Chapter 72 The name Donghuang is very bad

After all, what Donghuang Taiyi pursued was the Supreme Dao of Tai Chi, and there was not much conflict with Mr. Lan Xi himself.

As for the Yin-Yang family, in the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Tai, it was nothing more than a dispensable thing.

As long as he can get the secret of Mr. Lanxi, he will not hesitate to pay any price.

Hearing Donghuang Taiyi's words, everyone in the Yinyang family couldn't help but startled, their pupils were full of shock.

Even Moon God was stunned. Although she had guessed about Donghuang Taiyi's prophecy before, she was still shocked when she got the other party's own confession.

Since she was born, she has been the moon god of the Yinyang family, and even more so, she has worshiped Donghuang Taiyi as a god.

Such an unfathomable existence, there will be times of fear?
This... how is this possible?
Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming next to them couldn't help but glared, their pupils full of disbelief.

They couldn't believe it at all, with the strength of Lord Donghuang, how could he be afraid of a mere Young Master Lan Xi?

"Perhaps in your eyes, this is an unbelievable thing, but I never lie, and the fear in my heart is fear!" Donghuang Taiyi said calmly, and the phantom behind him exuded a vast starlight.

"However, while being afraid, this deity also sees the hope of Dao!"

"Previously, this deity has been pursuing Canglong Qisu, but that is nothing but illusory things after all, but the secret hidden in Mr. Lanxi is real and tangible!"

"As long as I can get the secrets of Mr. Lanxi, I can do whatever it takes, even if I give up the Yinyang family!"

"If Mr. Lanxi wants to question my Yinyang family, then tell him that the deity is waiting at the astrologer!"

Donghuang Taiyi had already thought clearly.

Instead of constantly trying to figure out ways to knock the secrets of Mr. Lan Xi, it's better to get straight to the point.

All in all, he wants to get the secret of Lan Xi at all costs, even if he pays the entire Yin Yang family.

You must know that the Yin Yang family is the most mysterious existence among the hundreds of schools of thought, and its strength spreads throughout the seven kingdoms.

The Yinyang family, plus the unfathomable Donghuang Taiyi.

Such an attractive condition, let alone a mere prince of Qin, even Qin Wang Yingzheng couldn't resist it.

And Donghuang Taiyi only needs one condition to pay all this, and that is the secret hidden in Lan Xi.

Donghuang Taiyi knew in his heart that son Lan Xi was a smart person, and he must know how to choose.

Of course, if Mr. Lanxi refuses, it can only mean that the secret is one with him!
At that time, Donghuang Taiyi will naturally know what to do.

As for now, isn't it just leaking information on purpose?

The strength of the Yin Yang family is so strong that even Qin Wang Yingzheng is extremely afraid.

Even if Mr. Lanxi wants to destroy the Yinyang family, he still has to think about it. If the Yinyang family and Daqin must fight to the death, is it really worthwhile to end up with both losers?
Everyone in the Yin Yang family is naturally aware of this.

However, even so, after learning about Donghuang Taiyi's attitude, they were still shocked, and even wondered if they were dreaming.

Has Mr. Lan Xi's strength become so powerful?
Even the strongest member of their Yin-Yang family, Lord Donghuang, trembled for him?
If Donghuang Taiyi hadn't admitted it himself, they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death.

Luna's eyes were in a trance, and he couldn't help but recall that sentence in his mind.

To the Yin Yang family, you are just a commodity that can be traded at any time...


It's time to think for yourself.

...When Donghuang Taiyi decided to have a showdown with Lan Xi, the latter had already walked out of the Palace of Prince Qin.

There was a smile on the corner of Lan Xi's mouth, "Now that the father has authorized it, the life and death of the Yinyang family has been entrusted to my hands!"

"However, you have to control the situation, and you can't shake the power of Daqin!"

Even as the lord of Great Qin, Qin Wang Yingzheng is quite afraid of the Yin Yang family.

The reason is simple, Donghuang Taiyi's strength is unfathomable, and it is very likely that he has reached the legendary land fairyland.

If Cao Changqing is allowed to fight against Donghuang Taiyi, I am afraid that the explosive power of the two will destroy the entire Xianyang City in an instant.

In this way, it will inevitably deal a serious blow to Daqin's power.

Lan Xi naturally knew this too.

However, a mysterious smile suddenly formed on the corner of his mouth.

Only relying on the strength of Cao Changqing, it is naturally impossible to crush Donghuang Taiyi, but what if Li Chungang, the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, is added?
Even though Donghuang Taiyi's strength is unfathomable, the opponent's strength can never surpass Banxian, otherwise the Yin Yang family would not deliberately leak information and want to use the power of the Mohist family to assassinate him.

Even the Onmyo family doesn't need to rely on the Great Qin, but only relies on the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to stand on their own.

After all, once one surpasses the peak of warriors, one has reached the legendary realm of immortality.

Just one palm is enough to destroy a country!
"I don't know how the young master plans to deal with the Yin Yang family?" Cao Changqing asked.

His words can be said to be quite particular, and he didn't use the word "dealing", but "disposing".

It seems that in the eyes of Cao Changqing, the existence of the Yin Yang family is insignificant and can be destroyed easily.

This is the domineering and self-confidence from Confucian saints!
"Naturally subdue it!" Lan Xi said lightly, "Among the hundreds of schools of thought, the Yin-Yang family is an extremely mysterious existence, and the astrology they control is even more mysterious. In addition, they are proficient in various alchemy technique!"

"Moreover, the Yin Yang family has thousands of years of inheritance, if you can use it for your own use, it will be of great benefit to my future plans!"

"And the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin Yang family..."

"Now that the Seven Kingdoms have not yet been unified, I hate the word Donghuang!"

Not even the Lord of Great Qin dared to call himself Emperor, but the head of a mere Yin-Yang family calls himself the Eastern Emperor, really bold!

The news that Donghuang Taiyi wanted to attack the Yinyang family spread throughout Xianyang City.

Of course, it wasn't Lanxi who deliberately leaked the news.

Instead, Cao Changqing, the Confucian sage, as the Great Qin Tingwei, naturally received the attention of many officials between his words and deeds.

It is also because of this that many Daqin officials have discovered the change of Mr. Lanxi.

Then, it was Han Shengxuan's turn to start the operation.

Under the power of the net and quicksand, the Yin Yang family deliberately leaked information, which led to the assassination of Mr. Lan Xi by the Mo family giant, which spread throughout Xianyang City.

Then King Qin Yingzheng was furious and ordered Mr. Lanxi to take full power to deal with the Yinyang family.

In this way, it will not only create momentum for Young Master Lanxi, but also rectify his name!
After the battle of Changping, son Lanxi has indeed made an incomparable contribution, and he has a high prestige among the great Qin cavalry.

But because of the fact that he killed thousands of enemies with one person, in the eyes of many people in Qin, Mr. Lan Xi is just a battlefield Shura, full of bloody aura.

Now that Mr. Lan Xi is attacking the Yin Yang family, could it be that he can't suppress the murderous thoughts in his heart?
But with Han Shengxuan's foreshadowing, son Lanxi became famous!

(End of this chapter)

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