The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 134: Heaven’s punishment is coming, the genius appears, and the god-king fights!

Chapter 134: Heaven’s punishment is coming, the genius appears, and the god-king fights! (6K big chapters!)
Just when everyone was surprised that a powerful man fell like this, lightning and thunder suddenly broke out in the sky, deafening. Huge purple thunder and lightning flashed continuously, as if they were about to be chopped down directly. Just looking at it made people feel... People feel a little scared.

"What a terrible thunder disaster. It has just begun and seems to be able to kill a strong man who is even half a step into the powerful realm."

Looking into the distance, where a sea of ​​thunder had almost formed in the sky, feeling the suffocating pressure emitted by the terrifying purple thunder and lightning, everyone looked solemn and quickly retreated.

Everyone knew that this was a calamity that could no longer be suppressed by the Demon Prince.


Finally, a huge purple thunderbolt struck straight down, hitting the figure in green above the sky, and then an endless sea of ​​purple thunder flooded the sky, blocking everyone's sight.

"Is the Demon Prince preparing to withstand the catastrophe with only his physical body?"

There have long been rumors in the world that the Demon Prince refined his body with Xuanhuang Qi, and his physical defense exceeded the limit. Even the ancient holy body, which was good at physical body, was inferior.

"His Royal Highness is unparalleled in divine power, so what if it's just a thunderstorm? It can't be broken with just one hand!"

The fanatical Nanling monks shouted loudly, seeming to vent their pride.

A few breaths later, in the eyes of everyone, a slender figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, surrounded by a dark and yellow aura, making it difficult to see the face clearly.

"Haha, it's His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is invincible, invincible!"

Nanling has been silent for too long. In terms of presence, Nanling is not even as good as the remote Beiyuan, so now that figure in green has become the pride of many Nanling monks.

They knew that His Highness the Prince would eventually push the emperor's path and become a generation of supreme emperors, leading Nanling out of Beidou and standing at the top of the universe.


Another huge purple lightning struck down, carrying terrifying destructive power. Wherever it went, cracks appeared in the void, which was very terrifying.

A dragon roar shook the sky, and then a purple-gold divine dragon was seen rising into the sky, carrying the green-clothed figure directly into the vast purple ocean of thunder and lightning.


The terrifying purple thunder and lightning struck Li Chengnian directly, but did not cause any waves. The thirty black and yellow marks on his body were like gluttonous monsters, swallowing up the purple thunder and lightning unsatisfiedly and turning into a stream of essence. Pure energy was baptizing Li Chengnian's body.

"God, can you be more powerful?"

Li Chengnian shouted disdainfully at the sky, and then——

Like a furnace of heaven and earth, a purple-gold true dragon energy penetrated the sky, infecting the entire darkened sky with purple-gold color. The extremely powerful life essence seemed to burn the entire sky, which was terrifying. Incomparable.

The monks who had retreated hundreds of miles away were suffocated by the strong true dragon energy. Their bodies were about to collapse and they could hardly stand. Their expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly retreated hundreds of miles away.

Among the crowd, a figure surrounded by bright moonlight looked up at the figure above the sky. A trace of complexity flashed across his face as plain as water, and then it converged again, leaving only a look of fighting spirit on his face.


Thirty black and yellow brands are manifesting, and the black and yellow aura surrounds all things. A god-like figure stands on the dragon, with hair flying wildly. He just endures the baptism of thunder and calamity one after another, tempering his own physical body.

Although the whole person was charred, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

As if being angered, the sea of ​​thunder above the sky was like a huge wave, pressing down on Li Chengnian.

This time, ten more astonishing purple thunderbolts fell down at once.

Ten huge purple thunderbolts struck down, but Li Chengnian still didn't make any movement. He just stood quietly. The power of thunder and lightning full of destructive aura was strongly pulled by him, constantly moving between the thirty black and yellow marks. Flow, turning into balls of pure life essence, tempering his body.

The true dragon's energy soared into the sky, like the Milky Way hanging upside down above the nine heavens, like a furnace of heaven and earth that was about to smelt the world. It was so intense that it was almost impossible to look directly at it.

Endless thunder and lightning, thousands of feet of purple light, flooded the heaven and earth. This was no longer a single lightning, but a sea of ​​thunder!

Nothing existed anymore, everything was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, and it was dazzling. You could feel the destructive power from a long distance away.

This terrifying movement even affected an ancient city far away. Many strong men were frightened when they looked at the terrifying and suffocating thunder and lightning nine days in the distance.

