Chapter 84

Immediately, Xue Nu spoke again.

"At present, with my ability, I can only mobilize the Mohist people all over Daqin. Although many people came to Xianyang from other countries, most of them still obey the orders of Prince Dan!"

Although Xuenv also defended herself before, she is not a Mohist giant after all.

Even with the addition of Master Xu, he can't beat Prince Pill.

"Prince Dan?"

Seeing this, Lan Xi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Sooner or later, the footsteps of the Daqin cavalry will surely break through the Mohist organ city.

At that time, Prince Dan must pay the price.

Up to now, he still has many matters to deal with, including the affairs of the court, the attack on the Yan Kingdom, etc...

Put the matters of the Mo family aside!
"Leave Prince Pill aside for the time being, you just need to study how to manufacture the machines you need!" Lan Xi said in a deep voice.


Xue Nu nodded, then turned and left.

Although she did submit to Mr. Lan Xi, it did not mean sacrificing her body and appearance.


After Xue Nu left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became quiet.

Lan Xi ignored Luna, but set his eyes on the personal panel of the system.

With the conquest of the Mohists and the Yinyang Sects, his national fortune value in Daqin has reached 48%. As long as it increases by two percentage points, he can get an additional number of summons.

Now it seems that these two percentage points have to rely on Han Shengxuan's plan.

"Moon God, how about you come to serve me tonight?"

After doing all this, the corner of Lan Xi's mouth was curved, and then his eyes fell on Luna.

For him, it is not too easy to subdue the Moon God.

He had already planted a seed in Luna's heart before, and after a long time, it had already taken root and sprouted.

What he has to do now is to expose it to the moonlight.


Sure enough, even in the face of Lan Xi's request to serve the bed, Luna did not refuse at all, but nodded lightly.

She was originally the goods that the Yin Yang family wanted to send to Mr. Lan Xi one after another, and she was already prepared in her heart.

However, it was Donghuang Taiyi's attitude that really made Luna completely change his mind.

Just because of the unwarranted secrets of Mr. Lanxi, Donghuang Taiyi did not hesitate to abandon the Yinyang family, and gave himself as a commodity to others.

That being the case, why should I continue to believe in Donghuang Taiyi?
Mr. Lanxi's disciples are extremely powerful, and he himself has both freedom and freedom. He must be the future master of the Qin Dynasty!
For Luna, this was the right choice!


The doors and windows of the hall are closed tightly, and there is a spring breeze all night!
However, when the spring breeze was rippling in the mansion of Mr. Lanxi, the whole city of Xianyang was bleeding like a river.

I saw Cao Changqing and Han Shengxuan leading the Qin cavalry, arresting people and killing people everywhere in the city, scarlet blood filled the entire city.

Instantly!Everyone woke up one after another, and their pupils were full of horror.

During the day, Mr. Lanxi subdued the Yinyang family with absolute strength, so why did he start to clean up the Daqin officials at night?
The most important thing is that those officials basically support the young master Fusu, and many of them have opinions on the young master Lan Xi.When everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly.

Is Mr. Lan Xi too anxious?Even if he wanted to rule out dissidents and climb up to the position of the Great Qin Prince, he had to be careful step by step, and he couldn't follow the truth.

Li Si, the prime minister on the left, naturally also noticed this scene, and his heart was full of doubts.

What exactly is Mr. Lanxi going to do?
"Master Zuo Xiang, you can help us out!"

Right at Li Si's mansion, several Daqin officials knelt down on the ground with fear on their faces, frantically throwing a signal for help to Li Si.

Ever since the Yin Yang family incident happened today, everyone knew it clearly.

From then on, Mr. Lan Xi will surely soar into the sky, even the son Fusu who has both ability and political integrity is far behind.

In the court, Daqin officials were divided into two factions.

One faction supports son Lan Xi, and the other supports son Fusu.

Now that Mr. Lan Xi has become a big trend, those officials of the Great Qin who support the son to help Su are naturally jealous.

But they never imagined that Mr. Lan Xi had just dealt with the Yin Yang family during the day, and would attack them so arrogantly at night.

In desperation, some Daqin officials who usually had a relationship with Li Si came to Zuo Xiang's mansion, hoping that Li Si could lend a helping hand.

Seeing this, Li Si unceremoniously kicked the big situation away, and then fell into deep thought.

If it was him before, he would naturally choose to side with Young Master Fusu, and even thought about participating in a few copies of Young Master Lanxi at the court meeting tomorrow.

But after the Yin Yang family incident, the situation suddenly became completely different.

There is no way, the strength of Li Chungang and Cao Changqing is too terrifying, they are the existence of the peak of the half-immortal, and they have the terrifying combat power to suppress a country with one person.

At the same time, the world has truly seen the terrifying power of the half-immortal powerhouse.

Whether it is the endless sword energy in the void, or the domineering mighty power gathered from all directions, or the three-legged Golden Crow filled with the power of endless true fire above the nine heavens.

These three forces can destroy the world.

Facing such a terrifying existence, who would dare to oppose Mr. Lan Xi?

At least he wouldn't be so stupid as to object publicly, and so did Li Si.

But what puzzled him was that based on his understanding of Mr. Lan Xi, it was impossible for him to be so eager for quick success!
Under the blood, there must be hidden reasons that he doesn't know!

"What's the king's statement?" Li Si asked after looking at the official who was kicked away by him.

"Your Majesty?"

The official quickly got up, and then he thought for a while before speaking.

"There doesn't seem to be any movement at the Palace of the King of Qin..."

Not only was there no movement, the Qin Palace, which was brightly lit all night, suddenly turned off the lights tonight.

The reason is very simple. Before starting the plan, Han Shengxuan had already reported the situation to Qin Wang Yingzheng, and then handed over the letter written by Mr. Lanxi himself.

There was only one simple line on that letter!

Concentrate the power of kingship!Only then can you absolutely control the world!

In the eyes of outsiders, it is Mr. Lanxi who is eliminating dissidents, but they don't know that these people are also dissidents of King Qin Yingzheng!
Great Qin has strong soldiers and horses, and it is only a matter of time before the six kingdoms are unified.

What needs to be considered now is how to govern the country?
(End of this chapter)

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