Chapter 884 Wants to win the championship

Nangong Yuxiao suddenly realized that no wonder she found no one on the street when she first arrived.

Nangong Lingyun sat at the table, poured wine for Yingxi and Nangong Yuxiao, handed Yingxi a glass of wine, and said with a smile: "Brother Yingxi, let's have a glass of wine to cheer up." "

Ying Xi took the wine glass, took a sip and said, "Thank you."

The three of them raised their glasses and drank a glass of wine each.

"Brother Yingxi, are you confident in defeating Yu Fei today?" Nangong Lingyun asked.

Ying Xi put down his wine glass, remained silent for a moment, shook his head, and said, "The technique I practiced is incomplete, which has damaged my foundation, and my cultivation has never improved at all."

Nangong Lingyun smiled and said: "Brother Yingxi, you don't have to worry, I will find a way to help you solve it, you can just go and fight with confidence."
Nangong Lingyun patted Ying Xi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The winner can marry Nangong Yufei and receive generous rewards."

"So good?" Yingxi was stunned and asked in disbelief.

Nangong Lingyun affirmed: "Why did I lie to you? Do you know why I didn't let you go to the royal family with me?"

Hearing this, Ying Xi reacted instantly and said, "It turns out you are doing it for my own good."

"Haha, brother Yingxi, I know your feelings for me. Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to restore your talent for cultivation." Nangong Lingyun said seriously.

Yingxi nodded, then shook his head and said, "Brother Nangong, you misunderstood me. I am not participating in the competition for myself."

Nangong Lingyun was slightly surprised and asked: "Brother Yingxi, what do you mean by this?"

Ying Xi said calmly: "I want to get No. 1 with my own efforts."

"Haha. You overestimate yourself too much. You haven't even broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, let alone the Heavenly Realm. It's just a dream to win the championship." Nangong Yuxiao sneered.

Ying Xi glanced at Nangong Yuxiao lightly and said, "You can't do it, but I can!"

Nangong Yuxiao snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Yingxi, don't say I'm going to attack you. Even if you reach the Great Perfection of the Spirit Sea Realm, you can't defeat me."

"How will you know if you don't try? Besides, what if I win by chance?" Ying Xi shrugged and smiled lightly.

After hearing Ying Xi's words, Nangong Lingyun's eyes narrowed to a slit, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

He is neither arrogant nor impatient, fearless in the face of danger, and unafraid of power. This quality makes Nangong Lingyun look at him with admiration.

Nangong Lingyun said: "Win interest, since you agreed to the competition, then I will make it clear that if you lose to Yu Fei, you will be my personal bodyguard and protect Yu Fei forever."

Although Nangong Lingyun spoke softly, he revealed an overwhelming domineering power.

Nangong Yuxiao's pretty face was full of anger, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Dad, you are crazy, you let Yingxi be your bodyguard."

Nangong Yuxiao's father, Nangong Lingfeng, is a tough guy who would rather break than surrender.

Nangong Lingyun once saved Nangong Lingfeng's life on the battlefield, so Nangong Lingfeng regarded him as a benefactor and was willing to protect Nangong Lingyun with his life.

And Nangong Lingfeng treated Ying Xi very well, treating him as a close friend and taking care of him like a family member.

Yingxi was an orphan adopted by Nangong Lingfeng. He was admitted to the Holy Moon Sect to practice two years ago. He became Nangong Lingfeng's disciple and became Nangong Lingfeng's disciple.

Ying Xi awakened the power of his bloodline when he was ten years old. He was extremely talented and made rapid progress in his cultivation.

Although his talent for earning interest is monstrous, he is still young and lacks training experience, so his actual combat effectiveness may not be as good as Nangong Yuxiao's.Because of this, Nangong Lingfeng proposed to win the interest to participate in the Five Clans Competition in place of Nangong Yuxiao.

"What do you know! Don't interrupt in this matter!" Nangong Lingfeng scolded.

"Yes, dad." Nangong Yuxiao pursed her red lips unwillingly and responded obediently.

Nangong Lingyun apologized: "Brother Yingxi, my sister is spoiled, I hope you don't mind."

"It doesn't matter." Yingxi waved his hand, then raised his head and asked: "Brother Nangong, is what you just said true? As long as I defeat Nangong Yufei, I will be able to achieve the No. 1 result and win A reward of one thousand low-grade spiritual stones?"

Hearing this, Nangong Lingyun nodded and said: "Brother Yingxi, this is the result of my private discussion with my sister. You just need to complete the task."

"That's it, then let's first wish brother Yingxi a successful start." Nangong Lingyun smiled heartily, stood up, and said: "Brother Yingxi, Yuxiao, we have eaten enough, let's take our leave first."

Nangong Lingfeng and Nangong Yuxiao also put down their bowls and chopsticks and left the dining room.

Nangong Yuxiao glared at Ying Xi angrily, then turned and walked towards the side room.

Nangong Lingfeng patted Ying Xi on the shoulder and comforted him: "Ying Xi, don't be sad. We will leave for the imperial capital tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Nangong." Ying Xi said sincerely.

Nangong Yuxiao returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed angrily.

"Damn Yingxi! You dare to rob the person I like, you are looking for death!" Nangong Yuxiao said fiercely, secretly thinking that when Yingxi left the imperial city, he would find an opportunity to kill Yingxi and avenge himself.

Thinking of Nangong Lingfeng's attitude towards Ying Xi, Nangong Yuxiao couldn't help but feel worried and asked: "Brother, why does dad respect Ying Xi so much? Could it be that his identity is unusual?"

Nangong Lingfeng sighed and said slowly: "Ying Xi is actually my master's direct disciple. His cultivation has reached the early stage of the chemical martial arts realm."

"What?! He is your master's direct disciple!" Nangong Yuxiao exclaimed, her beautiful eyes wide open, full of surprise.

Nangong Lingfeng nodded and said: "Yes, he has a strong talent for earning interest, and he has a stable personality and is calm and calm in doing things. He is highly valued by the master."

"Why did dad let Winning compete on my behalf?" Nangong Yuxiao asked.

"The talent for earning interest is extraordinary. If my guess is correct, his talent has reached the ninth level." Nangong Lingfeng said thoughtfully.

"Ninth-grade bloodline! How is this possible! He is younger than me!" Nangong Yuxiao's delicate body shook violently, and her head was filled with confusion.

Nangong Lingfeng said: "According to my observation, Ying Xin has a special physique and possesses the nine-marked red fire tiger beast soul."

Nangong Yuxiao was even more shocked and said: "Red Fire Tiger Beast Soul! Yingxi turns out to be a Scarlet Fire Tiger Soul Warrior!"

"Yeah." Nangong Lingfeng nodded slightly.

The Red Fire Tiger Beast Soul is an extremely rare and rare bloodline attribute martial spirit. Warriors possessing this bloodline martial spirit are destined to be the seedlings of the Martial King Realm and the Martial King Realm strong men, with an infinitely bright future.

"Winning interest is indeed a miracle!" Nangong Yuxiao said with an appreciative smile.

"He had the opportunity to step into the Martial Emperor Realm! What a pity!" Nangong Lingfeng sighed, full of regret.

Nangong Yuxiao said: "He is only 23 years old now, and he will have many opportunities to step into the Martial Emperor Realm in the future. Brother, I support you in taking your winnings as your adopted son."

(End of this chapter)

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