Divine rainbows swept out one after another and rushed towards the direction of the thunder and lightning. Everyone was curious as to which monster was going through such a terrifying catastrophe.

All the monks who arrived looked at the blurry figure hundreds of miles away, surrounded by divine rings, standing proudly on the nine heavens with divine dragons on their feet, without making any resistance, just standing and receiving the baptism of the terrifying thunder tribulation, and they were all shocked. His mouth opened wide with an expression of disbelief.

No one dared to step forward anymore, because the terrifying coercion alone made them almost unsteady. If they approached forcefully, they would probably be burned to ashes by the strong life essence that seemed to melt the world.

"With such amazing real dragon energy and blood, could it be that the evildoer is back?"

"Did that evildoer break through to the realm of great power?"

Everyone looked at the figure submerged in the sea of ​​thunder in the distance with horror. With each terrifying purple thunder falling, they all seemed to feel a tremor coming from their souls, and their faces turned pale.

"Everyone, if you don't want to be affected by the thunder tribulation, just retreat. The second wave of more terrifying thunder tribulation is coming."

Li Xiaoyun, who was holding the chain, Zixia quickly retreated while kindly reminding others around her.

She possesses the innate Tao embryo and can clearly feel the extremely terrifying law of ten thousand ways above the sky.


After hearing Zixia's words, the faces of a group of monks changed drastically. Although most of them did not believe that the thunder disaster could affect them, many people still flew away, fearing that if they took one step at night, they would really were affected by the terrifying thunder disaster.

After all, the reputation of the Purple Mansion Saint, the innate Tao fetus, is not small in Donghuang and even Beidou, so there is no need to lie to them.


The purple thunder and lightning dissipated, and then 81 more thunderbolts landed, showing a crimson red color. They were many times more terrifying than the previous purple thunder and lightning. They all fell on Li Chengnian, making him a little unstable.

The terrifying aftermath spread, and the ground within hundreds of miles of the direct bombardment was turned into powder. Many monks who were a step slower were directly affected and turned into fly ash.

"Run quickly, the lightning disaster is about to reach here!"

"The demon prince's lightning tribulation was so terrifying, it almost killed me!"

"What kind of disaster is this? Just the aftermath has already turned hundreds of miles into dust."


The void was blazing, every inch of space was filled with electric light, the earth was scorched black, and endless crimson thunder light merged into a sea of ​​thunder that filled the sky.

The catastrophe seems to show no sign of stopping. It is getting worse and worse, and it is more and more terrifying. It is vast and vast, as if there is no end at all.

Although Li Chengnian's current physical body is enough to match the semi-sacred soldiers, his physical body alone can no longer withstand this kind of lightning disaster.

He knew that after he built the Yin-Yang Immortal Platform, his Immortal Thunder Tribulation would be terrifying, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

He let out a long roar, and the terrifying power of the real dragon exploded around him. Two small dragon horns sprouted from his head, and his hands were covered with purple-gold scales. In the sea of ​​thunder, the claws of the real dragon carrying the terrifying power broke through the air. Then it went away, directly shattering the terrifying thunder and lightning.

"You can resist such a terrifying robbery. How powerful is the Demon Prince now?"

A monk who had just arrived looked at the terrifying scene in the sky and said in horror.

"This demon prince's energy and blood are soaring into the sky, and the power of a true dragon is like the sea. I am afraid that his own strength has already broken through the threshold of almighty power and has climbed to a terrifying level."

"He is worthy of being the most evil being in the five regions of Beidou. Even the god-king Jiang Taixu, who claimed to have the strongest attack power 5000 years ago, is probably not so defiant."

"With such a cultivation level, I am afraid that I am only inferior to the Holy Lords of the Holy Lands, and have already left some young geniuses far behind!"

Some older people had wisely retreated hundreds of miles away, standing in the clouds, looking at the sea of ​​thunder boiling like a vast sea in the distance, rolling up huge heat waves, feeling that Li Chengnian was like a furnace of heaven and earth, as if he was trying to smelt the entire world. With the power of the true dragon's energy and blood, his face turned pale and he was frightened.

At this moment, Li Chengnian's catastrophe was not over yet and had entered the most terrifying stage.

Earth, fire, wind, water and other calamity thunders struck one after another, the wind cracked the void, the earth veins rose up, water flooded the sky, and fire moved among them. These were four destructive calamities, and the thunder shook the nine heavens.

Earth, fire, wind, and water rotated, opening up the void, forming a small world, and evolving endless catastrophes, one after another.

The mist of chaos surged across the heavens, and a vast ocean of destructive lightning engulfed Li Chengnian.

