Chapter 777 Hidden Traces
After a pause, Ying Xi's mouth curved with pride, and he said confidently: "With me here, you should not be exposed. However, in order to ensure safety, I think it is better for me to come out and follow you."

"Are you sure you won't delay our plan?" Qin Feng's brows relaxed, and a happy smile appeared on his face. He naturally believed in his ability to win interest. After all, he still had a sense of awe for this powerful man in the magical realm. Heart.

"Haha, don't worry." Ying Xi smiled confidently and said: "I will hide my aura well and never leak it at all. Otherwise, if the owner of the magic core notices it, we will lose everything."

The strength of Yingyi may be weaker than that of the master of the magic core, but it is better than being able to hide his aura and not be discovered by the opponent.

Qin Feng nodded, then raised his right arm, pointed to the northwest, and said: "In that case, let's go straight to the location of the magic core."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng jumped down from the treetops and flew towards the northwest.

The winning rate followed closely, as fast as a wisp of smoke.

"call out!"

About ten seconds passed, Ying Xi and Qin Feng stopped moving forward, and they came to a dense forest.

"Ahead is the core area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains!" Ying Xi suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Behind Ying Xi, Qin Feng walked forward slowly with a calm expression, his eyes constantly scanning, searching for something.


Suddenly, Qin Feng's pupils suddenly tightened, as if he had discovered something.

"What's wrong?" Ying Xi asked. He felt that Qin Feng's demeanor was a little strange.

Qin Feng frowned slightly and said in a serious tone: "Look at the leaves on that tree, do they look like a bird?"

Following the direction pointed by Qin Feng, Ying Xi looked up, with a trace of confusion on his face, and murmured: "It doesn't look like that, those are leaves..."

Qin Feng ignored the winning interest and continued to observe, and finally affirmed: "It really looks like a bird!"

Ying Xi was stunned and said, "Why are there birds on the trees? And why are the leaves purple?"

Qin Feng didn't explain anything. He walked toward the big tree and shouted in a low voice: "Purple Electric Sable!"

call out!
A stream of purple light shot out from Qin Feng's sleeves, and instantly turned into a mink that exuded thunderous luster. It was the spiritual pet that Qin Feng had tamed before, the purple electric mink.

At this moment, Zidian Mink raised his head and looked around with a pair of amethyst-like eyes vigilantly, as if aware of danger approaching.

"Look at that tree, does it look like a bird?" Qin Feng pointed to the big tree not far away and said to Zidian Mink.

Hearing this, Zidian Marten shifted his attention and stared at the big tree. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he thought of something.

Qin Feng grinned and said, "That's the nest of a thunder eagle!"

"What!" Hearing this, Ying Xi couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in shock: "It's actually the Thunder Eagle's nest!"

He remembered, however, that the Thunder Eagle was a ninth-grade monster, unparalleled in its ferocity and terrifying in strength. Even if it encountered a being at the peak of the eighth level of true martial arts, it would have to stay away and would not dare to provoke it at all.

How could such a powerful monster live in such a remote forest?
"Although the Thunder Eagle is strong, it is a bunch of beasts after all and does not know how to be flexible and agile." Qin Feng said indifferently: "You are now at the peak of the sixth level of Zhenwu. If you use a soul attack, it will be enough to injure it. When the time comes, you will be able to injure it. Taking advantage of the chaos to attack..."

Ying Xi took a deep breath and said, "I understand, let's get started."

He could no longer restrain the impulse in his heart and couldn't wait to get the magic core.

Qin Feng nodded slightly and said, "I'll help you hide your aura. I hope the Thunder Eagle won't find any clues."

With that said, Qin Feng reached into his arms, took out two jade slips and handed them to Ying Xin.These two jade slips are clearly the soul inheritance exchanged between Qin Feng and Qin Zhan!

"It records soul attacks and soul defense techniques. You can choose to practice any method, and then the fusion success rate will be higher." Qin Feng said: "In addition, you can also try to practice spiritual soul secret techniques. , if you can understand the spiritual soul secret skills, it will be more useful to you in the future."

"Well, thank you, senior brother." Yingxi accepted the jade slip and said, "I will practice right away."

Yingxi sat down cross-legged, and the power of his soul spread out, covering the two jade slips. In an instant, the jade slips burst into dazzling light, and gradually expanded and lengthened until they covered the entire forest and enveloped Qin Feng.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and his soul power also spread out. However, when his soul power just touched the light, it was bounced back.

He frowned, a little disappointed.

He originally thought that obtaining two soul inheritances would make Ying Xin's soul purer, but now it seems that he is obviously overthinking it.

"Soul inheritance is very strange. It must resonate with the material that has soul power. Only in this way can it be absorbed by it." Ying Xi opened his eyes and smiled bitterly: "I only have a little bit of soul power now, which is not enough to cause The resonance of the jade slips.”

Qin Feng thought for a moment and said, "I'll teach you how to control soul power first, and then think about cultivating soul inheritance."

"Okay." Yingxi nodded.

"Put your head over here." Qin Feng waved.

Ying Xi was stunned for a moment and looked at Qin Feng in confusion. Without thinking much, he walked to Qin Feng and squatted down obediently.

Qin Feng let out a breath and then slowly closed his eyes.

Soon, a gentle mental power poured into Ying Xi's mind, quickly seeping out and forming a vortex, wildly devouring Ying Xi's mental power.

With the assistance of Qin Feng's mental power, Ying Yi slowly entered a state of cultivation, while Qin Feng was responsible for protecting him.

A few hours passed, Qin Feng was sweating on his forehead and his face was pale, obviously he had consumed a lot.


After a while, Ying Xi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flickered for a moment, then he looked at Qin Feng and said respectfully: "Junior Brother Qin Feng, thank you!"

"You're welcome." Qin Feng waved his hand, his expression still a little ugly.

At this time, Ying Xi suddenly thought of something and said quickly: "By the way, junior brother, I haven't introduced you yet, my name is Ying Xi."

"Oh?" Qin Feng showed great interest and said, "My name is Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng knew that the Qin family's surname was unique, especially the genealogy, which was personally carved by successive family heads. Only direct bloodlines of the Qin family were eligible to possess it.

Qin Feng once heard his grandfather mention that the Qin family named Qin Feng because his parents passed away after giving birth to him, and he had no name, so he was named Qin Feng.

As for the name of Qin Feng's father, no one knows.

Ying Xi smiled and said: "Qin Feng, this is my real name. I have always called myself Ying Xi."

Qin Feng's eyes flashed and he said, "You should have a pseudonym, right?"

"Yes." Ying Xi nodded and said: "In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit, I changed my name and came to the Tianyan Dynasty incognito. By chance, I rescued a member of the royal family and became his personal bodyguard. "

(End of this chapter)

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