Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 724: There is a protective spiritual weapon

Chapter 724: There is a protective spiritual weapon

With one punch, a mighty aura swept through him.

In an instant, the void collapsed.

The ancient demon showed a look of horror in his eyes.

He roared angrily, and black mist erupted from his body.

Black mist rolled in, flooding the surrounding areas like a tide.

This area was pitch dark and you couldn't see where you were.


The shrill screams resounded, filled with pain and despair.

The ancient demon's body was directly torn apart.

"Damn it!" the ancient demon roared, blood flowing from his body.

He is wounded!

"You actually have a protective spiritual weapon, I underestimated you!"

"Your strength is good, but you can't survive today!"

He attacked again, with great ferocity.

He is an ancient demon, born to be extremely violent and cruel, and likes to suck the blood and essence of others.

And earning interest is his only hope.

Therefore, even if he is injured, he will not retreat at all.


The two men fought fiercely, which was extremely terrifying.

Not far away, Ying Xin looked embarrassed.

At this time, he was in a terrible state.

The power in his body was sealed, and even his soul was imprisoned, unable to exert any power at all.


He cursed lowly, his eyes full of anxiety.

He knew that Gu Mo would soon seize the opportunity.


"How could I forget this!" Ying Xi resented in his heart.

He should have thought that since someone broke into the depths of the wild secret realm, they would inevitably attract powerful people.

Unfortunately, the ancient demon was too strong. He fell into the illusion set by the ancient demon from the beginning and was lost in it, unable to escape.

He didn't expect that this ancient demon was actually a member of the ancient demon clan.

The power of his bloodline is too much restraint for the ancient demons.

That's why the Ancient Demon Clan had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Ying Xi's eyes flickered and he kept thinking of ways. He knew that he might not be able to pass this level.

However, it is not that simple for this ancient demon to eat him.

Because if the ancient demon wanted to deprive him of his bloodline, it would cost a huge price.

"Don't have such wishful thinking!" Ying Xinbing's voice sounded, and then he waved his palm, and a ray of purple light flew towards the half-emperor.

"Purple Qi is coming from the east!"

The sky and the earth roared.

Purple light shot into the sky and turned into purple energy, covering the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the scene around the ancient demon changed.

He seemed to have fallen into another world, where the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Moreover, he felt that his strength was slowly dissipating.

"What did you do?" Gu Mo exclaimed, his face full of confusion. He looked at Ying Xin with angry eyes.

"Hehe, this is the place where the ancient gods' tombs are located. This is the power of the ancient god's tombs, which can suppress the ancient demons!" Yingxi grinned.

Suddenly, he flashed and came to the ancient demon in an instant. A majestic force surged in and hit the ancient demon's chest.

The ancient demon was blasted away.

Blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"You..." Ancient Demon was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation before.

This made him terrified.

What the ancient demons are best at is speed.

But now, someone can actually catch up with his speed.

How could this not shock and panic him?

"Hmph!" Ying Xi snorted coldly. He stared at the ancient demon with a stern gaze and a murderous intent: "If you dare to come close to me within a hundred meters again, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately?"

"You..." Ancient Demon was furious, but he hesitated.

"Okay, very good, just wait!" Finally, the ancient demon gritted his teeth and chose to leave.

After all, the power of his bloodline was suppressed by the rules of the Ancient God's Tomb.If he continues to fight, he will lose the power of his bloodline.

Therefore, he chose to avoid the edge temporarily and look for a way to break the situation.

The next moment, he turned into a black mist and fled away in an instant.

"Huh." Seeing the ancient demon leave, Yingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, I finally got rid of the ancient demon.

At the same time, there was a look of wonder in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you actually possess a half-emperor level spiritual treasure."

"Haha, it's just a fluke!" Ying Xi smiled softly, not proudly.

Although he did use the power of external objects.

But without the Half-Emperor Spiritual Treasure, he would definitely die.

"However, I still want to thank you." Yingxi pondered for a moment and then said: "I wonder if you would like to become my teacher?"

"My benefactor, you saved my life. Don't worry. If you become my teacher, I promise to teach you my secret skills and let you run amok in Nanling!"

Ying Xin looked so enigmatic that the ancient demon laughed endlessly.

"I don't care!" he sneered.

"Oh? Is that so? Then the deal between us ends here." Ying Yi said calmly.

He was extremely indifferent and ignored the ancient demon at all.

But his voice reached the ears of the ancient demon.

"Do you really think you escaped and ascended to heaven?"

"Don't forget, this is the formation I set up. You can't leave until I take the initiative to stop."

"Unless you can defeat me, I will be your nightmare!"

When the ancient demon heard this, his expression turned extremely ugly.

His eyes were cold and murderous.

He didn't believe that a mere formation could stop him.

So he went straight for the winnings.

"Hahaha, I want to see who can do anything to me?" He laughed.

He took a step forward, and a figure suddenly appeared next to Ying Xin.


He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Ying Xin.

"Haha, it's true!" Ying Xi smiled slightly.

The next moment, he raised his hand and clapped it with his palm, and went forward.

The two collided, and the ancient demon groaned, and his entire right arm exploded to pieces.

"You..." He was extremely shocked and angry. He never expected that Ying Xin would have the power to resist.

"What kind of power is this? It's so powerful!"

His face changed wildly.

He could feel that there was destructive power in the palm of Ying Yi.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" He frowned and asked.

"Of course you know me." Ying Xi grinned, showing his white teeth.

The next moment, Ying Xi punched out, hitting the ancient demon in the chest.


Just hearing a muffled sound, the ancient demon vomited blood and flew backwards, landing heavily in the forest.


Several towering trees were directly broken at the waist.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, Yingxi gasped, his face full of shock.

Just now, his full blow was enough to suppress an ordinary Yinxu realm monk.

But the result?

He struck with all his strength, but the ancient demon blocked it.

"No wonder you dare to come here alone. It turns out that you have such strength." Ying Xi narrowed his eyes.

He could see that the ancient demon possessed a treasure, otherwise he would never be able to block his attack.

Not only that, the ancient demon's body was also harder than he imagined.

The ancient demon struggled to get up, with a solemn expression on his face.

He stared at Ying Xi, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Who are you?"

With the collision just now, he clearly felt the horror of winning interest.

"How can you guess my identity?" Ying Xi shook his head, and then walked towards the ancient demon with a smile.

"Boy, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The corners of Gu Mo's eyes twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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