Looking from a distance, it was terrifying, a sea of ​​boiling thunder and lightning, extremely terrifying.


A simple fairy mirror rushed out from the top of the Dao Palace and floated above Li Chengnian's head. The terrifying thunder tribulations were directly swallowed by the fairy mirror.

The ancient fairy mirror is filled with chaotic fairy energy, and the inexplicable power of ten thousand laws flows in it. Every time a lightning disaster is swallowed, the power of the ancient laws on the mirror becomes thicker.

Slowly, it seemed as if a large world was reflected in the mirror, and a majestic heavenly palace hung above the sky. It seemed that the ancient time and space had crossed over, and an ancient mysterious word - Hao was written on it.

The vicissitudes of life flowed, and on the crystal-clear jasper mirror, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon roared, as if it had come to life, and the divine flower was bright and blazing.


The next moment, a sword sound resounded throughout the world, as if the sky had been broken. The long sword stood between the sky and the earth, with a hint of invincibility that asked whether the world dared to fight.

"Those are the Demon Prince's two magical weapons. They are made from the Divine Mark Purple Gold and the Destiny Orange Gold, two of the Nine Immortal Golds!"

"That sword has been sacrificed and refined into a great killing weapon. I am afraid it is no longer weaker than the King's Divine Weapon. And the ancient mirror has already intertwined 'Tao' and 'Principle', imprinting terrifying laws. Its power and divine power are even more unpredictable."

"Whether it is strength or luck, this demon prince has a vague feeling that he is a contemporary emperor. I am afraid that in the future, the younger generation of the five Beidou regions will be suppressed by him and cannot hold their heads up."

Many figures of the older generation sighed again. This life can be called a golden age. Many kings and gods have emerged together, but there are princes and emperor-level figures born. Therefore, it seems that the imperial path in this life has not even begun. Feeling like a stranger.

Of course, some people stared at the figure in green with murderous intent in their eyes, but when they saw the terrifying thunder disaster in the distance, they all couldn't help but turn pale and tremble with fear.

It would be difficult to kill such a monster even if the Holy Lord came in person, not to mention that this was a prince, not a grassroots, not the ancient waste body that they had once manipulated. "Rumble"

Earth, fire, water, and wind evolved into the small world of the heavens, but were directly swallowed by the Haotian Mirror, turning into part of the fairy mirror that carries the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth.

On the side, the Tianwen Sword kept humming, surging in the endless red sea of ​​thunder, as if it was taking a bath and surfing, so uncomfortable.

The punishment from heaven continued and the thunder was deafening. Li Chengnian sat cross-legged in the sky and began to carefully temper his body.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and thousands of rays of lightning fell from the sky like a celestial river. They were all absorbed into his body, making his bones, liver, and flesh shine brightly.

At the same time, the thirty black and yellow marks that appeared all over his body flowed with mysterious Dao patterns. His whole body seemed to be transformed into a supreme black and yellow pagoda, invulnerable to all means.

This person and the two weapons seemed as if they were not going through the tribulation at all, but just playing around, treating this tribulation that represented the majesty of heaven and earth as if it was nothing.


The thunder calamity shook the nine heavens and was boundless. He sat cross-legged in the center, as if fixed in the void, motionless, with the Tianwen Sword surrounding him and the Haotian Mirror hanging above his head.

Both his physical body and the two divine weapons were undergoing changes under the baptism of endless thunder, especially the Haotian Mirror, which seemed to activate the supreme secret of divine mark purple gold, imprinting lines of heaven and earth. This is the evolution of Tao!

Suddenly, a little purple-gold figure flew out of Li Chengnian's Immortal Platform with the Yin-Yang Divine Ring on his feet. Shining with ancient and mysterious light, it was dazzling and dazzling. He rushed directly into the deepest part of the thunder and vomited in the terrifying electric light that represented the majesty of heaven and earth. Accept.

This is the result of Li Chengnian's feedback to his own soul after he built the Yin-Yang Immortal Platform. The terrifying Yin-Yang Way circulates in his body, walking in the opened small world, swallowing endless thunder light, and absorbing the original thunder light.

The purple and gold villain, flawless and gorgeous, is undergoing an unimaginable baptism and undergoing an unimaginable transformation.

Although the lightning was terrifying, it could not hurt him at all.

Gradually, Li Chengnian's physical body, the Tianwen Sword and the Haotian Mirror, and the purple golden man with the Yin and Yang Divine Ring on his feet formed a cycle. All kinds of terrifying crimson thunder light fell down. As they circulated, they continued to flow. Tempering them.

