The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 108 Curse of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 108 Curse of Heaven and Earth (First update, please subscribe!)

For some reason, Li Chengnian, who was stepping on the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, felt that the terrifying figure was somewhat familiar, as if it was another one of himself.

Above the human figure, there was a terrifying taboo power covering it, cutting off all breath. In a daze, Li Chengnian felt that he was in a daze. He actually felt that he, a little monk, was qualified to be branded by heaven and earth.


Above the sky, two giant dragons roared at the same time. The silver dragon thundered into the sky, and the purple and gold dragon flowed with the black and yellow mother energy of all things. Both were extremely terrifying.

The dragon's claws collide, and the roar makes the eardrums vibrate and the ears ring.

The giant purple-gold dragon opened its mouth, and the black-yellow brilliance condensed and struck out like a cannonball.

The silver dragon's eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent. Countless thunders surged out of its body and rushed towards the black-yellow cannonball, its aura breathtaking.

The two giant dragons were astonishingly powerful, but the two figures were terrifyingly quiet, standing like two stones above the dragons' heads.


The roar of the heavenly tribulation shook people's spirits as if they were about to be shattered, and its power enveloped the entire world.

No matter where they are, people can hear this shaking sound, which is terrifying and terrifying.



The roar of the dragon also resounded throughout the sky and the earth. The two giant dragons were fighting each other. Each attack carried the power to shatter the sky, and there was a mysterious rhythm of heaven and earth permeating the air.

When the Purple Gold Divine Dragon and the Silver Giant Dragon were killing each other, many of the people below actually had some insights, and their realm and background instantly improved a lot.

Even those old antiques who have lived for more than a thousand years have some insights. The two giant dragons slaying each other seem to be fighting each other physically, but each slaying carries the charm of heaven and earth, which is extremely terrifying.


After a fierce battle for several days and nights, the two divine dragons became the protagonists in the world. The eyes of everyone in the Demon Imperial City were shocked, and their hearts were filled with solemnity.


Finally, a few days later, two figures standing above the heads of two dragons in the sky took action at the same time.

"What's going on? Did that vague figure take action?"

"This is too terrifying. It feels like all the ways have collapsed and time and space have been reversed! There, he is the master of heaven and earth, commanding the laws of all ways!"

In Li Chengnian's eyes, the vague figure that felt inexplicably familiar took action and swung a sword towards him.

Facing this sword, Li Chengnian felt as if a vast world was suppressing him, as if the time and space he was in were disrupted.

With one strike of the sword, a vast world opens up!
Li Chengnian used his powerful true dragon blood and the only true soul cultivated by the remnant soul heavenly technique to activate the natural chaos seal "Hao" in the Haotian Mirror, his weapon of enlightenment, and waved the Heavenly Question in his hand. Sword, rush towards that sword.


Suddenly, the void trembled, and the sky was shaking, as if the world was about to collapse. Under the sun, between the mountains and rivers, inexplicable inscriptions were intertwined and appeared at the feet of the blurry figure.

The inscriptions are intertwined and constantly jumping with the pulse of heaven and earth. At this moment, no matter it is a great power, a king, or a saint, the heart is beating and the soul is trembling.

This is the real power of heaven and earth!
"What exactly is this?"

Doubts arose in the minds of countless people. They didn't know why. They watched the inscriptions intertwined together and instantly turned into chains of order, which began to bind Li Chengnian's body.


There was a loud explosion, like a sword slashing heaven and earth, and the sky was filled with brilliance.

Li Chengnian spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the sky. "Buzz!"

Above the sky, a young man who looked to be no more than twenty years old fell from the sky. He was covered in blood, looking extremely miserable, and his aura was weak and vague.

"Is this the demon prince?"

All around, everyone's eyes were shocked and they looked at the blood-stained figure in disbelief.

"Prince, what's the matter with you?"

Hunchback Qi Ming desperately came to Li Chengnian's side. He said with panic on his face. Then he waved his hand and directly sealed off the area. He knew that there were countless people with evil intentions among them. Now his prince's condition was unknown. , anyone can take action, even everyone in the Demon Emperor's Palace is no exception.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded in everyone's ears.

Afterwards, countless numbers of words with indescribable words of Tao were seen descending from the darkness, silently. At this moment, even people who were hundreds of millions of miles away felt as if a huge world was crashing into them. .

In an instant, those slowly descending ancient characters carrying infinite Dao rhymes penetrated the endless formation restrictions and appeared around Li Chengnian.

Everyone felt that an inexplicable aura rising between heaven and earth turned into a divine chain of order and wrapped around the demon prince's body, seeming to restrain him.

"Is it because heaven and earth are trying to cut off his path? He has already passed the catastrophe!"

Everyone was puzzled and couldn't figure out what kind of state the demon prince was in now.

"I have read a broken ancient book of sages. It is similar to the current scene. It is rumored that some evildoers will touch the taboos of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth will rain down endless laws of the great road and block the path of practice."

An old man with gray hair frowned. He thought of the ancient books he had read when he was young and the terrible curse.

"So the Demon Prince is also in this state now?"

There was a young prodigy who rolled his eyes and seemed to look at Li Chengnian completely differently.

Everyone present could clearly feel that there were endless laws covering the blood-stained boy over there, and the boy seemed to be bound by heaven and earth.

At this moment, the word "immortal" appeared between Li Chengnian's eyebrows, shining brightly.

The word "immortal" seemed to have a strange magical power. As soon as it appeared, it dimmed the infinite Taoist rhyme descending from heaven and earth. Even more inexplicable power was extracted from the Taoist rhyme of heaven and earth by the word "immortal".

The word "immortal" absorbs the power of endless Taoist rhyme, giving people a feeling of boundless Taoism and natural Taoism.

Then, Li Chengnian slowly raised his hands and stroked slowly and forcefully. A figure with a bronze mask appeared behind him. His clothes were as white as snow, his hair was like a waterfall, lifelike, as if he had a soul.

"this is"

This scene stunned everyone present, even the hunchback Qi Ming was stunned on the spot.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" explosion, and the figure wearing a bronze mask turned into countless light spots and scattered in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the word "Xian" in front of Li Chengnian's forehead shone brightly, and a mysterious Taoist charm flowed out, slowly wrapping him up.

This was a terrifying force. The void became unstable and began to crack. A strange brilliance shone in the dark night sky.

The demon prince Li Chengnian's originally vague aura completely disappeared. He seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep or died. He sat cross-legged there quietly, motionless. His body was covered with a layer of silk-like matter, all of which came from his forehead. The word "immortal" rushed out of it, like a big cocoon.

"Crack card wipe!"

Finally, the bearing capacity of the space reached its limit, and it shattered with a bang.

The void shattered to its extreme, which was soundless annihilation.

The elephant is invisible, and the sound is loud!
PS: Chapter 1.Two updates this morning, and two updates in the evening if possible!

(End of this chapter)

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