appearance. One sword killed the half-step king, Holy Lord Yaoguang.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go find a big shot to borrow a treasure land to practice, and rob an old friend at the same time."

Li Chengnian said in a deep voice:

"If you're lucky, you can pull out a few nails in the Holy Land of Shaking Light and earn some extra money."

"By the way, if the speed of shaking the Light Holy Land is faster, I'm afraid I can kill one or two more immortals."

And as the figure in green clothes gradually disappeared into the sky, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

There is no way, no one will feel uneasy if such a being with enough power to crush everyone is on top of them, especially as the demon prince Li Chengnian, there is absolutely no shortage of powerful taboo methods in his body, and he may even He carries all the Ji Dao Emperor's weapons with him.
The presence of such a terrifying person is equivalent to a killing sword hanging over everyone's head. If you are not careful, you will die.

After all, the Demon Prince entered the world's eyes as the God of Killing when he was born.

Not long after Li Chengnian left, a terrifying power that made the world tremble came from the outskirts of Belvedere, followed by two extremely old living fossils that had lived for an unknown number of years and finally came across the void.

Above their heads, there was a cave that was completely black and covered with dragon patterns, but the cauldron was rising and falling with chaotic energy, and the terrifying divine power spread, making most people feel that their souls were trembling, and they knelt down involuntarily. .

"Legendary Saint Weapon?"

Even the Holy Lords of the Holy Lands could not withstand this divine power, and exclaimed in surprise with their faces turning pale. "It's unmistakable. This is an imitation of the cauldron from the Holy Land of Shaking Light, but its grade has reached the level of a legendary holy weapon."

An old antique said in horror as he resisted the urge to kneel down.

"You have so much momentum in Yaoguang Holy Land. Do you think you are the only one who dominates the entire Eastern Wasteland?"

In the distance, another terrifying wave of holy power from ancient times filled the air, and the heaven and earth seemed to tremble again.

Two peerless experts from the Jiang family joined forces to sacrifice a red-gold ancient furnace, which offset the power of the holy weapon Black Cauldron, and sneered at each other. ,

The Jiang family and the Yaoguang Holy Land have collided countless times over the past few years, both covertly and covertly. It can be said that a deadly feud has been formed between the two extreme forces.

In other words, in fact, the grudge between the Jiang family and the Yaoguang Holy Land has been forged long ago. However, in recent years, with the disappearance of Jiang Yi and Tu Tian, ​​one of the thirteen major bandits in the Northern Territory, and the The loss of half of the Ji Dao Emperor's weapon was once again brought to light.

"Jiang family, I am not here to see you today at the Holy Land of Light."

The old man, whose face was full of wrinkles and whose body was a little rickety, and whose life span was obviously short, but made people feel unfathomable, stood up, looked in the direction of the Jiang family with an expressionless face, and said coldly.

"It's a joke. Holy Lord Yaoguang practices the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art and should be punished by the world. The Demon Prince kills him to eliminate a great harm to the entire Eastern Wasteland and even Beidou."

A peerless expert from the Jiang family looked directly at the two Sparks of Light in the Holy Land with cold eyes, and mocked unceremoniously:
"Besides, your Yaoguang Holy Land has now become a devil's cave. You'd better go back quickly. Maybe you can be buried in the Yaoguang Holy Land. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be buried in the wilderness."

Even the Holy Lord Yaoguang has practiced the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. The Jiang family's peerless master is sure that the Yaoguang Holy Land is already a demon cave.

The old man Yaoguang's face was extremely gloomy. He looked at the Jiang family's peerless power with cold eyes and said indifferently:
"Hmph, I don't need you as an outsider to worry about the affairs of my Shaking Light Holy Land. And how good is your Jiang family?"

This is the confidence of a force with the ultimate emperor's weapons. Even if the Yaoguang Holy Lord performs the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique in public, the Yaoguang Holy Land will not be afraid.

Because even if all the Holy Lands join forces, it is still difficult to break through the Shaking Light Holy Land. The price is so high that even ancient families like the Jiang family who have produced great emperors are not willing to bear it.

What's more, for such a powerful force that has been able to stand in the spiritual world for countless years, there is nothing good or bad about it, only interests.

As for destroying a Yakuza force, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages, and no one would do it.

"Okay, we are all in the Eastern Wasteland together. We should not look up and see each other. It is better not to get into a situation of endless death, so as not to destroy all lives."

A simple mirror light also rose in the direction of the Ji family. It was obviously an imitation of the Void Mirror, but its quality had obviously reached the level of a legendary holy weapon.

Then, a faint silver light also flowed in the direction of Yaochi.

The appearance of three legendary holy weapons in succession made the people of Shaking Light Holy Land feel shocked.