After another half an hour, 81 chaotic electric beams fell down one after another. This was no longer a thunder disaster, but a super heavenly punishment.

The expressions of the elders in the distance changed, and they quickly hugged their juniors and retreated again, for fear of being affected by this terrifying thunder disaster. One can imagine how terrible such a disaster must be!

Every time a heavenly punishment fell, the earth shook, and everything within a radius of several hundred miles was knocked down several feet, and all the scenery was reduced to ashes.

However, what shocked everyone was that even under such a terrible punishment, Li Chengnian's body was only burnt black with a little blood dripping, and there was no sign of serious injury at all.

Li Chengnian just sat cross-legged on the sky, letting thousands of heavenly punishments inflict upon him without moving at all.


The long ancient mirror kept chirping, and it was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it. The little purple gold man with the Yin and Yang divine ring on his feet sat cross-legged on the ancient mirror. The laws of Yin and Yang on his body were in harmony with the natural chaos in the ancient mirror. The seal "Hao" resonated slightly, and the world in the mirror became more real, as if it was about to come to this world.

The Tianwen Sword was circling, like a supreme war god, guarding Li Chengnian.

Finally, 81 of the most terrifying chaotic lights landed, and Li Chengnian's flesh and blood reorganized at an extremely alarming speed. His bones crackled softly, and the power of the true dragon all over his body was like a sea, clear and flawless, sparkling and translucent.

The aura of the little purple man who stepped on the yin and yang divine ring became even more ancient and mysterious. The yin and yang qi lingering around his body actually had a hint of rebellion against the innate feeling, becoming stronger and more stable, and then turned into a blazing brilliance, returning to him again. On top of Sendai.

As for the innate chaotic seal "Hao" in the Haotian Mirror, there is actually an aura of original chaos permeating the air, and the power of the innate chaotic law is evolving in it.

The Tianwen Sword has withstood 81 chaotic electric rays, and an indelible Taoist rhyme is imprinted on the sword. The supreme Tao of Destiny is flowing in it, which is extremely terrifying.

After nearly seven or eight hours, the thunder calamity above the nine heavens finally disappeared.

Li Chengnian's green clothes had been torn into tatters, his body was charred, his body was cracked, and there was a lot of purple gold blood flowing out of it, crystal clear, and every drop contained terrifying divine power.

Suddenly a breeze blew by, and Li Chengnian's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The charred old skin on his body continued to fall off like a snake shedding, and was replaced by white and tender skin like a newborn baby, with a purple-gold luster flowing on it, full of... A noble and mysterious atmosphere.

Facing this aura, people feel as if they have crossed time and space and returned to the distant ancient times. The inexplicable laws of the great road are permeating the air. After experiencing the baptism of the terrifying thunder tribulation, many people can clearly feel that this demon prince is more powerful. Terrible.

"Half-step to the ninth level of almighty power. Once you have passed through the thunder tribulation, you will reach the peak of half-step to almighty power. This, this"

"Before, the Demon Prince was able to kill powerful men from the fourth level of the heaven, but now he is probably able to match the peerless power. This is really terrifying!"

"Such a monster is really disappointing!"

At this moment, some guys with evil intentions all lowered their heads in fear, fearing that the figure in green would discover something and be killed with a single sword.

With a flash of brilliance, Li Chengnian appeared again, dressed in green clothes and with black hair shawl, and he regained his former appearance as a handsome and handsome young prodigy.

A pair of Yin-Yang Heavenly Eyes are as deep as the abyss, in which the birth and death of all things are being staged. He glanced at the older generation characters lightly, making them all feel frightened and their scalps were numb. Such a pair of Yin-Yang Heavenly Eyes was really terrifying.


As soon as he stepped on it, a mysterious and complicated Tao diagram emerged, and Li Chengnian disappeared directly into the void.

Immediately, he appeared directly next to Zixia, frightening the many monks around him so much that their legs trembled, their faces turned pale, and they almost collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, a figure in purple suddenly appeared and blocked Li Chengnian.

"Your Highness, I am here to challenge you today."

Ji Haoyue was dressed in purple, with flying black hair and high fighting spirit. There was a mighty moonlight surging around him, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Challenge me?"

Li Chengnian glanced at him calmly and then said.

"Yes, ever since I was defeated at the hands of the prince in the Demon Emperor's Tomb many years ago, I have been pursuing a chance to defeat the prince. Over the years, I have never stopped. Please give me a chance today. I want to see how close I am to that goal. How far does it need to be."

