Chapter 75

Especially the last condition!
It made Da Si Ming and others furious.

Since the establishment of the Yinyang family, the four characters Donghuangtaiyi have symbolized the highest title of the master of the Yinyang family, and have not changed for thousands of years. This move by Mr. Lanxi is undoubtedly challenging the bottom line of the Yinyang family.


Before Donghuang Tai could speak, Jun Xiang beside him couldn't help it, and his pupils were filled with icy coldness.

"Changing the name of the head of my Yin-Yang family will undoubtedly shake the inheritance of my Yin-Yang family. Previously, my Yin-Yang family only made a small mistake. Why is Mr. Lanxi so aggressive?"

Although his body was restrained, he couldn't move.

But the four characters of Donghuang Taiyi symbolize the inheritance of the Yinyang family, so how can he just sit back and do nothing?

The Yin-Yang family has thousands of years of background, and their strength is already extremely strong. Even if they are enemies with Da Qin, why should they be afraid?
"A small mistake?"

Seeing this, Lan Xi turned around to look at Mr. Xia Xiang, and then a sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"You Yinyang family wanted to use the power of the Mohist family to assassinate me, but now it is just a small mistake in your eyes?"

"Hehe! It's really ridiculous!"

"Since that's the case, I won't beat around the bush. Today, I'm going to destroy your Yin Yang family, so what can you do?"

As soon as the words fell, Lan Xi slowly raised his right hand, and then shook it suddenly.

The astrologer suddenly trembled, and countless hurricanes suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, which were terrifying hurricanes formed by the condensed power of domineering awe-inspiring power.

The hurricane filled with golden divine light was extremely powerful, and the terrifying sense of oppression distorted the space slightly.

In the next second, the golden hurricane in the sky was like a spiral, and then crushed towards Lord Xiang.

"you dare……"

When Jun Xiang saw this scene, his expression changed drastically, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Before this weird golden hurricane approached, his skin surface felt a huge pain, and the blood vessels in his body showed signs of rupture.

Such a terrifying power is simply appalling.

"The power of the Empress Dowager Earth!"

At the juncture of life and death, Mr. Xiang no longer hides, and bursts out all the power in his body, and an extremely heavy breath ripples out, and then completely wraps his body surface.

This is the power of the back soil that he has cultivated, and it has extremely strong defensive power.

But with the crushing of the golden hurricane, cracks appeared in the back soil armor attached to his body surface, showing signs of breaking at any time.

Seeing this, Mr. Xiang couldn't help but look desperate.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lan Xi's strength is so powerful, even if he uses all his strength, he can't resist it.

What kind of ordinary celestial warrior is this?
I'm afraid this guy can be called infinitely close to the existence of land gods...

"Also ask Lord Donghuang to save me!"

As the body surface continued to overflow with blood, and the meridians were broken inch by inch, Mr. Xiang let out a miserable cry.

However... with the sound of a clicking sound, the Houtu armor around Xiangjun instantly cracked, and the golden hurricane crushed him crazily with a devastating posture.

In the next second, Mr. Xiang's body turned into a cloud of blood mist, and bright red blood flowed to the entire hall, and many pieces of flesh and blood fell at the feet of Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming and others.

Seeing this scene, the Yin Yang family and others couldn't help but startled their eyes, and their pupils were full of horror.

I'm afraid this power has reached the level of a half-step land god, right?
How could son Lanxi's strength become so terrifying?
The most important thing is that Mr. Lan Xi raised his hand lightly just now, and Lord Xiang, one of the most powerful members of the Yin Yang family, exploded and died instantly.

Looking at the entire Yin-Yang family, apart from Donghuang Taiyi, no one can achieve this step.

In particular, the domineering arrogance permeating in the golden hurricane shocked them even more.

Seeing this scene, Moon God couldn't help but change his face, and quickly looked at Donghuang Taiyi.

But what made her feel chilling was that even though King Xiang died violently, the face of the head of the Yin-Yang family didn't change at all, and he didn't even move.

Is this his attitude?
Is the Yin Yang family really insignificant in his eyes?

"Have you calmed down?"

After Xiangjun's fall, Donghuangtai raised his eyelids slightly, his deep pupils were filled with the power of bright stars, and then his eyes fell on Lan Xi.

"If Mr. Lan Xi thinks it's not enough to calm down, you can kill a few more! Even if the Yinyang family is slaughtered, this deity will never frown!"

In Dong Huangtai's eyes, compared with the secrets hidden in Lan Xi, the life and death of the Yin Yang family is insignificant.

The most important thing is that at that moment just now, he seemed to have spied a fragment of fate.

A boy who is only 16 years old, his strength has reached the peak of the realm of heaven and man, and he has the power of half a step to the realm of land gods.

What does it mean?
It means that as long as he masters this secret, he will definitely be able to break through the realm in a short time. Maybe he can really break through the shackles of the land gods and reach the legendary realm of immortals.

As long as you can break through to the realm of immortals, even if you sacrifice the entire Yin Yang family, so what?

He is the root of the Yin-Yang family. He is here and can create another Yin-Yang family at any time.

Not only that, but if he breaks through to the realm of Taiji Guiyi, he can directly reproduce a Xiang Jun with the power of the vast stars.

This is the strongest method of Donghuang Taiyi, and it is also the greatest inheritance of the Yin Yang family.

"Of course not enough!"

Lan Xi smiled, and looked at Donghuang Taiyi with cold eyes.

"Because my son has only one goal from the beginning to the end, and that is you Donghuang Taiyi!"

"A master of the Yin-Yang family with unfathomable strength must either submit to my Great Qin, or disappear completely!"

"Besides, I really hate your superior appearance. You seem to regard all living beings as pawns, as if you are the one who holds the chess pieces!"

"It's a pity that my son has the same thoughts as you, and I also like to be a chess player!"

"But one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and there is only one between you and me!"

(End of this chapter)

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