"What? Holy Lord Yaoguang was killed!"

"Could it be that the Peacock King crossed the natural chasm of Zhandao and killed the Holy Lord Yaoguang in one battle?"

The grudge between the Holy Lord Yaoguang and the Peacock King, the peerless power of the demon clan, has already spread throughout Beidou, so when they received the news that the Holy Lord Yaoguang was killed, many people's first reaction was that the Peacock King had greatly improved his cultivation and achieved great achievements. He killed the Dao King and directly killed this old opponent.

However, these people were soon dumbfounded.

"Did the Demon Prince kill Holy Lord Yaoguang?"

"The demon prince who is half a step into the realm of great power killed the Holy Lord of Light who is half a step into the king?"

Such shocking news swept across the Eastern Wasteland and even the Five Beidou Regions like a storm. While it shocked everyone, it also made everyone lament that times have changed.

The death of Holy Lord Yaoguang announced that the golden age has reached its climax. The era that belongs to the older generation has passed. The Beidou that follows belongs to the geniuses of the present generation, and even to the few geniuses.

And the one who opened the curtain of the golden world was the peerless evildoer who shocked the five regions of Beidou, the Demon Prince of Nanling. With a half-step of powerful cultivation, he went retrograde to conquer the immortals and slaughtered the half-step king-level shaker. The forbidden existence of the Holy Lord of Light.

The entire Beidou Five Regions seemed to have been lit with fuses, and everyone could feel that the imperial struggle between the unparalleled geniuses was about to break out.

Beidou Donghuang, Dongfang Family, the first source of magic family.

An old-looking figure stared in the direction of the forbidden area, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Old man Dongfang, when will the little brat come out of seclusion?"

"Ziyue, I don't know either."

"It's true, little brat. Is it so easy to cultivate the body with Xuanhuang Qi? Don't accidentally burp your fart. Then he owes me so many debts. Who should I find to pay him back?"

Seeing the worried look in the eyes of the stubborn little girl in front of him, the old man just smiled lightly and had no intention of exposing her.

In Beiyuan, on a sacred mountain, a man stood on the top of the sacred mountain, looking towards the distant Eastern Wasteland. His expression was indifferent, and there was an icy chill in his pupils.

In Nanling, in a dense forest, a figure was shrouded by overwhelming demonic power. The man's pupils were dark, and his expression revealed a terrifying aura of evil, making him look like a reincarnated demon god.

In Zhongzhou, on a flat ground, I saw a young man standing with his hands behind his back, as if he was a king in the world. His eyes were sharp and boundless, penetrating everything, and the aura of the king permeated the air. He was the only one left alone among all living beings. His pair of eyes were In his sharp eyes, he seemed to see a peerless king with fighting power on the mainland.

"I have been sleeping for thousands of years, but I didn't expect that so many people of my generation would appear in this world. I am not alone!"

Deep in the ancient Chinese dynasty of Zhongzhou,

The bright moonlight is like smoke and fog, the mountains are quiet, the shadows of trees are whirling, and the stars are like snow, covering the mountains, rivers and land with a flawless feathery coat, which makes people fascinated.

On the top of the mountain, there are divine lights and demonic clouds surging from time to time. The breeze is gentle, and the endless auras of gods and demons are constantly intertwined, which is terrifying.


Suddenly, an invincible will to fight against the sky, the battlefield, and everything suddenly filled the sky. That invincible will that seemed to pierce the heavens made people feel frightened. It was the aura that dominated me in the sky and on the earth.

"So what about gods! So what about demons! I am considered invincible in the world!"

At this time, a figure emerged from the surging divine light and demonic clouds, standing above the Nine Heavens. It was filled with an invincible will to dominate the world. The terrifying killing intent began to spread from him, as if it could suppress the entire world.

On a high tower in the center of the Guhua Dynasty, several old figures stood quietly. A pair of old eyes looked at the supreme figure that looked like a god and a devil in the sky, and they were trembling with excitement.

"This is the body of gods and demons revered as the forbidden body!"

"In the next ten thousand years, I, Guhua, will surely regain the glory of our ancestors!"

"Haha! God bless Guhua, one sect and two emperors, just around the corner!"

A loud roar resounded throughout the tens of thousands of miles around the ancient capital, making countless people dizzy.

A divine rainbow pierced the sky and appeared directly on the tower.

"I want to know the accurate news about the new Holy Lord of the Eastern Wasteland Shaking Light Holy Land!"


"Naturally, I will use the blood of the new Holy Lord of the Holy Land to announce my return."

"Okay, come find me after half a stick of incense."

The leader among the several old men stepped forward and nodded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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