Compared with Ji Haoyue who was the best in the world in the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum many years ago, he is now much more mature and stable, and his self-confidence has been deeply buried in his heart and no longer exposed all the time.

"Well, then."

Looking at Ji Haoyue who was quite pleased with him across the way, Li Chengnian thought for a moment, then nodded and said:
"And right now?"

"Well, this is the moment."

Ji Haoyue also nodded without hesitation.


At this moment, the heaven and the earth shook, wild beasts roared, and a man in white came riding a divine rainbow. He was dazzling, and his whole body was filled with sword energy. Even his hair seemed to be a divine sword, like an ancient sword god. Unattainable.

"Xiang Yifei, the Holy Son of the Dayan Holy Land! And the Dayan Saint Girl has arrived too!"

Many monks exclaimed, looking at the east of the sky, that figure that looked like Shen Ming. Beside him, a graceful and graceful figure was quietly suspended in the air, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens descending to earth.

In the other direction, there are long silk and bamboos, misty clouds and mist, and colorful rays of light. A group of graceful women are floating in like Lingbo fairies, and their hair has an incomparable holy aura.

"The people from Yaochi have also arrived."

"Brother Ji has not been seen for several years, and he has become more and more unfathomable. He deserves to be called the Eastern Wasteland God King's body, which is amazing."

The Holy Son of Dayan said in a deep voice with a serious fake smile on his face, while the Holy Girl of Dayan beside him also nodded in greeting with a bright smile on her face.


At this time, in the sky, dozens of iron cavalry were crossing the sky, like a torrent of steel coming across the void. One of the silver-armored cavalry was surrounded by divine light, and his eyes were blazing, as if they could penetrate into a person's bones.

"Jiang Family Divine King Body!"

Not far away, Xiang Yifei, the son of Dayan Saint, said softly with his eyes flashing.

"Ji Haoyue, you happen to be here. You and I are both in the body of a god king. It's time to tell the difference and see who will be the real god king of the Eastern Wasteland in the future!"

The Jiang family's god-king has a high fighting spirit and surging divine power. Behind him is a pure land with bubbling spiritual springs and patches of flowers and plants. It is like a paradise, but everyone can see the killing power hidden in it.

At this moment, an invincible momentum suddenly rose over the Jiang family, like a landslide and a tsunami.

A violent force surged in all directions from the sky. A colorful divine phoenix soared into the sky and appeared directly in front of the Jiang family's divine king body. Then a slightly scolding voice sounded:
"Go back."

Jiang Yifei stepped on the colorful divine phoenix, standing independently in the void, as if an ancient god was suppressing it. The eyes of the Jiang family's divine king body flickered, and his face was gloomy, but he finally retreated.

This scene shocked everyone. Although Jiang Yifei has not disappeared like Li Chengnian, Ji Zi and others over the past year, he has always seen everything in the world, neither fighting nor grabbing. Among the young geniuses, he has always had a sense of presence. Neither is strong, but he didn't expect to be able to subdue the God King's body. It doesn't look like a good thing.

Sure enough, there are still a lot of old cunts in this world!
As for Jiang Yifei's dissatisfaction with the Jiang family's God King Body, Jiang Yifei was too lazy to pay attention to it. If he stayed late at night, he might have to collect the body of his own God King Body. After all, he knew that a guy named Li across the street had never been very patient. Well, I never consider who the other person is when I kill someone.

"Brother Li, I don't know how to praise my younger brother. Yifei is here to apologize to you on his behalf."

The five-colored divine phoenix dissipated under Jiang Yifei's feet and landed on the ground. With a sincere face on his face, he bowed and saluted.


Seeing Li Chengnian nodding, Jiang Yifei finally let go of his worries. After all, if the demon prince didn't give him face, I'm afraid that from today on, the divine king body that the Jiang family had high hopes for would be gone.

At this moment, the Saint Son of Dayan and the Saint Maiden on the side seemed to have noticed the cold-faced young man in Tsing Yi opposite him. He was immediately frightened, fell to the ground in a hurry, bowed and saluted:
"I have met His Highness the Demon Prince."

Then they saw Li Chengnian waving his hands, and the two of them hurriedly ran out a hundred miles away like a mouse meeting a cat, feeling relieved.

"Prince, Haoyue is offended."

Ji Haoyue stepped on his feet, and his whole body was surging with divine power. It was obviously a scorching sun in the sky, and the sky was bright and clear, but a night fell, and the sky and the earth instantly became dark, and his body was filled with endless moonlight, accompanied by the sound of waves. .

At this moment, Ji Haoyue seemed to be integrated with the night, transforming into the bright moon shining in the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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