Chapter 840: Heart full of hatred
Qin Ruoxi stumbled out of the hospital, wiping her tears with her sleeves as she ran.

The moment she saw the man in black, Qin Ruoxi knew that the man was the secret guard around Dongyue Emperor, so that man would definitely not hurt her.

She forced herself to calm down and ran away while the man was in a daze.

But in that short period of time just now, Qin Ruoxi felt as if she was in another world.

That man was like a devil.

That man ruined her life. If she could survive, she would definitely settle the score with that man.

However, at this moment, the image of Chu Tianyi's handsome and gentle face appeared in her mind, which made Qin Ruoxi devastated.

"Hi... um..."

Qin Ruoxi's feet suddenly slipped and she fell to the ground.

She frowned in pain, and a ball of heat surged in her chest.

The hot blood flowed down her legs, and there was a severe cramping pain in her abdomen.


Qin Ruoxi let out a cry of pain, and large beads of sweat oozed from her forehead.


Ying Xi cursed, kicked over the vase placed on the edge of the bed, and crushed a luminous pearl.

In an instant, the originally dark room suddenly lit up, making the room spotless.

Ying Xi was so angry that he strode forward and kicked over the wooden bench where Qin Ruoxi was lying.


Qin Ruoxi felt a pain in her lower back, and her whole body flew out.

"Ouch...cough cough cough..."

A strong fishy sweetness filled her nose, making Qin Ruoxi unable to help but vomit it out.

The strong smell of medicine filled the air, making Qin Ruoxi cough non-stop.


Qin Ruoxi lay on the ground in a panic, her stomach seemed to be burning.

She didn't care about anything else and reached for the dagger at her waist, wanting to commit suicide.

She was no longer afraid of death, but she was reluctant to let go of the child in her belly.

But this time, Qin Ruoxi was destined to fail.

Yingxi stepped forward quickly, looking down at Qin Ruoxi, and Qin Ruoxi's face.

Qin Ruoxi gasped weakly, her lips pale and dry.

"You're not going to die."

The cold voice was filled with chills, but it also carried a bit of ridicule and disdain, making Qin Ruoxi's whole body stiff, as if she had fallen into an abyss.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Ying Xi, "Don't even think about insulting me!"

"Ha ha……"

Ying Xi smiled wildly and looked at Qin Ruoxi condescendingly.

"I think you misunderstood. How could I insult you? I just want to tell you that our cooperation has just begun. Wouldn't it be too disappointing if you died?"

"Our two families have been cooperating for more than [-] years, and I still have great confidence in Qin Xuanhe."

Qin Xuanhe!It's Qin Xuanhe again!
Qin Ruoxi's heart was filled with hatred and resentment, and her eyes were glaring at Ying Xi like fire.

Ying Xi didn't mind Qin Ruoxi's glare at all. Instead, he knelt down and held Qin Ruoxi's shoulders.

"Qin Xuanhe has many wives and concubines, and there are countless beautiful maids, and Qin Ruolan is also quite popular. But for so many years, Qin Xuanhe has never taken any concubines, which proves how much he values ​​Qin Ruolan."

Qin Ruoxi's heart was clenching hard because her body was really unable to bear the load. Her eyes became tougher and she looked straight at the winning interest, completely unafraid of the threat of losing the interest.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

She winced and curled her lips, "I want Qin Xuanhe to lose you completely, and I also want you to taste the feeling of having your dignity trampled on." Qin Ruoxi's pupils shrank, unable to hide the shock in her heart.

"I don't understand."

Ying Xi smiled evilly, "You don't need to understand, you just need to remember that you are my Ying Xi's woman now. You are my slave and can only fight for me."

Ying Xi pinched Qin Ruoxi's chin, forcing Qin Ruoxi to turn her face and look directly at his extremely ugly face.

The gloomy facial features were ferocious and twisted, which made Qin Ruoxi's heart tremble.

But she was still holding her neck, unwilling to give in, "I will never be your plaything!"


Ying Xi laughed crazily. He suddenly stopped smiling and raised his hand to slap Qin Ruoxi.

Qin Ruoxi was slapped unexpectedly and felt pain in her eardrums.

"Bitch, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine! Since you insist on forcing me to throw you into a brothel, I will help you! Someone, drag this bitch down to me and send you to a brothel!"

As soon as Ying Xi finished speaking, a guard broke in and roughly grabbed Qin Ruoxi.

Qin Ruoxi struggled desperately and glared angrily at Ying Xi, but she couldn't shake these strong men at all.

Qin Ruoxi kept struggling, her eyes filled with tears.

"Win! You bastard, you have to die! You actually want me to be a prostitute, why don't you die...ahem..."

Qin Ruoxi's voice was extremely hoarse, and her vision turned black.

Ying Xi looked at Qin Ruoxi condescendingly, feeling extremely disgusted in his heart, and his eyes turned red with jealousy.

"I will make Qin Xuanhe miserable. Don't worry, I won't let you die. I will torture you slowly. The more painful you are, the more relieved I will be."

"When you have enjoyed enough, I will keep your life. When the time comes, just serve me well and don't think about leaving anymore!"

Ying Xin's eyes flashed with madness. He looked at Qin Ruoxi, as if he saw the prey he dreamed of.

Qin Ruoxi was extremely angry and wanted to kill the scumbag in front of her.

However, Qin Ruoxi clearly knew that she was no match for these strong men now.

She must conserve her strength and energy to find an opportunity to escape later.

"You let me go!"

"I will sleep with you tonight."

Ying Xi's hand rubbed Qin Ruoxi's cheek, "Although I like men, I don't like sick people like you."

He lowered his head, kissed Qin Ruoxi's lips, and ravaged her fiercely.

Qin Ruoxi tried her best to dodge, but couldn't, feeling extremely sad in her heart.

She really hates God for being unfair!
It was clear that her father loved her mother so much, but her mother died young. She and her brother depended on each other and finally grew up, but their mother suffered a tragic accident.

She worked hard to read, read, and work hard, thinking that she could support her younger brother, but her father died early.

She worked hard and finally got admitted to the doctor Han's school, but she ran into trouble.

Qin Ruoxi's thoughts were running wild, and she suddenly thought of the time when her mother and father were together.

Her mother always wore plain clothes, combed her hair gently every day, and taught her how to read and write.

The clothes of her and her brother were very shabby, even their shoes and socks were in tatters, but their mother always washed their clothes gently.

Over the years, her father has been busy, and her mother has taken good care of her and her younger brother.

She wanted to be filial to her father and help him treat his illness, but she was injured repeatedly.

Her mother was worried about her and often advised her to rest and not to exhaust herself.

Her mother always told her to practice martial arts to keep fit and not to be bullied, lest she be taken away from her.

She once promised her mother that she would practice martial arts well so that her mother would not worry and she would not let anyone bully her younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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